; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
; HeavyThing x86_64 assembly language library and showcase programs
; Copyright © 2015-2018 2 Ton Digital
; Homepage: https://2ton.com.au/
; Author: Jeff Marrison <jeff@2ton.com.au>
; This file is part of the HeavyThing library.
; HeavyThing is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, or
; (at your option) any later version.
; HeavyThing is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
; GNU General Public License for more details.
; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
; with the HeavyThing library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
; string16.inc: utf16 immutable string goodies
; they are stored with an 8 byte length prefix
; followed by the utf16 codes (useful for static strings)
if used string$new | defined include_everything
; no arguments, returns new empty string in rax
prolog string$new
mov edi, 8
call heap$alloc
mov qword [rax], 0
end if
if used string$copy | defined include_everything
; single argument in rdi, makes a copy of it
prolog string$copy
push rdi
mov rdi, [rdi]
shl rdi, 1 ; in bytes
add rdi, 8
call heap$alloc
mov rdi, rax ; our destination
pop rsi ; our source
mov rdx, [rsi] ; our length
test rdx, rdx
jz .zerolength
shl rdx, 1 ; in bytes
add rdx, 8 ; + our length prefix
push rdi
call memcpy
pop rax ; return in rax
mov [rax], rdx
end if
if used string$reverse | defined include_everything
; single argument in rdi, makes a copy of it reversed (abcd -> dcba)
prolog string$reverse
call string$copy
lea rdi, [rax+8] ; first character pointer
mov rdx, [rax] ; number of characters in our string
lea rsi, [rdi+rdx*2]
sub rsi, 2 ; last character pointer
movzx ecx, word [rdi]
movzx edx, word [rsi]
mov word [rdi], dx
mov word [rsi], cx
add rdi, 2
sub rsi, 2
cmp rdi, rsi
jb .doit
end if
if used string$concat | defined include_everything
; two arguments, rdi and rsi, both strings, returns new string of concatenated arguments
prolog string$concat
push r12 r13 r14 r15
mov r12, rdi ; save it
mov r13, rsi ; save it
mov rdi, [rdi] ; first strings length
add rdi, [rsi] ; second strings length added
mov r14, rdi ; save the combined length
shl rdi, 1 ; in bytes
add rdi, 8 ; our required length + length prefix
call heap$alloc
mov [rax], r14 ; combined length in characters
mov rdi, rax ; destination
add rdi, 8 ; actual destination offset
mov rsi, r12 ; source (first argument)
add rsi, 8 ; pass its length
mov rdx, [r12] ; its length
shl rdx, 1 ; in bytes
mov r15, rdx ; save it so we can add it again
mov r12, rax ; save our return across this memcpy call
call memcpy
mov rdi, r12 ; restore our new string
add rdi, 8 ; pass its length
add rdi, r15 ; pass the first string
mov rsi, r13 ; second string
add rsi, 8 ; pass its length
mov rdx, [r13] ; its length
shl rdx, 1 ; in bytes
call memcpy
mov rax, r12 ; get our return
pop r15 r14 r13 r12
end if
if used string$lpad | defined include_everything
; three arguments: string in rdi, width in rsi, padchar in edx, returns new string left padded
; if string length is >= rsi, unmodified (not truncated) copy is returned
prolog string$lpad
cmp rsi, qword [rdi]
jle .copyonly
; allocate space for our new string rsi characters in length
push r12 r13 r14
mov r12, rdi
mov r13, rsi
mov r14, rdx
mov rdi, rsi ; length in chars
shl rdi, 1 ; in bytes
add rdi, 8 ; + length prefix
call heap$alloc
; pad by calling memset16
mov [rax], r13 ; save the length in our new string
mov rdi, rax ; our buffer
add rdi, 8 ; pass our length
mov rsi, r14 ; padchar
mov rdx, r13 ; length
sub rdx, qword [r12] ; less the length of the source string
shl rdx, 1 ; in bytes
mov r14, rax ; save our new string
call memset16
; copy the source string
mov rdi, r14 ; destination == our buffer
mov rsi, r12 ; source string == our first argument
add rsi, 8 ; skip its length prefix
mov rax, r13 ; our total length
mov rdx, [r12] ; source string length
sub rax, rdx ; rax now has the # of pad characters we did
shl rdx, 1 ; in bytes
shl rax, 1 ; in bytes
add rdi, 8 ; skip our 8 byte length prefix
add rdi, rax ; skip our pad characters
call memcpy
mov rax, r14 ; our return
pop r14 r13 r12
call string$copy
end if
if used string$rpad | defined include_everything
; three arguments: string in rdi, width in rsi, padchar in edx, returns new string right padded
; if string length is >= rsi, unmodified (not truncated) copy is returned
prolog string$rpad
cmp rsi, qword [rdi]
jle .copyonly
; allocate space for our new string rsi characters in length
push r12 r13 r14
mov r12, rdi
mov r13, rsi
mov r14, rdx
mov rdi, rsi ; length in chars
shl rdi, 1 ; in bytes
add rdi, 8 ; + length prefix
call heap$alloc
; pad by calling memset16
mov [rax], r13 ; save the length in our new string
mov rdi, qword [r12] ; source string length
shl rdi, 1 ; in bytes
add rdi, rax ; our buffer location
add rdi, 8 ; pass our length as well
mov rsi, r14 ; padchar
mov rdx, r13 ; length
sub rdx, qword [r12] ; less the length of the source string
shl rdx, 1 ; in bytes
mov r14, rax ; save our new string
call memset16
; copy the source string
mov rdi, r14 ; destination == our buffer
add rdi, 8 ; skip our 8 byte length prefix
mov rsi, r12 ; source string == our first argument
add rsi, 8 ; skip its length prefix
mov rdx, [r12] ; source string length
shl rdx, 1 ; in bytes
call memcpy
mov rax, r14 ; our return
pop r14 r13 r12
call string$copy
end if
if used string$from_bool | defined include_everything
; single argument: bool in rdi, returns new string true or false
prolog string$from_bool
test rdi, rdi
jz .falseret
mov rdi, .truestr
call string$copy
mov rdi, .falsestr
call string$copy
cleartext .truestr, 'true'
cleartext .falsestr, 'false'
end if
if used string$from_bintohex | defined include_everything
; two arguments: pointer to bytes in rdi, length in rsi
; returns a heap$alloc'd string representation in hex of the binary in rax
prolog string$from_bintohex
push rsi rdi
mov rdi, rsi
; string16 == 4 bytes per byte of input
shl rdi, 2
add rdi, 8 ; plus our length prefix
call heap$alloc
mov rdx, [rsp+8]
mov rcx, rdx
shl rdx, 1 ; in characters
mov [rax], rdx ; store the length of our string
mov rsi, [rsp]
mov rdi, rax
add rdi, 8
movzx edx, byte [rsi]
add rsi, 1
mov r8d, edx
and edx, 0xf
shr r8d, 4
movzx r9d, word [rdx*2+.hexchars+8]
movzx r10d, word [r8*2+.hexchars+8]
mov word [rdi+2], r9w
mov word [rdi], r10w
add rdi, 4
sub rcx, 1
jnz .doit
add rsp, 16
cleartext .hexchars, '0123456789abcdef'
end if
if used string$from_bintobase64 | defined include_everything
; three arguments: pointer to bytes in rdi, length in rsi, rdx == 0 == default base64 table, else string of base64 table to use
; returns a heap$alloc'd string representation in base64 of the binary in rax
; a note on the base64 table, this must be a _STRING_ (unlike the decode routine that will accept a custom table instead)
; NOTE: settings for whether to insert line breaks along with maximum line lengths apply (they are located with the rest of the settings)
prolog string$from_bintobase64
test rsi, rsi
jz .emptystring
; originally I was doing outside calls from in here, hence all the callee-saves, TODO: remove them
push rbp rbx r12 r13 r14 r15
if base64_linebreaks
sub rsp, 8
mov dword [rsp], 0 ; current line length
end if
mov r12, rdi
mov r13, rsi
mov rcx, .default_table
test rdx, rdx
cmovz r14, rcx
cmovnz r14, rdx
cmp qword [r14], 64
jb .error_return ; table supplied must contain 64 characters
xor r15d, r15d ; use this as our reference into our new string
mov rax, rsi
xor edx, edx
mov ecx, 3 ; / 3 first up
div rcx
shl rax, 2 ; * 4 for the number of characters we need
if base64_linebreaks
; figure out how many lines we have
mov r8, rax ; save our character count
xor edx, edx
mov ecx, base64_maxline
div rcx
; so now rax contains the number of lines
add rax, 1 ; min 1
shl rax, 1 ; one each for CRLF
add rax, r8 ; plus our character count
end if
shl rax, 1 ; in bytes
add rax, 16 ; plus our prefix length and a bit extra for good measure
mov rdi, rax
call heap$alloc
mov rbx, rax ; save our return string in rbx
cmp r13, 3
jae .doit_allthree
cmp r13, 2
je .doit_two
; else, only one byte left
movzx ebp, byte [r12]
add r12, 1
mov esi, ebp
shr esi, 2
and esi, 0x3f
; get the character out of our table
movzx eax, word [r14+rsi*2+8]
; store it in our new string
mov word [rbx+r15*2+8], ax
add r15, 1
; get the next character (partial)
mov esi, ebp
shl esi, 4
and esi, 0x3f
; get the character out of our table
movzx eax, word [r14+rsi*2+8]
; store it in our new string
mov word [rbx+r15*2+8], ax
add r15, 1
; add our two fillchars
mov word [rbx+r15*2+8], '='
add r15, 1
mov word [rbx+r15*2+8], '='
add r15, 1
if base64_linebreaks
; add a trailing CRLF to the last line
mov word [rbx+r15*2+8], 13
mov word [rbx+r15*2+10], 10
add r15, 2
end if
; done
mov [rbx], r15 ; save our character count
mov rax, rbx ; return
if base64_linebreaks
add rsp, 8
end if
pop r15 r14 r13 r12 rbx rbp
movzx ebp, word [r12]
add r12, 2
mov esi, ebp
shr esi, 2
and esi, 0x3f
; get the character out of our table
movzx eax, word [r14+rsi*2+8]
; store it in our new string
mov word [rbx+r15*2+8], ax
add r15, 1
; the next character
mov esi, ebp
mov ecx, ebp
shl esi, 4
shr ecx, 12
shr ebp, 8 ; swallow the first byte that is all done now
and esi, 0x3f
and ecx, 0xf
or esi, ecx
; get the character out of our table
movzx eax, word [r14+rsi*2+8]
; store it in our new string
mov word [rbx+r15*2+8], ax
add r15, 1
; get the next character (partial)
mov esi, ebp
shl esi, 2
and esi, 0x3f
; get the character out of our table
movzx eax, word [r14+rsi*2+8]
; store it in our new string
mov word [rbx+r15*2+8], ax
add r15, 1
; add our single fillchar
mov word [rbx+r15*2+8], '='
add r15, 1
if base64_linebreaks
; add a trailing CRLF to the last line
mov word [rbx+r15*2+8], 13
mov word [rbx+r15*2+10], 10
add r15, 2
end if
; done
mov [rbx], r15 ; save our character count
mov rax, rbx ; return
if base64_linebreaks
add rsp, 8
end if
pop r15 r14 r13 r12 rbx rbp
mov ebp, dword [r12]
add r12, 3 ; all these unaligned accesses is probably bad... TODO: make this an aligned accumulator
mov esi, ebp
shr esi, 2
and esi, 0x3f
; get the character out of our table
movzx eax, word [r14+rsi*2+8]
; store it in our new string
mov word [rbx+r15*2+8], ax
add r15, 1
; the next character
mov esi, ebp
mov ecx, ebp
shl esi, 4
shr ecx, 12
shr ebp, 8 ; swallow the first byte that is all done now
and esi, 0x3f
and ecx, 0xf
or esi, ecx
; get the character out of our table
movzx eax, word [r14+rsi*2+8]
; store it in our new string
mov word [rbx+r15*2+8], ax
add r15, 1
; get the next character
mov esi, ebp
mov ecx, ebp
shl esi, 2
shr ecx, 8
and esi, 0x3f
shr ecx, 6
and ecx, 0x3
or esi, ecx
shr ebp, 8 ; swallow the second byte that is all done now
; get the character out of our table
movzx eax, word [r14+rsi*2+8]
; store it in our new string
mov word [rbx+r15*2+8], ax
add r15, 1
; and last but not least, final character
mov esi, ebp
and esi, 0x3f
; get the character out of our table
movzx eax, word [r14+rsi*2+8]
; store it in our new string
mov word [rbx+r15*2+8], ax
add r15, 1
if base64_linebreaks
add dword [rsp], 4
cmp dword [rsp], base64_maxline
jb .doit_allthree_next
; else, maxline reached, add a crlf here and reset the counter
mov word [rbx+r15*2+8], 13
mov word [rbx+r15*2+10], 10
add r15, 2
mov dword [rsp], 0
sub r13, 3
jnz .doit
; else, all done
mov [rbx], r15 ; save our character count
mov rax, rbx ; return
add rsp, 8
pop r15 r14 r13 r12 rbx rbp
end if
sub r13, 3
jnz .doit
; else, all done
if base64_linebreaks
; add a trailing CRLF to the last line
mov word [rbx+r15*2+8], 13
mov word [rbx+r15*2+10], 10
add r15, 2
end if
mov [rbx], r15 ; save our character count
mov rax, rbx ; return
if base64_linebreaks
add rsp, 8
end if
pop r15 r14 r13 r12 rbx rbp
if base64_linebreaks
add rsp, 8
end if
pop r15 r14 r13 r12 rbx rbp
call string$new
call string$new
cleartext .default_table, 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/'
end if
if used string$from_bintobase64url | defined include_everything
; three arguments: pointer to bytes in rdi, length in rsi, rdx == 0 == default base64 table, else string of base64 table to use
; returns a heap$alloc'd string representation in base64 of the binary in rax
; a note on the base64 table, this must be a _STRING_ (unlike the decode routine that will accept a custom table instead)
; NOTE: settings for whether to insert line breaks along with maximum line lengths apply (they are located with the rest of the settings)
prolog string$from_bintobase64url
test rsi, rsi
jz .emptystring
; originally I was doing outside calls from in here, hence all the callee-saves, TODO: remove them
push rbp rbx r12 r13 r14 r15
if base64_linebreaks
sub rsp, 8
mov dword [rsp], 0 ; current line length
end if
mov r12, rdi
mov r13, rsi
mov rcx, .default_table
test rdx, rdx
cmovz r14, rcx
cmovnz r14, rdx
cmp qword [r14], 64
jb .error_return ; table supplied must contain 64 characters
xor r15d, r15d ; use this as our reference into our new string
mov rax, rsi
xor edx, edx
mov ecx, 3 ; / 3 first up
div rcx
shl rax, 2 ; * 4 for the number of characters we need
if base64_linebreaks
; figure out how many lines we have
mov r8, rax ; save our character count
xor edx, edx
mov ecx, base64_maxline
div rcx
; so now rax contains the number of lines
add rax, 1 ; min 1
shl rax, 1 ; one each for CRLF
add rax, r8 ; plus our character count
end if
shl rax, 1 ; in bytes
add rax, 16 ; plus our prefix length and a bit extra for good measure
mov rdi, rax
call heap$alloc
mov rbx, rax ; save our return string in rbx
cmp r13, 3
jae .doit_allthree
cmp r13, 2
je .doit_two
; else, only one byte left
movzx ebp, byte [r12]
add r12, 1
mov esi, ebp
shr esi, 2
and esi, 0x3f
; get the character out of our table
movzx eax, word [r14+rsi*2+8]
; store it in our new string
mov word [rbx+r15*2+8], ax
add r15, 1
; get the next character (partial)
mov esi, ebp
shl esi, 4
and esi, 0x3f
; get the character out of our table
movzx eax, word [r14+rsi*2+8]
; store it in our new string
mov word [rbx+r15*2+8], ax
add r15, 1
; add our two fillchars
mov word [rbx+r15*2+8], '='
add r15, 1
mov word [rbx+r15*2+8], '='
add r15, 1
if base64_linebreaks
; add a trailing CRLF to the last line
mov word [rbx+r15*2+8], 13
mov word [rbx+r15*2+10], 10
add r15, 2
end if
; done
mov [rbx], r15 ; save our character count
mov rax, rbx ; return
if base64_linebreaks
add rsp, 8
end if
pop r15 r14 r13 r12 rbx rbp
movzx ebp, word [r12]
add r12, 2
mov esi, ebp
shr esi, 2
and esi, 0x3f
; get the character out of our table
movzx eax, word [r14+rsi*2+8]
; store it in our new string
mov word [rbx+r15*2+8], ax
add r15, 1
; the next character
mov esi, ebp
mov ecx, ebp
shl esi, 4
shr ecx, 12
shr ebp, 8 ; swallow the first byte that is all done now
and esi, 0x3f
and ecx, 0xf
or esi, ecx
; get the character out of our table
movzx eax, word [r14+rsi*2+8]
; store it in our new string
mov word [rbx+r15*2+8], ax
add r15, 1
; get the next character (partial)
mov esi, ebp
shl esi, 2
and esi, 0x3f
; get the character out of our table
movzx eax, word [r14+rsi*2+8]
; store it in our new string
mov word [rbx+r15*2+8], ax
add r15, 1
; add our single fillchar
mov word [rbx+r15*2+8], '='
add r15, 1
if base64_linebreaks
; add a trailing CRLF to the last line
mov word [rbx+r15*2+8], 13
mov word [rbx+r15*2+10], 10
add r15, 2
end if
; done
mov [rbx], r15 ; save our character count
mov rax, rbx ; return
if base64_linebreaks
add rsp, 8
end if
pop r15 r14 r13 r12 rbx rbp
mov ebp, dword [r12]
add r12, 3 ; all these unaligned accesses is probably bad... TODO: make this an aligned accumulator
mov esi, ebp
shr esi, 2
and esi, 0x3f
; get the character out of our table
movzx eax, word [r14+rsi*2+8]
; store it in our new string
mov word [rbx+r15*2+8], ax
add r15, 1
; the next character
mov esi, ebp
mov ecx, ebp
shl esi, 4
shr ecx, 12
shr ebp, 8 ; swallow the first byte that is all done now
and esi, 0x3f
and ecx, 0xf
or esi, ecx
; get the character out of our table
movzx eax, word [r14+rsi*2+8]
; store it in our new string
mov word [rbx+r15*2+8], ax
add r15, 1
; get the next character
mov esi, ebp
mov ecx, ebp
shl esi, 2
shr ecx, 8
and esi, 0x3f
shr ecx, 6
and ecx, 0x3
or esi, ecx
shr ebp, 8 ; swallow the second byte that is all done now
; get the character out of our table
movzx eax, word [r14+rsi*2+8]
; store it in our new string
mov word [rbx+r15*2+8], ax
add r15, 1
; and last but not least, final character
mov esi, ebp
and esi, 0x3f
; get the character out of our table
movzx eax, word [r14+rsi*2+8]
; store it in our new string
mov word [rbx+r15*2+8], ax
add r15, 1
if base64_linebreaks
add dword [rsp], 4
cmp dword [rsp], base64_maxline
jb .doit_allthree_next
; else, maxline reached, add a crlf here and reset the counter
mov word [rbx+r15*2+8], 13
mov word [rbx+r15*2+10], 10
add r15, 2
mov dword [rsp], 0
sub r13, 3
jnz .doit
; else, all done
mov [rbx], r15 ; save our character count
mov rax, rbx ; return
add rsp, 8
pop r15 r14 r13 r12 rbx rbp
end if
sub r13, 3
jnz .doit
; else, all done
if base64_linebreaks
; add a trailing CRLF to the last line
mov word [rbx+r15*2+8], 13
mov word [rbx+r15*2+10], 10
add r15, 2
end if
mov [rbx], r15 ; save our character count
mov rax, rbx ; return
if base64_linebreaks
add rsp, 8
end if
pop r15 r14 r13 r12 rbx rbp
if base64_linebreaks
add rsp, 8
end if
pop r15 r14 r13 r12 rbx rbp
call string$new
call string$new
cleartext .default_table, 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-_'
end if
if used string$from_int | defined include_everything
; two arguments: int in rdi, radix in esi returns new string of the integer
; bad radix passed == 0/null return in rax
prolog string$from_int
cmp esi, 2
jl .badradix
cmp esi, 36
jg .badradix
mov rax, rdi ; value
sub rsp, 64 ; 32 characters reserved
mov rdi, rsp ; buffer
mov word [rsp], 43 ; '+'... store our sign at the start
add rdi, 62 ; work backwards
cmp rax, 0
je .zerovalue
jl .isnegative
xor edx, edx
div rsi ; radix
cmp dl, 10
jl .numeric
add dl, 87 ; 'a' - 10
mov word [rdi], dx
sub rdi, 2
test rax, rax
jnz .top
jmp .compose ; hmm, TODO: avoid unconditional jumps?
add dl, 48 ; '0'
mov word [rdi], dx
sub rdi, 2
test rax, rax
jnz .top
jmp .compose
mov word [rsp], 45 ; '-'
neg rax
jmp .top
mov word [rdi], 48 ; '0'
sub rdi, 2
; fallthrough to compose
; rdi started out at rsp
; we placed a sign indicator at its first word
; then we added 62
; then we constructed our string backward
; so the length of our string is (rsp + 64 - (rdi + 1)) > 1
add rdi, 2
mov rsi, rsp
add rsi, 64
sub rsi, rdi ; rsi now has our length in bytes
cmp word [rsp], 45 ; '-'
je .composeneg
push r13 r14 r15
mov r14, rdi
mov r15, rsi
mov rdi, rsi
add rdi, 8 ; add room for our length prefix
call heap$alloc
mov r13, rax ; save our new string
mov rdi, rax ; destination
add rdi, 8 ; skip our length prefix
mov rsi, r14 ; our integer stack buffer
mov rdx, r15 ; our length in bytes
call memcpy
shr r15, 1
mov rax, r13
mov [rax], r15 ; store our length
pop r15 r14 r13
add rsp, 64
push r13 r14 r15
mov r14, rdi
mov r15, rsi
mov rdi, rsi
add rdi, 10 ; add room for our length prefix and sign character
call heap$alloc
mov r13, rax ; save our new string
mov rdi, rax ; destination
mov word [rax+8], 45 ; '-'
add rdi, 10 ; skip our length prefix and sign char
mov rsi, r14 ; our integer stack buffer
mov rdx, r15 ; our length in bytes
call memcpy
shr r15, 1
add r15, 1
mov rax, r13
mov [rax], r15 ; store our length
pop r15 r14 r13
add rsp, 64
xor eax, eax
end if
if used string$from_unsigned | defined include_everything
; two arguments: unsigned in rdi, radix in esi returns new string of the integer
; bad radix passed == 0/null return in rax
prolog string$from_unsigned
cmp esi, 2
jl .badradix
cmp esi, 36
jg .badradix
mov rax, rdi ; value
sub rsp, 64 ; 32 characters reserved
mov rdi, rsp ; buffer
add rdi, 62 ; work backwards
test rax, rax
jz .zerovalue
xor edx, edx
div rsi ; radix
cmp dl, 10
jl .numeric
add dl, 87 ; 'a' - 10
mov word [rdi], dx
sub rdi, 2
test rax, rax
jnz .top
jmp .compose ; hmm, TODO: avoid unconditional jumps?
add dl, 48 ; '0'
mov word [rdi], dx
sub rdi, 2
test rax, rax
jnz .top
jmp .compose
mov word [rdi], 48 ; '0'
sub rdi, 2
; fallthrough to compose
; rdi started out at rsp
; we placed a sign indicator at its first word
; then we added 62
; then we constructed our string backward
; so the length of our string is (rsp + 64 - (rdi + 1)) > 1
add rdi, 2
mov rsi, rsp
add rsi, 64
sub rsi, rdi ; rsi now has our length in bytes
push r13 r14 r15
mov r14, rdi
mov r15, rsi
mov rdi, rsi
add rdi, 8 ; add room for our length prefix
call heap$alloc
mov r13, rax ; save our new string
mov rdi, rax ; destination
add rdi, 8 ; skip our length prefix
mov rsi, r14 ; our integer stack buffer
mov rdx, r15 ; our length in bytes
call memcpy
shr r15, 1
mov rax, r13
mov [rax], r15 ; store our length
pop r15 r14 r13
add rsp, 64
xor eax, eax
end if
if used string$from_unsigned_into | defined include_everything
; three arguments: unsigned in rdi, radix in esi, rdx == destination space (must be at least 72 bytes)
; returns ptr to destination space in rax or 0/null if bad radix
; NOTE: this allows for stack-based constructions that don't require memory allocation
prolog string$from_unsigned_into
cmp esi, 2
jl .badradix
cmp esi, 36
jg .badradix
push r12
mov r12, rdx
mov rax, rdi ; value
sub rsp, 64 ; 32 characters reserved
mov rdi, rsp ; buffer
add rdi, 62 ; work backwards
test rax, rax
jz .zerovalue
xor edx, edx
div rsi ; radix
cmp dl, 10
jl .numeric
add dl, 87 ; 'a' - 10
mov word [rdi], dx
sub rdi, 2
test rax, rax
jnz .top
jmp .compose ; hmm, TODO: avoid unconditional jumps?
add dl, 48 ; '0'
mov word [rdi], dx
sub rdi, 2
test rax, rax
jnz .top
jmp .compose
mov word [rdi], 48 ; '0'
sub rdi, 2
; fallthrough to compose
; rdi started out at rsp
; we placed a sign indicator at its first word
; then we added 62
; then we constructed our string backward
; so the length of our string is (rsp + 64 - (rdi + 1)) > 1
add rdi, 2
mov rsi, rsp
add rsi, 64
sub rsi, rdi ; rsi now has our length in bytes
push r13 r14 r15
mov r14, rdi
mov r15, rsi
mov rdi, rsi
add rdi, 8 ; add room for our length prefix
mov r13, r12
mov rdi, r12 ; destination
add rdi, 8 ; skip our length prefix
mov rsi, r14 ; our integer stack buffer
mov rdx, r15 ; our length in bytes
call memcpy
shr r15, 1
mov rax, r13
mov [rax], r15 ; store our length
pop r15 r14 r13
add rsp, 64
pop r12
xor eax, eax
end if
include 'string_math.inc'
if used string$from_double | defined include_everything
; THREE ARGUMENTS HERE: double in xmm0, mode in edi, precision in esi
; mode can be:
double_string_normal = 0
double_string_fixed = 1
double_string_precision = 2
double_string_exponential = 3
; precision in most of my stuff defaults to 15
; we return a newly allocated string in rax
; NOTE: This is slower by about half of the c++11 method, BUT
; this uses: http://www.cs.indiana.edu/~dyb/pubs/FP-Printing-PLDI96.pdf
; and as such suits my needs in the wild/net/JS/web perfectly, and
; there is no simple way to achieve the same functionality with c++11
; that I am aware of.
; case in point from their paper: 3/10 comes out as 0.3 instead of 0.2999999
; when mode is normal, we produce the shortest possible correctly rounded
; string that converts back to the same double the other way around.
; fixed == number of digits after the decimal point.. precision 3 = 0.000
prolog string$from_double
virtual at rsp
strtod_quadmem dq ?
end virtual
virtual at rsp
strtod_lsw dd ?
strtod_msw dd ?
end virtual
; first up: check for -/+inf
sub rsp, 8
movsd [strtod_quadmem], xmm0
mov eax, [strtod_msw]
mov ecx, [strtod_lsw]
mov r10, qword [rsp]
add rsp, 8
; make copies of these so we can re-use for our nan-check
mov r8d, eax
mov r9d, eax
; eax == hx
; ecx == lx
; lx |= (hx & 0x7fffffff) ^ 0x7ff00000
mov edx, eax
and edx, 0x7fffffff
xor edx, 0x7ff00000
or ecx, edx
; lx |= -lx
mov edx, ecx
neg edx
or ecx, edx
; ~(lx >> 31) & (hx >> 30)
mov edx, r8d ; edx == hx now
sar edx, 30 ; >> 30
mov eax, ecx ; eax == resultant lx now
sar eax, 31
not eax
and eax, edx
cmp eax, -1
je .neginf
cmp eax, 1
je .posinf
; check for NaN
mov eax, r8d
mov ecx, r9d
and eax, 0x7fffffff
mov edx, ecx
neg ecx
or edx, ecx
shr edx, 31
or eax, edx
mov edx, 0x7ff00000
sub edx, eax
shr edx, 31
test edx, edx
jnz .nan
; otherwise, not infinity, not NaN, so see if it is a whole number
; but only if mode is NORMAL
test edi, edi
jnz .notwholenumber ; mode is not normal, let the double handler take care of it
cvtsd2si rax, xmm0
cvtsi2sd xmm1, rax
comisd xmm0, xmm1
jne .notwholenumber
; verify it isnt an overflow condition
mov rdx, rax
shr rdx, 32
cmp edx, 0x80000000
je .notwholenumber
; else, rax is our number to convert, so use the long variety instead
mov rdi, rax
mov esi, 10 ; radix to use
call string$from_int
; return in rax is sweet
; cleartext forces calign
cleartext .neginfstr, '-Infinity'
cleartext .posinfstr, 'Infinity'
cleartext .nanstr, 'NaN'
mov rdi, .neginfstr
call string$copy
mov rdi, .posinfstr
call string$copy
mov rdi, .nanstr
call string$copy
; let the nasties begin, our original parameters are unmolested, and our stackframe is as well
; double in xmm0, mode in edi, precision in esi
virtual at rsp
strtod_negative dq ?
strtod_sentinel dq ?
strtod_buffer dq ?
strtod_mode dd ?
strtod_wrotedecimal dd ?
strtod_valuezero dd ?
end virtual
push rbx r12 r13 r14 r15 ; we will use all of our callee-save regs
sub rsp, 512 ; get us a decent amount of stackspace
mov [strtod_negative], 0
mov dword [strtod_mode], edi
mov dword [strtod_wrotedecimal], 0
mov rbx, rsp
add rbx, 36 ; our buffer
mov [strtod_buffer], rbx ; save our buffer pointer cuz we can't modify the stack later
mov r13, rbx ; s
mov [strtod_sentinel], rbx
mov r15d, esi ; save our precision
xor eax, eax
mov ecx, 1
comisd xmm0, [_math_zero]
cmove eax, ecx
mov dword [strtod_valuezero], eax
comisd xmm0, [_math_zero] ; TODO, twice? wtf
jb .negative
; we have saved our mode and precision already, so we can safely call stringdc$new
call stringdc$new
mov r12, rax ; r12 is now our stringdc
mov r14d, [_dc12_base10exp]
sub r14d, 1
; so at this point:
; rbx == our buffer (past our virtual at rsp vars)
; r12 == our stringdc
; r13 == s
; r14d == exp10
; r15d == precision
xor eax, eax
cmp dword [strtod_mode], 0
jl .badmode
cmp dword [strtod_mode], 3
jg .badmode
mov eax, dword [strtod_mode]
shl eax, 3
add rax, .modejump
jmp qword [rax]
cmp r14d, 0
jge .modenorm_check20
cmp r14d, -7
jle .modenorm_check20
mov ecx, r15d
neg ecx
cmp r14d, ecx
jge .formatfraction
sub ecx, 1
mov r15d, ecx
jmp .formatfraction
cmp r14d, 20
jle .formatnormal
jmp .formatexponential
cmp r14d, 0
jl .formatfixedfraction
add r15d, 1 ; precision++
jmp .formatnormal
cmp r14d, 0
jl .formatfraction
cmp r14d, r15d
jge .formatexponential
jmp .formatnormal
add r15d, 1
jmp .formatexponential
xor ebx, ebx
mov word [r13], '0'
add r13, 2
mov rdi, r12
call stringdc$nd
cmp eax, 0
jle .formatnormal_exploop
add eax, '0'
mov word [r13], ax
add r13, 2
cmp r14d, 0
jle .formatnormal_exploopdone
mov rdi, r12
call stringdc$nd
add eax, '0'
mov word [r13], ax
add r13, 2
add ebx, 1 ; digits++
sub r14d, 1 ; exp10--
jnz .formatnormal_exploop
cmp dword [strtod_mode], 1 ; mode == fixed?
jne .formatnormal_modenotfixed
xor ebx, ebx ; digits = 0
cmp dword [strtod_mode], 0
jne .formatnormal_modenotnormal
cmp dword [_dc12_finished], 0
jne .formatdone
mov word [r13], '.'
add r13, 2
mov dword [strtod_wrotedecimal], 1
mov rdi, r12
call stringdc$nd
add eax, '0'
mov word [r13], ax
add r13, 2
cmp dword [_dc12_finished], 0
je .formatnormal_modenotfixed_loop
jmp .formatdone
mov eax, r15d
sub eax, 1
cmp ebx, eax
jge .formatdone
sub r15d, 1 ; temporarily modify precision to -1 for loop below
mov word [r13], '.'
add r13, 2
mov dword [strtod_wrotedecimal], 1
mov rdi, r12
call stringdc$nd
add eax, '0'
mov word [r13], ax
add r13, 2
add ebx, 1
cmp ebx, r15d
jl .formatnormal_modenotnormal_loop
; add the 1 back in to precision
add r15d, 1
jmp .formatdone
mov rdi, r12
call stringdc$nd
add eax, '0'
mov word [r13], ax
add r13, 2
cmp dword [strtod_mode], 0
jne .formatexponential_notnormal
cmp dword [_dc12_finished], 0
je .formatexponential_doit
jmp .formatdone
cmp r15d, 1
jle .formatdone
mov word [r13], '.'
add r13, 2
mov dword [strtod_wrotedecimal], 1
mov ebx, 1 ; for our loop
cmp ebx, r15d
jge .formatdone
add ebx, 1
cmp dword [_dc12_finished], 0
je .formatexponential_loop_notfinished
cmp dword [strtod_mode], 0
je .formatdone
mov word [r13], '0'
add r13, 2
jmp .formatexponential_loop
mov rdi, r12
call stringdc$nd
add eax, '0'
mov word [r13], ax
add r13, 2
jmp .formatexponential_loop
mov word [r13], '0' ; sentinel
mov word [r13+2], '0'
mov word [r13+4], '.'
add r13, 6
mov dword [strtod_wrotedecimal], 1
cmp dword [strtod_valuezero], 1
je .formatfraction_valzero
; else, loop from exp10 to -1 writing more zeroes
mov ebx, r14d
cmp ebx, -1
jge .formatfraction_valzero
add ebx, 1
mov word [r13], '0'
add r13, 2
jmp .formatfraction_zeroloop
; TODO: redo these, horrible
xor ebx, ebx
; copy of the valzero_loop
cmp dword [_dc12_finished], 0
jne .formatfraction_modecheck
mov rdi, r12
call stringdc$nd
add eax, '0'
mov word [r13], ax
add r13, 2
cmp dword [strtod_mode], 0
je .formatfraction_valzero_loop
add ebx, 1
cmp ebx, r15d
jge .formatfraction_modecheck
; fallthrough
cmp dword [_dc12_finished], 0
jne .formatfraction_modecheck
mov rdi, r12
call stringdc$nd ; infinite loop here sometimes
add eax, '0'
mov word [r13], ax
add r13, 2
cmp dword [strtod_mode], 0
je .formatfraction_valzero_loop
add ebx, 1
cmp ebx, r15d
jge .formatfraction_modecheck
jmp .formatfraction_valzero_loop
xor r14d, r14d
cmp dword [strtod_mode], 2
jne .formatdone
cmp ebx, r15d
jge .formatdone
add ebx, 1
mov rdi, r12
call stringdc$nd
add eax, '0'
mov word [r13], ax
add r13, 2
jmp .formatfraction_modecheck_loop
mov word [r13], '0' ; sentinel
mov word [r13+2], '0'
mov word [r13+4], '.'
add r13, 6
mov dword [strtod_wrotedecimal], 1
xor ebx, ebx ; digits loop
cmp r14d, 0
je .formatfixedfraction_significand
jl .formatfixedfraction_expl
add r14d, 1
cmp r14d, 10
jge .formatfixedfraction_significand
cmp ebx, r15d
jge .formatfixedfraction_significand
mov word [r13], '0'
add r13, 2
add ebx, 1
jmp .formatfixedfraction_posexploop
add r14d, 1
test r14d, r14d
jz .formatfixedfraction_significand
mov ecx, r15d
sub r15d, 1
cmp ecx, 0
jle .formatfixedfraction_significand
mov word [r13], '0'
add r13, 2
jmp .formatfixedfraction_expl
cmp ebx, r15d ; digits < precision?
jge .formatfixedfraction_done
add ebx, 1 ; digits++
cmp [_dc12_finished], 0
je .formatfixedfraction_notfinished
cmp [strtod_mode], 0
je .formatfixedfraction_done
mov word [r13], '0'
add r13, 2
jmp .formatfixedfraction_significand
mov rdi, r12
call stringdc$nd
add eax, '0'
mov word [r13], ax
add r13, 2
jmp .formatfixedfraction_significand
; special case here, if exp10 is still < 0, it means precision was too small
; and as a result, rounding would be _incorrect_ if we grabbed the next digit
; so we have to assume the next digit is zero in this case, which also means
; we can skip rounding
cmp r14d, 0
jl .finalstretch
xor r14d, r14d ; exp10 = 0
; fallthrough to formatdone
; rbx got blasted, but the rest are okay (rbx original buffer is stored in rsp goods)
cmp dword [_dc12_fastestok], 0
jne .formatdone_okay
cmp dword [strtod_mode], 1 ; mode == fixed?
je .formatdone_okay
cmp dword [strtod_mode], 2 ; mode == precision?
jne .checkexp10
mov rdi, r12
call stringdc$nd
cmp eax, 4
jle .formatdone_okay_normalcheck
mov rcx, r13 ; ptr = s
sub rcx, 2 ; - 1
cmp rcx, qword [strtod_buffer]
jl .formatdone_okay_normalcheck
movzx eax, word [rcx]
cmp eax, '0'
jl .formatdone_okay_loop_keepgoing
add eax, 1
mov word [rcx], ax
cmp eax, 0x3a
jne .formatdone_okay_normalcheck
mov word [rcx], '0'
sub rcx, 2
jmp .formatdone_okay_loop
sub rcx, 2
jmp .formatdone_okay_loop
cmp dword [strtod_mode], 0
jne .checkexp10
cmp dword [strtod_wrotedecimal], 0
je .checkexp10
; otherwise, remove trailing zeroes
cmp word [r13-2], '0'
jne .formatdone_okay_dcheck
sub r13, 2
jmp .formatdone_okay_normalcheck_loop
cmp word [r13-2], '.'
jne .checkexp10
sub r13, 2
; fallthrough to checkexp10
; so at this point:
; rbx == our buffer (past our virtual at rsp vars)
; r12 == our stringdc
; r13 == s
; r14d == exp10
; r15d == precision
; virtual at rsp
; strtod_negative dq ?
; strtod_sentinel dq ?
; strtod_buffer dq ?
; strtod_mode dd ?
; strtod_wrotedecimal dd ?
; end virtual
test r14d, r14d
jz .finalstretch
; if (exp10)
movsxd rax, dword [strtod_negative]
shl rax, 1
add rax, qword [strtod_buffer] ; firstnz = buffer + negative
cmp rax, r13
jge .checkexp10_2
cmp word [rax], '0'
jne .checkexp10_2
add rax, 2
jmp .checkexp10_nzl
mov rcx, r13 ; lastnz = s
cmp rax, r13
jne .checkexp10_3
; all digits got rounded
mov word [rax], '1'
add r13, 2
add r14d, 1
jmp .checkexp10_adde
; firstnz = rax
; lastnz = s
cmp rcx, rax
jle .checkexp10_3_2
sub rcx, 2
cmp word [rcx], '0'
je .checkexp10_3
cmp dword [strtod_valuezero], 0
jne .checkexp10_adde
cmp rax, rcx
jne .checkexp10_adde
; else, exp10 += (s - firstnz - 1)
mov rcx, r13
sub rcx, rax
shr rcx, 1
sub rcx, 1
add r14d, ecx
mov r13, rax
add r13, 2
mov word [r13], 'e'
add r13, 2
cmp r14d, 0
jle .checkexp10_adde_noplus
mov word [r13], '+'
add r13, 2
; convert value in r14 to a string at r13
movsxd rdi, r14d
mov esi, 10
call string$from_int
; now we have a newly allocated string in rax, get its length into rcx
mov rsi, rax
add rsi, 8
mov rdx, [rax]
shl rdx, 1
mov rdi, r13
add r13, rdx
mov r14, rax ; save it across our memcpy call
call memcpy
mov rdi, r14
call heap$free ; get rid of our temporary
; so now, r13 got decimal e added to it
mov r14, r13
sub r14, qword [strtod_buffer]
; r14 now has our length in bytes
mov r13, qword [strtod_buffer] ; s = buffer
mov rax, qword [strtod_sentinel]
cmp qword [strtod_negative], 0
jne .finalnegative
; not negative
; check sentinel
cmp word [rax], '0'
jne .finalposnosentinel
cmp word [rax+2], '.'
je .finalposnosentinel
mov r13, qword [strtod_sentinel]
add r13, 2
sub r14, 2
mov rdi, r14
add rdi, 8
call heap$alloc
mov rdx, r14 ; length in bytes
shr r14, 1
mov qword [rax], r14 ; store length in characters
mov rbx, rax ; save our return
mov rdi, rax
add rdi, 8 ; destination for memcpy
mov rsi, r13 ; source == s
; length already set
call memcpy
; done.
add rsp, 512
mov rdi, r12
call heap$free
mov rax, rbx ; restore our return
pop r15 r14 r13 r12 rbx
add r13, 2 ; s++
cmp word [rax], '0'
jne .finalnegnosentinel
cmp word [rax+2], '.'
je .finalnegnosentinel
mov r13, qword [strtod_sentinel]
add r13, 2
sub r14, 2
sub r13, 2
mov word [r13], '-'
mov rdi, r14
add rdi, 8
call heap$alloc
mov rdx, r14
shr r14, 1
mov qword [rax], r14
mov rbx, rax
mov rdi, rax
add rdi, 8
mov rsi, r13
call memcpy
add rsp, 512
mov rdi, r12
call heap$free
mov rax, rbx
pop r15 r14 r13 r12 rbx
.modejump dq .modenormal, .modefixed, .modeprecision, .modeexponential
mov dword [strtod_mode], 0
jmp .modeokay
movsd xmm1, qword [_math_negzero]
xorpd xmm0, xmm1 ; negate our value
mov qword [rsp], 1 ; set negative flag
add r13, 2 ; s++
mov [strtod_sentinel], r13 ; sentinel = s, after the negation
jmp .doit
end if
if used string$from_cstr | defined include_everything
; single argument in rdi: a null terminated C string
; returns a new string in rax
; convenience function that calls strlen_latin1 for you
prolog string$from_cstr
push rdi
call strlen_latin1
mov rsi, rax
pop rdi
call string$from_utf8
end if
if used string$from_utf8 | defined include_everything
; two arguments: pointer in rdi, length in rsi, returns new string decoded from utf8 buffer
; NOTE: if the setting strict_utf is enabled, and we receive invalid utf8 sequences, you'll get a null return
; in rax
prolog string$from_utf8
push rbx ; we'll use this one
test rsi, rsi
jz .empty_string
push rdi rsi
mov rdi, rsi
shl rdi, 1
add rdi, 8 ; how much room we actually need
call heap$alloc
pop rcx rsi
mov rdi, rax
; so at this point, rdi == our new string, rcx == our utf8 buffer length, rsi == our source utf8 buffer
mov r8, rax ; save our return in r8
add rdi, 8 ; skip our length location
mov ebx, dword [rsi]
mov eax, ebx
mov edx, ebx
shr bl, 4
cmp bl, 8
jb .convert_ascii
cmp bl, 12
jb .convert_invalid
cmp bl, 14
jb .convert_w8_or_w16
je .convert_w16
cmp rcx, 4
jb .convert_invalid
if strict_utf
and edx, 0x08
jnz .convert_invalid
end if
shr ebx, 8
and bl, 0xc0
cmp bl, 0x80
jne .convert_invalid
shr ebx, 8
and bl, 0xc0
cmp bl, 0x80
jne .convert_invalid
shr ebx, 8
and bl, 0xc0
cmp bl, 0x80
jne .convert_invalid
movzx edx, al
shl edx, 18
and edx, 0x1c0000
mov ebx, eax
shr ebx, 8
and ebx, 0xff
shl ebx, 12
and ebx, 0x3f000
or edx, ebx
mov ebx, eax
shr ebx, 16
and ebx, 0xff
shl ebx, 6
and ebx, 0xfc0
or edx, ebx
mov ebx, eax
shr ebx, 24
and ebx, 0x3f
or edx, ebx
mov ebx, eax
shr ebx, 24
and ebx, 0x3f
or edx, ebx
cmp edx, 0x10000
jb .convert_invalid
add rsi, 4
mov ebx, edx
sub ebx, 0x10000
shr ebx, 10
and ebx, 0x3ff
add ebx, 0xd800
mov word [rdi], bx
add rdi, 2
mov ebx, edx
sub ebx, 0x10000
and ebx, 0x3ff
add ebx, 0xdc00
mov word [rdi], bx
add rdi, 2
sub rcx, 4
jnz .convertloop
jmp .convert_done
cmp rcx, 2
jb .convert_invalid
shr edx, 8
and edx, 0xc0
cmp edx, 0x80
jne .convert_invalid
movzx edx, al
shl edx, 6
and edx, 0x7c0
mov ebx, eax
shr ebx, 8
and ebx, 0x3f
or edx, ebx
cmp edx, 0x80
jb .convert_invalid
add rsi, 2
mov word [rdi], dx
add rdi, 2
sub rcx, 2
jnz .convertloop
jmp .convert_done
cmp rcx, 3
jb .convert_invalid
shr ebx, 8
and bl, 0xc0
cmp bl, 0x80
jne .convert_invalid
shr ebx, 8
and bl, 0xc0
cmp bl, 0x80
jne .convert_invalid
movzx edx, al
shl edx, 12
and edx, 0xf000
mov ebx, eax
shr ebx, 8
and ebx, 0xff
shl ebx, 6
and ebx, 0xfc0
or edx, ebx
mov ebx, eax
shr ebx, 16
and ebx, 0x3f
or edx, ebx
cmp edx, 0x800
jb .convert_invalid
add rsi, 3
mov word [rdi], dx
add rdi, 2
sub rcx, 3
jnz .convertloop
jmp .convert_done
and eax, 0xff
mov word [rdi], ax
add rdi, 2
add rsi, 1
sub rcx, 1
jnz .convertloop
jmp .convert_done
if strict_utf
mov rdi, r8
call heap$free
xor eax, eax ; null ret if we are set to strict
pop rbx
and eax, 0xff
mov word [rdi], ax
add rdi, 2
add rsi, 1
sub rcx, 1
jnz .convertloop
if align_inner
; convert_done fallthrough to avoid nop fill
mov rax, rdi
sub rax, r8
sub rax, 8 ; r8 has the actual return which includes the 8 byte length field
shr rax, 1
mov [r8], rax ; length in characters stored
mov rax, r8 ; return pointer sorted.
pop rbx ; restore our callee-saved goods
end if
end if
mov rax, rdi
sub rax, r8
sub rax, 8 ; r8 has the actual return which includes the 8 byte length field
shr rax, 1
mov [r8], rax ; length in characters stored
mov rax, r8 ; return pointer sorted.
pop rbx ; restore our callee-saved goods
mov rdi, 8
call heap$alloc
mov qword [rax], 0
pop rbx
end if
if used string$from_utf16 | defined include_everything
; two arguments: pointer in rdi, length in BYTES in rsi, returns new string from the utf16 buffer
prolog string$from_utf16
push rdi rsi
mov rdi, rsi
add rdi, 8
call heap$alloc
pop rdx rsi
mov rcx, rdx
mov rdi, rax
shr rcx, 1
mov qword [rax], rcx
add rdi, 8
push rax
call memcpy
pop rax
end if
if used string$from_utf32 | defined include_everything
; two arguments: pointer in rdi, length in BYTES in rsi, returns new string from the utf32 buffer
; NOTE: if the setting strict_utf is enabled, and we receive invalid utf32, you'll get a null return
prolog string$from_utf32
test rsi, rsi
jz .empty_string
push rdi rsi
mov rdi, rsi
call heap$alloc ; NOTE: this wastes a good deal of memory, but better than parsing the buffer twice.. TODO: reconsider?
pop rsi rdi
mov rdx, rax
add rax, 8
shr rsi, 2 ; in dwords
mov ecx, dword [rdi]
cmp ecx, 0xffff
jg .biggun
if strict_utf
cmp ecx, 0xd800
jl .smallokay
cmp ecx, 0xdfff
jbe .convert_invalid
end if
mov word [rax], cx
add rax, 2
add rdi, 4
sub rsi, 1
jnz .convertloop
; all done
sub rax, rdx
shr rax, 1
mov qword [rdx], rax ; store the length
mov rax, rdx ; setup our return
cmp ecx, 0x10ffff
jg .convert_invalid
sub ecx, 0x10000
shr ecx, 10
add ecx, 0xd800
mov word [rax], cx
add rax, 2
mov ecx, dword [rdi]
sub ecx, 0x10000
and ecx, 0x3ff
add ecx, 0xdc00
mov word [rax], cx
add rax, 2
add rdi, 4
sub rsi, 1
jnz .convertloop
; all done
sub rax, rdx
shr rax, 1
mov qword [rdx], rax ; store the length
mov rax, rdx ; setup our return
if strict_utf
mov rdi, rdx
call heap$free
xor eax, eax
mov word [rax], 0xfffd
add rax, 2
add rdi, 4
sub rsi, 1
jnz .convertloop
; all done
sub rax, rdx
shr rax, 1
mov qword [rdx], rax ; store the length
mov rax, rdx ; setup our return
end if
mov rdi, 8
call heap$alloc
mov qword [rax], 0
end if
if used string$length | defined include_everything
; single argument: string in rdi, returns length
; NOTE: you should not use this, just a convenience function really. qword [rdi] == length anyway.
prolog string$length
mov rax, [rdi]
end if
if used string$empty | defined include_everything
; single argument: string in rdi, returns 1 if qword [rdi] == 0 (probably better to just check it yourself ;-))
prolog string$empty
cmp qword [rdi], 0
je .empty
xor eax, eax
mov eax, 1
end if
if used string$utf8_length | defined include_everything
; single argument: string in rdi, returns the length required for this string to be converted to utf8
prolog string$utf8_length
mov rsi, rdi
; count in rdi
xor edi, edi
mov rcx, [rsi]
add rsi, 8 ; rsi now pointing to start of our real buffer, rdi pointing to the passed in destination buffer for our resultant utf8
test rcx, rcx
jz .zerolength
movzx edx, word [rsi]
cmp edx, 0x80
jb .ascii
cmp edx, 0x800
jb .twobyte
cmp edx, 0xd800
jb .threebyte
cmp edx, 0xdbff
ja .threebyte
sub rcx, 1
jz .alldone
add rsi, 2
movzx eax, word [rsi]
cmp eax, 0xdc00
jb .threebytefffd
cmp edx, 0xdfff
ja .threebytefffd
add rdi, 4
add rsi, 2
sub rcx, 1
jnz .innerloop
; copy of alldone fallthrough to avoid unnecessary space saving unconditional jump to .alldone
mov rax, rdi
add rdi, 3
add rsi, 2
sub rcx, 1
jnz .innerloop
; copy of alldone fallthrough to avoid unnecessary space saving unconditional jump to .alldone
mov rax, rdi
cmp edx, 0xdc00
jl .threebyteproceed
cmp edx, 0xdfff
jg .threebyteproceed
jmp .threebytefffd
add rdi, 3
add rsi, 2
sub rcx, 1
jnz .innerloop
; copy of alldone fallthrough to avoid unnecessary space saving unconditional jump to .alldone
mov rax, rdi
add rdi, 2
add rsi, 2
sub rcx, 1
jnz .innerloop
; copy of alldone fallthrough to avoid unnecessary space saving unconditional jump to .alldone
mov rax, rdi
add rdi, 1
add rsi, 2
sub rcx, 1
jnz .innerloop
mov rax, rdi
xor eax, eax
end if
if used string$utf32_length | defined include_everything
; single argument: string in rdi, returns the length in CODEPOINTS (not bytes) required for conversion to utf32
prolog string$utf32_length
xor eax, eax
mov rcx, qword [rdi]
test rcx, rcx
jz .alldone
add rdi, 8
movzx edx, word [rdi]
cmp edx, 0xd800
jb .nothighsurr
cmp edx, 0xdbff
ja .nothighsurr
cmp word [rdi+2], 0xdc00
jb .invalid
cmp word [rdi+2], 0xdfff
ja .invalid
add rax, 1
add rdi, 4
sub rcx, 1
jz .alldone
sub rcx, 1
jz .alldone
jmp .top
if strict_utf
cmp edx, 0xdc00
jb .nothighokay
cmp edx, 0xdfff
ja .nothighokay
jmp .invalid
end if
add rax, 1
add rdi, 2
sub rcx, 1
jnz .top
; else, all done
if strict_utf
xor eax, eax
add rax, 1
add rdi, 2
sub rcx, 1
jnz .top
; else, all done
end if
end if
if used string$to_utf8 | defined include_everything
; two arguments: string in rdi, destination buffer in rsi
; NOTE: this assumes there is enough room in rsi for the conversion (caller is expected to have already called utf8_length)
; also note: we do _not_ add a null terminator
; but we _do_ return the length we wrote back into rax for convenience
prolog string$to_utf8
mov rax, rsi
mov rsi, rdi
mov rdi, rax ; swap them so they are sensible d/s (unnecessary but nicer to read)
; save rax above so we can do quickmath to reset it
mov r8, rax
mov rcx, [rsi]
add rsi, 8 ; rsi now pointing to start of our real buffer, rdi pointing to the passed in destination buffer for our resultant utf8
test rcx, rcx
jz .zerolength
movzx edx, word [rsi]
cmp edx, 0x80
jb .ascii
cmp edx, 0x800
jb .twobyte
cmp edx, 0xd800
jb .threebyte
cmp edx, 0xdbff
ja .threebyte
sub rcx, 1
jz .alldone
add rsi, 2
movzx eax, word [rsi]
cmp eax, 0xdc00
jb .threebytefffd
cmp edx, 0xdfff
ja .threebytefffd
sub edx, 0xd800
shl edx, 10
sub eax, 0xdc00
add edx, eax
add edx, 0x10000
; edx now has our 32 bit goods to encode
mov eax, edx
shr eax, 18
and eax, 0x07
or eax, 0xf0
mov byte [rdi], al
add rdi, 1
mov eax, edx
shr eax, 12
and eax, 0x3f
or eax, 0x80
mov byte [rdi], al
add rdi, 1
mov eax, edx
shr eax, 6
and eax, 0x3f
or eax, 0x80
mov byte [rdi], al
add rdi, 1
mov eax, edx
and eax, 0x3f
or eax, 0x80
mov byte [rdi], al
add rdi, 1
; and continue
add rsi, 2
sub rcx, 1
jnz .innerloop
; copy of alldone fallthrough to avoid unnecessary space saving unconditional jump to .alldone
mov rax, rdi
sub rax, r8 ; rax now has the # of characters we wrote
mov edx, 0xfffd
mov eax, edx
shr eax, 12
and eax, 0x0f
or eax, 0xe0
mov byte [rdi], al
add rdi, 1
mov eax, edx
shr eax, 6
and eax, 0x3f
or eax, 0x80
mov byte [rdi], al
add rdi, 1
mov eax, edx
and eax, 0x3f
or eax, 0x80
mov byte [rdi], al
add rdi, 1
add rsi, 2
sub rcx, 1
jnz .innerloop
; copy of alldone fallthrough to avoid unnecessary space saving unconditional jump to .alldone
mov rax, rdi
sub rax, r8 ; rax now has the # of characters we wrote
cmp edx, 0xdc00
jl .threebyteproceed
cmp edx, 0xdfff
jg .threebyteproceed
jmp .threebytefffd
mov eax, edx
shr eax, 12
and eax, 0x0f
or eax, 0xe0
mov byte [rdi], al
add rdi, 1
mov eax, edx
shr eax, 6
and eax, 0x3f
or eax, 0x80
mov byte [rdi], al
add rdi, 1
mov eax, edx
and eax, 0x3f
or eax, 0x80
mov byte [rdi], al
add rdi, 1
add rsi, 2
sub rcx, 1
jnz .innerloop
; copy of alldone fallthrough to avoid unnecessary space saving unconditional jump to .alldone
mov rax, rdi
sub rax, r8 ; rax now has the # of characters we wrote
mov eax, edx
shr eax, 6
and eax, 0x1f
or eax, 0xc0
mov byte [rdi], al
add rdi, 1
and edx, 0x3f
or edx, 0x80
mov byte [rdi], dl
add rdi, 1
add rsi, 2
sub rcx, 1
jnz .innerloop
; copy of alldone fallthrough to avoid unnecessary space saving unconditional jump to .alldone
mov rax, rdi
sub rax, r8 ; rax now has the # of characters we wrote
mov byte [rdi], dl
add rdi, 1
add rsi, 2
sub rcx, 1
jnz .innerloop
mov rax, rdi
sub rax, r8 ; rax now has the # of characters we wrote
; we can store a null byte at rdi
xor eax, eax
end if
if used string$to_utf32 | defined include_everything
; two arguments: string in rdi, destination buffer in rsi
; NOTE: this assumes there is enough room in rsi for the conversion (caller is expected to have already called utf32_length)
; also, if strict_utf, undefined things happen (e.g. it will stop midway on invalid) (if you have strict_utf enabled, check the length first)
; this will return the # of codepoints written in rax
prolog string$to_utf32
xor eax, eax
mov rcx, qword [rdi]
test rcx, rcx
jz .alldone
add rdi, 8
movzx edx, word [rdi]
cmp edx, 0xd800
jb .nothighsurr
cmp edx, 0xdbff
ja .nothighsurr
cmp word [rdi+2], 0xdc00
jb .invalid
cmp word [rdi+2], 0xdfff
ja .invalid
sub edx, 0xd800
shl edx, 10
movzx r8d, word [rdi+2]
sub r8d, 0xdc00
add edx, r8d
add edx, 0x10000
mov dword [rsi], edx
add rsi, 4
add rax, 1
add rdi, 4
sub rcx, 1
jz .alldone
sub rcx, 1
jz .alldone
jmp .top
if strict_utf
cmp edx, 0xdc00
jb .nothighokay
cmp edx, 0xdfff
ja .nothighokay
jmp .invalid
end if
mov dword [rsi], edx
add rsi, 4
add rax, 1
add rdi, 2
sub rcx, 1
jnz .top
; else, all done
if strict_utf
xor eax, eax
mov dword [rsi], edx
add rsi, 4
add rax, 1
add rdi, 2
sub rcx, 1
jnz .top
; else, all done
end if
end if
if used string$to_stdoutln | defined include_everything
; single argument; string in rdi... convenience function that tosses a \n on the end via a second syscall_write
prolog string$to_stdoutln
call string$to_stdout
mov eax, syscall_write
mov rsi, .lf
mov edx, 1
mov edi, 1
.lf db 10
end if
if used string$to_stdout | defined include_everything
; single argument: string in rdi, convenience function to convert to utf8 and send to stdout (uses syscall to write)
prolog string$to_stdout
push r12 r13
mov r12, rdi
call string$utf8_length
cmp rax, 16384
jge .heapbased
mov r13, rax
sub rsp, rax
mov rsi, rsp
mov rdi, r12
call string$to_utf8
mov eax, syscall_write
mov rsi, rsp
mov rdx, r13
mov edi, 1
add rsp, r13
pop r13 r12
push r14
mov r14, rax ; the # of bytes
; more than 16k worth of utf8, alloc on the heap instead of using stackspace
mov rdi, rax ; the # of bytes we want
call heap$alloc
mov r13, rax ; save our pointer
mov rsi, rax
mov rdi, r12
call string$to_utf8
mov eax, syscall_write
mov rsi, r13
mov rdx, r14
mov edi, 1
pop r14
mov rdi, r13
call heap$free
pop r13 r12
end if
if used string$to_stderrln | defined include_everything
; single argument; string in rdi... convenience function that tosses a \n on the end via a second syscall_write
prolog string$to_stderrln
call string$to_stderr
mov eax, syscall_write
mov rsi, .lf
mov edx, 1
mov edi, 2
.lf db 10
end if
if used string$to_stderr | defined include_everything
; single argument: string in rdi, convenience function to convert to utf8 and send to stderr (uses syscall to write)
prolog string$to_stderr
push r12 r13
mov r12, rdi
call string$utf8_length
cmp rax, 16384
jge .heapbased
mov r13, rax
sub rsp, rax
mov rsi, rsp
mov rdi, r12
call string$to_utf8
mov eax, syscall_write
mov rsi, rsp
mov rdx, r13
mov edi, 2
add rsp, r13
pop r13 r12
push r14
mov r14, rax ; the # of bytes
; more than 16k worth of utf8, alloc on the heap instead of using stackspace
mov rdi, rax ; the # of bytes we want
call heap$alloc
mov r13, rax ; save our pointer
mov rsi, rax
mov rdi, r12
call string$to_utf8
mov eax, syscall_write
mov rsi, r13
mov rdx, r14
mov edi, 2
pop r14
mov rdi, r13
call heap$free
pop r13 r12
end if
if used string$skip_whitespace | defined include_everything
; two arguments: string in rdi, starting offset in rsi
; returns (possibly unmodified) offset in rsi
prolog string$skip_whitespace
mov rax, rsi
mov r9, qword [rdi]
add rdi, 8
cmp rsi, r9
jge .alldone
movzx ecx, word [rdi+rax*2]
cmp ecx, 32
ja .alldone
mov r8d, 1
sub ecx, 1
shl r8d, cl
test r8d, 2147488512
jz .alldone
; else, we hit either a 32, 9, 10 or 13
add rax, 1
cmp rax, r9
jl .spaceskip
sub rdi, 8 ; restore rdi as a convenience
sub rdi, 8 ; restore rdi as a convenience
end if
if used string$next_whitespace | defined include_everything
; two arguments: string in rdi, starting offset in rsi
; returns (possibly unmodified) offset in rax
prolog string$next_whitespace
mov rax, rsi
mov r9, qword [rdi]
add rdi, 8
cmp rsi, r9
jge .alldone
movzx ecx, word [rdi+rax*2]
cmp ecx, 32
je .alldone
ja .next
mov r8d, 1
sub ecx, 1
shl r8d, cl
test r8d, 2147488512
jz .next
; else, we hit either a 32, 9, 10 or 13
sub rdi, 8 ; restore rdi as a convenience
add rax, 1
cmp rax, r9
jl .spaceskip
sub rdi, 8 ; restore rdi as a convenience
sub rdi, 8 ; restore rdi as a convenience
end if
if used string$to_int_radix | defined include_everything
; two arguments: string in rdi, radix in esi
; shortcuts/jumps into string$to_int
prolog string$to_int_radix
xor r11d, r11d
mov r10d, esi
jmp string$to_int_withradix
end if
if used string$to_int | used string$to_int_radix | defined include_everything
; single argument: string in rdi, returns integer conversion in rax
; we are not strict, and will return whatever we can scrape out of it
prolog string$to_int
xor r11d, r11d ; default not negative
mov r10d, 10 ; default radix 10
xor eax, eax ; clear our result
mov r9, qword [rdi]
add rdi, 8
; skip whatever leading spaces exist
test r9, r9
jz .alldone
movzx ecx, word [rdi]
mov r8d, 1
cmp ecx, 32
jae .spacesdone
sub ecx, 1
shl r8d, cl
test r8d, 2147488512
jz .spacesdone
; else, we hit either a 32, 9, 10, or 13
add rdi, 2
sub r9, 1
jnz .spaceskip
; if we made it to here, r9 ran out of characters, alldone
; check to see if we got a sign
cmp word [rdi], '+'
jne .notplus
add rdi, 2
sub r9, 1
jz .alldone
jmp .signchecked
cmp word [rdi], '-'
jne .signchecked
add rdi, 2
mov r11d, 1 ; negative number
sub r9, 1
jz .alldone
cmp r9, 2
jb .doit
cmp word [rdi], '0'
jne .doit
cmp word [rdi+2], 'x'
jne .doit
mov r10d, 16 ; 0x found!
add rdi, 4
sub r9, 2
jz .alldone
; so at this point:
; rdi is our current buffer location
; r9 is our current chars left (>0)
; r10d is our radix
; r11d is 0 or 1 for whether we have to negate the result
movzx ecx, word [rdi]
add rdi, 2
cmp ecx, '0'
jb .invalid
cmp ecx, '9'
jbe .numeric
cmp ecx, 'A'
jb .invalid
cmp ecx, 'F'
jbe .caphex
cmp ecx, 'a'
jb .invalid
cmp ecx, 'f'
jbe .hex
test r11d, r11d
jnz .negret
epilog ; invalid if we made it to here
sub ecx, '0'
cmp ecx, r10d
jae .invalid
mul r10 ; rax = rax * radix
add rax, rcx ; + c
sub r9, 1
jnz .doit
test r11d, r11d
jnz .negret
sub ecx, 'A'
add ecx, 10
cmp ecx, r10d
jae .invalid
mul r10 ; rax = rax * radix
add rax, rcx ; + c
sub r9, 1
jnz .doit
test r11d, r11d
jnz .negret
sub ecx, 'a'
add ecx, 10
cmp ecx, r10d
jae .invalid
mul r10 ; rax = rax * radix
add rax, rcx ; + c
sub r9, 1
jnz .doit
test r11d, r11d
jnz .negret
neg rax
end if
if used string$to_unsigned | defined include_everything
; single argument: string in rdi, returns unsigned conversion in rax
prolog string$to_unsigned
mov r10d, 10 ; default radix 10
xor eax, eax ; clear our result
mov r9, qword [rdi]
add rdi, 8
; skip whatever leading spaces exist
test r9, r9
jz .alldone
movzx ecx, word [rdi]
mov r8d, 1
cmp ecx, 32
jae .spacesdone
sub ecx, 1
shl r8d, cl
test r8d, 2147488512
jz .spacesdone
; else, we hit either a 32, 9, 10, or 13
add rdi, 2
sub r9, 1
jnz .spaceskip
; if we made it to here, r9 ran out of characters, alldone
; check to see if we got a sign
cmp word [rdi], '+'
jne .notplus
add rdi, 2
sub r9, 1
jz .alldone
jmp .signchecked
cmp word [rdi+2], '0'
je .doit
add rdi, 2
mov r10d, 8 ; OCTAL
sub r9, 1
jmp .doit
cmp word [rdi], '-'
je .invalid
cmp r9, 2
jb .doit
cmp word [rdi], '0'
jne .doit
cmp word [rdi+2], 'x'
jne .octal
mov r10d, 16 ; 0x found!
add rdi, 4
sub r9, 2
jz .alldone
; so at this point:
; rdi is our current buffer location
; r9 is our current chars left (>0)
; r10d is our radix
; r11d is 0 or 1 for whether we have to negate the result
movzx ecx, word [rdi]
add rdi, 2
cmp ecx, '0'
jb .invalid
cmp ecx, '9'
jbe .numeric
cmp ecx, 'A'
jb .invalid
cmp ecx, 'F'
jbe .caphex
cmp ecx, 'a'
jb .invalid
cmp ecx, 'f'
jbe .hex
epilog ; invalid if we made it to here
sub ecx, '0'
cmp ecx, r10d
jae .invalid
mul r10 ; rax = rax * radix
add rax, rcx ; + c
sub r9, 1
jnz .doit
sub ecx, 'A'
add ecx, 10
cmp ecx, r10d
jae .invalid
mul r10 ; rax = rax * radix
add rax, rcx ; + c
sub r9, 1
jnz .doit
sub ecx, 'a'
add ecx, 10
cmp ecx, r10d
jae .invalid
mul r10 ; rax = rax * radix
add rax, rcx ; + c
sub r9, 1
jnz .doit
end if
if used string$to_double | defined include_everything
; single argument: string in rdi, returns double conversion in xmm0
prolog string$to_double
; empty string, or a string full of spaces == return _math_zero
xor r11d, r11d
xor edx, edx ; we'll use edx for our digits counter
xor eax, eax ; and this for our exponents counter
mov r9, qword [rdi]
add rdi, 8
xorpd xmm0, xmm0
; skip whatever leading spaces exist
test r9, r9
jz .alldone
movzx ecx, word [rdi]
mov r8d, 1
cmp ecx, 32
jae .spacesdone
sub ecx, 1
shl r8d, cl
test r8d, 2147488512
jz .spacesdone
; else, we hit either a 32, 9, 10, or 13
add rdi, 2
sub r9, 1
jnz .spaceskip
; if we made it to here, r9 ran out of characters, alldone
; check to see if we got a sign
cmp word [rdi], '+'
jne .notplus
add rdi, 2
sub r9, 1
jz .alldone
mov rsi, rdi ; save our start position
mov r10, r9 ; save our charcount
jmp .signchecked
mov rsi, rdi ; in case we jump, save them here too
mov r10, r9
cmp word [rdi], '-'
jne .signchecked
add rdi, 2
mov r11d, 1 ; negative number
sub r9, 1
jz .alldone
mov rsi, rdi ; save our start position
mov r10, r9 ; save our charcount
; so at this point, r9 == characters left, r11d == bool negate, rdi == pointer to our current buffer position
; our start pos and chars left have both been saved
; now we need to scan our goods and figure out how many digits/exponents we are sitting on
movzx ecx, word [rdi]
cmp ecx, '0'
jb .checkdecimal
cmp ecx, '9'
ja .checkdecimal
add edx, 1
add rdi, 2
sub r9, 1
jnz .signchecked
cmp ecx, '.'
jne .checkexponent
add rdi, 2
sub r9, 1
jz .checknodigits
movzx ecx, word [rdi]
cmp ecx, '0'
jb .checkexponent
cmp ecx, '9'
ja .checkexponent
add edx, 1
add rdi, 2
sub r9, 1
jnz .decimaldigits
test r9, r9
jz .checknodigits
cmp ecx, 'e'
je .gotexponent
cmp ecx, 'E'
je .gotexponent
; if our digit count is zero, check for +/- inf, anything else, puke NaN
test edx, edx
jnz .doit
cmp r9, 8
jne .parsefail ; we have to be sitting on precisely 8 chars left
cmp word [rdi], 'I'
jne .parsefail
cmp word [rdi+2], 'n'
jne .parsefail
cmp word [rdi+4], 'f'
jne .parsefail
cmp word [rdi+6], 'i'
jne .parsefail
cmp word [rdi+8], 'n'
jne .parsefail
cmp word [rdi+10], 'i'
jne .parsefail
cmp word [rdi+12], 't'
jne .parsefail
cmp word [rdi+14], 'y'
jne .parsefail
; else, our original negation flag applies to infinite return
test r11d, r11d
jnz .neginf
; positive infinity return
movsd xmm0, qword [_math_posinf]
; negative infinity return
movsd xmm0, qword [_math_neginf]
push rbx r11 r12 r13 r14 r15 ; we need to make a bunch of calls outta here
sub rsp, stringbi_size
mov rbx, rsp
mov dword [rsp], 1
mov dword [rsp+4], 0
mov r12, rdi
mov r13, r9
mov r14d, -1 ; dd
mov r15d, eax ; exponents
movzx edx, word [r12]
cmp edx, 46
jb .slowdoitdone
cmp edx, '9'
ja .slowdoitdone
cmp edx, 47
je .slowdoitdone
cmp r14d, -1
je .slowdoitloop_2
add r14d, 1
cmp edx, '.'
je .slowdoitloop_3
sub edx, '0'
mov esi, 10
mov rdi, rbx
call stringbi$maib
add r12, 2
sub r13, 1
jnz .slowdoitloop
cmp r14d, 0
jle .slowdoitcheckexp
sub r15d, r14d ; exponents -= dd
cmp r15d, 0
jle .slowdoit_getvalue
; else, mbd string$qp10
movsxd rdi, r15d
call string$qp10
mov rdi, rbx
call stringbi$mbd
xor r15d, r15d
mov rdi, rbx
call stringbi$dvo
cmp r15d, 0
jge .slowdoit_noexpmod
mov eax, r15d ; put exponents back where it was
add rsp, stringbi_size
pop r15 r14 r13 r12 r11 rbx
jmp .doitnegexp ; this does the same goods on xmm0
; restore our stack, our value is in xmm0
add rsp, stringbi_size
pop r15 r14 r13 r12 r11 rbx
test r11d, r11d
jz .slowdoit_bailout
; negate xmm0
movsd xmm1, qword [_math_negzero]
xorpd xmm0, xmm1 ; negate our value
; input checked out, proceed with the dirty deed
movsd xmm1, [_math_ten]
mov rdi, rsi ; restore our start position
mov r9, r10 ; restore our charcount
cmp edx, 15
ja .slowdoit
mov edx, -1
movzx ecx, word [rdi]
cmp ecx, 46
jb .doitdone
cmp ecx, '9'
ja .doitdone
cmp ecx, 47
je .doitdone
cmp edx, -1
je .doitloop_2
add edx, 1
cmp ecx, '.'
je .doitloop_3
sub ecx, '0'
cvtsi2sd xmm2, ecx
; result = result * 10 + (ch - '0')
mulsd xmm0, xmm1 ; * 10
addsd xmm0, xmm2 ; + (ch - '0')
add rdi, 2
sub r9, 1
jnz .doitloop
cmp edx, 0
jle .doitcheckexp
sub eax, edx ; exponents -= dd
; copy of .doitcheckexp to avoid the LONG nopfill
cmp eax, 0
jl .doitnegexp
push r11 ; save whether to negate it or not
sub rsp, 8
movsd qword [rsp], xmm0 ; save our actual result
mov edi, eax ; arg to string$qp10
call string$qp10
movsd xmm1, xmm0
movsd xmm0, qword [rsp]
add rsp, 8
pop r11
mulsd xmm0, xmm1
test r11d, r11d
jz .alldone
; negate xmm0
movsd xmm1, qword [_math_negzero]
xorpd xmm0, xmm1 ; negate our value
cmp eax, 0
jl .doitnegexp
push r11 ; save whether to negate it or not
sub rsp, 8
movsd qword [rsp], xmm0 ; save our actual result
mov edi, eax ; arg to string$qp10
call string$qp10
movsd xmm1, xmm0
movsd xmm0, qword [rsp]
add rsp, 8
pop r11
mulsd xmm0, xmm1
test r11d, r11d
jz .alldone
; negate xmm0
movsd xmm1, qword [_math_negzero]
xorpd xmm0, xmm1 ; negate our value
xor edx, edx ; dd = 0
add rdi, 2
sub r9, 1
jnz .doitloop
jmp .doitdone
xor r14d, r14d ; dd = 0
add r12, 2
sub r13, 1
jnz .slowdoitloop
jmp .slowdoitdone
cmp eax, -307
jge .doitnegexp_nomod
; dont go over... max 308, min -324
mov ecx, eax
add ecx, 307
push rax rcx r11
neg ecx
sub rsp, 8
movsd qword [rsp], xmm0 ; save our actual result
movsxd rdi, ecx ; arg to string$qp10
call string$qp10
movsd xmm1, xmm0
movsd xmm0, qword [rsp]
divsd xmm0, xmm1 ; result /= string$qp10(-d)
add rsp, 8
pop r11 rcx rax
sub eax, ecx
neg eax
push r11
sub rsp, 8
movsd qword [rsp], xmm0
movsxd rdi, eax
call string$qp10
movsd xmm1, xmm0
movsd xmm0, qword [rsp]
divsd xmm0, xmm1
add rsp, 8
pop r11
test r11d, r11d
jz .alldone
; negate xmm0
movsd xmm1, qword [_math_negzero]
xorpd xmm0, xmm1 ; negate our value
; we have to parse _after_ the e, and if our parse fails at this point, probably should return NaN or something
mov r8d, 10
add rdi, 2
sub r9, 1
jz .parsefail
movzx ecx, word [rdi]
; can be e+23, e23, e-7
cmp ecx, '-'
je .negativeexp
cmp ecx, '+'
je .positiveexp
; else, we can commence our digit loop
cmp ecx, '0'
jb .parsefail
cmp ecx, '9'
ja .parsefail
push rdx ; save our rdx value cuz we need to blast it w/ mul
sub ecx, '0'
xor edx, edx ; clear rdx for the mul
mul r8d ; eax = eax * 10
pop rdx
add eax, ecx ; + c - '0'
add rdi, 2
sub r9, 1
jz .checknodigits ; this is ok because we don't have to negate eax
movzx ecx, word [rdi]
cmp ecx, '0'
jb .parsefail
cmp ecx, '9'
ja .parsefail
push rdx
sub ecx, '0'
xor edx, edx
mul r8d
pop rdx
add eax, ecx
add rdi, 2
sub r9, 1
jnz .positivedigits
jmp .checknodigits
movzx ecx, word [rdi]
cmp ecx, '0'
jb .parsefail
cmp ecx, '9'
ja .parsefail
push rdx
sub ecx, '0'
xor edx, edx
mul r8d
pop rdx
add eax, ecx
add rdi, 2
sub r9, 1
jnz .positivedigits
neg eax ; negate exp10 before we bail
jmp .checknodigits
add rdi, 2
sub r9, 1
jz .parsefail
jmp .negativedigits
add rdi, 2
sub r9, 1
jz .parsefail
jmp .positivedigits
movsd xmm0, qword [_math_nan]
end if
if used string$to_upper | defined include_everything
; single argument: string in rdi, returns NEW string uppercased
prolog string$to_upper
push r12
call string$copy
mov rdi, rax
mov r12, rax
call string$to_upper_inplace
mov rax, r12
pop r12
end if
if used string$to_lower | defined include_everything
; single argument: string in rdi, returns NEW string lowercased
prolog string$to_lower
push r12
call string$copy
mov rdi, rax
mov r12, rax
call string$to_lower_inplace
mov rax, r12
pop r12
end if
if used string$to_upper_inplace | defined include_everything
; unlike the rest of our funcs, this one actually messes with the string in place
; in other words: do not use this on readonly created strings, haha
; single argument: string in rdi
prolog string$to_upper_inplace
push rbx r12
mov rbx, [rdi]
test rbx, rbx
jz .nothingtodo
mov r12, rdi
add r12, 8
movzx edi, word [r12]
call utf16$upper
mov word [r12], ax
add r12, 2
sub rbx, 1
jnz .loop
pop r12 rbx
pop r12 rbx
end if
if used string$to_lower_inplace | defined include_everything
; single argument: string in rdi
prolog string$to_lower_inplace
push rbx r12
mov rbx, [rdi]
test rbx, rbx
jz .nothingtodo
mov r12, rdi
add r12, 8
movzx edi, word [r12]
call utf16$lower
mov word [r12], ax
add r12, 2
sub rbx, 1
jnz .loop
pop r12 rbx
pop r12 rbx
end if
if used string$substr | defined include_everything
; three arguments: string in rdi, start in rsi, LENGTH in rdx, returns new string
; pass -1 (0xffff...etc) or length > actual length if you want to the end
prolog string$substr
mov r9, qword [rdi] ; length of our string
xor r8d, r8d ; for our cmov
cmp rsi, 0 ; is the start < 0
cmovl rsi, r8 ; if so, set to 0... TODO: are we really treating rsi as signed?
cmp rsi, r9 ; is the start greater than the length?
cmovg rsi, r9
mov rax, r9 ; get our length
sub rax, rsi ; minus our start
cmp rdx, rax ; is our requested substr length too big?
cmova rdx, rax
add rdx, rsi ; add our substr length to the start
cmp rdx, r9 ; past the end?
cmova rdx, r9
jmp string$substring_goodvals
end if
if used string$substr | used string$substring | defined include_everything
; three arguments: string in rdi, start in rsi, END in rdx (actual offset, not length like substr), returns new string
prolog string$substring
mov r9, qword [rdi]
xor r8d, r8d
cmp rsi, 0
cmovl rsi, r8
cmp rsi, r9
cmovg rsi, r9
; start validated, now make sure our length isn't past the end
cmp rdx, r9
cmova rdx, r9
test rsi, rsi
jz .checksame
cmp rdx, rsi
jle .emptystring
; length in characters: end - start
; in bytes << 1
sub rdx, rsi
shl rdx, 1
shl rsi, 1
add rdi, 8
add rdi, rsi
mov rsi, rdx
call string$from_utf16
cmp rdx, r9
jne .notsame
call string$copy
cmp rdx, rsi
jle .emptystring
sub rdx, rsi
shl rdx, 1
shl rsi, 1
add rdi, 8
add rdi, rsi
mov rsi, rdx
call string$from_utf16
call string$new
end if
if used string$indexofchar | defined include_everything
; indexofchar: private routine that does the dirty work
; no prolog/epilog? hmm
; ok, our source string is in rdi, our start is in rsi, our right is in rdx, and our char is in rcx
sub rdx, rsi ; how many characters we have to count
lea rsi, [rdi+rsi*2] ; our starting location is now in rsi
pxor xmm0, xmm0
and ecx, 0xffff ; make sure ecx only has the lower word
mov eax, ecx
shl ecx, 16 ; move low word in ecx to high word
or ecx, eax ; put them both together so we have 2 words of the same thing
; ok, so now we want to make a 128 bit version of it
movd xmm1, ecx ; load up the 32 bit happenin
pshufd xmm1, xmm1, 0 ; per the order 0 byte, copy/replicate the 32 bits 4 times
; ok, so now xmm1 contains our input cx, unsigned short, packed 8 times
and ecx, 0xffff ; make ecx back to just our word
test rdx, rdx
jz .zeroret
cmp rdx, 8
jl .unaligned ; if we have <8 chars left, we can't load 16 bytes
; our address is in rsi
test rsi, 0xf
jz .aligned16
; these are unrolled on purpose
; need to copy the fallthrough of .unaligned here to avoid nop fill
test rdx, rdx
jz .zeroret
movzx eax, word [rsi]
cmp ecx, eax
je .foundit
add rsi, 2
sub rdx, 1
jz .zeroret
cmp rdx, 8
jl .unaligned
test rsi, 0xf
jz .aligned16
;jmp .unaligned
; need to copy the fallthrough of .unaligned here to avoid nop fill
test rdx, rdx
jz .zeroret
movzx eax, word [rsi]
cmp ecx, eax
je .foundit
add rsi, 2
sub rdx, 1
jz .zeroret
cmp rdx, 8
jl .unaligned
test rsi, 0xf
jz .aligned16
;jmp .unaligned
; need to copy the fallthrough of .unaligned here to avoid nop fill
test rdx, rdx
jz .zeroret
movzx eax, word [rsi]
cmp ecx, eax
je .foundit
add rsi, 2
sub rdx, 1
jz .zeroret
cmp rdx, 8
jl .unaligned
test rsi, 0xf
jz .aligned16
;jmp .unaligned
; need to copy the fallthrough of .unaligned here to avoid nop fill
test rdx, rdx
jz .zeroret
movzx eax, word [rsi]
cmp ecx, eax
je .foundit
add rsi, 2
sub rdx, 1
jz .zeroret
cmp rdx, 8
jl .unaligned
test rsi, 0xf
jz .aligned16
;jmp .unaligned
; need to copy the fallthrough of .unaligned here to avoid nop fill
test rdx, rdx
jz .zeroret
movzx eax, word [rsi]
cmp ecx, eax
je .foundit
add rsi, 2
sub rdx, 1
jz .zeroret
cmp rdx, 8
jl .unaligned
test rsi, 0xf
jz .aligned16
;jmp .unaligned
; need to copy the fallthrough of .unaligned here to avoid nop fill
test rdx, rdx
jz .zeroret
movzx eax, word [rsi]
cmp ecx, eax
je .foundit
add rsi, 2
sub rdx, 1
jz .zeroret
cmp rdx, 8
jl .unaligned
test rsi, 0xf
jz .aligned16
;jmp .unaligned
; cx still has our input character in it i am pretty sure
; lets just step forward until we are aligned (or done)
test rdx, rdx
jz .zeroret
movzx eax, word [rsi]
cmp ecx, eax
je .foundit
add rsi, 2
sub rdx, 1
jz .zeroret
cmp rdx, 8
jl .unaligned
test rsi, 0xf
jz .aligned16
jmp .unaligned
sub rsi, rdi
shr rsi, 1
mov rax, rsi
mov rax, -1
movaps xmm2, [rsi]
add rsi, 16
sub rdx, 8
pcmpeqw xmm2, xmm1
pmovmskb eax, xmm2
test eax, eax
jnz .foundone
cmp rdx, 8
jl .unaligned
jmp .aligned16
bsf eax, eax ; hmmm
sub rsi, 16
add rsi, rax
sub rsi, rdi
shr rsi, 1
mov rax, rsi
end if
if used string$indexof_charcode | defined include_everything
; two arguments: string in rdi, char in esi, returns index of char or -1 in rax
prolog string$indexof_charcode
mov ecx, esi
mov rdx, qword [rdi]
add rdx, 1 ; hmm, end + 1?
xor esi, esi
add rdi, 8
; so now, buffer in rdi, start in rsi, end in rdx, char in ecx
call string$indexofchar
end if
if used string$indexof_charcode_ofs | defined include_everything
; three arguments: string in rdi, char in esi, start offset in rdx
prolog string$indexof_charcode_ofs
mov ecx, esi ; char where it belongs
mov rsi, rdx ; start
mov rdx, qword [rdi]
add rdx, 1 ; hmm, end + 1?
add rdi, 8
cmp rsi, rdx
jae .negoneret
call string$indexofchar
mov rax, -1
end if
if used string$indexof_charcode_ofsend | defined include_everything
; four arguments: string in rdi, char in esi, start = rdx, end = rcx
prolog string$indexof_charcode_ofsend
mov rax, rcx ; end save
mov ecx, esi ; char where it belongs
add rax, 1 ; proper end for our indexofchar
mov rsi, rdx ; start
mov rdx, rax ; end
mov rax, [rdi] ; length
add rdi, 8 ; buffer start
cmp rsi, rdx
jae .negoneret
cmp rdx, rax
ja .negoneret
call string$indexofchar
mov rax, -1
end if
if used string$indexof | defined include_everything
; two arguments: string in rdi, string in rsi, returns index of string or -1 in rax
prolog string$indexof
xor edx, edx
call string$indexof_ofs
end if
if used string$indexof_ofs | defined include_everything
; three arguments: string in rdi, string in rsi, start offset in rdx
prolog string$indexof_ofs
; rdx has our start offset (rdi = this, rsi = other, rdx = start)
push rbx r12 r13
; first, check the length of _both_ strings are nonzero, else ret negone
mov r8, [rdi]
test r8, r8
jz .negoneret
mov r9, r8 ; save the length(right) of our source string
cmp qword [rsi], 0
je .negoneret
; if the substring length is > our length, also return negone
cmp r8, qword [rsi]
jb .negoneret
; else, sublen < len, so the length of our string that we need to check is len - sublen
sub r8, qword [rsi]
; r8 is now our "max start"
; r9 is our length of our string
; we want to save the length of our substring
mov r10, [rsi]
; r10 now has the length of our substring
; rdi doesn't get messed with in string$indexofchar, but the others do, so save rsi too
mov r11, rsi
add r11, 8 ; align with our buffer
add rdi, 8 ; align with our buffer
; ok, so at this point: r8 = maximum start position to search at (length - sublength)
; r9 = length of our string in rdi
; r10 is the length of our sub string
; r11 is our substring buffer itself
; rdi is our string buffer
; now we need a "start" offset variable, which we'll use rbx for
mov rbx, rdx ; start position
; while (rbx <= r8) ...
cmp rbx, r8
ja .negoneret
; get the first char of [r11] to search for
movzx ecx, word [r11]
mov rdx, r8 ; max length
add rdx, 1 ; proper end for indexofchar
mov rsi, rbx ; our start position
; rdi is still valid
call string$indexofchar
cmp rax, -1
jne .checkit
pop r13 r12 rbx ; string$indexofchar said no such first char, ret -1
; ok, rax == position that string$indexofchar found our first character at (rdi + this << 1 == spot)
mov rdx, rax
shl rdx, 1
add rdx, rdi ; [rdx] now at our found position in our source buffer
; set rsi to our sub string
mov rsi, r11
; set rcx to our substring length
mov rcx, r10
; now, loop through while [rdx] == [rsi]
movzx r12d, word [rdx]
movzx r13d, word [rsi]
cmp r13d, r12d
jne .mismatch
add rdx, 2
add rsi, 2
sub rcx, 1
jnz .subloop
; else, we made it all the way
; rax still has our return goods
pop r13 r12 rbx ; restore our callee-saves
; we found a char that didn't match, pop rax, set rbx = rax + 1 and keep going
mov rbx, rax
add rbx, 1
jmp .outerloop
mov rax, -1
pop r13 r12 rbx
end if
if used string$last_indexof | defined include_everything
; two arguments: string in rdi, string in rsi, returns index of string or -1 in rax
prolog string$last_indexof
xor rdx, rdx
call string$last_indexof_ofs
end if
if used string$last_indexof_ofs | defined include_everything
; three arguments: string in rdi, string in rsi, start offset in rdx
prolog string$last_indexof_ofs
; ok, well, there is no pretty/efficient way to do this one... walk backward through our source string like i did in the other implementation
mov r8, [rdi]
test r8, r8
jz .negoneret
mov r9, [rsi]
test r9, r9
jz .negoneret
cmp r8, r9
jl .negoneret ; if the substring length > our length, return negone
add rdi, 8
add rsi, 8 ; both spots pointed into the buffer, now we need to adjust for our starting location of (r8 - r9) << 1
mov rax, r8
sub rax, r9 ; ok, this is our return value, _if_ we find it... but we need to adjust rdi forward by this much
; rax is now pointed to the length of our source string minus the length of our substring
; we need to account for _start_ in rdx... if it is nonzero, then rdi and rax need to be adjusted to the start position
test rdx, rdx
jnz .setup_start_offset
; else, go ahead and fallthrough
add rdi, rax
add rdi, rax ; ok, rdi is now pointed into the spot where we'd end, rsi is pointed into the spot of our substring, r9 is our substring length
xor ecx, ecx ; reset the counter
mov r10w, word [rdi+rcx*2]
cmp r10w, word [rsi+rcx*2]
jne .nextone
add rcx, 1
cmp rcx, r9 ; did we get to our substring length?
jl .innerloop
; else, we found it
; rax has our offset
; so we can just epilog, yeh?
sub rdi, 2
sub rax, 1
cmp rax, 0
jl .negoneret
jmp .outerloop
mov rax, -1
cmp rdx, rax ; start can't be more than this
ja .negoneret
; else, use rdx as our starting point instead of rax
mov rax, rdx
add rdi, rax
add rdi, rax
jmp .outerloop
end if
if used string$starts_with | defined include_everything
; two arguments: string in rdi, string in rsi, returns bool in rax
prolog string$starts_with
mov rdx, qword [rsi]
mov rcx, qword [rdi]
cmp rcx, rdx
jl .zeroret ; length of first string is less than second
test rcx, rcx
jz .zeroret ; first string is empty
test rdx, rdx
jz .oneret ; length of second string is empty, so we'll say, yes yes it does start with it
; otherwise, first string length is >= second string, do a quick compare of their buffers
shl rdx, 1 ; length of second string in bytes
add rdi, 8
add rsi, 8
call memcmp16
test rax, rax
jz .oneret
xor eax, eax
xor eax, eax
mov eax, 1
end if
if used string$ends_with | defined include_everything
; two arguments: string in rdi, string in rsi, returns bool in rax
prolog string$ends_with
mov rdx, qword [rsi]
mov rcx, qword [rdi]
cmp rcx, rdx
jl .zeroret ; length of first string is less than second
test rcx, rcx
jz .zeroret ; first string is empty
test rdx, rdx
jz .oneret ; length of second string is empty, so we'll say, yes yes it does start with it
; otherwise, first string length is >= second string, do a quick compare of their buffers
mov rax, rcx ; length of left string
sub rax, rdx ; minus length of right string
shl rax, 1
add rdi, 8
add rdi, rax
shl rdx, 1 ; length of second string in bytes
add rsi, 8
call memcmp16
test rax, rax
jz .oneret
xor eax, eax
xor eax, eax
mov eax, 1
end if
if used string$equals | defined include_everything
; two arguments: string in rdi, string in rsi, returns bool in rax
prolog string$equals
cmp rdi, rsi
je .oneret
mov rdx, qword [rsi]
mov rcx, qword [rdi]
cmp rcx, rdx
jne .zeroret
test rcx, rcx
jz .oneret
; else, length nonzero and equal
shl rdx, 1 ; length in bytes
add rdi, 8
add rsi, 8
call memcmp16
test rax, rax
jz .oneret
xor eax, eax
xor eax, eax
mov eax, 1
end if
if used string$equals_ignorecase | defined include_everything
; two arguments: string in rdi, string in rsi, returns bool in rax
prolog string$equals_ignorecase
; messy by nature
cmp rdi, rsi
je .oneret
mov rdx, qword [rsi]
mov rcx, qword [rdi]
cmp rcx, rdx
jne .zeroret
test rcx, rcx
jz .oneret
; else, length nonzero and equal
push r12 r13
mov r13, rsi
call string$copy
mov r12, rax
mov rdi, rax
call string$to_upper_inplace
mov rdi, r13
call string$copy
mov r13, rax
mov rdi, rax
call string$to_upper_inplace
mov rdi, r12
mov rsi, r13
call string$equals
mov rdi, r12
mov r12, rax ; save our return
call heap$free
mov rdi, r13
call heap$free
mov rax, r12
pop r13 r12
xor eax, eax
mov eax, 1
end if
if used string$compare | defined include_everything
; two arguments: string in rdi, string in rsi, returns sort-style compare in rax
prolog string$compare
mov rdx, [rdi] ; our length
mov rcx, [rsi] ; other length
xor eax, eax
cmp rdi, rsi
je .bailout
cmp rdx, rcx
cmova rdx, rcx
test rdx, rdx
jz .skipcomp
push rdi rsi
add rdi, 8
add rsi, 8
movzx eax, word [rdi]
cmp ax, word [rsi]
jne .compdone
add rdi, 2
add rsi, 2
sub rdx, 1
jnz .comploop
pop rsi rdi
; if result == 0, do skipcomp, otherwise, rax is our result and bailout
mov rax, [rsi]
mov r8, -1
mov r9d, 1
sub rax, [rdi]
cmp rax, 0
cmovl rax, r8
cmovg rax, r9
mov r8, -1
mov r9d, 1
cmovb rax, r8
cmova rax, r9
pop rsi rdi
end if
if used string$charat | defined include_everything
; two arguments: string in rdi, index in rsi, returns char in rax
; you should probably just calc/use the buffer directly
prolog string$charat
cmp rsi, qword [rdi]
jae .zeroret
shl rsi, 1
add rdi, 8
add rdi, rsi
movzx eax, word [rdi]
xor eax, eax
end if
if used string$split | defined include_everything
; two arguments: string in rdi, split character in esi
; returns a new list (which may be empty)
prolog string$split
push r12 r13 r14 r15
mov r12, rdi
mov r13d, esi
xor r15d, r15d
call list$new
mov r14, rax
cmp r15, qword [r12]
jae .done
mov rdi, r12 ; string
mov esi, r13d ; character
mov rdx, r15 ; pos
call string$indexof_charcode_ofs
cmp rax, 0
jl .lastone
; else, we need a substring from r15 to (rax - r15)
; and then set pos = rax + 1
mov rdi, r12 ; string
mov rsi, r15 ; pos
mov rdx, rax
sub rdx, r15 ; length
mov r15, rax
add r15, 1 ; new pos
call string$substr
mov rdi, r14
mov rsi, rax
call list$push_back
jmp .while
mov rdi, r12 ; string
mov rsi, r15 ; pos
mov rdx, -1 ; length
call string$substr
mov rdi, r14
mov rsi, rax
call list$push_back
mov rax, r14
pop r15 r14 r13 r12
mov rax, r14
pop r15 r14 r13 r12
end if
if used string$split_str | defined include_everything
; two arguments: string in rdi, split string in rsi
; returns a new list (which may be empty)
prolog string$split_str
push r12 r13 r14 r15
mov r12, rdi
mov r13, rsi
xor r15d, r15d
call list$new
mov r14, rax
cmp r15, qword [r12]
jae .done
mov rdi, r12 ; string
mov rsi, r13 ; split string
mov rdx, r15 ; pos
call string$indexof_ofs
cmp rax, 0
jl .lastone
; else, we need a substring from r15 to (rax - r15)
; and then set pos = rax + length of split string
mov rdi, r12 ; string
mov rsi, r15 ; pos
mov rdx, rax
sub rdx, r15 ; length
mov r15, rax
add r15, [r13] ; new pos
call string$substr
mov rdi, r14
mov rsi, rax
call list$push_back
jmp .while
mov rdi, r12 ; string
mov rsi, r15 ; pos
mov rdx, -1 ; length
call string$substr
mov rdi, r14
mov rsi, rax
call list$push_back
mov rax, r14
pop r15 r14 r13 r12
mov rax, r14
pop r15 r14 r13 r12
end if
if used string$isnumber | defined include_everything
; single argument: string in rdi
; returns bool in eax for true/false
; NOTE: spaces are not allowed, and this is not entirely correct
; TODO: come back and make this a bit more robust
prolog string$isnumber
mov rsi, rdi
mov rcx, [rdi]
add rdi, 8
test rcx, rcx
jz .zeroret
xor r8d, r8d ; ecount
xor r9d, r9d ; dcount
xor r10d, r10d ; mcount
movzx eax, word [rdi]
add rdi, 2
cmp eax, 45 ; -
jb .zeroret
je .dash
cmp eax, 46
je .decimal
cmp eax, 47
je .zeroret
cmp eax, '9'
jbe .next ; digit
cmp eax, 'e'
je .gote
cmp eax, 'E'
je .gote
jmp .zeroret
test r10d, r10d
jnz .zeroret
add r10d, 1
sub rcx, 1
jz .zeroret
jmp .loop
test r9d, r9d
jnz .zeroret
add r9d, 1
sub rcx, 1
jz .zeroret
jmp .loop
test r8d, r8d
jnz .zeroret
add r8d, 1
sub rcx, 1
jz .zeroret
jmp .loop
sub rcx, 1
jnz .loop
; otherwise, we made it through
cmp qword [rsi], 2
jb .oneret
cmp dword [rsi+8], '0'
jne .oneret
cmp dword [rsi+12], '.'
jne .zeroret
mov eax, 1
xor eax, eax
end if
if used string$hexdecode | defined include_everything
; two arguments: rdi == string, rsi == pointer to buffer
; it is assumed on entry that rsi already contains enough space (up to the caller to work that out)
; returns # of bytes we wrote to rsi in rax
; we are NOT tolerant of rubbish, and will simply abort and return with however many we made it through (though we will skip whitespace)
prolog string$hexdecode
push rsi rdi
xor eax, eax
mov rcx, [rdi]
add rdi, 8
test rcx, rcx
jz .bailout
movzx edx, word [rdi]
sub rcx, 1
jz .bailout
cmp edx, 32
jbe .whitespaceordie
movzx r8d, word [rdi+2]
add rdi, 4
cmp edx, 48
jb .bailout
cmp r8d, 48
jb .bailout
cmp edx, 102
ja .bailout
cmp r8d, 102
ja .bailout
sub edx, 48
sub r8d, 48
mov r11d, edx
sub r11d, 39
cmp edx, 10
cmovb r9d, edx
cmovae r9d, r11d
test r9d, 0xf0
jnz .bailout
mov r11d, r8d
sub r11d, 39
cmp r8d, 10
cmovb r10d, r8d
cmovae r10d, r11d
test r9d, 0xf0
jnz .bailout
shl r9d, 4
or r9d, r10d
mov byte [rsi], r9b
add rsi, 1
add rax, 1
sub rcx, 1
jnz .doit
add rsp, 16
; TODO: test this similar to skip/iswhitespace/etc above
add rdi, 2
cmp edx, 32
je .doit
cmp edx, 13
je .doit
cmp edx, 10
je .doit
cmp edx, 9
je .doit
; fallthrough to bailout
add rsp, 16
end if
if used string$base64decode | defined include_everything
; three arguments: rdi == string, rsi == pointer to buffer, rdx == 0 == default base64 table, else rdx == base64 table to use
; it is assumed on entry that rsi already contains enough space (up to the caller to work that out)
; note on table in rdx: if a custom one is supplied, it must be a pointer to a table of 128 dwords with the index presupplied
; for the given character offset
; CAUTION: we do dword writes at a time only to rsi, so there must be enough trailing space to accommodate an extra few bytes
; returns # of bytes we wrote to rsi in rax
; we are NOT tolerant of rubbish, and will simply abort and return with however many we made it through (though we will skip whitespace)
prolog string$base64decode
xor eax, eax
cmp qword [rdi], 0
je .nothingtodo
mov rcx, .default_table
; originally I was doing outside calls from in here, hence all the callee-saves, TODO: remove them
push rbp rbx r12 r13 r14 r15 rsi
mov rbx, [rdi] ; characters in our string
test rdx, rdx
cmovz r12, rcx
cmovnz r12, rdx ; our base64 table
mov r13, rsi ; our destination buffer
mov r14, rdi
add r14, 8 ; first character of our source string
xor r15d, r15d ; our accumulator
xor ebp, ebp ; # of bits in our accumulator
movzx ecx, word [r14]
add r14, 2
cmp ecx, 32
jbe .whitespaceordie
; not whitespace, do our table lookup
cmp ecx, 128
jae .doret
mov eax, dword [r12+rcx*4] ; the character
cmp eax, -1
je .doret
mov ecx, ebp
and eax, 0x3f
shl rax, cl
add r15, rax
add ebp, 8
cmp ebp, 32
jae .next_dowrite
sub rbx, 1
jnz .doit
jmp .doret
mov eax, r15d
mov ecx, r15d
mov edx, r15d
and eax, 0xff
shl eax, 2
shr ecx, 12
and ecx, 3
or eax, ecx
mov ecx, r15d
shr ecx, 4
and ecx, 0xf0
shr edx, 18
and edx, 0xf
or ecx, edx
mov edx, r15d
shr edx, 10
and edx, 0xc0
shr r15d, 24
or edx, r15d
shl ecx, 8
shl edx, 16
or eax, ecx
or eax, edx
mov dword [r13], eax
add r13, 3
shr r15, 32
sub ebp, 32
sub rbx, 1
jnz .doit
; fallthrough to doret
; put whatever remaining bits are in our accum
mov eax, r15d
mov ecx, r15d
mov edx, r15d
and eax, 0xff
shl eax, 2
shr ecx, 12
and ecx, 3
or eax, ecx
mov ecx, r15d
shr ecx, 4
and ecx, 0xf0
shr edx, 18
and edx, 0xf
or ecx, edx
mov edx, r15d
shr edx, 10
and edx, 0xc0
shr r15d, 24
or edx, r15d
shl ecx, 8
shl edx, 16
or eax, ecx
or eax, edx
mov dword [r13], eax
shr ebp, 3
; A single '=' indicates that the four characters will decode to only two bytes, while '==' indicates that the four characters will decode to only a single byte.
; so, if ebp == 4, we got all four base64 chars, and we write 3
; if ebp == 3, we got three base64 chars, and one padding byte, so we write two bytes
; if ebp == 2, we got two base64 chars, and two padding bytes, so we write one byte
; if ebp == 1, (invalid), we got 1 base64 char, and none or three padding bytes, so we write one byte
; if ebp == 0, there were no extra bytes to write in the first place
test ebp, ebp
jz .noextra
mov eax, 1
sub ebp, 1
cmp ebp, 1
cmovb ebp, eax
add r13, rbp
mov rax, r13
pop rsi
sub rax, rsi
pop r15 r14 r13 r12 rbx rbp
cmp ecx, 32
je .isspace
cmp ecx, 13
je .isspace
cmp ecx, 10
je .isspace
cmp ecx, 9
je .isspace
; otherwise, puke
mov rax, r13
pop rsi
sub rax, rsi
pop r15 r14 r13 r12 rbx rbp
sub rbx, 1
jnz .doit
jmp .doret
; the <128 character position map for the default base64 table:
; ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/
dd -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,62,-1,-1,-1,63,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1
end if
if used string$base64urldecode | defined include_everything
; three arguments: rdi == string, rsi == pointer to buffer, rdx == 0 == default base64 table, else rdx == base64 table to use
; it is assumed on entry that rsi already contains enough space (up to the caller to work that out)
; note on table in rdx: if a custom one is supplied, it must be a pointer to a table of 128 dwords with the index presupplied
; for the given character offset
; CAUTION: we do dword writes at a time only to rsi, so there must be enough trailing space to accommodate an extra few bytes
; returns # of bytes we wrote to rsi in rax
; we are NOT tolerant of rubbish, and will simply abort and return with however many we made it through (though we will skip whitespace)
prolog string$base64urldecode
xor eax, eax
cmp qword [rdi], 0
je .nothingtodo
mov rcx, .default_table
; originally I was doing outside calls from in here, hence all the callee-saves, TODO: remove them
push rbp rbx r12 r13 r14 r15 rsi
mov rbx, [rdi] ; characters in our string
test rdx, rdx
cmovz r12, rcx
cmovnz r12, rdx ; our base64 table
mov r13, rsi ; our destination buffer
mov r14, rdi
add r14, 8 ; first character of our source string
xor r15d, r15d ; our accumulator
xor ebp, ebp ; # of bits in our accumulator
movzx ecx, word [r14]
add r14, 2
cmp ecx, 32
jbe .whitespaceordie
; not whitespace, do our table lookup
cmp ecx, 128
jae .doret
mov eax, dword [r12+rcx*4] ; the character
cmp eax, -1
je .doret
mov ecx, ebp
and eax, 0x3f
shl rax, cl
add r15, rax
add ebp, 8
cmp ebp, 32
jae .next_dowrite
sub rbx, 1
jnz .doit
jmp .doret
mov eax, r15d
mov ecx, r15d
mov edx, r15d
and eax, 0xff
shl eax, 2
shr ecx, 12
and ecx, 3
or eax, ecx
mov ecx, r15d
shr ecx, 4
and ecx, 0xf0
shr edx, 18
and edx, 0xf
or ecx, edx
mov edx, r15d
shr edx, 10
and edx, 0xc0
shr r15d, 24
or edx, r15d
shl ecx, 8
shl edx, 16
or eax, ecx
or eax, edx
mov dword [r13], eax
add r13, 3
shr r15, 32
sub ebp, 32
sub rbx, 1
jnz .doit
; fallthrough to doret
; put whatever remaining bits are in our accum
mov eax, r15d
mov ecx, r15d
mov edx, r15d
and eax, 0xff
shl eax, 2
shr ecx, 12
and ecx, 3
or eax, ecx
mov ecx, r15d
shr ecx, 4
and ecx, 0xf0
shr edx, 18
and edx, 0xf
or ecx, edx
mov edx, r15d
shr edx, 10
and edx, 0xc0
shr r15d, 24
or edx, r15d
shl ecx, 8
shl edx, 16
or eax, ecx
or eax, edx
mov dword [r13], eax
shr ebp, 3
; A single '=' indicates that the four characters will decode to only two bytes, while '==' indicates that the four characters will decode to only a single byte.
; so, if ebp == 4, we got all four base64 chars, and we write 3
; if ebp == 3, we got three base64 chars, and one padding byte, so we write two bytes
; if ebp == 2, we got two base64 chars, and two padding bytes, so we write one byte
; if ebp == 1, (invalid), we got 1 base64 char, and none or three padding bytes, so we write one byte
; if ebp == 0, there were no extra bytes to write in the first place
test ebp, ebp
jz .noextra
mov eax, 1
sub ebp, 1
cmp ebp, 1
cmovb ebp, eax
add r13, rbp
mov rax, r13
pop rsi
sub rax, rsi
pop r15 r14 r13 r12 rbx rbp
cmp ecx, 32
je .isspace
cmp ecx, 13
je .isspace
cmp ecx, 10
je .isspace
cmp ecx, 9
je .isspace
; otherwise, puke
mov rax, r13
pop rsi
sub rax, rsi
pop r15 r14 r13 r12 rbx rbp
sub rbx, 1
jnz .doit
jmp .doret
; the <128 character position map for the default base64 table:
; ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-_
dd -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,62,-1,-1,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,-1,-1,-1,-1,63,-1,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1
end if
if used string$file_write | defined include_everything
; two arguments: rdi == string, rsi == string filename to write this string as
; NOTE: does UTF8 conversion first, and cheats by creating a buffer to do it for us
; returns how many bytes we wrote in rax
prolog string$file_write
push rbx r12
mov rbx, rdi
mov r12, rsi
call buffer$new
mov rsi, rbx
mov rbx, rax
mov rdi, rax
call buffer$append_string
mov rdi, rbx
mov rsi, r12
call buffer$file_write
mov r12, rax
mov rdi, rbx
call buffer$destroy
mov rax, r12
pop r12 rbx
end if
if used string$file_write_cstr | defined include_everything
; two arguments: rdi == string, rsi == null terminated latin1 of filename
; NOTE: does UTF8 conversion first, and cheats by creating a buffer to do it for us
; returns how many bytes we wrote in rax
prolog string$file_write_cstr
push rbx r12
mov rbx, rdi
mov r12, rsi
call buffer$new
mov rsi, rbx
mov rbx, rax
mov rdi, rax
call buffer$append_string
mov rdi, rbx
mov rsi, r12
call buffer$file_write_cstr
mov r12, rax
mov rdi, rbx
call buffer$destroy
mov rax, r12
pop r12 rbx
end if
if used string$file_append | defined include_everything
; two arguments: rdi == string, rsi == string filename to append this string to
; NOTE: does UTF8 conversion first, and cheats by creating a buffer to do it for us
; returns how many bytes we wrote in rax
prolog string$file_append
push rbx r12
mov rbx, rdi
mov r12, rsi
call buffer$new
mov rsi, rbx
mov rbx, rax
mov rdi, rax
call buffer$append_string
mov rdi, rbx
mov rsi, r12
call buffer$file_append
mov r12, rax
mov rdi, rbx
call buffer$destroy
mov rax, r12
pop r12 rbx
end if
if used string$file_append_cstr | defined include_everything
; two arguments: rdi == string, rsi == null terminated latin1 of filename
; NOTE: does UTF8 conversion first, and cheats by creating a buffer to do it for us
; returns how many bytes we wrote in rax
prolog string$file_append_cstr
push rbx r12
mov rbx, rdi
mov r12, rsi
call buffer$new
mov rsi, rbx
mov rbx, rax
mov rdi, rax
call buffer$append_string
mov rdi, rbx
mov rsi, r12
call buffer$file_append_cstr
mov r12, rax
mov rdi, rbx
call buffer$destroy
mov rax, r12
pop r12 rbx
end if
if used string$replace | defined include_everything
; three arguments: rdi == input, rsi == search, rdx == replacement
; returns a new string in rax
prolog string$replace
push rbx r12 r13 r14 r15
mov r12, rdi ; input string
mov r13, rsi ; search string
mov r14, rdx ; replacement string
call buffer$new
push rax ; working buffer
xor ebx, ebx
mov rdi, r12
mov rsi, r13
call string$indexof
mov r15, rax
cmp r15, -1
je .done
mov rdi, r12
mov rsi, rbx
mov rdx, r15
call string$substring
mov rdi, [rsp]
mov rsi, rax
push rax
call buffer$append_rawstring
pop rdi
call heap$free
mov rdi, [rsp]
mov rsi, r14
call buffer$append_rawstring
mov rbx, r15
add rbx, [r13]
mov rdi, r12
mov rsi, r13
mov rdx, rbx
call string$indexof_ofs
mov r15, rax
jmp .loop
mov rdi, r12
mov rsi, rbx
mov rdx, -1
call string$substr
mov r13, rax
mov rdi, [rsp]
mov rsi, rax
call buffer$append_rawstring
mov rdi, r13
call heap$free
pop rbx
mov rdi, [rbx+buffer_length_ofs]
add rdi, 8
call heap$alloc
mov r12, rax
mov rdi, [rbx+buffer_length_ofs]
shr rdi, 1
mov [rax], rdi
lea rdi, [rax+8]
mov rsi, [rbx+buffer_itself_ofs]
mov rdx, [rbx+buffer_length_ofs]
call memcpy
mov rdi, rbx
call buffer$destroy
mov rax, r12
pop r15 r14 r13 r12 rbx
end if