; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
; HeavyThing x86_64 assembly language library and showcase programs
; Copyright © 2015-2018 2 Ton Digital
; Homepage: https://2ton.com.au/
; Author: Jeff Marrison <jeff@2ton.com.au>
; This file is part of the HeavyThing library.
; HeavyThing is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, or
; (at your option) any later version.
; HeavyThing is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
; GNU General Public License for more details.
; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
; with the HeavyThing library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
; chatpanel.inc: a tui_panel descendent that deals with our semi-complicated
; chat display...
; The idea here is to provide heightlocked tui_text areas, one for our own
; user that always has a spinning cursor and right-aligned, and other
; participants left-aligned.
; we keep track of "in-progress" messages from other parties, and provide
; specialised notifications.
; Further, we deal with the unpleasantness of vertical scrolling.
; define for our history max:
chatpanel_history_max = 100
; Some notes here on that:
; due to the way I decided to do the scroll + valid tui_texts for the entire chatpanel
; if we make that number huge, it has to redraw/iterate each and every one of the children
; when redraw is called, this can be _very_ expensive, so we limit it at least enough so
; that redrawing hundreds of children isn't quite so bad (if we _wanted_ a huge history,
; then we'd just have to redo how we deal with the chatpanel_guts_ofs children and manage them
; more appropriately)
dq chatpanel$cleanup, tui_panel$clone, chatpanel$draw, tui_object$redraw, tui_object$updatedisplaylist, tui_object$sizechanged
dq tui_object$timer, tui_object$layoutchanged, tui_object$move, tui_object$setfocus, chatpanel$gotfocus, chatpanel$lostfocus
dq tui_object$keyevent, tui_object$domodal, tui_object$endmodal, tui_object$exit, tui_object$calcbounds, tui_object$calcchildbounds
dq tui_panel$appendchild, tui_object$appendbastard, tui_panel$prependchild, tui_panel$contains, tui_panel$getchildindex
dq tui_panel$removechild, tui_object$removebastard, tui_object$removeallchildren, tui_object$removeallbastards
dq tui_object$getobjectsunderpoint, tui_object$flatten, chatpanel$firekeyevent, tui_object$ontab, tui_object$onshifttab
dq tui_object$setcursor, tui_object$showcursor, tui_object$hidecursor, tui_object$click, tui_object$clicked
; every chatpanel needs a link to the chatroom it belongs to
chatpanel_room_ofs = tui_panel_size
; further, we hangon to the name of the room separately (the chatroom itself's name might be null)
chatpanel_name_ofs = tui_panel_size + 8
; for in-progress remote messages, we use a map of actives:
chatpanel_inprogress_ofs = tui_panel_size + 16
; and for our localtext, we keep a pointer as well
chatpanel_localtext_ofs = tui_panel_size + 24
; we also need a copy of our user pointer:
chatpanel_user_ofs = tui_panel_size + 32
; and a copy of the screen tui object
chatpanel_screen_ofs = tui_panel_size + 40
; and our local vertical scroll modifier
chatpanel_scroll_ofs = tui_panel_size + 48
chatpanel_size = tui_panel_size + 56
; single argument in rdi: the string name of the room (we copy it)
; NOTE: caller has to set the room pointer
prolog chatpanel$new
push rbx r12
call string$copy
mov r12, rax
mov edi, chatpanel_size
call heap$alloc_clear
; tui_panel$init_dd requires a valid vtable to exist beforehand:
mov qword [rax], chatpanel$vtable
mov rbx, rax
mov rdi, rax
movq xmm0, [_math_onehundred]
movq xmm1, [_math_onehundred]
mov rsi, r12
ansi_colors edx, 'lightgray', 'black'
ansi_colors ecx, 'lightgray', 'blue'
call tui_panel$init_dd
mov [rbx+chatpanel_name_ofs], r12
xor edi, edi
call unsignedmap$new
mov [rbx+chatpanel_inprogress_ofs], rax
; for our "phantom scroll", we need a vspacer that is a fixed height
; well in excess of however many rows are actually possible
mov edi, 100
call tui_vspacer$new_i
mov rdi, rbx
mov rsi, rax
mov rdx, [rbx]
call qword [rdx+tui_vappendchild]
; our local text editor is next:
movq xmm0, [_math_onehundred]
mov edi, 1
xor esi, esi
ansi_colors edx, 'lightgray', 'black'
ansi_colors ecx, 'lightgray', 'blue'
mov r8d, 1
call tui_text$new_di
mov r12, rax
mov [rbx+chatpanel_localtext_ofs], rax
; enable multiline, alignment, wordwrap, and heightlock
mov dword [rax+tui_text_multiline_ofs], 1
mov dword [rax+tui_text_docursor_ofs], 1
mov dword [rax+tui_text_heightlock_ofs], 1
; hmm, not sure I like right aligned: mov dword [rax+tui_text_align_ofs], tui_textalign_right
mov dword [rax+tui_text_align_ofs], tui_textalign_left
mov dword [rax+tui_text_wrap_ofs], 2
mov rdi, rbx
mov rsi, r12
mov rdx, [rbx]
call qword [rdx+tui_vappendchild]
; make sure it gets focus:
mov rdi, r12
mov rsi, [r12]
call qword [rsi+tui_vgotfocus]
mov rax, rbx
pop r12 rbx
; single argument in rdi: the chatpanel object to cleanup
prolog chatpanel$cleanup
push rbx
mov rbx, rdi
; leave whatever room we are in:
mov rdi, [rdi+chatpanel_room_ofs]
mov rsi, [rbx+chatpanel_user_ofs]
mov rdx, [rbx+chatpanel_screen_ofs]
call chatroom$leave
; we have to clear our inprogress list
; since it does not allocate anything for keys or values
; we can just clear and free it
mov rdi, [rbx+chatpanel_inprogress_ofs]
xor esi, esi
call stringmap$clear
mov rdi, [rbx+chatpanel_inprogress_ofs]
call heap$free
; get rid of our name string as well
mov rdi, [rbx+chatpanel_name_ofs]
call heap$free
; let tui_panel$cleanup do the rest:
mov rdi, rbx
call tui_panel$cleanup
pop rbx
; single argument in rdi: our chatpanel object
prolog chatpanel$titleupdate
; burning purpose: if we are not in a proper room, _and_ our remote party
; is not online, we need to change our colors up and add (offline) to the
; title
mov rsi, [rdi+chatpanel_room_ofs]
cmp qword [rsi+chatroom_name_ofs], 0
jne .roomtitle
; otherwise, our chatpanel_name_ofs is a buddy name, see if they are online
push rbx
mov rbx, rdi
mov rdi, [rdi+chatpanel_name_ofs]
call userdb$online
test eax, eax
jnz .nameonly
; otherwise, add (offline) to the end
mov rdi, [rbx+chatpanel_name_ofs]
mov rsi, .offlinestr
call string$concat
push rax
mov rdi, [rbx+tui_panel_titletext_ofs]
mov rsi, rax
call tui_label$nvsettext
mov rdi, [rbx+tui_panel_titletext_ofs]
mov rsi, [rsp]
mov rax, [rsi]
add eax, 2
mov [rdi+tui_width_ofs], eax
pop rdi
call heap$free
mov rdi, [rbx+tui_panel_titletext_ofs]
mov rsi, [rdi]
call qword [rsi+tui_vsizechanged]
mov rdi, rbx
mov rsi, [rbx]
call qword [rsi+tui_vdraw]
pop rbx
cleartext .offlinestr, ' (offline)'
mov rdi, [rbx+tui_panel_titletext_ofs]
mov rsi, [rbx+chatpanel_name_ofs]
call tui_label$nvsettext
mov rdi, [rbx+tui_panel_titletext_ofs]
mov rsi, [rbx+chatpanel_name_ofs]
mov rax, [rsi]
add eax, 2
mov [rdi+tui_width_ofs], eax
mov rdi, [rbx+tui_panel_titletext_ofs]
mov rsi, [rdi]
call qword [rsi+tui_vsizechanged]
mov rdi, rbx
mov rsi, [rbx]
call qword [rsi+tui_vdraw]
pop rbx
cleartext .roomstr, 'Room: '
push rbx
mov rbx, rdi
mov rdi, .roomstr
mov rsi, [rsi+chatroom_name_ofs]
call string$concat
push rax
mov rdi, [rbx+tui_panel_titletext_ofs]
mov rsi, rax
call tui_label$nvsettext
mov rdi, [rbx+tui_panel_titletext_ofs]
mov rsi, [rsp]
mov rax, [rsi]
add eax, 2
mov [rdi+tui_width_ofs], eax
pop rdi
call heap$free
mov rdi, [rbx+tui_panel_titletext_ofs]
mov rsi, [rdi]
call qword [rsi+tui_vsizechanged]
mov rdi, rbx
mov rsi, [rbx]
call qword [rsi+tui_vdraw]
pop rbx
; single argument in rdi: our chatpanel object
prolog chatpanel$draw
; burning purpose: manage our _guts_ scroll position
; to do that, we need to iterate through the guts' children
; and determine how much height is actually there
cmp dword [rdi+tui_height_ofs], 0
je .nothingtodo
xor ecx, ecx
push rbx
mov rbx, rdi
push rcx
mov rdi, [rdi+tui_panel_guts_ofs]
mov rdi, [rdi+tui_children_ofs]
mov rsi, .heightcalc
mov rdx, rsp
call list$foreach_arg
; so [rsp] now contains our calculated child height
mov rcx, [rbx+tui_panel_guts_ofs]
mov rdi, rbx
mov esi, [rsp]
mov edx, [rcx+tui_height_ofs]
; we need to validate our scroll modifier
mov r8d, [rbx+chatpanel_scroll_ofs]
; so, esi - edx == "bottom always visible"
; our scroll modifier can never be positive
; the minimum scroll amount is: -(esi-edx)
sub esi, edx
neg esi
xor ecx, ecx
cmp r8d, 0
cmovg r8d, ecx
cmp r8d, esi
cmovl r8d, esi
mov [rbx+chatpanel_scroll_ofs], r8d
pop rcx
mov rdi, [rbx+tui_panel_guts_ofs]
; so now rcx contains the fixed actual height of the guts, which will always be greater than our height
sub ecx, [rdi+tui_height_ofs]
add ecx, r8d
mov dword [rdi+tui_scroll_ofs+4], ecx
mov rdi, rbx
pop rbx
call tui_panel$draw
; rdi == tui_* child object, rsi == pointer to add to
mov edx, [rdi+tui_height_ofs]
add dword [rsi], edx
; single argument in rdi: our chatpanel object
prolog chatpanel$gotfocus
push qword [rdi+chatpanel_localtext_ofs]
ansi_colors ecx, 'lightgray', 'blue'
mov rdx, [rdi+tui_panel_titletext_ofs]
mov dword [rdx+tui_bgcolors_ofs], ecx
mov rsi, [rdi]
call qword [rsi+tui_vdraw]
pop rdi
mov rsi, [rdi]
call qword [rsi+tui_vgotfocus]
; single argument in rdi: our chatpanel object
prolog chatpanel$lostfocus
push qword [rdi+chatpanel_localtext_ofs]
ansi_colors ecx, 'lightgray', 'black'
mov rdx, [rdi+tui_panel_titletext_ofs]
mov dword [rdx+tui_bgcolors_ofs], ecx
mov rsi, [rdi]
call qword [rsi+tui_vdraw]
pop rdi
mov rsi, [rdi]
call qword [rsi+tui_vlostfocus]
; two arguments: rdi == our chatpanel object, rsi == originating chatpanel
prolog chatpanel$remote_commit
; all we have to do is clear the inprogress map entry for this user
; when the next keystroke comes in, a new text editor for them will
; get created
push rdi
mov rdi, [rdi+chatpanel_inprogress_ofs]
mov rsi, [rsi+chatpanel_user_ofs]
call unsignedmap$erase
; possibly fire a bell if we haven't been around for a while
mov rdi, [rsp]
call chatpanel$bellcheck
pop rdi
call chatpanel$historylimit
; two arguments: rdi == our chatpanel object, rsi == notification string
prolog chatpanel$notify
push rbx
mov rbx, rdi
; notification messages we want left justified tui_text, darker in color
movq xmm0, [_math_onehundred]
mov edi, 1
ansi_colors edx, 'darkgray', 'black'
ansi_colors ecx, 'darkgray', 'black'
xor r8d, r8d
call tui_text$new_di
; enable multiline, left alignment, wordwrap, and heightlock
mov dword [rax+tui_text_multiline_ofs], 1
mov dword [rax+tui_text_focussed_ofs], 1
mov dword [rax+tui_text_docursor_ofs], 0
mov dword [rax+tui_text_heightlock_ofs], 1
mov dword [rax+tui_text_align_ofs], tui_textalign_left
mov dword [rax+tui_text_wrap_ofs], 2
; and then append it to our guts, but prepended in place
; before our localtext object
mov rdi, [rbx+tui_panel_guts_ofs]
mov rdi, [rdi+tui_children_ofs]
mov rsi, [rdi+_list_last_ofs]
mov rdx, rax
call list$insert_before
; force a redraw
mov rdi, [rbx+tui_panel_guts_ofs]
mov rsi, [rdi]
call qword [rsi+tui_vlayoutchanged]
pop rbx
; four arguments: rdi == our chatpanel object, esi == key, edx == esc key, rcx == originating chatpanel
prolog chatpanel$remote_keystroke
; using our inprogress list, fire a keyevent to the right tui_text editor
; the inprogress list is an unsigned map, key == user object pointer, value == tui_text pointer
push rbx r12 r13 r14 r15
mov rbx, rdi
mov r12d, esi
mov r13d, edx
mov r14, rcx
mov rdi, [rdi+chatpanel_inprogress_ofs]
mov rsi, [rcx+chatpanel_user_ofs]
call unsignedmap$find_value
test eax, eax
jz .newone
; otherwise, simple case: fire the key event
mov r8d, [rdx+tui_height_ofs]
mov rdi, rdx
mov esi, r12d
mov edx, r13d
mov rcx, [rdi]
push rdi r8
call qword [rcx+tui_vkeyevent]
pop r8 rdi
cmp r8d, [rdi+tui_height_ofs]
jne .remote_heightchanged
; possibly fire a bell if we haven't been around for a while
mov rdi, rbx
call chatpanel$bellcheck
pop r15 r14 r13 r12 rbx
mov rdi, rbx
mov rsi, [rdi]
call qword [rsi+tui_vcalcbounds]
mov rdi, rbx
mov rsi, [rbx]
call qword [rsi+tui_vdraw]
; possibly fire a bell if we haven't been around for a while
mov rdi, rbx
call chatpanel$bellcheck
pop r15 r14 r13 r12 rbx
cleartext .colonspace, ': '
; no inprogress was found for this user object, create one
; if we are in a multiperson room, we need to set the initialtext
; to their username:
mov rsi, [rbx+chatpanel_room_ofs]
cmp qword [rsi+chatroom_name_ofs], 0
je .newone_oneonone
mov rdx, [r14+chatpanel_user_ofs] ; the remote party
mov rdi, [rdx+user_username_ofs]
mov rsi, .colonspace
call string$concat
movq xmm0, [_math_onehundred]
mov edi, 1
mov r15, rax
mov rsi, rax
ansi_colors edx, 'darkyellow', 'darkslategrey'
ansi_colors ecx, 'darkyellow', 'darkslategrey'
; hmm, not sure I like any of the colors really
mov dl, 0xeb
mov cl, 0xeb
xor r8d, r8d
call tui_text$new_di
mov r8, [r15]
; enable multiline, left alignment, wordwrap, and heightlock
mov dword [rax+tui_text_multiline_ofs], 1
mov dword [rax+tui_text_focussed_ofs], 1
mov dword [rax+tui_text_docursor_ofs], 0
mov dword [rax+tui_text_heightlock_ofs], 1
mov dword [rax+tui_text_align_ofs], tui_textalign_left
mov dword [rax+tui_text_wrap_ofs], 2
; set its minlen so that the remote party can't edit their username
mov dword [rax+tui_text_minlen_ofs], r8d
mov rdi, r15
mov r15, rax
call heap$free
jmp .newone_textready
movq xmm0, [_math_onehundred]
mov edi, 1
xor esi, esi
ansi_colors edx, 'darkyellow', 'darkslategrey'
ansi_colors ecx, 'darkyellow', 'darkslategrey'
; hmm, not sure I like any of the colors really
mov dl, 0xeb
mov cl, 0xeb
xor r8d, r8d
call tui_text$new_di
mov r15, rax
; enable multiline, left alignment, wordwrap, and heightlock
mov dword [rax+tui_text_multiline_ofs], 1
mov dword [rax+tui_text_focussed_ofs], 1
mov dword [rax+tui_text_docursor_ofs], 0
mov dword [rax+tui_text_heightlock_ofs], 1
mov dword [rax+tui_text_align_ofs], tui_textalign_left
mov dword [rax+tui_text_wrap_ofs], 2
; now, insert it into our inprogress list
mov rdi, [rbx+chatpanel_inprogress_ofs]
mov rsi, [r14+chatpanel_user_ofs]
mov rdx, r15
call unsignedmap$insert_unique
; and then append it to our guts, but prepended in place
; before our localtext object
mov rdi, [rbx+tui_panel_guts_ofs]
mov rdi, [rdi+tui_children_ofs]
mov rsi, [rdi+_list_last_ofs]
mov rdx, r15
call list$insert_before
; force a redraw
mov rdi, [rbx+tui_panel_guts_ofs]
mov rsi, [rdi]
call qword [rsi+tui_vlayoutchanged]
; and finally, send the keystroke off to it:
mov rdi, r15
mov esi, r12d
mov edx, r13d
mov rcx, [rdi]
call qword [rcx+tui_vkeyevent]
; possibly fire a bell if we haven't been around for a while
mov rdi, rbx
call chatpanel$bellcheck
pop r15 r14 r13 r12 rbx
; single argument in rdi: our chatpanel object
prolog chatpanel$historylimit
; just to prevent some insane amount of history accumulating and redraw penalties
; we set our limit at chatpanel_history_max children
mov rsi, [rdi+tui_panel_guts_ofs]
mov rdx, [rsi+tui_children_ofs]
cmp qword [rdx+_list_size_ofs], chatpanel_history_max
jbe .nothingtodo
push rbx r12
mov rbx, rdi
mov r12, rdx
mov rdi, r12
call list$pop_front
mov rdi, rax
mov rsi, [rax]
push rax
call qword [rsi+tui_vcleanup]
pop rdi
call heap$free
cmp qword [r12+_list_size_ofs], chatpanel_history_max
ja .limitloop
mov rdi, rbx
mov rsi, [rbx]
call qword [rsi+tui_vlayoutchanged]
pop r12 rbx
; single argument in rdi: our chatpanel object
prolog chatpanel$docr
push rbx r12 r13
mov rbx, rdi
mov rdi, [rdi+chatpanel_localtext_ofs]
; we must preserve focus:
mov r13d, [rdi+tui_text_focussed_ofs]
mov rdx, [rdi]
mov dword [rdi+tui_text_docursor_ofs], 0
mov dword [rdi+tui_text_editable_ofs], 0
; destroy its spinner object, otherwise we'd have an invisible, running
; spinner for each and every input line (which would still be okay, but
; rather wasteful)
mov dword [rdi+tui_text_dospinner_ofs], 0
mov qword [rdi+tui_text_spinner_ofs], 0
call qword [rdx+tui_vremoveallbastards]
; and kill its focus
mov rdi, [rbx+chatpanel_localtext_ofs]
mov rsi, [rdi]
call qword [rsi+tui_vlostfocus]
; so now, create a spanking new one
movq xmm0, [_math_onehundred]
mov edi, 1
xor esi, esi
ansi_colors edx, 'lightgray', 'black'
ansi_colors ecx, 'lightgray', 'blue'
mov r8d, 1
call tui_text$new_di
mov r12, rax
mov [rbx+chatpanel_localtext_ofs], rax
; enable multiline, right alignment, wordwrap, and heightlock
mov dword [rax+tui_text_multiline_ofs], 1
mov dword [rax+tui_text_docursor_ofs], 1
mov dword [rax+tui_text_heightlock_ofs], 1
; hmm, not sure I like right aligned: mov dword [rax+tui_text_align_ofs], tui_textalign_right
mov dword [rax+tui_text_align_ofs], tui_textalign_left
mov dword [rax+tui_text_wrap_ofs], 2
mov rdi, rbx
mov rsi, r12
mov rdx, [rbx]
call qword [rdx+tui_vappendchild]
; make sure it gets focus:
test r13d, r13d
jz .skipfocus
mov rdi, r12
mov rsi, [r12]
call qword [rsi+tui_vgotfocus]
mov rdi, rbx
call chatpanel$historylimit
pop r13 r12 rbx
pop r13 r12 rbx
; single argument in rdi: our chatpanel object
prolog chatpanel$bellcheck
; if we haven't had a keystroke to our screne object in the last few minutes
; do a bell
mov rsi, [rdi+chatpanel_screen_ofs]
mov rcx, [_epoll_tv_secs]
sub rcx, [rsi+screen_lastkey_ofs]
cmp ecx, 180
jb .nothingtodo
; make sure we don't continually fire bell over and over again
; set the current value to the current time - 120
mov rcx, [_epoll_tv_secs]
sub rcx, 120
mov qword [rsi+screen_lastkey_ofs], rcx
mov rdi, [rsi+screen_bell_ofs]
mov esi, 3
call tui_bell$nvdoit
; three arguments: rdi == our chatpanel object, esi == key, edx == esc key
prolog chatpanel$firekeyevent
; Burning purpose: the magic of keystroke sharing starts here, hahaha
; basically, if esi/edx are valid tui_text keys, meaning, their
; end-result == some modification of the editor, then we have to
; share this with whomever else we are chatting with.
; NOTE: while the tui_text editor will perfectly allow cursor movement
; within it, because all participants aren't necessarily (or even likely)
; to be same-sized, the remote cursormaps would never match if we allowed
; cursor positioning in the editor to be replicated.
; I don't really mind not having cursor abilities for sshtalk, a small
; price to pay for the resultant effect.
; Anyway, as a result of that, we specifically do _not_ fire cursor keys
; Further, we do not pass enter keys to the tui_text editor either,
; such that we can then let our text "go free" into the scrolling area
; we do support scrolling our own chatpanel up/down
cmp edx, 0x41 ; up arrow
je .uparrow
cmp edx, 0x42 ; down arrow
je .downarrow
cmp edx, 0x43 ; right arrow
je .falseret ; bailout on left/right
cmp edx, 0x44 ; left arrow
je .falseret
cmp esi, 0x7f ; backspace
je .doit
; delete is an interesting kettle, really only useful if someone
; shift-homes an active editor line, but it will still work so we'll
; let it fly
cmp edx, 0x33 ; delete
je .doit
; for "effect", we can safely allow shift-end and shift-home:
cmp edx, 0x46 ; shift-end
je .doit
cmp edx, 0x48 ; shift-home
je .doit
; we won't get tabs, they are ganked by the screen object
cmp esi, 13
je .cr
cmp esi, 32
jb .falseret
; we need to replicate this keystroke to our remote parties
; as well as let it go through to our own editor object
push rbx r12 r13 r14 r15
mov rbx, rdi
mov r12d, esi
mov r13d, edx
mov rdi, [rdi+chatpanel_localtext_ofs]
mov rcx, [rdi]
call qword [rcx+tui_vkeyevent]
; an interesting consequence of the way I designed the chatroom
; goodies.... so, here's the situation:
; for one on one chats only, when we first create the room
; we add both users to the room users list, regardless of whether
; said other party is online or not.
; so, then we strike up a conversation, and then one party
; closes the window, or drops offline, but the other party keeps
; their window open, waits a while, then starts typign again
; we then need to re-add the other party back to the room
; in this scenario, otherwise, there is no way without adding
; other crazy functionality to chatroom to keep both parties in
; we still need to allow actual leaving of the room, such that
; the chatrooms can in fact be torn down on close
; So, haha, all that being said, verify participants if it is a
; one on one
mov rdi, [rbx+chatpanel_room_ofs]
cmp qword [rdi+chatroom_name_ofs], 0
jne .doit_nomembercheck
; so our chatpanel_name_ofs is the name of the other user that needs to
; be in the room
; we can do a insert_unique into the chatroom's user list with no penalty
; but we have to find their user object first
mov rdi, [users]
mov rsi, [rbx+chatpanel_name_ofs]
call stringmap$find_value
test eax, eax
jz .doit_nomembercheck ; sanity only
mov rdi, [rbx+chatpanel_room_ofs]
mov rdi, [rdi+chatroom_users_ofs]
mov rsi, rdx
xor edx, edx
call unsignedmap$insert_unique
; it is fine if that fails
; replicate our keystroke to all remote parties
mov r14, [rbx+chatpanel_room_ofs]
mov r14, [r14+chatroom_users_ofs]
; we know there is at least one user in here (ourself, haha)
mov r14, [r14+_avlofs_next]
; users is an unsigned map, full of user objects
; so the [r14+_avlofs_key] is the user object itself
; we need to iterate all tuilist entries for this user
mov r15, [r14+_avlofs_key] ; our user object itself
cmp r15, [rbx+chatpanel_user_ofs]
je .doit_outer_ourselves
mov r15, [r15+user_tuilist_ofs] ; its tuilist map
mov r15, [r15+_avlofs_next] ; its first node
test r15, r15
jz .doit_outer_next
; so the value at [r15+_avlofs_key] is the screen object
mov rdi, [r15+_avlofs_key]
; otherwise, we have some work to do
; we need to get a handle of the remote side's chatpanel
; and in order to do that, we need to be calling it by
; name, which will not necessarily be our own name unless
; it is a chatroom...
mov rsi, [rbx+chatpanel_room_ofs]
cmp qword [rsi+chatroom_name_ofs], 0
je .doit_inner_ourname
; otherwise, it is a chatroom
mov rsi, [rsi+chatroom_name_ofs]
mov edx, 1
mov ecx, 1
call screen$chatpanel_byname
mov rdi, rax
mov esi, r12d
mov edx, r13d
mov rcx, rbx
call chatpanel$remote_keystroke
jmp .doit_inner_next
mov r15, [r15+user_tuilist_ofs] ; its tuilist map
mov r15, [r15+_avlofs_next] ; its first node
test r15, r15
jz .doit_outer_next
; so the value at [r15+_avlofs_key] is the screen object
mov rdi, [r15+_avlofs_key]
; we don't replicate to our own screen object, because we already did it above
cmp rdi, [rbx+chatpanel_screen_ofs]
je .doit_inner_ourselves_next
mov rsi, [rbx+chatpanel_name_ofs]
xor edx, edx
mov ecx, 1
mov r8, [rbx+chatpanel_room_ofs]
cmp qword [r8+chatroom_name_ofs], 0
cmovne edx, ecx
call screen$chatpanel_byname
mov rdi, rax
mov esi, r12d
mov edx, r13d
mov rdi, [rdi+chatpanel_localtext_ofs]
; NOTE: because we do "soft focus" (we don't force focus change when a new panel opens)
; we have to _preserve_ whatever the previous value of focussed was, then set it back when we are done
mov eax, [rdi+tui_text_focussed_ofs]
mov dword [rdi+tui_text_focussed_ofs], 1
mov rcx, [rdi]
push rdi rax
call qword [rcx+tui_vkeyevent]
pop rax rdi
; if eax == 0, we need to redraw it
mov [rdi+tui_text_focussed_ofs], eax
test eax, eax
jnz .doit_inner_ourselves_next
mov rsi, [rdi]
call qword [rsi+tui_vdraw]
mov r15, [r15+_avlofs_next]
test r15, r15
jnz .doit_inner_ourselves
jmp .doit_outer_next
mov rsi, [rbx+chatpanel_user_ofs]
xor edx, edx
mov ecx, 1
mov rsi, [rsi+user_username_ofs]
call screen$chatpanel_byname
mov rdi, rax
mov esi, r12d
mov edx, r13d
mov rcx, rbx
call chatpanel$remote_keystroke
; fallthrough to doit_inner_next
mov r15, [r15+_avlofs_next]
test r15, r15
jnz .doit_inner
mov r14, [r14+_avlofs_next]
test r14, r14
jnz .doit_outer
pop r15 r14 r13 r12 rbx
mov eax, 1
; when enter is pressed, we need to let all remote parties know
; in addition to creating a new localtext object for ourselves
; we do _not_ pass this to our own editor
push rbx r12 r13 r14 r15
mov rbx, rdi
call chatpanel$docr
; and replicate this to all remote parties, such that they can clear their
; in-progress list
mov r14, [rbx+chatpanel_room_ofs]
mov r14, [r14+chatroom_users_ofs]
; we know there is at least one user in here (ourself, haha)
mov r14, [r14+_avlofs_next]
; users is an unsigned map, full of user objects
; so the [r14+_avlofs_key] is the user object itself
; we need to iterate all tuilist entries for this user
mov r15, [r14+_avlofs_key] ; our user object itself
cmp r15, [rbx+chatpanel_user_ofs]
je .cr_outer_ourselves
mov r15, [r15+user_tuilist_ofs] ; its tuilist map
mov r15, [r15+_avlofs_next] ; its first node
test r15, r15
jz .cr_outer_next
; so the value at [r15+_avlofs_key] is the screen object
mov rdi, [r15+_avlofs_key]
; we don't replicate to our own screen object
cmp rdi, [rbx+chatpanel_screen_ofs]
je .cr_inner_next
; otherwise, we have some work to do
; we need to get a handle of the remote side's chatpanel
; and in order to do that, we need to be calling it by
; name, which will not necessarily be our own name unless
; it is a chatroom...
mov rsi, [rbx+chatpanel_room_ofs]
cmp qword [rsi+chatroom_name_ofs], 0
je .cr_inner_ourname
; otherwise, it is a chatroom
mov rsi, [rsi+chatroom_name_ofs]
mov edx, 1
mov ecx, 1
call screen$chatpanel_byname
mov rdi, rax
mov rsi, rbx
call chatpanel$remote_commit
jmp .cr_inner_next
mov r15, [r15+user_tuilist_ofs] ; its tuilist map
mov r15, [r15+_avlofs_next] ; its first node
test r15, r15
jz .cr_outer_next
; [r15+_avlofs_key] is the screen object
mov rdi, [r15+_avlofs_key]
; we don't replicate to our own screen object, because we already did it above
cmp rdi, [rbx+chatpanel_screen_ofs]
je .cr_inner_ourselves_next
mov rsi, [rbx+chatpanel_name_ofs]
xor edx, edx
mov ecx, 1
mov r8, [rbx+chatpanel_room_ofs]
cmp qword [r8+chatroom_name_ofs], 0
cmovne edx, ecx
call screen$chatpanel_byname
mov rdi, rax
call chatpanel$docr
mov r15, [r15+_avlofs_next]
test r15, r15
jnz .cr_inner_ourselves
jmp .cr_outer_next
mov rsi, [rbx+chatpanel_user_ofs]
xor edx, edx
mov ecx, 1
mov rsi, [rsi+user_username_ofs]
call screen$chatpanel_byname
mov rdi, rax
mov rsi, rbx
call chatpanel$remote_commit
; fallthrough to cr_inner_next
mov r15, [r15+_avlofs_next]
test r15, r15
jnz .cr_inner
mov r14, [r14+_avlofs_next]
test r14, r14
jnz .cr_outer
pop r15 r14 r13 r12 rbx
mov eax, 1
; modify our scroll property (if there is history in excess of our display)
; no replication
; our draw method does bounds checking on our scroll modifier, so all we need to do is subtract one
sub dword [rdi+chatpanel_scroll_ofs], 1
mov rsi, [rdi]
call qword [rsi+tui_vdraw]
mov eax, 1
; modify our scroll property (if we are not already at the bottom)
; no replication
; our draw method does bounds checking on our scroll modifier, so all we need to do is add one
add dword [rdi+chatpanel_scroll_ofs], 1
mov rsi, [rdi]
call qword [rsi+tui_vdraw]
mov eax, 1
xor eax, eax