; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
; HeavyThing x86_64 assembly language library and showcase programs
; Copyright © 2015-2018 2 Ton Digital
; Homepage: https://2ton.com.au/
; Author: Jeff Marrison <jeff@2ton.com.au>
; This file is part of the HeavyThing library.
; HeavyThing is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, or
; (at your option) any later version.
; HeavyThing is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
; GNU General Public License for more details.
; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
; with the HeavyThing library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
; eventstream.inc: deal with SSE from firebaseio, noting that we bypass
; our own webclient goods and do this with "raw tls client" goods.
; eventstream state/offsets:
eventstream_url_ofs = 0
eventstream_comms_ofs = 8
eventstream_callback_ofs = 16
eventstream_buffer_ofs = 24
eventstream_timer_ofs = 32
eventstream_statuscb_ofs = 40
eventstream_size = 48
; three arguments: rdi == string, one of: 'topstories', 'updates',
; 'newstories', 'askstories', 'showstories', 'jobstories'
; rsi == callback function that will get passed the data json object
; rdx == callback function that will get passed string status updates
; (status updates only for connect, get, error, retry)
prolog eventstream$new
push rdx rsi
mov rsi, rdi
mov rdi, .url_preface
call string$concat
push rax
mov rdi, rax
mov rsi, .url_postface
call string$concat
mov rdi, [rsp]
mov [rsp], rax
call heap$free
xor edi, edi
mov rsi, [rsp]
call url$new
mov rdi, [rsp]
mov [rsp], rax
call heap$free
mov edi, eventstream_size
call heap$alloc_clear
pop rsi rdi rdx
mov [rax+eventstream_url_ofs], rsi
mov [rax+eventstream_callback_ofs], rdi
mov [rax+eventstream_statuscb_ofs], rdx
push rax
mov rdi, rax
; firebaseio doesn't reply with 307's anymore...
; mov rsi, eventstream_redirect_vtable
mov rsi, eventstream_vtable
mov rdx, .firebasedomain
call eventstream$launch
call buffer$new
mov rcx, rax
pop rax
mov [rax+eventstream_buffer_ofs], rcx
cleartext .url_preface, 'https://hacker-news.firebaseio.com/v0/'
cleartext .url_postface, '.json'
cleartext .firebasedomain, 'hacker-news.firebaseio.com'
; single argument in rdi: an eventstream object to teardown
prolog eventstream$destroy
push rbx
mov rbx, rdi
mov rdi, [rdi+eventstream_url_ofs]
call url$destroy
mov rdi, [rbx+eventstream_buffer_ofs]
call buffer$destroy
mov rdi, [rbx+eventstream_comms_ofs]
test rdi, rdi
jz .skipteardown
mov rsi, [rdi] ; its virtual method table
call qword [rsi+io_vdestroy]
mov rdi, [rbx+eventstream_timer_ofs]
test rdi, rdi
jz .skiptimer
call epoll$timer_clear
mov rdi, rbx
pop rbx
call heap$free
; three arguments: rdi == eventstream object, rsi == vtable to use, rdx == hostname we are connecting to
prolog eventstream$launch
push rbx r12 r13
mov rbx, rdi
mov r12, rsi
mov r13, rdx
; construct a status string from our url object
mov rdi, [rdi+eventstream_url_ofs]
call url$tostring
push rax
mov rdi, .status_preface
mov rsi, rax
call string$concat
mov rdi, [rsp]
mov [rsp], rax
call heap$free
mov rdi, [rsp]
call qword [rbx+eventstream_statuscb_ofs]
pop rdi
call heap$free
; we need a toplevel empty io object, with room for our extra pointer
mov edi, io_base_size + 8
call heap$alloc_clear
mov [rbx+eventstream_comms_ofs], rax
mov qword [rax+io_vmethods_ofs], r12
mov [rax+io_base_size], rbx ; hangon to our eventstream object pointer
mov r12, rax
; next up, a tls object (note we are not doing TLS session resumption here because I am lazy and these
; don't get re-created very often if all goes well)
xor edi, edi
xor esi, esi
call tls$new_client
mov [r12+io_child_ofs], rax ; link the io chain together
mov [rax+io_parent_ofs], r12
mov r12, rax
; and the last link in the chain, our actual epoll object for socket comms
mov rdi, epoll$default_vtable
xor esi, esi
call epoll$new
mov [r12+io_child_ofs], rax ; link the io chain together
mov [rax+io_parent_ofs], r12
; set a 60 second timeout for our socket
mov qword [rax+epoll_readtimeout_ofs], 60000
; last but not least, execute our hostname-based outbound connection
mov rdx, [rbx+eventstream_comms_ofs]
mov rdi, r13
mov esi, 443
call epoll$outbound_hostname
pop r13 r12 rbx
cleartext .status_preface, 'Connect: '
; our redirect vtable
dq io$destroy, io$clone, eventstream$connected, io$send, eventstream_redirect$received
dq eventstream$error, eventstream$timeout
; this is shared by both the initial redirect request and the proper one for the SSE stream
prolog eventstream$connected
push rbx r12 r13
mov rbx, rdi
mov r12, [rdi+io_base_size] ; our eventstream object
; construct a status string
mov rdi, [r12+eventstream_url_ofs]
call url$tostring
push rax
mov rdi, .status_preface
mov rsi, rax
call string$concat
mov rdi, [rsp]
mov [rsp], rax
call heap$free
mov rdi, [rsp]
call qword [r12+eventstream_statuscb_ofs]
pop rdi
call heap$free
; turn our url into preface-suitable goods first
mov rdi, [r12+eventstream_url_ofs]
call url$topreface
mov r13, rax
; send our simple HTTP GET request
sub rsp, 512
mov dword [rsp], 'GET '
mov rdi, rax
lea rsi, [rsp+4]
call string$to_utf8
mov rdi, r13
lea r13, [rax+4]
call heap$free
mov rsi, [r12+eventstream_url_ofs]
mov rdx, qword [.part1]
mov rcx, qword [.part2]
mov [rsp+r13], rdx
mov [rsp+r13+8], rcx
mov byte [rsp+r13+16], ' '
add r13, 17
mov rdi, [rsi+url_host_ofs]
lea rsi, [rsp+r13]
call string$to_utf8
add r13, rax
mov rdx, qword [.part3]
mov rcx, qword [.part4]
mov r8, qword [.part5]
mov r9, qword [.part6]
mov [rsp+r13], rdx
mov [rsp+r13+8], rcx
mov [rsp+r13+16], r8
mov [rsp+r13+24], r9
add r13, 31
; send it
mov rdi, rbx
mov rsi, rsp
mov rdx, r13
call io$send ; we don't need ot use vmethod send here
; unwind, done.
add rsp, 512
pop r13 r12 rbx
cleartext .status_preface, 'Get: '
db ' HTTP/1.'
db '1',13,10,'Host:'
db 13,10,'Accept'
db ': text/e'
db 'vent-str'
db 'eam',13,10,13,10,0
prolog eventstream_redirect$received
; we cheat here and don't bother to buffer/accumulate the response
; because the firebaseio servers are nice enough to send it all in
; a single TLS frame (versus the webclient which is not hackish, haha)
push rbx r12
mov rbx, rdi
mov rdi, rsi
mov rsi, rdx
mov edx, 1 ; headers only please
mov ecx, 1 ; yes, there is a preface
call mimelike$new_parse
test rax, rax
jz .error
; our preface must contain a 307 or something went sideways
mov r12, rax
mov rdi, [rax+mimelike_preface_ofs]
mov rsi, .p307
call string$indexof
cmp rax, -1
je .error_mimelike
; our header must contain a Location line
mov rdi, r12
mov rsi, mimelike$location
call mimelike$getheader
test rax, rax
jz .error_mimelike
; otherwise, we can destroy our existing url object and replace it
xor edi, edi
mov rsi, rax
call url$new
test rax, rax
jz .error_mimelike
mov rsi, [rbx+io_base_size] ; our eventstream object
mov rdi, [rsi+eventstream_url_ofs]
mov [rsi+eventstream_url_ofs], rax
call url$destroy
; so now we are done with our mimelike object
mov rdi, r12
call mimelike$destroy
mov r12, [rbx+io_base_size] ; our eventstream object
mov rdi, r12
mov rcx, [r12+eventstream_url_ofs]
mov rsi, eventstream_vtable
mov rdx, [rcx+url_host_ofs]
call eventstream$launch
; last but not least, tear ourselves down by returning true
mov eax, 1
pop r12 rbx
mov rdi, r12
call mimelike$destroy
; something horribly wrong happened, let the error handler deal with it
mov rdi, rbx
call eventstream$error
; and return 1 from here to make sure we get torn down
mov eax, 1
pop r12 rbx
cleartext .p307, ' 307 '
; this is also shared with both the redirect request handler and the SSE stream handler
prolog eventstream$error
; we get this either from a lame receive, or if the socket got closed on us
; or the connect failed, etc
; all we need to do is fire up a timer to try again
push rbx
push qword [rdi] ; our vtable
mov rbx, [rdi+io_base_size] ; our eventstream object
; construct a status string
mov rdi, [rbx+eventstream_url_ofs]
call url$tostring
push rax
mov rdi, .status_preface
mov rsi, rax
call string$concat
mov rdi, [rsp]
mov [rsp], rax
call heap$free
mov rdi, [rsp]
call qword [rbx+eventstream_statuscb_ofs]
pop rdi
call heap$free
; we need a new "dummy" epoll object to deal with our timer
mov rdi, retry_timer_vtable
mov esi, 16 ; room extra to hold our eventstream pointer and vtable
call epoll$new
pop rcx
mov [rax+epoll_base_size], rbx ; ""
mov [rax+epoll_base_size+8], rcx ; so that our retry gets the same vtable as we had
; store that in our eventstream object in case it gets destroyed during our wait
mov [rbx+eventstream_comms_ofs], rax
mov edi, 15000 ; 15 seconds and we'll try again
mov rsi, rax
call epoll$timer_new
mov [rbx+eventstream_timer_ofs], rax ; save this too
pop rbx
cleartext .status_preface, 'Error: '
; this is also shared with both the redirect request handler and the SSE stream handler
prolog eventstream$timeout
; we return nonzero from here == destroy us please
call eventstream$error
mov eax, 1
dq epoll$destroy, epoll$clone, io$connected, epoll$send, epoll$receive, io$error, eventstream$retry_timeout
prolog eventstream$retry_timeout
; connect again to the same url we tried before
push rbx
mov rbx, [rdi+epoll_base_size] ; our eventstream object
mov rsi, [rdi+epoll_base_size+8] ; the original vtable for our new connection
mov rcx, [rbx+eventstream_url_ofs]
mov rdi, rbx
mov rdx, [rcx+url_host_ofs]
; clear the timer pointer in our eventstream object
mov qword [rbx+eventstream_timer_ofs], 0
call eventstream$launch
pop rbx
mov eax, 1 ; destroy the timer and dummy epoll object
; our vtable for the actual SSE stream:
dq io$destroy, io$clone, eventstream$connected, io$send, eventstream$received
dq eventstream$error, eventstream$timeout
; this gets called with: rdi == epoll object, rsi == ptr to data, rdx == length of same
prolog eventstream$received
push rbx r12
mov rbx, [rdi+io_base_size]
; buffer this
mov rdi, [rbx+eventstream_buffer_ofs]
call buffer$append
; now extract line-by-line from it until exhausted looking for our data: lines
mov rdi, [rbx+eventstream_buffer_ofs]
mov esi, 1 ; consume empty/leading lines
call buffer$has_more_lines
test eax, eax
jz .outtahere
mov rdi, [rbx+eventstream_buffer_ofs]
call buffer$nextline
mov r12, rax
mov rdi, rax
mov rsi, .data_preface
call string$starts_with
test eax, eax
jz .skipline
; otherwise, this line started with data: {
; substring it from offset 6
mov rdi, r12
mov esi, 6
mov rdx, -1
call string$substr
mov rdi, r12
mov r12, rax
call heap$free
; construct a json object out of it
mov rdi, r12
xor esi, esi ; no leading object name
call json$parse_object
test rax, rax ; parse error?
jz .skipline
mov rdi, r12
mov r12, rax
call heap$free
; call our callback with rdi set to our json object
mov rdi, r12
call qword [rbx+eventstream_callback_ofs]
; cleanup after ourselves
mov rdi, r12
call json$destroy
jmp .loop
mov rdi, r12
call heap$free
jmp .loop
cleartext .data_preface, 'data: {'
pop r12 rbx
xor eax, eax ; keep the connection open