; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
; HeavyThing x86_64 assembly language library and showcase programs
; Copyright © 2015-2018 2 Ton Digital
; Homepage: https://2ton.com.au/
; Author: Jeff Marrison <jeff@2ton.com.au>
; This file is part of the HeavyThing library.
; HeavyThing is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, or
; (at your option) any later version.
; HeavyThing is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
; GNU General Public License for more details.
; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
; with the HeavyThing library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
; http1.inc: HTTP/1.x handling
if used http1$new | used http1$init | used http1$input | used http1$tobuffer | used http1$tocall | used http1$setbody | defined include_everything
http1_headers_ofs = 0 ; a spot to hold a full httpheaders object inline and at 0 so
; that calls are interchangeable with our same pointer
http1_parsestate_ofs = httpheaders_size ; index into our parsing state
http1_parsedata_ofs = httpheaders_size + 8 ; depending on state, parser state information
http1_bodyptr_ofs = httpheaders_size + 16 ; pointer to a body if we parsed one
http1_bodylen_ofs = httpheaders_size + 24 ; length of same if we parsed one
http1_headerlen_ofs = httpheaders_size + 32 ; if we parsed via input, this gets set to the header length _including_ separator
http1_size = httpheaders_size + 40
end if
if used http1$init | defined include_everything
; single argument in rdi: an http1 object, assumed uninitialized (see reset if you already have a valid one)
; returns the ptr in rdi in rax
prolog http1$init
call httpheaders$init
xor ecx, ecx
mov [rax+http1_parsestate_ofs], rcx
mov [rax+http1_parsedata_ofs], rcx
mov [rax+http1_bodyptr_ofs], rcx
mov [rax+http1_bodylen_ofs], rcx
mov [rax+http1_headerlen_ofs], rcx
end if
if used http1$reset | defined include_everything
; single argument in rdi: an already initialized http1 object
prolog http1$reset
xor ecx, ecx
mov [rdi+http1_parsestate_ofs], rcx
mov [rdi+http1_parsedata_ofs], rcx
mov [rdi+http1_bodyptr_ofs], rcx
mov [rdi+http1_bodylen_ofs], rcx
mov [rdi+http1_headerlen_ofs], rcx
call httpheaders$reset
end if
if used http1$new | defined include_everything
; no arguments, returns a heap$alloc'd initialized http1 object
prolog http1$new
mov edi, http1_size
call heap$alloc
mov rdi, rax
call http1$init
end if
if used http1$cleanup | defined include_everything
; single argument in rdi: http1 object
prolog http1$cleanup
call httpheaders$cleanup
end if
if used http1$destroy | defined include_everything
; single argument in rdi: http1 object
prolog http1$destroy
call httpheaders$destroy
end if
if used http1$input | defined include_everything
; three arguments: rdi == http1 object, rsi == ptr to data, rdx == length of same
; returns -1 on actual error, 0 on "need more data", >0 on success (meaning, input complete, return is # of bytes we parsed, _from this call, not total_)
; 0 == we consumed all of the data passed here, but still need more
; and the purpose for the >0 return is in the event requests are pipelined, in which case
; there may be another request immediately after this one, and the caller to here needs to know that.
prolog http1$input
xor eax, eax
mov ecx, [rdi+http1_parsestate_ofs]
push rbx r12 r13 r14
test rdx, rdx
jz .return
mov rbx, rdi
mov r12, rsi
mov r13, rdx
mov r14, rdx
jmp qword [rcx*8+.dispatch]
dq .inheaders, .partialheaders_direct, .partialheaders_buffer, .inbodylength, .inbodychunked
; this is our default state, aka: we have received nothing so far
; _if_ all of the headers are present in a one-shot to here, this is very efficient
; otherwise, we have to copy what we receive out, and deal "accumulate" it as we go
; until we get a successful (or error) parse from httpheaders for it
call httpheaders$parse_http1
; if that returned an error, we do same
cmp rax, 0
jl .return
; if that returned 0, we have to setup for partial handling/next round
je .inheaders_partialsetup
; otherwise, that succeeded
mov r14, rax ; our return value
; update our pointers first up
add r12, rax
sub r13, rax
; set our header length (useful for monitoring/etc outside of here)
mov [rbx+http1_headerlen_ofs], rax
; if we have a Content-Length header, _or_ a Transfer-Encoding: chunked header
; then we need to continue on to parse the body, otherwise we're done
mov rdi, rbx
mov rsi, httpheaders$content_length
call httpheaders$fast_single_get
test rax, rax
jnz .headersdone_bodylength
mov rdi, rbx
mov rsi, httpheaders$transfer_encoding
call httpheaders$fast_single_get
test rax, rax
jnz .headersdone_bodyencoding
; otherwise, neither exists, so only the header length that we parsed
mov rax, r14
pop r14 r13 r12 rbx
; in order for httpheaders$parse_http1 to return 0, it means its initial scan
; did not detect the header separator, and also means it did _not_ modify ANY of its state
cmp r13, httpheaders_size - httpheaders_scratchint_ofs ; the actual scratch area size (4K)
ja .inheaders_partialsetup_buffer
; otherwise, the data we have fits inside our headers object, so we will literally
; overwrite the httpheaders object until we get more data the next goround
mov [rbx+http1_parsedata_ofs], r13
lea rdi, [rbx+httpheaders_scratchint_ofs]
mov rsi, r12
mov edx, r13d
call memcpy
mov dword [rbx+http1_parsestate_ofs], 1 ; takes us to .partialheaders_direct next time around
; and return 0
xor eax, eax
pop r14 r13 r12 rbx
; two case scenarios: with and without a scratch bfufer already
mov rdi, [rbx+httpheaders_scratch_ofs]
test rdi, rdi
jnz .inheaders_partialsetup_buffer_preexisting ; TODO: this should _not_ happen, sanity only
; otherwise, we need a new one
call buffer$new
mov [rbx+httpheaders_scratch_ofs], rax
mov rdi, rax
mov rsi, r12
mov rdx, r13
call buffer$append
mov dword [rbx+http1_parsestate_ofs], 2 ; takes us to .partialheaders_buffer next time around
; and return 0
xor eax, eax
pop r14 r13 r12 rbx
mov rsi, r12
mov rdx, r13
call buffer$append
mov dword [rbx+http1_parsestate_ofs], 2 ; takes us to .partialheaders_buffer next time around
; and return 0
xor eax, eax
pop r14 r13 r12 rbx
; so, we are _not_ the first call to input, the first call (and possibly more) landed, and it
; fit inside the ~4KB scratch area we have for our yet-unparsed headers object
; _if_ our passed length + our parsedata length fits inside 64KB, copy all of the data to the stack
; otherwise, we have to buffer it
; rdx and r13 are both set to our inbound length
add rdx, [rbx+http1_parsedata_ofs]
cmp rdx, 65536
ja .partialheaders_direct_tobuffer
sub rsp, 65536
mov rdi, rsp
lea rsi, [rbx+httpheaders_scratchint_ofs]
mov rdx, [rbx+http1_parsedata_ofs]
call memcpy
mov rcx, [rbx+http1_parsedata_ofs]
mov rsi, r12
mov rdx, r13
lea rdi, [rsp+rcx]
call memcpy
mov rcx, [rbx+http1_parsedata_ofs]
mov rdi, rbx
mov rsi, rsp
lea rdx, [rcx+r13]
call httpheaders$parse_http1
mov rcx, [rbx+http1_parsedata_ofs]
cmp rax, 0
jl .partialheaders_direct_failed
je .partialheaders_direct_needmore
; otherwise, it succeeded, so now we have to determine how much data
; we actually parsed that was passed to us
; the body must have been included (part or all) in _this_ call to us
; so we have to adjust r12/r13, and precompute our return value in case it is pipelined
mov [rbx+http1_headerlen_ofs], rax
mov r14, r13 ; save the original amount of data in this call
; set r12 to our imaginary beginning + the header length in rax
sub r12, rcx
add r12, rax
; set r13 to our imaginary end - the header length, how many bytes _remain_ after the header
add r13, rcx
sub r13, rax
; set our return value to our original - that
sub r14, r13
add rsp, 65536 ; we don't need our stack anymore, cuz we know the body if any is already here
; if we have a Content-Length header, _or_ a Transfer-Encoding: chunked header
; then we need to continue on to parse the body, otherwise we're done
mov rdi, rbx
mov rsi, httpheaders$content_length
call httpheaders$fast_single_get
test rax, rax
jnz .headersdone_bodylength
mov rdi, rbx
mov rsi, httpheaders$transfer_encoding
call httpheaders$fast_single_get
test rax, rax
jnz .headersdone_bodyencoding
; otherwise, neither exists, so only the header length
mov rax, r14
pop r14 r13 r12 rbx
; there is more than 65536 all up that we need to parse (possible that a large body accompanies our goods)
; so pass everything we've got SO FAR (prior to this call) into a buffer
; and then let partialheaders_buffer deal with the new data
mov rdi, [rbx+httpheaders_scratch_ofs]
test rdi, rdi
jnz .partialheaders_direct_tobuffer_preexisting ; TODO: this should _not_ happen, sanity only
; otherwise, we need a new one
call buffer$new
mov [rbx+httpheaders_scratch_ofs], rax
; copy what we _had_ in
mov rdi, rax
lea rsi, [rbx+httpheaders_scratchint_ofs]
mov rdx, [rbx+http1_parsedata_ofs]
call buffer$append
mov dword [rbx+http1_parsestate_ofs], 2 ; fake that we set the state already
jmp .partialheaders_buffer
lea rsi, [rbx+httpheaders_scratchint_ofs]
mov rdx, [rbx+http1_parsedata_ofs]
call buffer$append
mov dword [rbx+http1_parsestate_ofs], 2 ; fake that we set the state already
jmp .partialheaders_buffer
add rsp, 65536
mov rax, -1
pop r14 r13 r12 rbx
; regardless, we are going to dump this all into a buffer if it didn't work the first time
mov rdi, [rbx+httpheaders_scratch_ofs]
test rdi, rdi
jnz .partialheaders_direct_needmore_preexisting ; TODO: this should _not_ happen, sanity only
; otherwise, we need a new one
call buffer$new
mov [rbx+httpheaders_scratch_ofs], rax
; copy everything sitting on the stack in
mov rcx, [rbx+http1_parsedata_ofs]
mov rdi, rax
mov rsi, rsp
lea rdx, [rcx+r13]
call buffer$append
; set our state properly now to buffered
mov dword [rbx+http1_parsestate_ofs], 2
; return 0
xor eax, eax
pop r14 r13 r12 rbx
; so we already have a scratch buffer filled with data, add what we JUST got to it
mov rdi, [rbx+httpheaders_scratch_ofs]
mov rsi, r12
mov rdx, r13
; save the amount of data that _was_ there
mov r14, [rdi+buffer_length_ofs]
call buffer$append
; now, because a httpheaders parse may actually write/create/spill into its own
; scratch buffer, we need to clear the one we have before we let parse get ahold of it
mov rcx, [rbx+httpheaders_scratch_ofs]
mov rdi, rbx
mov rsi, [rcx+buffer_itself_ofs]
mov rdx, [rcx+buffer_length_ofs]
; clear the buffer, possibly temporarily
push rcx
mov qword [rbx+httpheaders_scratch_ofs], 0
call httpheaders$parse_http1
cmp rax, 0
jl .partialheaders_buffer_failed
je .partialheaders_buffer_needmore
; otherwise, header parsing _succeeded_ for rax amount of bytes
; similar to our stackbased version, we know that the body _start_ was passed in
; our current call (meaning it lies within r12/r13 or isn't here yet)
; so we can safely delete our temporary scratch
mov [rbx+http1_headerlen_ofs], rax
mov rcx, r14 ; the amount that was here before this call
mov r14, r13 ; save the original amount of data in this call
; set r12 to our imaginary beginning + the header length in rax
sub r12, rcx
add r12, rax
; set r13 to our imaginary end - the header length, how many bytes _remain_ afte rthe header
add r13, rcx
sub r13, rax
; set our return value to our original - that
sub r14, r13
; destroy our temporary buffer
pop rdi
call buffer$destroy
; if we have a Content-Length header, _or_ a Transfer-Encoding: chunked header
; then we need to continue on to parse the body, otherwise we're done
mov rdi, rbx
mov rsi, httpheaders$content_length
call httpheaders$fast_single_get
test rax, rax
jnz .headersdone_bodylength
mov rdi, rbx
mov rsi, httpheaders$transfer_encoding
call httpheaders$fast_single_get
test rax, rax
jnz .headersdone_bodyencoding
; otherwise, neither exists, so only the header length
mov rax, r14
pop r14 r13 r12 rbx
pop rdi
call buffer$destroy
mov rax, -1
pop r14 r13 r12 rbx
; put our relocated buffer back where it was
pop rcx
mov [rbx+httpheaders_scratch_ofs], rcx
xor eax, eax
pop r14 r13 r12 rbx
; the headers are complete, we have a Content-Length header that we need to deal with
; before we return success, and we need to parse all of that into whatever the scratch
; buffers _END_ pointer is, set our own bodyptr to THAT, and our bodylen to our
; parsed unsigned int value of the value that we have sitting in rax:rdx
mov edi, 10 ; radix
mov rsi, rax
call .atou
; if the specified length is greater than our config max request size, death
mov r8, -1
cmp rax, webserver_maxrequest
cmova rax, r8
ja .return
; if the amount of data we are presently sitting on (r13) is > the content length (rax)
; then we have additional data sitting _after_ our body (read: pipelining)
; and thus we may have to adjust our return value to indicate what we are taking
lea r8, [r14+rax]
cmp r13, rax
cmova r14, r8
; set our initial parsedata to this, we'll use it to countdown
mov [rbx+http1_parsedata_ofs], rax
mov [rbx+http1_bodylen_ofs], rax
; add/create space for the body, noting that we have to _save_ the current length of
; the scratch buffer if there is already one there
mov rdi, [rbx+httpheaders_scratch_ofs]
test rdi, rdi
jz .headersdone_bodylength_new
mov rsi, r12
mov rdx, r13
mov rcx, [rdi+buffer_length_ofs]
mov [rdi+buffer_user_ofs], rcx ; store original length
; if the amount of data we have is greater than the content length, only append the content length
cmp r13, rax
cmova rdx, rax
call buffer$append
; so now, set our bodyptr to the buffer's main + original
mov rdi, [rbx+httpheaders_scratch_ofs]
mov rsi, [rdi+buffer_user_ofs]
add rsi, [rdi+buffer_itself_ofs]
mov [rbx+http1_bodyptr_ofs], rsi
; set our state to inbodylength in case we still need more data, and if not, doesn't matter
mov dword [rbx+http1_parsestate_ofs], 3 ; .inbodylength
; figure out how much we actually used
mov rcx, [rbx+http1_bodylen_ofs]
mov rax, r14 ; our final return, but only if we don't need more
xor edx, edx
cmp rcx, r13
cmova rcx, r13
sub qword [rbx+http1_parsedata_ofs], rcx
cmovnz rax, rdx ; if we need more data, zero our return
pop r14 r13 r12 rbx
; we are waiting for at most parsedata worth of bytes
; we may have received more than that in r13 (pipelining)
; we have to add the amount we want, adjust our return value accordingly
mov rcx, [rbx+http1_parsedata_ofs]
; our return value must be only what we consume from it, and there is already a scratch
mov rdi, [rbx+httpheaders_scratch_ofs]
mov rsi, r12
mov rdx, r13
; if the amount we have is greater than the amount we need, only add the amount we need
cmp r13, rcx
cmova rdx, rcx
mov r14, rdx ; save our return value
xor r8d, r8d
sub [rbx+http1_parsedata_ofs], rcx
cmovnz r14, r8 ; if we still have more data to go after this, we need to return 0
call buffer$append
; reset our bodyptr in case the buffer expanded/relocated itself
mov rdi, [rbx+httpheaders_scratch_ofs]
mov rsi, [rdi+buffer_user_ofs]
add rsi, [rdi+buffer_itself_ofs]
mov [rbx+http1_bodyptr_ofs], rsi
; all good
mov rax, r14
pop r14 r13 r12 rbx
; make sure that the value we got contains hunked, or death on a stick (we'll call it an error
; simply because we have no way of determining the length if content-length was NOT specified
; and transfer-encoding was specified, but it isn't chunked.)
mov rsi, rax
mov rax, -1
cmp edx, 7
jb .return
cmp dword [rsi+1], 'hunk'
jne .return
cmp word [rsi+5], 'ed'
jne .return
; otherwise, chunked it is, so we have some interesting work to do if we have remaining bytes
; NOTE: we do _not_ unchunk what we get
mov qword [rbx+http1_parsedata_ofs], 0
mov dword [rbx+http1_parsestate_ofs], 4 ; .inbodychunked
; make sure we have a scratch buffer to put our data in
mov rdi, [rbx+httpheaders_scratch_ofs]
test rdi, rdi
jz .headersdone_bodyencoding_new
mov rcx, [rdi+buffer_length_ofs]
mov [rdi+buffer_user_ofs], rcx ; store original length of the scratch if it already existed
add rcx, [rdi+buffer_itself_ofs]
mov [rbx+http1_bodyptr_ofs], rcx ; set our bodyptr to the current end of the buffer
mov qword [rbx+http1_bodylen_ofs], 0 ; and our current bodylenth to zero
xor eax, eax
test r13, r13
jz .return ; if we are not sitting on more data, bailout with 0 == needmore
; otherwise, fallthrough to inbodychunked
; r12 == ptr to data, r13 == length of same, r14 == our possible return value if we succeed (and thus the parse is complete)
; NOTE: r12/r13 may not be the INITIAL values (we may have been jumped straight to after another was already parsed)
; we use parsedata as the offset to the last known-good chunk preface
; we add this in its entirety to our buffer, then determine whether we are done or need more (and if we are done, whether we
; need to truncate the buffer contents)
mov rdi, [rbx+httpheaders_scratch_ofs]
mov rsi, r12
mov rdx, r13
call buffer$append
; reset our bodyptr in case the buffer expanded/relocated itself
mov rdi, [rbx+httpheaders_scratch_ofs]
mov rsi, [rdi+buffer_user_ofs]
add rsi, [rdi+buffer_itself_ofs]
mov [rbx+http1_bodyptr_ofs], rsi
; add r13 to our bodylen before our check
add [rbx+http1_bodylen_ofs], r13
; so now, we have to determine whether we have ALL of the chunked goods yet, error, or needmore
add rsi, [rbx+http1_parsedata_ofs] ; offset of the last known-good chunk
mov rdx, [rbx+http1_bodylen_ofs] ; total length that we have
xor eax, eax
sub rdx, [rbx+http1_parsedata_ofs] ; less the length we already scanned
jz .return
cmp rdx, 5
jb .return
; otherwise, we have enough data to commence our check
mov rdi, rsi
mov rcx, rdx
cmp byte [rdi], ';'
je .inbodychunked_semicolon
cmp word [rdi], 0xa0d
je .inbodychunked_crlf
add rdi, 1
sub rcx, 1
cmp rcx, 4
jae .inbodychunked_lengthscan
; otherwise, we are in a partial preface and need more data
xor eax, eax
pop r14 r13 r12 rbx
; setup our args to atou
mov rdx, rdi
sub rdx, rsi
xor eax, eax
cmp rcx, 2
jae .inbodychunked_chunklen_done
pop r14 r13 r12 rbx
; setup our args to atou, and then scan forward til CRLF
mov rdx, rdi
sub rdx, rsi ; length of chunk hexchars
xor eax, eax
cmp rcx, 3
jb .return ; need more
add rdi, 1
cmp word [rdi], 0xa0d
je .inbodychunked_chunklen_done
add rdi, 1
sub rcx, 1
cmp rcx, 2
jae .inbodychunked_semicolon_crlfscan
; otherwise, need more
pop r14 r13 r12 rbx
; skip the CRLF before we proceed
add rdi, 2
sub rcx, 2
; so rdi & rcx are both valid for our body, preserve them for the call to .atou
push rdi rsi rcx rdx
mov edi, 16
call .atou
lea rdx, [rax+2]
xor r8d, r8d
pop r11 rcx rsi rdi
; the actual amount of data we need is the chunklen + the terminator CRLF
cmp rdx, rcx
cmova rax, r8
ja .return ; need more if we don't have enough goods
; special care must be taken if we are on the last chunk:
test rax, rax
jz .inbodychunked_last
; otherwise, we can figure out where our next chunk preface is
; the offset is rdi + rdx - rsi
add rdx, rdi
sub rdx, rsi
mov [rbx+http1_parsedata_ofs], rdx
; set everything up to keep going, which is to say: set rsi to the offset in the body of the next chunk preface
lea rsi, [rdi+rax+2]
; rcx is how much data remains, adjust that by our skipped length too
sub rcx, rax
sub rcx, 2
mov rdx, rcx
xor eax, eax
mov rdi, rsi
cmp rcx, 5
jae .inbodychunked_lengthscan
pop r14 r13 r12 rbx
; if the length of the chunklen in r11 is not precisely 1, error return
cmp r11, 1
jne .inbodychunked_error
; otherwise, if rcx < 2, needmore
cmp rcx, 2
jb .return
; if the word at rdi is 0xa0d, then we are legitimately done, otherwise we may have trailers
; in which case we need to scan forward for 0xa0d0a0d
cmp word [rdi], 0xa0d
jne .inbodychunked_trailers
; otherwise, and this is messy but required, we have to deal with how _much_ of the CURRENT call to this function
; we actually consumed... (and the reason that we go through all this trouble is in the event that pipelining is
; in effect, such that the logical next request/response can be dealt with separately)
add rdi, 2
sub rcx, 2
; the simplest case is if there is no extra data after our final CRLF
jnz .inbodychunked_last_extradata
; otherwise, our return in r14 should be fine, we are done
mov rax, r14
pop r14 r13 r12 rbx
; the data remaining in our buffer is in rcx (and that data does not belong to this request/response)
; so our goal is to set the return up correctly based on what we got in r14
; our _total_ length is sitting in bodylen, which we now need to reduce by rcx
; and we can just reduce the value in r14 by rcx also
mov rax, r14
sub [rbx+http1_bodylen_ofs], rcx
sub rax, rcx
; we also need to truncate (for good measure really) the actual buffer lengths
mov rdx, [rbx+httpheaders_scratch_ofs]
sub [rdx+buffer_endptr_ofs], rcx
sub [rdx+buffer_length_ofs], rcx
; done, dusted
pop r14 r13 r12 rbx
; so we got a 0CRLF but it wasn't followed by a final CRLF, trailers must be present
cmp rcx, 4
jb .return ; needmore if there isn't enough for a complete CRLF
cmp dword [rdi], 0xa0d0a0d
je .inbodychunked_trailersdone
add rdi, 1
sub rcx, 1
jmp .inbodychunked_trailers
add rdi, 4
sub rcx, 4
jnz .inbodychunked_last_extradata
; otherwise, our return in r14 should be fine, we are done
mov rax, r14
pop r14 r13 r12 rbx
mov rax, -1
pop r14 r13 r12 rbx
call buffer$new
mov rcx, [rax+buffer_itself_ofs]
mov [rbx+httpheaders_scratch_ofs], rax
mov qword [rax+buffer_user_ofs], 0 ; set the original length to zero (when we add to it this will get updated)
mov [rbx+http1_bodyptr_ofs], rcx
mov qword [rbx+http1_bodylen_ofs], 0
xor eax, eax
test r13, r13
jnz .inbodychunked
pop r14 r13 r12 rbx
pop r14 r13 r12 rbx
; edi == radix, rsi == pointer to latin1 string, edx == NONZERO length of same, EAX MUST BE CLEARED ON ENTRY!!
; this skips leading spaces
movzx ecx, byte [rsi]
mov r9d, edx
mov r8d, 1
cmp ecx, 32
ja .atou_doit
sub ecx, 1
shl r8d, cl
test r8d, 2147488512
jz .atou_doit
; otherwise, 32, 9, 10, or 13
add rsi, 1
sub r9d, 1
jnz .atou
; if we made it to here, no non-WS chars, bailout
movzx ecx, byte [rsi]
add rsi, 1
cmp ecx, '0'
jb .atou_bad
cmp ecx, '9'
jbe .atou_numeric
cmp ecx, 'A'
jb .atou_bad
cmp ecx, 'F'
jbe .atou_caphex
cmp ecx, 'a'
jb .atou_bad
cmp ecx, 'f'
jbe .atou_hex
; invalid if we made it here
sub ecx, '0'
mul rdi
add rax, rcx
sub r9d, 1
jnz .atou_doit
sub ecx, 'A' - 10
mul rdi
add rax, rcx
sub r9d, 1
jnz .atou_doit
sub ecx, 'a' - 10
mul rdi
add rax, rcx
sub r9d, 1
jnz .atou_doit
end if
if used http1$setbody | defined include_everything
; three arguments: rdi == http1 object, rsi == ptr to body, rdx == length of same
; NOTE: rsi/rdx must exist for the lifetime of the http1 object
; NOTE 2: this is mainly just a reference, set them externally rather than calling this
prolog http1$setbody
mov [rdi+http1_bodyptr_ofs], rsi
mov [rdi+http1_bodylen_ofs], rdx
end if
if used http1$tobuffer | defined include_everything
; three arguments: rdi == http1 object, rsi == destination buffer object, rdx == how much data to put in
; this effectively "composes" the http1 object into the destination buffer
; returns # of bytes we wrote (if < rdx, no more to go)
prolog http1$tobuffer
mov rcx, rdx
mov rdx, rsi
mov rsi, buffer$append
call http1$tocall
end if
if used http1$tocall | defined include_everything
; four arguments: rdi == http1 object, rsi == function to call, rdx == argument to pass in rdi for the call, rcx == how much data to put in
; this effectively "composes" the http1 object, and calls the specified function with rsi/rdx for data
; returns # of bytes we sent (if < rcx, no more to go)
prolog http1$tocall
end if