; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
; HeavyThing x86_64 assembly language library and showcase programs
; Copyright © 2015-2018 2 Ton Digital
; Homepage: https://2ton.com.au/
; Author: Jeff Marrison <jeff@2ton.com.au>
; This file is part of the HeavyThing library.
; HeavyThing is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, or
; (at your option) any later version.
; HeavyThing is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
; GNU General Public License for more details.
; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
; with the HeavyThing library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
; screen.inc: the sshtalk main screen tui object
; our screen is a simple tui_object, 100% x 100% so it can be resized
; statusbar on the bottom, main chat area/useful area on the left
; buddy list + help text on the right
; we "descend" the tui_object, so that we can set our state variables
; correctly when we are cloned, and so that we can catch keystrokes to
; change focus between elements, and deal with otherwise main-related
; goodies
include 'roomlist.inc'
dq screen$cleanup, screen$clone, tui_object$draw, tui_object$redraw, tui_object$updatedisplaylist, tui_object$sizechanged
dq tui_object$timer, tui_object$layoutchanged, tui_object$move, tui_object$setfocus, tui_object$gotfocus, tui_object$lostfocus
dq screen$keyevent, tui_object$domodal, tui_object$endmodal, tui_object$exit, tui_object$calcbounds, tui_object$calcchildbounds
dq tui_object$appendchild, tui_object$appendbastard, tui_object$prependchild, tui_object$contains, tui_object$getchildindex
dq tui_object$removechild, tui_object$removebastard, tui_object$removeallchildren, tui_object$removeallbastards
dq tui_object$getobjectsunderpoint, tui_object$flatten, screen$firekeyevent, screen$ontab, screen$onshifttab
dq tui_object$setcursor, tui_object$showcursor, tui_object$hidecursor, tui_object$click, screen$clicked
; offsets for our required variables
screen_main_ofs = tui_object_size
screen_statusbar_ofs = tui_object_size + 8
screen_buddylist_ofs = tui_object_size + 16
screen_helptext_ofs = tui_object_size + 24
screen_bell_ofs = tui_object_size + 32
screen_user_ofs = tui_object_size + 40
screen_focus_ofs = tui_object_size + 48
screen_modal_ofs = tui_object_size + 56
screen_modalalert_ofs = tui_object_size + 64
screen_start_ofs = tui_object_size + 72
screen_lastkey_ofs = tui_object_size + 80
screen_buddylist_col_ofs = tui_object_size + 88
screen_buddylist_sep_ofs = tui_object_size + 96
screen_size = tui_object_size + 104
; we also override the datagrid vtable for itemselected (aka open a chat panel)
dq tui_object$cleanup, tui_datagrid$clone, tui_object$draw, tui_object$redraw, tui_object$updatedisplaylist, tui_object$sizechanged
dq tui_object$timer, tui_object$layoutchanged, tui_object$move, tui_object$setfocus, tui_object$gotfocus, tui_object$lostfocus
dq tui_object$keyevent, tui_object$domodal, tui_object$endmodal, tui_object$exit, tui_object$calcbounds, tui_object$calcchildbounds
dq tui_object$appendchild, tui_object$appendbastard, tui_object$prependchild, tui_object$contains, tui_object$getchildindex
dq tui_object$removechild, tui_object$removebastard, tui_object$removeallchildren, tui_object$removeallbastards
dq tui_object$getobjectsunderpoint, tui_object$flatten, tui_object$firekeyevent, tui_object$ontab, tui_object$onshifttab
dq tui_object$setcursor, tui_object$showcursor, tui_object$hidecursor, tui_object$click, tui_object$clicked
; our itemselected:
dq screen$buddyselected
; for our main chat/screen area, we need to override tui_object$simple_vtable such that when we get resized, we can retile its children:
dq tui_object$cleanup, tui_background$clone, tui_background$draw, tui_object$redraw, tui_object$updatedisplaylist, main$sizechanged
dq tui_object$timer, tui_object$layoutchanged, tui_object$move, tui_object$setfocus, tui_object$gotfocus, tui_object$lostfocus
dq tui_object$keyevent, tui_object$domodal, tui_object$endmodal, tui_object$exit, tui_object$calcbounds, tui_object$calcchildbounds
dq tui_object$appendchild, tui_object$appendbastard, tui_object$prependchild, tui_object$contains, tui_object$getchildindex
dq tui_object$removechild, tui_object$removebastard, tui_object$removeallchildren, tui_object$removeallbastards
dq tui_object$getobjectsunderpoint, tui_object$flatten, tui_object$firekeyevent, tui_object$ontab, tui_object$onshifttab
dq tui_object$setcursor, tui_object$showcursor, tui_object$hidecursor, tui_object$click, tui_object$clicked
; to log connects w/ username/ip, we need a global formatter to reuse
; to log connects w/ just username, we need another formatter
; to log disconnects w/ durations, we need a global formatter to reuse
connect_fmt dq 0
connect_noip_fmt dq 0
disco_fmt dq 0
; no arguments, initialises the above
prolog screen$init_formatters
xor edi, edi
call formatter$new
mov [connect_fmt], rax
mov rdi, rax
xor esi, esi
call formatter$add_string
mov rdi, [connect_fmt]
mov rsi, .conn1
call formatter$add_static
mov rdi, [connect_fmt]
xor esi, esi
call formatter$add_string
mov rdi, [connect_fmt]
mov rsi, .conn3
call formatter$add_static
mov rdi, [connect_fmt]
mov esi, 1
xor edx, edx
call formatter$add_unsigned
mov rdi, [connect_fmt]
mov rsi, .conn4
call formatter$add_static
mov rdi, [connect_fmt]
mov esi, 1
xor edx, edx
call formatter$add_unsigned
xor edi, edi
call formatter$new
mov [connect_noip_fmt], rax
mov rdi, rax
xor esi, esi
call formatter$add_string
mov rdi, [connect_noip_fmt]
mov rsi, .conn2
call formatter$add_static
mov rdi, [connect_noip_fmt]
mov esi, 1
xor edx, edx
call formatter$add_unsigned
mov rdi, [connect_noip_fmt]
mov rsi, .conn4
call formatter$add_static
mov rdi, [connect_noip_fmt]
mov esi, 1
xor edx, edx
call formatter$add_unsigned
xor edi, edi
call formatter$new
mov [disco_fmt], rax
mov rdi, rax
xor esi, esi
call formatter$add_string
mov rdi, [disco_fmt]
mov rsi, .disco1
call formatter$add_static
mov rdi, [disco_fmt]
mov esi, 1 ; second resolution
xor edx, edx ; no fractional digits
call formatter$add_duration
cleartext .conn1, ' connected from '
cleartext .conn2, ' connected at '
cleartext .conn3, ' at '
cleartext .conn4, 'x'
cleartext .disco1, ' disconnected, session time: '
; no arguments, returns a new screen object
prolog screen$new
; heheh, this function would be why markup was invented :-) someday when I am bored I should create a markup
; parser for the tui_* objects, to make the process you see below much faster/easier, hahah
push rbx
mov edi, screen_size
call heap$alloc
mov rbx, rax
mov rdi, rax
mov qword [rax], screen$vtable
movq xmm0, [_math_onehundred]
movq xmm1, [_math_onehundred]
call tui_object$init_dd
; its default layout is vertical, so add to that our "main" area, also 100% x 100%
mov edi, tui_object_size
call heap$alloc
mov qword [rax], tui_object$simple_vtable
mov rdi, rax
; save the pointer to our main area for later reference
; NOTE: we overwrite this pointer later when we create the "real" main
mov [rbx+screen_main_ofs], rax
movq xmm0, [_math_onehundred]
movq xmm1, [_math_onehundred]
call tui_object$init_dd
; add that to our actual children list
mov rdi, rbx
mov rsi, [rbx+screen_main_ofs]
; before we add it, set its layout to horizontal, because it will contain two more columns
mov dword [rsi+tui_layout_ofs], tui_layout_horizontal
mov rdx, [rdi]
; NOTE: we know perfectly well that the main screen is a tui_object, so we really
; don't need to call its "virtual" appendchild method, but for consistency throughout
; all of the tui_* goods, practice makes perfect
call qword [rdx+tui_vappendchild]
; next up, our full width statusbar on the bottom
call statusbar$new
mov [rbx+screen_statusbar_ofs], rax
mov rdi, rbx
mov rsi, rax
mov rdx, [rdi]
call qword [rdx+tui_vappendchild]
; set its statustext to our sshtalk goods:
mov rdi, [rbx+screen_statusbar_ofs]
mov rsi, .statustext
call tui_statusbar$nvsettext
; so now, we have a dynamically sized main area and our statusbar
; we need to divvy up the full-width main area into two separate ones
; the right column being fixed width, the left being our dynamic area
; that will be our main useful area
; the main we created above we already set its layout to horizontal
; so all it needs is three children:
; another absolute layout 100% x 100% tui_background,
; a vertical line, and our right column
mov edi, tui_background_size
call heap$alloc
mov qword [rax], tui_background$vtable
mov rdi, rax
; hangon to this pointer for our final move into the screen_main_ofs
push rax
movq xmm0, [_math_onehundred]
movq xmm1, [_math_onehundred]
mov esi, ' ' ; background fill char
ansi_colors edx, 'gray', 'black'
call tui_background$init_dd
; add that to the previous main we created before
mov rdi, [rbx+screen_main_ofs]
mov rsi, [rsp]
mov rdx, [rdi]
call qword [rdx+tui_vappendchild]
; vertical line is next, full height
movq xmm0, [_math_onehundred]
ansi_colors edi, 'gray', 'black'
call tui_vline$new_d
mov [rbx+screen_buddylist_sep_ofs], rax
; add that to the previous main we created before
mov rdi, [rbx+screen_main_ofs]
mov rsi, rax
mov rdx, [rdi]
call qword [rdx+tui_vappendchild]
; and now our fixed-width right column, that will contain our
; buddy list, and help text
mov edi, tui_object_size
call heap$alloc
mov qword [rax], tui_object$simple_vtable
mov rdi, rax
mov [rbx+screen_buddylist_col_ofs], rax
; hangon to this pointer for later so we can add to it
push rax
movq xmm0, [_math_onehundred]
mov esi, 24
call tui_object$init_id
; add that to the previous main we created before
mov rdi, [rbx+screen_main_ofs]
mov rsi, [rsp]
mov rdx, [rdi]
call qword [rdx+tui_vappendchild]
; our right-hand column needs to contain a dynamic height
; datagrid for our buddylist, and a heightlocked text area
; below it
mov edi, 24
movq xmm0, [_math_onehundred]
ansi_colors esi, 'black', 'lightgray'
ansi_colors edx, 'lightgray', 'black'
ansi_colors ecx, 'lightgray', 'blue'
call tui_datagrid$new_id
; make sure to override its virtual method table so we get itemselected events
mov qword [rax], buddylist$vtable
; set the user field for the datagrid to point back to us so that we don't have
; to walk up the parent tree to find the real screen object during itemselect
mov [rax+tui_dguser_ofs], rbx
; set our initial focus to the buddylist:
mov [rbx+screen_focus_ofs], rax
; also, clear our modal pointer
mov qword [rbx+screen_modal_ofs], 0
mov qword [rbx+screen_modalalert_ofs], 0
; save that so we can reference it directly later:
mov [rbx+screen_buddylist_ofs], rax
; add that to our right hand column:
mov rdi, [rsp]
mov rsi, rax
mov rdx, [rdi]
call qword [rdx+tui_vappendchild]
; the DG needs headers:
mov rdi, [rbx+screen_buddylist_ofs]
mov rsi, .buddylabel
movq xmm0, [_math_onehundred]
mov edx, tui_textalign_left
mov rcx, .buddystr
call tui_datagrid$nvaddproperty_d
mov rdi, [rbx+screen_buddylist_ofs]
mov rsi, .onlinelabel
mov edx, 7
mov ecx, tui_textalign_right
mov r8, .onlinestr
call tui_datagrid$nvaddproperty_i
; we need a tui_bell object
mov edi, 24
mov esi, 1
ansi_colors edx, 'lightgray', 'black'
call tui_bell$new
mov rdi, [rsp]
mov rsi, rax
mov rdx, [rdi]
; save that so we can mess with it later:
mov [rbx+screen_bell_ofs], rax
call qword [rdx+tui_vappendchild]
; now we need our heightlocked help text area below that
mov edi, 24
mov esi, 9
mov rdx, .helptext
ansi_colors ecx, 'lightgray', 'black'
ansi_colors r8d, 'lightgray', 'black'
xor r9d, r9d
call tui_text$new_ii
; disable editing, cursor
mov dword [rax+tui_text_editable_ofs], 0
mov dword [rax+tui_text_docursor_ofs], 0
; enable multiline
mov dword [rax+tui_text_multiline_ofs], 1
; enable heightlock in case we change the text later
mov dword [rax+tui_text_heightlock_ofs], 1
; and enable wordwrap
mov dword [rax+tui_text_wrap_ofs], 2
; save that so we can reference it directly later:
mov [rbx+screen_helptext_ofs], rax
; now, add that to our right hand column
pop rdi
mov rsi, [rbx+screen_helptext_ofs]
mov rdx, [rdi]
call qword [rdx+tui_vappendchild]
; so now that we are all done adding our children
; swap the main with the "real" main
pop rdi
mov [rbx+screen_main_ofs], rdi
; set its vtable to our custom one so we can retile on resize
mov qword [rdi], main$vtable
; clear the user object:
mov qword [rbx+screen_user_ofs], 0
call timestamp
movq rax, xmm0
mov [rbx+screen_start_ofs], rax
; last but not least, set our lastkey so that window opens
; don't cause a bell
; NOTE: the epoll layer always updates the globals _epoll_tv_secs/_epoll_tv_usecs
; during each and every fire of epoll$iteration, so it is safe to use it without
; actually calling a timestamp, since we know we were called from within an epoll
; loop
mov rcx, [_epoll_tv_secs]
mov [rbx+screen_lastkey_ofs], rcx
mov rax, rbx
pop rbx
cleartext .statustext, 'sshtalk v1.24 ',0xc2,0xa9,' 2015-2017 2 Ton Digital'
cleartext .buddylabel, 'Buddy'
cleartext .buddystr, 'buddy'
cleartext .onlinelabel, 'Status'
cleartext .onlinestr, 'status'
cleartext .helptext, ' C-a - Add Buddy',10,' C-r - Remove Buddy',10,' C-b - Toggle BuddyList',10,' C-j - Join/Create Room',10,' C-l - Room List',10,' C-w - Close Chat',10,' Up/Dn - Scroll Chat',10,' C-c - Exit',10,' Tab - Input Focus'
; NOTE NOTE NOTE: because sshtalk uses tui_simpleauth, we have a "special privilege" unlike the rest of the
; tui_objects... and that is: our username that was authenticated gets passed here to the clone in rsi, as well as
; the "real" tui_simpleauth parent object (which is a tui_ssh_renderer object in this case) in rdx
; three arguments: rdi == our screen object to clone, rsi == username that we are firing up, rdx == tui_ssh_renderer object we are about to belong to
prolog screen$clone
; NOTE: since we don't have any dynamic content to clone necessarily, we just create a spanking new one
; preserve our username
push rbx
mov rbx, rdx
push rsi
call screen$new
; so now, we have to associate our screen object with the userdb user object
mov rdi, [users]
mov rsi, [rsp]
mov [rsp], rax
call stringmap$find_value
; we know for certain that it exists, so no checking is necessary
mov rsi, [rsp]
mov [rsi+screen_user_ofs], rdx
; so now, three things need to happen...
; first up: add our newly created screen object to our user's tui map
mov rdi, [rdx+user_tuilist_ofs]
call unsignedmap$insert_unique
; next up: update our own buddy list
mov rdi, [rsp]
call screen$updatebuddies
; next up: we need to let everyone in our own notifies list that we are online
mov rdi, [rsp]
mov rsi, .notify
mov rdi, [rdi+screen_user_ofs]
mov rdi, [rdi+user_notifies_ofs]
call stringmap$foreach
; hide our cursor:
mov rdi, [rsp]
mov rsi, [rdi]
call qword [rsi+tui_vhidecursor]
; update the statusbar now that we have added ourselves to the tuilist
mov rdi, [rsp]
mov rdi, [rdi+screen_statusbar_ofs]
call statusbar$timer
; the initial cursor should be hidden:
mov rdi, rbx
mov rsi, [rbx]
call qword [rsi+tui_vhidecursor]
; the very topmost object that got passed to us in rdx, is a tui_ssh_renderer object
; get the base from there
mov rdi, [rbx+tui_ssh_renderer_base_ofs]
mov edx, [rdi+tui_ssh_raddrlen_ofs]
cmp edx, sockaddr_in_size
jne .simplelog
push r12
lea rsi, [rdi+tui_ssh_raddr_ofs]
mov edi, [rsi+4]
call inet_ntoa
mov r12, rax
mov rcx, [rsp+8]
mov rdi, [connect_fmt]
mov rsi, [rcx+screen_user_ofs]
mov rdx, r12
mov rsi, [rsi+user_username_ofs]
mov ecx, [rbx+tui_width_ofs]
mov r8d, [rbx+tui_height_ofs]
call formatter$doit
mov rdi, r12
mov r12, rax
call heap$free
mov edi, log_notice
mov rsi, r12
call syslog
mov rdi, r12
call heap$free
pop r12
pop rax rbx
mov rcx, [rsp]
mov rdi, [connect_noip_fmt]
mov rsi, [rcx+screen_user_ofs]
mov rsi, [rsi+user_username_ofs]
mov edx, [rbx+tui_width_ofs]
mov ecx, [rbx+tui_height_ofs]
call formatter$doit
mov edi, log_notice
mov rsi, rax
push rax
call syslog
pop rdi
call heap$free
pop rax rbx
; two arguments: rdi == string username, rsi == user object
; so, for every object in this user's tuilist, update their buddy list
mov rdi, [rsi+user_tuilist_ofs]
mov rsi, screen$updatebuddies
call unsignedmap$foreach
; single argument in rdi: our screen object to cleanup
prolog screen$cleanup
; the reason we don't just use tui_object's cleanup is so that we can update
; everyone in our notifies list of our absence
; once we do that, we proceed with the normal tui_object$cleanup
; due to the auto-leave functionality of the chatpanel object, we need
; to make sure we destroy all our children _first_
; and then deal with our user object and notifies
push rbx
mov rbx, rdi
; log our disconnect
call timestamp
mov rdi, [disco_fmt]
mov rsi, [rbx+screen_user_ofs]
subsd xmm0, [rbx+screen_start_ofs]
mov rsi, [rsi+user_username_ofs]
call formatter$doit
push rax
mov edi, log_notice
mov rsi, rax
call syslog
pop rdi
call heap$free
mov rdi, rbx
call tui_object$cleanup
mov rsi, rbx
mov rdi, [rbx+screen_user_ofs]
mov rdi, [rdi+user_tuilist_ofs]
call unsignedmap$erase
; next up: let everyone in our notifies list know that we are gone
mov rdi, [rbx+screen_user_ofs]
mov rsi, .notify
mov rdi, [rdi+user_notifies_ofs]
call stringmap$foreach
pop rbx
; two arguments: rdi == string username, rsi == user object
; for every object in this user's tuilist, update their buddy list
mov rdi, [rsi+user_tuilist_ofs]
mov rsi, screen$updatebuddies
call unsignedmap$foreach
; single argument in rdi: our main container object
prolog main$sizechanged
push rdi
call tui_object$sizechanged
pop rdi
call tui_object$nvtile
; single argument in rdi: our screen object
prolog screen$showhidecursor
; burning purpose: depending on what has focus, show or hide the cursor
cmp qword [rdi+screen_modal_ofs], 0
je .nomodal
; otherwise, we have a modal dialog open, see if it is alert or not
cmp dword [rdi+screen_modalalert_ofs], 1
je .hideit
jmp .showit
mov rsi, [rdi+screen_focus_ofs]
cmp rsi, [rdi+screen_buddylist_ofs]
je .hideit
; otherwise, show it
mov rsi, [rdi]
call qword [rsi+tui_vshowcursor]
mov rsi, [rdi]
call qword [rsi+tui_vhidecursor]
; single argument in rdi: our screen object
prolog screen$updatebuddies
; burning purpose: tui_datagrid needs JSON data, walk through our buddylist
; and create json objects for each one, then pass that to our buddylist DG
; NOTE: we want our online buddies listed alphabetically, THEN our offline
push rbx r12
mov rbx, rdi
; create an unnamed jsonarray to do our deed
call string$new
mov rdi, rax
call json$newarray_nocopy
mov rdi, [rbx+screen_user_ofs]
mov r12, rax
mov rdi, [rdi+user_buddylist_ofs]
mov rsi, .addjson_online
mov rdx, rax
call stringmap$foreach_arg
mov rdi, [rbx+screen_user_ofs]
mov rsi, .addjson_offline
mov rdi, [rdi+user_buddylist_ofs]
mov rdx, r12
call stringmap$foreach_arg
; so now, we have a json array object sitting in r12
; tui_datagrid$nvsetdata will assume ownership of the json array
mov rdi, [rbx+screen_buddylist_ofs]
mov rsi, r12
call tui_datagrid$nvsetdata
; last but not least, go through our open chatpanels and titleupdate them
mov rdi, [rbx+screen_main_ofs]
mov rsi, chatpanel$titleupdate
mov rdi, [rdi+tui_children_ofs]
call list$foreach
pop r12 rbx
cleartext .buddystr, 'buddy'
cleartext .statusstr, 'status'
cleartext .onlinestr, 'online'
cleartext .offlinestr, 'offline'
; three arguments: rdi == string buddy name, rsi == user object, rdx == json array to add to
; our avl tree stores its nodecount in _avlofs_right, make sure this user's tuilist is not empty
mov rcx, [rsi+user_tuilist_ofs]
cmp qword [rcx+_avlofs_right], 0
je .addjson_nothingtodo
push rdi rsi rdx
; create an unnamed json object to hold our goods:
call string$new
mov rdi, rax
call json$newobject_nocopy
; we need two values added to that object: buddy, status
push rax
; [rsp] == our json object
; [rsp+8] == json array
; [rsp+16] == user object
; [rsp+24] == string buddy name
mov rdi, .buddystr
mov rsi, [rsp+24]
call json$newvalue
mov rdi, [rsp]
mov rsi, rax
call json$appendchild
mov rdi, .statusstr
mov rsi, .onlinestr
call json$newvalue
mov rdi, [rsp]
mov rsi, rax
call json$appendchild
; now add our json object to the json array
pop rsi rdi
call json$appendchild
add rsp, 16
; same as above, only we make sure they are offline
mov rcx, [rsi+user_tuilist_ofs]
cmp qword [rcx+_avlofs_right], 0
jne .addjson_nothingtodo
push rdi rsi rdx
; create an unnamed json object to hold our goods:
call string$new
mov rdi, rax
call json$newobject_nocopy
; we need two values added to that object: buddy, status
push rax
; [rsp] == our json object
; [rsp+8] == json array
; [rsp+16] == user object
; [rsp+24] == string buddy name
mov rdi, .buddystr
mov rsi, [rsp+24]
call json$newvalue
mov rdi, [rsp]
mov rsi, rax
call json$appendchild
mov rdi, .statusstr
mov rsi, .offlinestr
call json$newvalue
mov rdi, [rsp]
mov rsi, rax
call json$appendchild
; now add our json object to the json array
pop rsi rdi
call json$appendchild
add rsp, 16
; three arguments: rdi == screen object, rsi == string name of chatpanel, edx == bool as to whether it is a room or not
prolog screen$chatpanel_find
; our mission is to find and return the chatpanel, if it doesn't exist we return null
; (unlike chatpanel_byname which will add/create one)
mov rcx, [rdi+screen_main_ofs]
push rbx r12 r13 r14
mov rax, [rcx+tui_children_ofs]
mov rbx, rdi
mov r12, rsi
mov r13d, edx
mov r14, [rax+_list_first_ofs]
test r14, r14
jz .nullret
mov rsi, [r14] ; the chatpanel object
; we need to do a string compare of the names
mov rdi, r12
mov rsi, [rsi+chatpanel_name_ofs]
call string$equals
test eax, eax
jnz .found
mov r14, [r14+_list_nextofs]
test r14, r14
jnz .search
xor eax, eax
pop r14 r13 r12 rbx
; the bool sitting in r13d has to be checked, in case someone
; wants to join a room that has the same name as a buddy
mov rdi, [r14]
mov rsi, [rdi+chatpanel_room_ofs]
mov rdx, [rsi+chatroom_name_ofs]
; if it is a room, rdx will be nonzero
test r13d, r13d
jz .found_checkbuddy
; else, we need it to be a room
test rdx, rdx
jz .notfound
mov rax, rdi ; the chatpanel object
pop r14 r13 r12 rbx
; we need it to be a buddy chat
test rdx, rdx
jnz .notfound
mov rax, rdi
pop r14 r13 r12 rbx
mov r14, [r14+_list_nextofs]
test r14, r14
jz .nullret
jmp .search
; three arguments: rdi == screen object, rsi == string name of chatpanel, edx == bool as to whether it is a room or not, ecx == bool for special focus
; NOTE on ecx: when buddyselected calls this, ecx == 0, so we don't do any special focussing, when it is called from remote_keystroke, ecx == 1
; in which case we try and "intelligently" mess with focus, primarily: if we didn't create a new window, we don't modify focus at all
; if we created a new one, and we were the first and only chat window, then we set the focus to the newly created window
prolog screen$chatpanel_byname
; our mission is to find (and create if it doesn't exist) and return the chatpanel
; all our chatpanels live in the main window, and are its exclusive children
push rbx r12 r13 r14 r15
mov r15d, ecx
mov rcx, [rdi+screen_main_ofs]
mov rax, [rcx+tui_children_ofs]
mov rbx, rdi
mov r12, rsi
mov r13d, edx
mov r14, [rax+_list_first_ofs]
test r14, r14
jz .createone
mov rsi, [r14] ; the chatpanel object
; we need to do a string compare of the names
mov rdi, r12
mov rsi, [rsi+chatpanel_name_ofs]
call string$equals
test eax, eax
jnz .found
mov r14, [r14+_list_nextofs]
test r14, r14
jnz .search
; list was empty, or we didn't find it, so fire up a new one
mov rdi, r12
call chatpanel$new
mov rdi, [rbx+screen_user_ofs]
mov r14, rax
mov [r14+chatpanel_user_ofs], rdi
mov [r14+chatpanel_screen_ofs], rbx
test r13d, r13d
jnz .createone_room
; else, 1:1 buddy chat, so do the necessary setup
; if this user is already online, and already has a chatpanel open
; then it is possible that there is already a chatroom in existence
; for this chat
; so the string name in r12 is actually the buddy's name, find it
; in the users map, and see if that user already has one fired up
mov rdi, [users]
mov rsi, r12
call stringmap$find_value
; all buddy names _do_ exist in the users map, no checking is required
; now, we need to walk their tui list and see if we can find
; a chatpanel with our username in it
mov r12, rdx
mov rdx, [rdx+user_tuilist_ofs]
mov r13, [rdx+_avlofs_next] ; first node in the tree
test r13, r13
jz .createone_buddy
; the key of the tuilist map is their screen object
mov rsi, [rbx+screen_user_ofs]
mov rdi, [r13+_avlofs_key]
mov rsi, [rsi+user_username_ofs]
xor edx, edx
call screen$chatpanel_find
test rax, rax
jnz .createone_buddy_found
mov r13, [r13+_avlofs_next]
test r13, r13
jnz .createone_othersearch
xor edi, edi
xor esi, esi
call chatroom$new
mov [r14+chatpanel_room_ofs], rax
mov rdi, rax
mov rsi, [rbx+screen_user_ofs]
mov rdx, rbx
call chatroom$join
; now, the _remote_ party of the chat also needs to be added
; we don't need to add a tui to it
mov rdi, [r14+chatpanel_room_ofs]
mov rsi, r12
xor edx, edx
call chatroom$join
mov rdi, r14
call chatpanel$titleupdate
mov rdi, [rbx+screen_main_ofs]
mov rsi, r14
mov rdx, [rdi]
call qword [rdx+tui_vappendchild]
test r15d, r15d
jz .createone_buddy_skipfocus
; make sure the panel we created does _not_ have focus (chatpanel$new defaults to focussed)
mov rdi, r14
mov rsi, [r14]
call qword [rsi+tui_vlostfocus]
; see commentary atop for what we are up to here:
mov rdi, [rbx+screen_main_ofs]
mov rsi, [rdi+tui_children_ofs]
cmp qword [rsi+_list_size_ofs], 1
jne .createone_buddy_skipfocus
; otherwise, we were the one and only, set our focus to it
mov rdi, [rbx+screen_buddylist_ofs]
ansi_colors ecx, 'lightgray', 'midnightblue'
mov dword [rdi+tui_dgselcolors_ofs], ecx
mov rdx, [rdi]
call qword [rdx+tui_vredraw]
; our chatpanel is in r14 still, set our focus to it
mov [rbx+screen_focus_ofs], r14
mov rdi, r14
mov rsi, [r14]
call qword [rsi+tui_vgotfocus]
; deal with our cursor:
mov rdi, rbx
call screen$showhidecursor
; retile the display
mov rdi, [rbx+screen_main_ofs]
mov esi, 1 ; horizontal tile preferred
call tui_object$nvtile
mov rax, r14
pop r15 r14 r13 r12 rbx
; so, we found a chatpanel open somewhere else that is already pointed to us
; and it is sitting in rax, so its chatpanel_room_ofs object
; is the one that we need to hook to our own
mov rcx, [rax+chatpanel_room_ofs]
mov [r14+chatpanel_room_ofs], rcx
mov rdi, rcx
mov rsi, [rbx+screen_user_ofs]
mov rdx, rbx
call chatroom$join
mov rdi, r14
call chatpanel$titleupdate
mov rdi, [rbx+screen_main_ofs]
mov rsi, r14
mov rdx, [rdi]
call qword [rdx+tui_vappendchild]
test r15d, r15d
jz .createone_buddy_skipfocus
; make sure the panel we created does _not_ have focus (chatpanel$new defaults to focussed)
mov rdi, r14
mov rsi, [r14]
call qword [rsi+tui_vlostfocus]
; see commentary atop for what we are up to here:
mov rdi, [rbx+screen_main_ofs]
mov rsi, [rdi+tui_children_ofs]
cmp qword [rsi+_list_size_ofs], 1
jne .createone_buddy_skipfocus
; otherwise, we were the one and only, set our focus to it
mov rdi, [rbx+screen_buddylist_ofs]
ansi_colors ecx, 'lightgray', 'midnightblue'
mov dword [rdi+tui_dgselcolors_ofs], ecx
mov rdx, [rdi]
call qword [rdx+tui_vredraw]
; our chatpanel is in r14 still, set our focus to it
mov [rbx+screen_focus_ofs], r14
mov rdi, r14
mov rsi, [r14]
call qword [rsi+tui_vgotfocus]
; deal with our cursor:
mov rdi, rbx
call screen$showhidecursor
; retile the display
mov rdi, [rbx+screen_main_ofs]
mov esi, 1 ; horizontal tile preferred
call tui_object$nvtile
mov rax, r14
pop r15 r14 r13 r12 rbx
; name sitting in r12 is a normal chatroom, see if it already exists:
; we already have a chatpanel in r14
mov rdi, [chatrooms]
mov rsi, r12
call stringmap$find_value
test eax, eax
jnz .createone_room_found
; otherwise, no such room exists, create one
mov rdi, r12
xor esi, esi
call chatroom$new
mov rdx, rax
; fallthrough to finish the deed
mov [r14+chatpanel_room_ofs], rdx
mov rdi, rdx
mov rsi, [rbx+screen_user_ofs]
mov rdx, rbx
call chatroom$join
; join calls unsignedmap$insert_unique, which returns us a bool in eax as to whether we succeeded or not
push rax
mov rdi, r14
call chatpanel$titleupdate
mov rdi, [rbx+screen_main_ofs]
mov rsi, r14
mov rdx, [rdi]
call qword [rdx+tui_vappendchild]
test r15d, r15d
jz .createone_room_skipfocus
; make sure the panel we created does _not_ have focus (chatpanel$new defaults to focussed)
mov rdi, r14
mov rsi, [r14]
call qword [rsi+tui_vlostfocus]
; see commentary atop for what we are up to here:
mov rdi, [rbx+screen_main_ofs]
mov rsi, [rdi+tui_children_ofs]
cmp qword [rsi+_list_size_ofs], 1
jne .createone_room_skipfocus
; otherwise, we were the one and only, set our focus to it
mov rdi, [rbx+screen_buddylist_ofs]
ansi_colors ecx, 'lightgray', 'midnightblue'
mov dword [rdi+tui_dgselcolors_ofs], ecx
mov rdx, [rdi]
call qword [rdx+tui_vredraw]
; our chatpanel is in r14 still, set our focus to it
mov [rbx+screen_focus_ofs], r14
mov rdi, r14
mov rsi, [r14]
call qword [rsi+tui_vgotfocus]
; deal with our cursor:
mov rdi, rbx
call screen$showhidecursor
; retile the display
mov rdi, [rbx+screen_main_ofs]
mov esi, 1 ; horizontal tile preferred
call tui_object$nvtile
; if we actually inserted ourselves uniquely into the chatroom userlist, do a notify
pop rax
test eax, eax
jz .createone_room_skipnotify
; last but not least, we need to send notifies
mov rdi, [r14+chatpanel_room_ofs]
mov rsi, [rbx+screen_user_ofs]
call chatroom$join_notify
mov rax, r14
pop r15 r14 r13 r12 rbx
; the bool sitting in r13d has to be checked, in case someone
; wants to join a room that has the same name as a buddy
mov rdi, [r14]
mov rsi, [rdi+chatpanel_room_ofs]
mov rdx, [rsi+chatroom_name_ofs]
; if it is a room, rdx will be nonzero
test r13d, r13d
jz .found_checkbuddy
; else, we need it to be a room
test rdx, rdx
jz .notfound
mov rax, rdi ; the chatpanel object
pop r15 r14 r13 r12 rbx
; we need it to be a buddy chat
test rdx, rdx
jnz .notfound
mov rax, rdi
pop r15 r14 r13 r12 rbx
mov r14, [r14+_list_nextofs]
test r14, r14
jz .createone
jmp .search
; two arguments: rdi == the tui_datagrid object, rsi == the json object that was selected
prolog screen$buddyselected
; we get called when enter is pressed in our buddylist tui_datagrid
; our tui_dguser_ofs contains the screen object that this datagrid belongs to
; two scenarios here:
; if no chatpanel exists for the buddy selected, fire up a new one, set focus to it
; and be done.
; if a chatpanel exists, focus it and be done
; either way, our dg is losing focus
push rbx r12
mov rbx, rdi
mov r12, rsi
; since I didn't bother to deal with focus/unfocussed tui_datagrid goods, we have
; to fake it... so change the selection color in the dg so there is a visual
; indication it doesn't have focus
ansi_colors ecx, 'lightgray', 'midnightblue'
mov dword [rdi+tui_dgselcolors_ofs], ecx
mov rdx, [rdi]
call qword [rdx+tui_vredraw]
; next up: extract the buddy name from the selected item json
mov rdi, r12
mov rsi, .buddystr
call json$getvaluebyname
; it should have returned us with a jsonvalue object, whos json_value_ofs is the string we want
mov rdi, [rbx+tui_dguser_ofs] ; our screen object
mov rsi, [rax+json_value_ofs]
xor edx, edx
xor ecx, ecx
call screen$chatpanel_byname
; that should have returned us the chatpanel we were after, set input focus to that
mov rdi, [rbx+tui_dguser_ofs]
mov [rdi+screen_focus_ofs], rax
; and call its gotfocus method
mov rdi, rax
mov rsi, [rax]
call qword [rsi+tui_vgotfocus]
mov rdi, [rbx+tui_dguser_ofs]
call screen$showhidecursor
pop r12 rbx
cleartext .buddystr, 'buddy'
; three arguments: rdi == our screen object, esi == key, edx == esc_key
prolog screen$keyevent
xor eax, eax
; two arguments: rdi == our screen object, rsi == tui_object that got clicked
; NOTE: these really are only ever generated from modal tui_alert dialogs
; so we can take appropriate action thereof:
prolog screen$clicked
mov qword [rdi+screen_modal_ofs], 0
mov rsi, [rdi]
call qword [rsi+tui_vremoveallbastards]
; in order to capture onenter from tui_textbox during join/create room events
; we need to override its vtable:
dq tui_panel$cleanup, tui_panel$clone, tui_panel$draw, tui_object$redraw, tui_object$updatedisplaylist, tui_object$sizechanged
dq tui_object$timer, tui_object$layoutchanged, tui_object$move, tui_object$setfocus, tui_object$gotfocus, tui_object$lostfocus
dq tui_object$keyevent, tui_object$domodal, tui_object$endmodal, tui_object$exit, tui_object$calcbounds, tui_object$calcchildbounds
dq tui_panel$appendchild, tui_object$appendbastard, tui_panel$prependchild, tui_panel$contains, tui_panel$getchildindex
dq tui_panel$removechild, tui_object$removebastard, tui_object$removeallchildren, tui_object$removeallbastards
dq tui_object$getobjectsunderpoint, tui_object$flatten, tui_object$firekeyevent, tui_object$ontab, tui_object$onshifttab
dq tui_object$setcursor, tui_object$showcursor, tui_object$hidecursor, tui_object$click, tui_object$clicked
; and one for our onenter handling, descendents should override if they are interested
dq screen_newroom$onenter
; and the same again for our add buddy tui_textbox
dq tui_panel$cleanup, tui_panel$clone, tui_panel$draw, tui_object$redraw, tui_object$updatedisplaylist, tui_object$sizechanged
dq tui_object$timer, tui_object$layoutchanged, tui_object$move, tui_object$setfocus, tui_object$gotfocus, tui_object$lostfocus
dq tui_object$keyevent, tui_object$domodal, tui_object$endmodal, tui_object$exit, tui_object$calcbounds, tui_object$calcchildbounds
dq tui_panel$appendchild, tui_object$appendbastard, tui_panel$prependchild, tui_panel$contains, tui_panel$getchildindex
dq tui_panel$removechild, tui_object$removebastard, tui_object$removeallchildren, tui_object$removeallbastards
dq tui_object$getobjectsunderpoint, tui_object$flatten, tui_object$firekeyevent, tui_object$ontab, tui_object$onshifttab
dq tui_object$setcursor, tui_object$showcursor, tui_object$hidecursor, tui_object$click, tui_object$clicked
; and one for our onenter handling, descendents should override if they are interested
dq screen_addbuddy$onenter
; and the same once more for our remove buddy tui_textbox
dq tui_panel$cleanup, tui_panel$clone, tui_panel$draw, tui_object$redraw, tui_object$updatedisplaylist, tui_object$sizechanged
dq tui_object$timer, tui_object$layoutchanged, tui_object$move, tui_object$setfocus, tui_object$gotfocus, tui_object$lostfocus
dq tui_object$keyevent, tui_object$domodal, tui_object$endmodal, tui_object$exit, tui_object$calcbounds, tui_object$calcchildbounds
dq tui_panel$appendchild, tui_object$appendbastard, tui_panel$prependchild, tui_panel$contains, tui_panel$getchildindex
dq tui_panel$removechild, tui_object$removebastard, tui_object$removeallchildren, tui_object$removeallbastards
dq tui_object$getobjectsunderpoint, tui_object$flatten, tui_object$firekeyevent, tui_object$ontab, tui_object$onshifttab
dq tui_object$setcursor, tui_object$showcursor, tui_object$hidecursor, tui_object$click, tui_object$clicked
; and one for our onenter handling, descendents should override if they are interested
dq screen_removebuddy$onenter
; single argument in rdi == the tui_textbox panel object for our join/create room entry
prolog screen_newroom$onenter
; so our actual tui_text editor is sitting in [rdi+tui_panel_user_ofs]
push rbx r12 r13
mov rbx, [rdi+tui_parent_ofs] ; our screen object
mov rdi, [rdi+tui_panel_user_ofs]
call tui_text$nvgettext
mov r12, rax
cmp qword [rax], 0
je .closeit
; otherwise, fire up a chatpanel for it or focus one we already have:
mov rdi, rbx
mov rsi, r12
mov edx, 1
xor ecx, ecx
call screen$chatpanel_byname
; we have to specifically modify focus
mov r13, [rbx+screen_focus_ofs]
mov [rbx+screen_focus_ofs], rax
; and call its gotfocus method
mov rdi, rax
mov rsi, [rax]
call qword [rsi+tui_vgotfocus]
; lose focus to whatever used ot have it
mov rdi, r13
mov rsi, [r13]
call qword [rsi+tui_vlostfocus]
; show/hide the cursor
mov rdi, rbx
call screen$showhidecursor
; if r13 == the buddylist, fake our lostfocus:
cmp r13, [rbx+screen_buddylist_ofs]
jne .closeit
mov rdi, r13
ansi_colors ecx, 'lightgray', 'midnightblue'
mov dword [rdi+tui_dgselcolors_ofs], ecx
mov rsi, [rdi]
call qword [rsi+tui_vredraw]
; fallthrough to closeit
mov rdi, r12
call heap$free
mov qword [rbx+screen_modal_ofs], 0
mov rdi, rbx
mov rsi, [rbx]
call qword [rsi+tui_vremoveallbastards]
pop r13 r12 rbx
; single argument in rdi == the tui_textbox panel object for our remove buddy dialog
prolog screen_removebuddy$onenter
; so our actual tui_text editor is sitting in [rdi+tui_panel_user_ofs]
push rbx r12
mov rbx, [rdi+tui_parent_ofs] ; our screen object
mov rdi, [rdi+tui_panel_user_ofs]
call tui_text$nvgettext
mov r12, rax
cmp qword [rax], 0
je .closeit
; otherwise, pass it straight to removebuddy
mov rdi, [rbx+screen_user_ofs]
mov rdi, [rdi+user_username_ofs]
mov rsi, r12
call userdb$removebuddy
test rax, rax
jnz .errormsg
; success, so we need to update ALL our tuis (if we are logged in multiple times,
; this action needs to be replicated)
mov rdi, [rbx+screen_user_ofs]
mov rdi, [rdi+user_tuilist_ofs]
mov rsi, screen$updatebuddies
call unsignedmap$foreach
jmp .closeit
push rax
mov rdi, r12
call heap$free
pop r12
mov qword [rbx+screen_modal_ofs], 0
mov rdi, rbx
mov rsi, [rbx]
call qword [rsi+tui_vremoveallbastards]
; add our error message dialog
mov rdi, .removebuddystr
mov rsi, r12
mov edx, tui_alert_ok
; panel/title colors
ansi_colors ecx, 'black', 'cyan'
; button colors
ansi_colors r8d, 'lightgray', 'black'
; focus button colors
ansi_colors r9d, 'yellow', 'blue'
call tui_alert$new
; save the modal pointer for focus
mov rdi, rbx
mov [rbx+screen_modal_ofs], rax
mov dword [rbx+screen_modalalert_ofs], 1
mov rsi, rax
mov rdx, [rdi]
; set its bastardglue so that it ends up centered
mov dword [rax+tui_bastardglue_ofs], 1
mov dword [rax+tui_horizalign_ofs], tui_align_center
mov dword [rax+tui_vertalign_ofs], tui_align_middle
call qword [rdx+tui_vappendbastard]
; deal with our cursor:
mov rdi, rbx
call screen$showhidecursor
pop r12 rbx
cleartext .removebuddystr, 'RemoveBuddy'
mov rdi, r12
call heap$free
mov qword [rbx+screen_modal_ofs], 0
mov rdi, rbx
mov rsi, [rbx]
call qword [rsi+tui_vremoveallbastards]
pop r12 rbx
; single argument in rdi == the tui_textbox panel object for our add buddy dialog
prolog screen_addbuddy$onenter
; so our actual tui_text editor is sitting in [rdi+tui_panel_user_ofs]
push rbx r12
mov rbx, [rdi+tui_parent_ofs] ; our screen object
mov rdi, [rdi+tui_panel_user_ofs]
call tui_text$nvgettext
mov r12, rax
cmp qword [rax], 0
je .closeit
; otherwise, pass it straight to addbuddy
mov rdi, [rbx+screen_user_ofs]
mov rdi, [rdi+user_username_ofs]
mov rsi, r12
call userdb$addbuddy
test rax, rax
jnz .errormsg
; success, so we need to update ALL our tuis (if we are logged in multiple times,
; this action needs to be replicated)
mov rdi, [rbx+screen_user_ofs]
mov rdi, [rdi+user_tuilist_ofs]
mov rsi, screen$updatebuddies
call unsignedmap$foreach
jmp .closeit
push rax
mov rdi, r12
call heap$free
pop r12
mov qword [rbx+screen_modal_ofs], 0
mov rdi, rbx
mov rsi, [rbx]
call qword [rsi+tui_vremoveallbastards]
; add our error message dialog
mov rdi, .addbuddystr
mov rsi, r12
mov edx, tui_alert_ok
; panel/title colors
ansi_colors ecx, 'black', 'cyan'
; button colors
ansi_colors r8d, 'lightgray', 'black'
; focus button colors
ansi_colors r9d, 'yellow', 'blue'
call tui_alert$new
; save the modal pointer for focus
mov rdi, rbx
mov [rbx+screen_modal_ofs], rax
mov dword [rbx+screen_modalalert_ofs], 1
mov rsi, rax
mov rdx, [rdi]
; set its bastardglue so that it ends up centered
mov dword [rax+tui_bastardglue_ofs], 1
mov dword [rax+tui_horizalign_ofs], tui_align_center
mov dword [rax+tui_vertalign_ofs], tui_align_middle
call qword [rdx+tui_vappendbastard]
; deal with our cursor:
mov rdi, rbx
call screen$showhidecursor
pop r12 rbx
cleartext .addbuddystr, 'Add Buddy'
mov rdi, r12
call heap$free
mov qword [rbx+screen_modal_ofs], 0
mov rdi, rbx
mov rsi, [rbx]
call qword [rsi+tui_vremoveallbastards]
pop r12 rbx
; three arguments: rdi == our screen object, esi == key, edx == esc_key
prolog screen$firekeyevent
; the reason we override this is to mess with the input focus.
; the tui_object default firekeyevent passes keys to ALL children
; stopping when the first one handles it. If we allowed that to
; happen, then only our first child would ever receive keystrokes.
; deal with our commands first, before we pass it to our focusitem
; before we do anything, make sure we update our lastkey time
mov rcx, [_epoll_tv_secs]
mov [rdi+screen_lastkey_ofs], rcx
cmp esi, 3 ; let ctrl-c go, tui_ssh will grab it
je .falseret
; further, since I didn't really do up tui_object's idea of what modal
; is all about, we "fake" that too, by keeping track of it ourselves
cmp qword [rdi+screen_modal_ofs], 0
jne .domodal
cmp esi, 1 ; ctrl-a
je .addbuddy
cmp esi, 2 ; ctrl-b
je .togglebuddylist
cmp esi, 9
je .tab
cmp edx, 0x5a
je .shifttab
cmp esi, 10
je .ctrlj
cmp esi, 12
je .ctrll
cmp esi, 23
je .ctrlw
cmp esi, 18 ; ctrl-r
je .removebuddy
; otherwise, let her rip
mov rdi, [rdi+screen_focus_ofs]
test rdi, rdi
jz .nofocus
mov rcx, [rdi]
call qword [rcx+tui_vfirekeyevent]
; let our return be its return
mov eax, 1 ; pretend we handled it in case there was no focus
cmp esi, 27
je .closemodal
mov rdi, [rdi+screen_modal_ofs]
mov rcx, [rdi]
call qword [rcx+tui_vfirekeyevent]
; let our return be its return
push rdi
mov qword [rdi+screen_modal_ofs], 0
mov rsi, [rdi]
call qword [rsi+tui_vremoveallbastards]
pop rdi
call screen$showhidecursor
mov eax, 1
mov r9, [rdi+screen_focus_ofs]
mov rsi, [rdi+screen_buddylist_col_ofs]
mov r8, [rdi+screen_buddylist_sep_ofs]
xor eax, eax
mov ecx, 1
mov rdx, [rdi]
cmp dword [rsi+tui_includeinlayout_ofs], 0
cmove eax, ecx
mov [rsi+tui_includeinlayout_ofs], eax
mov [rsi+tui_visible_ofs], eax
mov [r8+tui_includeinlayout_ofs], eax
mov [r8+tui_visible_ofs], eax
cmp r9, [rdi+screen_buddylist_ofs]
je .togglebuddylist_focussed
test r9, r9
jz .togglebuddylist_notfocussed
; otherwise, a window had focus but it wasn't the buddylist so leave focus alone
call qword [rdx+tui_vlayoutchanged]
mov eax, 1
; the buddylist itself had focus, which means we are hiding it
push rdi
call qword [rdx+tui_vlayoutchanged]
mov rdi, [rsp]
mov qword [rdi+screen_focus_ofs], 0
mov rdi, [rdi+screen_buddylist_ofs]
mov rsi, [rdi]
call qword [rsi+tui_vlostfocus]
; possibly move focus by hitting tab
pop rdi
mov rsi, [rdi]
call qword [rsi+tui_vontab]
mov eax, 1
; nothing had focus, which means there aren't any other windows, so we are gaining focus
; on the buddylist (and showing it)
push rdi rdx
call qword [rdx+tui_vlayoutchanged]
pop rdx rdi
; the ontab method will set focus to our only option
call qword [rdx+tui_vontab]
mov eax, 1
cleartext .addbuddytitle, 'Add Buddy'
cleartext .addbuddymsg, 'Enter buddy name, or esc to cancel'
cleartext .removebuddytitle, 'Remove Buddy'
; several scenarios here:
; if the focus is on the buddylist, we open an addbuddy dialog with no text
; if the focus is on a chat window, and said chat is 1:1, and said buddy
; is not in our buddylist, we add it without dialog/confirmation
; if the focus is on a chat window, and said chat is 1:1, and said buddy
; is already in our buddylist, we open addbuddy dialog with no text
; if the focus is on a chat window, and said chat is a room, open our
; buddy dialog with no text
mov rsi, [rdi+screen_focus_ofs]
cmp rsi, [rdi+screen_buddylist_ofs]
je .addbuddy_emptytext
; otherwise, our focus is not on our buddylist
; so it must be a chatpanel, see if it is a room or not
mov rdx, [rsi+chatpanel_room_ofs]
cmp qword [rdx+chatroom_name_ofs], 0
jne .addbuddy_fromroom
; otherwise, we are in a 1:1 chatpanel, see if this buddy is already in our list
; if it is, then emptytext
; if it is not, add it without question or interaction
; chatpanel_name_ofs == the name of our remote party
; TODO: change this to just call userdb$addbuddy
push rbx
mov rbx, rdi
mov rdi, [rdi+screen_user_ofs]
mov rdi, [rdi+user_buddylist_ofs]
mov rsi, [rsi+chatpanel_name_ofs]
; first do a quick lookup to determine if it is in our buddy list or not
push rsi
call stringmap$find_value
pop rsi
test eax, eax
jnz .addbuddy_fromchat_empty
; otherwise, we need to do a lookup in the [users] map
mov rdi, [users]
call stringmap$find_value
test eax, eax
jz .addbuddy_fromchat_empty ; sanity only
mov rdi, [rbx+screen_user_ofs]
mov rdi, [rdi+user_buddylist_ofs]
mov rsi, [rdx+user_username_ofs]
push rdx
call stringmap$insert_unique
pop rcx
; add the notifies entry
mov rdi, [rcx+user_notifies_ofs]
mov rdx, [rbx+screen_user_ofs]
mov rsi, [rdx+user_username_ofs]
call stringmap$insert_unique
; now we need to update our buddylist, and then we are done
; success, so we need to update ALL our tuis (if we are logged in multiple times,
; this action needs to be replicated)
mov rdi, [rbx+screen_user_ofs]
mov rdi, [rdi+user_tuilist_ofs]
mov rsi, screen$updatebuddies
call unsignedmap$foreach
; last but not least, save our userdb
call userdb$save
pop rbx
mov eax, 1
mov rdi, rbx
pop rbx
; fallthrough to empty
push rdi
mov rdi, .addbuddytitle
mov rsi, .addbuddymsg
mov rdx, .emptystr
; panel/title colors
ansi_colors ecx, 'black', 'cyan'
; button colors
ansi_colors r8d, 'lightgray', 'black'
; focus button colors
ansi_colors r9d, 'yellow', 'blue'
call tui_textbox$new
pop rdi
; set its vtable to our newroom vtable so we can capture onenter
mov qword [rax], screen_addbuddy$vtable
; save the modal pointer for focus
mov [rdi+screen_modal_ofs], rax
mov dword [rdi+screen_modalalert_ofs], 0
mov rsi, rax
mov rdx, [rdi]
; set its bastardglue so that it ends up centered
mov dword [rax+tui_bastardglue_ofs], 1
mov dword [rax+tui_horizalign_ofs], tui_align_center
mov dword [rax+tui_vertalign_ofs], tui_align_middle
push rdi
call qword [rdx+tui_vappendbastard]
pop rdi
call screen$showhidecursor
mov eax, 1
cleartext .buddystr, 'buddy'
mov rsi, [rdi+screen_buddylist_ofs]
cmp rsi, [rdi+screen_focus_ofs]
je .removebuddy_fromlist
; not the buddylist, so must be a chatpanel then
; determine if we are in a 1:1 chat or not
mov rsi, [rdi+screen_focus_ofs]
mov rdx, [rsi+chatpanel_room_ofs]
cmp qword [rdx+chatroom_name_ofs], 0
jne .removebuddy_fromroom
; otherwise, we are in a 1:1 chatpanel, see if this buddy is in our list
; if it _is_ in our list, then just remove it
; otherwise, open a text input
push rbx
mov rbx, rdi
mov rdi, [rdi+screen_user_ofs]
mov rdi, [rdi+user_buddylist_ofs]
mov rsi, [rsi+chatpanel_name_ofs]
call stringmap$find_value
test eax, eax
jz .removebuddy_fromroom
; yep, it is there, remove it
mov rdi, [rbx+screen_user_ofs]
mov rsi, [rdx+user_username_ofs]
mov rdi, [rdi+user_username_ofs]
call userdb$removebuddy
; success, so we need to update ALL our tuis (if we are logged in multiple times,
; this action needs to be replicated)
mov rdi, [rbx+screen_user_ofs]
mov rdi, [rdi+user_tuilist_ofs]
mov rsi, screen$updatebuddies
call unsignedmap$foreach
pop rbx
mov eax, 1
; open a text input to get the buddy name
push rdi
mov rdi, .removebuddytitle
mov rsi, .addbuddymsg
mov rdx, .emptystr
; panel/title colors
ansi_colors ecx, 'black', 'cyan'
; button colors
ansi_colors r8d, 'lightgray', 'black'
; focus button colors
ansi_colors r9d, 'yellow', 'blue'
call tui_textbox$new
pop rdi
; set its vtable to our newroom vtable so we can capture onenter
mov qword [rax], screen_removebuddy$vtable
; save the modal pointer for focus
mov [rdi+screen_modal_ofs], rax
mov dword [rdi+screen_modalalert_ofs], 0
mov rsi, rax
mov rdx, [rdi]
; set its bastardglue so that it ends up centered
mov dword [rax+tui_bastardglue_ofs], 1
mov dword [rax+tui_horizalign_ofs], tui_align_center
mov dword [rax+tui_vertalign_ofs], tui_align_middle
push rdi
call qword [rdx+tui_vappendbastard]
pop rdi
call screen$showhidecursor
mov eax, 1
push rbx
mov rbx, rdi
mov rdi, rsi
call tui_datagrid$nvgetselected
test eax, eax
jz .removebuddy_fromlist_nodeal
; otherwise, rax has our json object, extract the name we are after
mov rdi, rax
mov rsi, .buddystr
call json$getvaluebyname
; it should have returned us with a jsonvalue object, whos json_value_ofs is the string we want
mov rdi, [rbx+screen_user_ofs]
mov rsi, [rax+json_value_ofs]
mov rdi, [rdi+user_username_ofs]
call userdb$removebuddy
; success, so we need to update ALL our tuis (if we are logged in multiple times,
; this action needs to be replicated)
mov rdi, [rbx+screen_user_ofs]
mov rdi, [rdi+user_tuilist_ofs]
mov rsi, screen$updatebuddies
call unsignedmap$foreach
pop rbx
mov eax, 1
pop rbx
mov eax, 1
mov rsi, [rdi]
call qword [rsi+tui_vontab]
mov eax, 1
mov rsi, [rdi]
call qword [rsi+tui_vonshifttab]
mov eax, 1
cleartext .newroomtitle, 'Join/Create Room'
cleartext .newroommsg, 'Enter room name, or esc to cancel',10,'Rooms that begin with ',0x27,' are unlisted.'
cleartext .emptystr, ''
push rdi
mov rdi, .newroomtitle
mov rsi, .newroommsg
mov rdx, .emptystr
; panel/title colors
ansi_colors ecx, 'black', 'cyan'
; button colors
ansi_colors r8d, 'lightgray', 'black'
; focus button colors
ansi_colors r9d, 'yellow', 'blue'
call tui_textbox$new
pop rdi
; set its vtable to our newroom vtable so we can capture onenter
mov qword [rax], screen_newroom$vtable
; save the modal pointer for focus
mov [rdi+screen_modal_ofs], rax
mov dword [rdi+screen_modalalert_ofs], 0
mov rsi, rax
mov rdx, [rdi]
; set its bastardglue so that it ends up centered
mov dword [rax+tui_bastardglue_ofs], 1
mov dword [rax+tui_horizalign_ofs], tui_align_center
mov dword [rax+tui_vertalign_ofs], tui_align_middle
push rdi
call qword [rdx+tui_vappendbastard]
pop rdi
call screen$showhidecursor
mov eax, 1
push rdi
call roomlist$new
pop rdi
mov [rdi+screen_modal_ofs], rax
mov dword [rdi+screen_modalalert_ofs], 0
mov rsi, rax
mov rdx, [rdi]
; set its bastardglue so that it ends up centered
mov dword [rax+tui_bastardglue_ofs], 1
mov dword [rax+tui_horizalign_ofs], tui_align_center
mov dword [rax+tui_vertalign_ofs], tui_align_middle
push rdi
call qword [rdx+tui_vappendbastard]
pop rdi
call screen$showhidecursor
mov eax, 1
; if the focus is on the buddylist, do nothing
mov rdx, [rdi+screen_focus_ofs]
cmp rdx, [rdi+screen_buddylist_ofs]
je .falseret
; otherwise, save the current focus, do an ontab first, then KO the window
push rbx r12
mov rbx, rdi
mov r12, rdx
mov rsi, [rdi]
call qword [rsi+tui_vontab]
; remove the window from our main object
mov rdi, [rbx+screen_main_ofs]
mov rsi, r12
mov rdx, [rdi]
call qword [rdx+tui_vremovechild]
; removechild doesn't actually destroy the object, so do that next
mov rdi, r12
mov rsi, [r12]
call qword [rsi+tui_vcleanup]
mov rdi, r12
call heap$free
; retile our main window
mov rdi, [rbx+screen_main_ofs]
call tui_object$nvtile
pop r12 rbx
mov eax, 1
xor eax, eax
; single argument in rdi: our screen object
prolog screen$ontab
; burning purpose: change input focus in a sensible manner
mov rsi, [rdi+screen_focus_ofs]
test rsi, rsi
jz .nofocus
cmp rsi, [rdi+screen_buddylist_ofs]
je .onbuddylist
; otherwise, we are on a chatpanel, walk through the list and find it
mov rdx, [rdi+screen_main_ofs]
mov rcx, [rdx+tui_children_ofs]
mov rdx, [rcx+_list_first_ofs]
test rdx, rdx
jz .onbuddylist
cmp rsi, [rdx]
je .found
; we -will- find it, so we don't need to do any checking
mov rdx, [rdx+_list_nextofs]
jmp .search
push rdi rdx
mov rdi, rsi
mov rsi, [rsi]
call qword [rsi+tui_vlostfocus]
pop rdx rdi
; so now, set rdx to its previous position, and if it is invalid, buddylist it is
mov rdx, [rdx+_list_prevofs]
test rdx, rdx
jz .found_noprevious
; otherwise, focus to [rdx]
push rdi
mov rsi, [rdx]
mov [rdi+screen_focus_ofs], rsi
mov rdi, rsi
mov rsi, [rsi]
call qword [rsi+tui_vgotfocus]
; show/hide the cursor
pop rdi
call screen$showhidecursor
; if the buddylist is visible, go ahead and focus it
mov r9, [rdi+screen_buddylist_col_ofs]
cmp dword [r9+tui_includeinlayout_ofs], 0
jne .focusbuddy
; otherwise, set focus to the other end of our main children list
mov rdx, [rdi+screen_main_ofs]
mov rcx, [rdx+tui_children_ofs]
mov rdx, [rcx+_list_last_ofs]
jmp .found_listfocus
; because we are faking tui_datagrid focuscolors, update them here too
mov rsi, [rdi+screen_buddylist_ofs]
ansi_colors ecx, 'lightgray', 'blue'
mov dword [rsi+tui_dgselcolors_ofs], ecx
push rdi
mov [rdi+screen_focus_ofs], rsi
mov rdi, rsi
mov rsi, [rsi]
call qword [rsi+tui_vredraw]
mov rdi, [rsp]
mov rdi, [rdi+screen_buddylist_ofs]
mov rsi, [rdi]
call qword [rsi+tui_vgotfocus]
pop rdi
call screen$showhidecursor
mov rdx, [rdi+screen_main_ofs]
mov rcx, [rdx+tui_children_ofs]
mov rdx, [rcx+_list_first_ofs]
mov r9, [rdi+screen_buddylist_col_ofs]
cmp dword [r9+tui_includeinlayout_ofs], 0
jne .focusbuddy
; otherwise, buddylist is not visible, see if we have any other windows
test rdx, rdx
jz .nothingtodo
; otherwise, focus to [rdx]
push rdi
mov rsi, [rdx]
mov [rdi+screen_focus_ofs], rsi
mov rdi, rsi
mov rsi, [rsi]
call qword [rsi+tui_vgotfocus]
; show/hide the cursor
pop rdi
call screen$showhidecursor
mov rdx, [rdi+screen_main_ofs]
mov rcx, [rdx+tui_children_ofs]
mov rdx, [rcx+_list_last_ofs]
test rdx, rdx
jz .nothingtodo
mov rsi, [rdx]
mov [rdi+screen_focus_ofs], rsi
; unfocus the buddylist
push rdi
mov rdi, [rdi+screen_buddylist_ofs]
ansi_colors ecx, 'lightgray', 'midnightblue'
mov dword [rdi+tui_dgselcolors_ofs], ecx
mov rsi, [rdi]
call qword [rsi+tui_vredraw]
mov rdi, [rsp]
mov rdi, [rdi+screen_focus_ofs]
mov rsi, [rdi]
call qword [rsi+tui_vgotfocus]
pop rdi
call screen$showhidecursor
; single argument in rdi: our screen object
prolog screen$onshifttab
; burning purpose: change input focus in a sensible manner
mov rsi, [rdi+screen_focus_ofs]
test rsi, rsi
jz .nofocus
cmp rsi, [rdi+screen_buddylist_ofs]
je .onbuddylist
; otherwise, we are on a chatpanel, walk through the list and find it
mov rdx, [rdi+screen_main_ofs]
mov rcx, [rdx+tui_children_ofs]
mov rdx, [rcx+_list_first_ofs]
test rdx, rdx
jz .onbuddylist
cmp rsi, [rdx]
je .found
; we -will- find it, so we don't need to do any checking
mov rdx, [rdx+_list_nextofs]
jmp .search
push rdi rdx
mov rdi, rsi
mov rsi, [rsi]
call qword [rsi+tui_vlostfocus]
pop rdx rdi
; so now, set rdx to its next position, and if it is invalid, buddylist it is
mov rdx, [rdx+_list_nextofs]
test rdx, rdx
jz .found_nonext
; otherwise, focus to [rdx]
mov rsi, [rdx]
mov [rdi+screen_focus_ofs], rsi
push rdi
mov rdi, rsi
mov rsi, [rsi]
call qword [rsi+tui_vgotfocus]
pop rdi
call screen$showhidecursor
mov r9, [rdi+screen_buddylist_col_ofs]
cmp dword [r9+tui_includeinlayout_ofs], 0
jne .focusbuddy
; otherwise, set focus to the other end of our main children list
mov rdx, [rdi+screen_main_ofs]
mov rcx, [rdx+tui_children_ofs]
mov rdx, [rcx+_list_first_ofs]
jmp .found_listfocus
; because we are faking tui_datagrid focuscolors, update them here too
mov rsi, [rdi+screen_buddylist_ofs]
ansi_colors ecx, 'lightgray', 'blue'
mov dword [rsi+tui_dgselcolors_ofs], ecx
mov [rdi+screen_focus_ofs], rsi
push rdi
mov rdi, rsi
mov rsi, [rsi]
call qword [rsi+tui_vredraw]
pop rdi
call screen$showhidecursor
mov rdx, [rdi+screen_main_ofs]
mov rcx, [rdx+tui_children_ofs]
mov rdx, [rcx+_list_first_ofs]
mov r9, [rdi+screen_buddylist_col_ofs]
cmp dword [r9+tui_includeinlayout_ofs], 0
jne .focusbuddy
; otherwise, buddylist is not visible, see if we have any other windows
test rdx, rdx
jz .nothingtodo
; otherwise, focus to [rdx]
mov rsi, [rdx]
mov [rdi+screen_focus_ofs], rsi
push rdi
mov rdi, rsi
mov rsi, [rsi]
call qword [rsi+tui_vgotfocus]
pop rdi
call screen$showhidecursor
mov rdx, [rdi+screen_main_ofs]
mov rcx, [rdx+tui_children_ofs]
mov rdx, [rcx+_list_first_ofs]
test rdx, rdx
jz .nothingtodo
mov rsi, [rdx]
mov [rdi+screen_focus_ofs], rsi
; unfocus the buddylist
push rdi
mov rdi, [rdi+screen_buddylist_ofs]
ansi_colors ecx, 'lightgray', 'midnightblue'
mov dword [rdi+tui_dgselcolors_ofs], ecx
mov rsi, [rdi]
call qword [rsi+tui_vredraw]
mov rdi, [rsp]
mov rdi, [rdi+screen_focus_ofs]
mov rsi, [rdi]
call qword [rsi+tui_vgotfocus]
pop rdi
call screen$showhidecursor