; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
; HeavyThing x86_64 assembly language library and showcase programs
; Copyright © 2015-2018 2 Ton Digital
; Homepage: https://2ton.com.au/
; Author: Jeff Marrison <jeff@2ton.com.au>
; This file is part of the HeavyThing library.
; HeavyThing is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, or
; (at your option) any later version.
; HeavyThing is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
; GNU General Public License for more details.
; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
; with the HeavyThing library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
; worker.inc: child process goods for rwasa
; keep an epoll object so we can talk with the master process
masterlink dq 0
; a working buffer so we don't have to continually stack allocate or heap allocate log activities
logbuffer dq 0
; possible message types that go over the master/worker comms link
linkmessage_ocsp = 0
linkmessage_log = 1
linkmessage_tlsupdate = 2
prolog workerthread
push rbx
mov rbx, rdi ; our fd
if profiling
call profiler$reset
end if
; reinit our states
call epoll$init
call rng$init
; reset our syslog pid so they make sense
mov eax, syscall_getpid
mov [syslog_pid], rax
; create our logbuffer
call buffer$new
mov [logbuffer], rax
; setup our masterlink
mov rdi, masterlink$vtable
xor esi, esi
call epoll$new
mov rdi, rbx
mov rsi, rax
mov rbx, rax
mov [masterlink], rax
call epoll$established
; setup an epoll object for our comms back to our master
if defined children_write_their_own_logs
cmp dword [cpucount], 1
je .skip_hooks
end if
; if cpucount > 1:
; hook logwriting so that it goes back to the master
mov qword [webservercfg$log_hook], worker_loghook
; hook tls session cache so that it also propagates to our siblings
cmp dword [cpucount], 1
je .notlshook
mov qword [tls$sessioncache_hook], worker_tlscache
; we need to go through our webservercfg objects and recreate our timers
mov rdi, [configs]
mov rsi, .newconfigtimer
call list$foreach
pop rbx
if profiling
; make sure cpu count is 1 and we are not backgrounded
mov rdi, .profiler_err1
cmp dword [background], 0
jne .profiler_errmsg
mov rdi, .profiler_err2
cmp dword [cpucount], 1
jne .profiler_errmsg
; otherwise, go ahead and fire up a tui_profiler
call tui_profiler$new
mov rdi, rax
call tui_terminal$new
end if
call epoll$run
mov rsi, rdi
mov edi, 1500
call epoll$timer_new
if profiling
cleartext .profiler_err1, 'ERROR: Profiling TUI component requires foreground mode.'
cleartext .profiler_err2, 'ERROR: Profiling TUI component requires cpu count to be 1.'
call string$to_stdoutln
call epoll$run
end if
; when we called epoll$init for the second time, we lost our configuration timer
; so we have to create a new one, similar to how the multiprocess version does it
; in the master thread.
call io$new
mov qword [rax], logwriter$vtable
mov edi, 1500
mov rsi, rax
call epoll$timer_new
pop rbx
if profiling
; make sure cpu count is 1 and we are not backgrounded
mov rdi, .profiler_err1
cmp dword [background], 0
jne .profiler_errmsg
mov rdi, .profiler_err2
cmp dword [cpucount], 1
jne .profiler_errmsg
; otherwise, go ahead and fire up a tui_profiler
call tui_profiler$new
mov rdi, rax
call tui_terminal$new
end if
call epoll$run
; we are called from the webservercfg layer for all webservercfg objects
; rdi == webservercfg object, rsi == preformatted log string, edx == 0 == normal, 1 == error
prolog worker_loghook
; compose and send a masterlink message
push rbx r12 r13
mov rbx, rdi
mov r12, rsi
mov r13, rdx
mov rdi, [logbuffer]
call buffer$reset
mov rdi, [logbuffer]
mov esi, linkmessage_log
call buffer$append_dword ; [buf+0] == linkmessage type
mov rsi, [r12]
mov rdi, [logbuffer]
if string_bits = 32
shl rsi, 2
shl rsi, 1
end if
add rsi, 28 ; +4 type, +4 totallength, +4 logtype, +webservercfg object 8, +stringlength 8 preface
call buffer$append_dword ; [buf+4] == linkmessage length (total, including preface)
mov rdi, [logbuffer]
mov rsi, rbx
call buffer$append_qword ; [buf+8] == webservercfg object pointer
mov rdi, [logbuffer]
mov esi, r13d
call buffer$append_dword ; [buf+16] == logtype
mov rdi, [logbuffer]
mov rsi, r12
mov rdx, [r12]
if string_bits = 32
shl rdx, 2
shl rdx, 1
end if
add rdx, 8
call buffer$append
mov r8, [logbuffer]
mov rdi, [masterlink]
mov rsi, [r8+buffer_itself_ofs]
mov rdx, [r8+buffer_length_ofs]
mov rcx, [rdi]
call qword [rcx+io_vsend]
pop r13 r12 rbx
; we are called directly from the tls layer anytime something gets added to our sessioncache
; rdi == string sessionid, rsi == 72 bytes of possibly encrypted tls state goods
prolog worker_tlscache
; compose and send a masterlink message
sub rsp, 128
mov dword [rsp], linkmessage_tlsupdate
mov dword [rsp+4], 40 + 64
mov rcx, rdi
lea rdi, [rsp+8]
push rsi
mov rsi, rcx
mov edx, 32
call memcpy
pop rsi
lea rdi, [rsp+40]
mov edx, 64
call memcpy
mov rdi, [masterlink]
mov rsi, rsp
mov edx, 40 + 64
mov rcx, [rdi]
call qword [rcx+io_vsend]
add rsp, 128
dq epoll$destroy, epoll$clone, io$connected, epoll$send, masterlink$receive, io$error, io$timeout
prolog masterlink$receive
; first 4 bytes is our message type, next 4 bytes is the length (which includes the 8 byte preface)
push rbx r12 r13 r14 r15
mov rbx, rdi
mov r12, [rdi+epoll_inbuf_ofs]
mov rdx, [r12+buffer_length_ofs]
mov rcx, [r12+buffer_itself_ofs]
cmp rdx, 8
jb .needmore
mov eax, [rcx+4]
; sanity only
cmp rdx, rax
jb .needmore
cmp dword [rcx], linkmessage_ocsp
je .ocsp
cmp dword [rcx], linkmessage_tlsupdate
jne .insanity
; otherwise, we are sitting on a TLS session cache update item
; which is sessionid at [rcx+8], 64 byte state info at [rcx+40]
lea r13, [rcx+8]
lea r14, [rcx+40]
mov rdi, r13
mov rsi, r14
push qword [tls$sessioncache_hook]
mov qword [tls$sessioncache_hook], 0
call tls$sessioncache_set
pop rax
mov [tls$sessioncache_hook], rax
; consume and continue
mov rcx, [r12+buffer_itself_ofs]
mov rdi, r12
mov esi, [rcx+4]
call buffer$consume
jmp .outer
lea r13, [rcx+8] ; our subjectcn string
; this is a bit inefficient, because we have to walk our certificates every time we get these
; but a) there aren't many certificates (normally), and b) this doesn't happen very often
; so we really don't mind
; so we know that ALL of our certificates live in the tls$pem_byptr map, so we'll walk it by
; hand searching for our matching subjectcn
mov rdi, [tls$pem_byptr]
mov r14, [rdi+_avlofs_next] ; first one in the list
mov rdi, [r14+_avlofs_key] ; the X509 object
cmp qword [rdi+X509_certificates_ofs], 0
je .ocsp_search_outer_next
mov rdi, [rdi+X509_certificates_ofs]
mov r15, [rdi+_list_first_ofs]
test r15, r15
jz .ocsp_search_outer_next
mov rdi, [r15+_list_valueofs]
mov rsi, r13
mov rdi, [rdi+X509cert_subjectcn_ofs]
call string$equals
test eax, eax
jnz .ocsp_search_found
mov r15, [r15+_list_nextofs]
test r15, r15
jnz .ocsp_search_inner
mov r14, [r14+_avlofs_next]
test r14, r14
jnz .ocsp_search_outer
; if we made it to here, we didn't find it
mov rcx, [r12+buffer_itself_ofs]
mov rdi, r12
mov esi, [rcx+4]
call buffer$consume
jmp .outer
mov r14, [r15+_list_valueofs] ; the X509cert object
cmp qword [r14+X509cert_ocspresponse_ofs], 0
jne .ocsp_nonewbuffer
call buffer$new
mov [r14+X509cert_ocspresponse_ofs], rax
mov rdi, [r14+X509cert_ocspresponse_ofs]
call buffer$reset
mov rcx, [r13]
mov rdi, [r14+X509cert_ocspresponse_ofs]
mov rsi, [r12+buffer_itself_ofs]
mov edx, [rsi+4]
if string_bits = 32
shl rcx, 2
shl rcx, 1
end if
sub edx, 16
add rsi, 16
add rsi, rcx
sub edx, ecx
call buffer$append
; consume and continue
mov rcx, [r12+buffer_itself_ofs]
mov rdi, r12
mov esi, [rcx+4]
call buffer$consume
jmp .outer
; should NOT happen
mov rdi, r12
call buffer$reset
pop r15 r14 r13 r12 rbx
xor eax, eax
xor eax, eax
pop r15 r14 r13 r12 rbx