; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
; HeavyThing x86_64 assembly language library and showcase programs
; Copyright © 2015-2018 2 Ton Digital
; Homepage: https://2ton.com.au/
; Author: Jeff Marrison <jeff@2ton.com.au>
; This file is part of the HeavyThing library.
; HeavyThing is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, or
; (at your option) any later version.
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; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
; png.inc: a simple png decoder
; minimalist insofar as I didn't bother with every tidbit
; but does what I want :)
; mainly, no PLTE/indexed color support, seems none of the pngs i have use them anyway
; and I am feeling lazy today... we ignore everything but IDAT/IEND
; we decompress/decode the image into a consecutive block of RGBA 32bit values
if used png$new | defined include_everything
; we hang on to the IHDR fields here, even though all we really need post-parse
; is the width, height and data
png_width_ofs = 0
png_height_ofs = 4
png_bitdepth_ofs = 8
png_colortype_ofs = 12
png_linelength_ofs = 16
png_rowlength_ofs = 20
png_pixdepth_ofs = 24
png_channels_ofs = 28
png_data_ofs = 32
png_size = 40
; two arguments: rdi == pointer to png encoded data, rsi == length of same
; returns a new png object in rax, or null if we encountered some unrecognized/erroneous goods
prolog png$new
; make sure its with a png header, and that the length is sane
mov rax, 0xa1a0a0d474e5089
cmp rsi, 41
jb .invalid
cmp [rdi], rax
jne .invalid
; first chunk must be an IHDR, or die
cmp dword [rdi+12], 'IHDR'
jne .invalid
push rbx r12 r13 r14 r15
mov r13, rsi
lea r12, [rdi+8]
sub rsp, zlib_stream_size
mov rdi, rsp
mov esi, 1
call zlib$inflateInit
call buffer$new
mov [rsp+zlib_inbuf_ofs], rax
call buffer$new
mov [rsp+zlib_outbuf_ofs], rax
mov edi, png_size
call heap$alloc_clear
mov rbx, rax
sub r13, 16
if use_movbe
movbe ecx, [r12] ; length of the header chunk
mov ecx, [r12] ; length of the header chunk
bswap ecx
end if
add r12, 8
cmp rcx, r13
jae .bad
cmp ecx, 13
jne .bad
if use_movbe
movbe eax, dword [r12]
movbe ecx, dword [r12+4]
mov eax, dword [r12]
mov ecx, dword [r12+4]
bswap eax
bswap ecx
end if
; make sure these are semi-sane before we proceed
cmp eax, 65536
jae .bad
cmp ecx, 65536
jae .bad
test eax, eax
jz .bad
test ecx, ecx
jz .bad
mov r9d, eax
shl r9d, 2 ; scan line length in bytes
mov [rbx+png_linelength_ofs], r9
; check the compression field
cmp byte [r12+10], 0
jne .bad
movzx edx, byte [r12+8] ; bit depth
cmp edx, 16
ja .bad
cmp edx, 8
jb .bad
mov dword [rbx+png_bitdepth_ofs], edx
movzx r8d, byte [r12+9] ; color type
cmp r8d, 6
ja .bad
mov dword [rbx+png_colortype_ofs], r8d
mov [rbx+png_width_ofs], eax
mov [rbx+png_height_ofs], ecx
mul ecx
shl eax, 2
mov edi, eax
mov eax, [rbx+png_bitdepth_ofs]
lea r9d, [eax+eax]
lea r10d, [eax*2+eax]
lea r11d, [eax*4]
cmp r8d, 2 ; rgb == 3 channels
cmove eax, r10d
cmp r8d, 4 ; gray alpha == 2 channels
cmove eax, r9d
cmp r8d, 6 ; rgb alpha == 4 channels
cmove eax, r11d
mov [rbx+png_pixdepth_ofs], eax
mov ecx, eax
add ecx, 7
cmp eax, 8
cmovb eax, ecx
mul dword [rbx+png_width_ofs]
shr eax, 3
mov [rbx+png_rowlength_ofs], eax
mov eax, 1
mov r9d, 2
mov r10d, 3
mov r11d, 4
cmp r8d, 2
cmove eax, r10d
cmp r8d, 4
cmove eax, r9d
cmp r8d, 6
cmove eax, r11d
mov [rbx+png_channels_ofs], eax
call heap$alloc
mov [rbx+png_data_ofs], rax
mov r14, rax
; 13 + 4 bytes for the crc to skip
add r12, 17
sub r13, 17
; commence IDAT/IEND scanning
cmp r13, 12
jb .bad
if use_movbe
movbe eax, dword [r12]
mov eax, dword [r12]
bswap eax
end if
add eax, 12
cmp rax, r13
ja .bad
cmp dword [r12+4], 'IDAT'
je .idat
cmp dword [r12+4], 'IEND'
je .iend
cmp dword [r12+4], 'PLTE'
je .bad
; otherwise, skip and keep going
add r12, rax
sub r13, rax
jz .bad
jmp .chunkscan
; save our length
mov r15, rax
mov rdi, [rsp+zlib_inbuf_ofs]
call buffer$reset
mov rdx, r15
mov rdi, [rsp+zlib_inbuf_ofs]
lea rsi, [r12+8]
sub rdx, 12
test rdx, rdx
jz .emptychunk
call buffer$append
mov rdi, rsp
call zlib$inflate
;test eax, eax
;jz .bad
add r12, r15
sub r13, r15
jz .bad
jmp .chunkscan
add r12, r15
sub r13, r15
jz .bad
jmp .chunkscan
; parse the outbuf, we are all done with r12, r13, r15
; the length of the bytes sitting in outbuf should be: height * (rowlength + 1)
mov eax, [rbx+png_rowlength_ofs]
add eax, 1
mov r8d, eax
mul dword [rbx+png_height_ofs]
mov rdi, [rsp+zlib_outbuf_ofs]
mov rsi, [rdi+buffer_itself_ofs]
mov r13, rsi ; save the start of the buffer
mov rdx, [rdi+buffer_length_ofs]
cmp rdx, rax
jne .bad ; we gotta have the right amount of data
; the first row _must_ be filter type none, or sub
cmp byte [rsi], 1
ja .bad
; otherwise, we can commence row defiltering
mov rdi, rsi
sub rdi, r8 ; keep a pointer precisely one row behind us
sub r8d, 1
mov r9d, [rbx+png_height_ofs]
movzx eax, byte [rsi]
add rsi, 1
add rdi, 1
cmp eax, 4
ja .bad
jmp qword [rax*8+.defilter_dispatch]
dq .defilter_none, .defilter_sub, .defilter_up, .defilter_average, .defilter_paeth
; we are not modifying this row, skip it
add rdi, r8
add rsi, r8
sub r9d, 1
jnz .defilter_rows
jmp .defilter_complete
mov ecx, r8d
mov r15d, [rbx+png_pixdepth_ofs]
; we don't look at our previous row, so increment it first up
add rdi, r8
add r15d, 7
shr r15d, 3 ; bpp
sub ecx, r15d
mov r11, rsi
add r11, r15
movzx eax, byte [rsi]
add byte [r11], al
add r11, 1
add rsi, 1
sub ecx, 1
jnz .defilter_subloop
add rsi, r15
sub r9d, 1
jnz .defilter_rows
jmp .defilter_complete
mov ecx, r8d
movzx eax, byte [rdi]
add byte [rsi], al
add rdi, 1
add rsi, 1
sub ecx, 1
jnz .defilter_uploop
sub r9d, 1
jnz .defilter_rows
jmp .defilter_complete
mov ecx, r8d
mov r15d, [rbx+png_pixdepth_ofs]
add r15d, 7
shr r15d, 3 ; bpp
sub ecx, r15d
mov r11d, r15d
movzx eax, byte [rsi]
movzx edx, byte [rdi]
add eax, edx
shr eax, 1
mov byte [rsi], al
add rsi, 1
add rdi, 1
sub r11d, 1
jnz .defilter_average_firstbit
mov r12, rsi
sub r12, r15
movzx eax, byte [rsi]
movzx edx, byte [rdi]
movzx r10d, byte [r12]
add edx, r10d
shr edx, 1
add eax, edx
mov byte [rsi], al
add rsi, 1
add rdi, 1
add r12, 1
sub ecx, 1
jnz .defilter_average_secondbit
sub r9d, 1
jnz .defilter_rows
jmp .defilter_complete
; multiple byte version of paeth:
movzx r10d, byte [rsi]
movzx eax, byte [rdi]
add r10d, eax
mov byte [rsi], r10b
add rsi, 1
add rdi, 1
sub ecx, 1
jnz .defilter_paeth_mb
mov ecx, r8d
sub ecx, r15d
push rbx
mov ebx, r15d
sub rsp, 8
neg rbx
movzx r12d, byte [rdi+rbx]
movzx r10d, byte [rsi+rbx]
movzx r11d, byte [rdi]
add rdi, 1
; r10d == A, r11d == B, r12d == C
; edx == pa
; r15d == pb
; [rsp] == pc
; [rsp+4] == p
mov eax, r11d
sub eax, r12d
mov [rsp+4], eax
mov edx, eax
neg edx
cmovl edx, eax
mov eax, r10d
sub eax, r12d
mov [rsp], eax
mov r15d, eax
neg r15d
cmovl r15d, eax
add eax, [rsp+4]
push rcx
mov ecx, eax
neg eax
cmovl eax, ecx
pop rcx
mov [rsp], eax
movzx eax, byte [rsi]
cmp r15d, edx
cmovl edx, r15d
cmovl r10d, r11d
cmp dword [rsp], edx
cmovl r10d, r12d
add r10d, eax
mov byte [rsi], r10b
add rsi, 1
sub ecx, 1
jnz .defilter_paeth_mbloop
add rsp, 8
pop rbx
sub r9d, 1
jnz .defilter_rows
jmp .defilter_complete
mov r15d, [rbx+png_pixdepth_ofs]
add r15d, 7
shr r15d, 3
mov ecx, r15d
cmp r15d, 1
jne .defilter_paeth_mb
mov ecx, r8d
movzx r12d, byte [rdi]
add rdi, 1
movzx r10d, byte [rsi]
add r10d, r12d
mov byte [rsi], r10b
add rsi, 1
sub ecx, 1
sub rsp, 8
and r10d, 0xff
movzx r11d, byte [rdi]
add rdi, 1
; r10d == A, r11d == B, r12d == C
; edx == pa
; r15d == pb
; [rsp] == pc
; [rsp+4] == p
mov eax, r11d
sub eax, r12d
mov [rsp+4], eax
mov edx, eax
neg edx
cmovl edx, eax
mov eax, r10d
sub eax, r12d
mov [rsp], eax
mov r15d, eax
neg r15d
cmovl r15d, eax
add eax, [rsp+4]
push rcx
mov ecx, eax
neg eax
cmovl eax, ecx
pop rcx
mov [rsp], eax
movzx eax, byte [rsi]
cmp r15d, edx
cmovl edx, r15d
cmovl r10d, r11d
cmp dword [rsp], edx
cmovl r10d, r12d
mov r12d, r11d
add r10d, eax
mov byte [rsi], r10b
add rsi, 1
sub ecx, 1
jnz .defilter_paeth_loop
add rsp, 8
sub r9d, 1
jnz .defilter_rows
jmp .defilter_complete
; now that our defilter is done, we can actually parse the image data
; restore rsi back to the beginning
mov rdi, [rsp+zlib_outbuf_ofs]
mov rsi, [rdi+buffer_itself_ofs]
mov edx, [rbx+png_channels_ofs]
mov r8d, [rbx+png_rowlength_ofs]
mov r9d, [rbx+png_height_ofs]
mov r10d, [rbx+png_pixdepth_ofs]
mov r11d, 0xff000000
jmp qword [rdx*8+.channels_dispatch]
dq .bad, .onechannel, .twochannels, .threechannels, .fourchannels
; bitdepth is either 8 or 16, x 1 in pixdepth
cmp r10d, 16
je .onechannel_16bit_rows
; otherwise, grayscale, 8 bit, no alpha
add rsi, 1
mov ecx, r8d
movzx eax, byte [rsi]
add rsi, 1
imul eax, 0x010101
or eax, r11d ; alpha == 0xff == opaque, default
mov [r14], eax
add r14, 4
sub ecx, 1
jnz .onechannel_cols
sub r9d, 1
jnz .onechannel_rows
jmp .allgood
; grayscale, 16 bit, no alpha
add rsi, 1
mov ecx, r8d
movzx eax, byte [rsi]
add rsi, 2
; broadcast the resultant value
imul eax, 0x010101
or eax, r11d ; alpha == 0xff == opaque, default
mov [r14], eax
add r14, 4
sub ecx, 2
jnz .onechannel_16bit_cols
sub r9d, 1
jnz .onechannel_16bit_rows
jmp .allgood
; gray with alpha channel
; bitdepth is either 8 or 16, x 2 in pixdepth, so 16 or 32
cmp r10d, 32
je .twochannels_16bit_rows
add rsi, 1
mov ecx, r8d
movzx eax, byte [rsi]
movzx edx, byte [rsi+1]
add rsi, 2
imul eax, 0x010101
shl edx, 24
or eax, edx
mov [r14], eax
add r14, 4
sub ecx, 2
jnz .twochannels_cols
sub r9d, 1
jnz .twochannels_rows
jmp .allgood
add rsi, 1
mov ecx, r8d
movzx eax, byte [rsi]
movzx edx, byte [rsi+2]
add rsi, 4
imul eax, 0x010101
shl edx, 24
or eax, edx
mov [r14], eax
add r14, 4
sub ecx, 4
jnz .twochannels_16bit_cols
sub r9d, 1
jnz .twochannels_16bit_rows
jmp .allgood
; rgb, no alpha channel
; bitdepth is either 8 or 16, x 3 in pixdepth, so 24 or 48
cmp r10d, 48
je .threechannels_16bit_rows
add rsi, 1
mov ecx, r8d
mov eax, [rsi]
and eax, 0xffffff
add rsi, 3
or eax, r11d ; alpha == 0xff == opaque, default
mov [r14], eax
add r14, 4
sub ecx, 3
jnz .threechannels_cols
sub r9d, 1
jnz .threechannels_rows
jmp .allgood
add rsi, 1
mov ecx, r8d
movzx eax, byte [rsi]
movzx edx, byte [rsi+2]
movzx r15d, byte [rsi+4]
add rsi, 6
shl edx, 8
shl r15d, 16
or eax, edx
or eax, r15d
or eax, r11d ; alpha == 0xff == opaque, default
mov [r14], eax
add r14, 4
sub ecx, 6
jnz .threechannels_16bit_cols
sub r9d, 1
jnz .threechannels_16bit_rows
jmp .allgood
; rgba, our native
; bitdepth is either 8 or 16, x 4 in pixdepth, so 32 or 64
cmp r10d, 64
je .fourchannels_16bit_rows
add rsi, 1
mov ecx, r8d
mov eax, [rsi]
add rsi, 4
mov [r14], eax
add r14, 4
sub ecx, 4
jnz .fourchannels_cols
sub r9d, 1
jnz .fourchannels_rows
jmp .allgood
add rsi, 1
mov ecx, r8d
; RGBA, but we have 2 bytes for each one all that need to be shrunk
movzx eax, byte [rsi]
movzx edx, byte [rsi+2]
movzx r15d, byte [rsi+4]
shl edx, 8
shl r15d, 16
or eax, edx
or eax, r15d
movzx edx, byte [rsi+6]
shl edx, 24
or eax, edx
mov [r14], eax
add r14, 4
sub ecx, 4
jnz .fourchannels_16bit_cols
sub r9d, 1
jnz .fourchannels_16bit_rows
; fallthrough to allgood
mov rdi, [rsp+zlib_inbuf_ofs]
call buffer$destroy
mov rdi, [rsp+zlib_outbuf_ofs]
call buffer$destroy
mov rdi, rsp
call zlib$inflateEnd
add rsp, zlib_stream_size
mov rax, rbx
pop r15 r14 r13 r12 rbx
mov rdi, [rsp+zlib_inbuf_ofs]
call buffer$destroy
mov rdi, [rsp+zlib_outbuf_ofs]
call buffer$destroy
mov rdi, rsp
call zlib$inflateEnd
add rsp, zlib_stream_size
mov rdi, [rbx+png_data_ofs]
test rdi, rdi
jz .nodata
call heap$free
mov rdi, rbx
call heap$free
xor eax, eax
pop r15 r14 r13 r12 rbx
xor eax, eax
end if
if used png$to_ppmbuffer | defined include_everything
; single argument in rdi: our png object as created above by png$new
; returns a new buffer with ppm-format compatible output (P6)
prolog png$to_ppmbuffer
push rbx r12 r13
mov rbx, rdi
call buffer$new
mov r12, rax
mov rdi, rax
mov rsi, .p6
mov edx, 3
call buffer$append
mov edi, [rbx+png_width_ofs]
mov esi, 10
call string$from_unsigned
push rax
mov rdi, r12
mov rsi, rax
call buffer$append_string
pop rdi
call heap$free
mov rdi, r12
mov esi, ' '
call buffer$append_byte
mov edi, [rbx+png_height_ofs]
mov esi, 10
call string$from_unsigned
push rax
mov rdi, r12
mov rsi, rax
call buffer$append_string
pop rdi
call heap$free
mov rdi, r12
mov esi, 10
call buffer$append_byte
mov rdi, r12
mov rsi, .colordepth
mov edx, 4
call buffer$append
; next up, our png buffer is 32 bit RGBA, and we need 24bit RGB, so walk forward through our buffer
mov r13, [rbx+png_data_ofs]
mov eax, [rbx+png_width_ofs]
mul dword [rbx+png_height_ofs]
sub rsp, 8
mov ebx, eax
mov eax, [r13]
mov [rsp], eax
mov rdi, r12
mov rsi, rsp
mov edx, 3
call buffer$append
add r13, 4
sub ebx, 1
jnz .doit
mov rax, r12
pop r13 r12 rbx
db 'P6',10
db '255',10
end if