; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
; HeavyThing x86_64 assembly language library and showcase programs
; Copyright © 2015-2018 2 Ton Digital
; Homepage: https://2ton.com.au/
; Author: Jeff Marrison <jeff@2ton.com.au>
; This file is part of the HeavyThing library.
; HeavyThing is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, or
; (at your option) any later version.
; HeavyThing is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
; GNU General Public License for more details.
; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
; with the HeavyThing library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
; tui_gridguts.inc: the "private" handlers that actually do the work for tui_datagrid
; "private" meaning, while you CAN use this directly, it was intended to be used as
; the one and only redheaded stepchild of tui_datagrid
; as such, these are all prolog_silent so that their names don't end up in the symbol
; table...
if used tui_gridguts$vtable | defined include_everything
dq tui_gridguts$cleanup, tui_gridguts$clone, tui_gridguts$draw, tui_object$redraw, tui_object$updatedisplaylist, tui_object$sizechanged
dq tui_object$timer, tui_object$layoutchanged, tui_object$move, tui_object$setfocus, tui_object$gotfocus, tui_object$lostfocus
dq tui_gridguts$keyevent, tui_object$domodal, tui_object$endmodal, tui_object$exit, tui_object$calcbounds, tui_object$calcchildbounds
dq tui_object$appendchild, tui_object$appendbastard, tui_object$prependchild, tui_object$contains, tui_object$getchildindex
dq tui_object$removechild, tui_object$removebastard, tui_object$removeallchildren, tui_object$removeallbastards
dq tui_object$getobjectsunderpoint, tui_object$flatten, tui_object$firekeyevent, tui_object$ontab, tui_object$onshifttab
dq tui_object$setcursor, tui_object$showcursor, tui_object$hidecursor, tui_object$click, tui_object$clicked
end if
tui_ggdatagrid_ofs = tui_background_size
tui_ggdata_ofs = tui_background_size + 8
tui_ggselectedindex_ofs = tui_background_size + 16
tui_ggscroll_ofs = tui_background_size + 24
tui_ggcols_ofs = tui_background_size + 32
tui_ggsearchpanel_ofs = tui_background_size + 40
tui_ggsearchpanelvisible_ofs = tui_background_size + 48
tui_ggdataowner_ofs = tui_background_size + 56
tui_ggrowcount_ofs = tui_background_size + 64
tui_gridguts_size = tui_background_size + 72
if used tui_gridguts$new | defined include_everything
; single argument in rdi: our tui_datagrid parent object
; we descend tui_background, so we'll call its init, and setup our vars
; returns a new tui_gridguts object in rax
prolog_silent tui_gridguts$new
sub rsp, 16
mov [rsp], rdi
mov edi, tui_gridguts_size
call heap$alloc
mov qword [rax], tui_gridguts$vtable
mov rcx, [rsp]
mov [rsp+8], rax
mov rdi, rax
movq xmm0, [_math_onehundred]
movq xmm1, [_math_onehundred]
mov esi, ' '
mov rdx, [rcx+tui_dgcolors_ofs]
call tui_background$init_dd
call list$new
mov rcx, rax
mov rax, [rsp+8]
mov rdi, [rsp]
xor edx, edx
mov [rax+tui_ggdatagrid_ofs], rdi
mov [rax+tui_ggdata_ofs], rdx
mov [rax+tui_ggselectedindex_ofs], rdx
mov [rax+tui_ggscroll_ofs], rdx
mov [rax+tui_ggcols_ofs], rcx
mov [rax+tui_ggsearchpanel_ofs], rdx
mov [rax+tui_ggsearchpanelvisible_ofs], rdx
mov [rax+tui_ggdataowner_ofs], rdx
mov [rax+tui_ggrowcount_ofs], rdx
add rsp, 16
end if
; grid columns get:
tui_gridcol_name_ofs = 0
tui_gridcol_width_ofs = 8
tui_gridcol_widthperc_ofs = 16
tui_gridcol_align_ofs = 24
tui_gridcol_propertyname_ofs = 32
tui_gridcol_actualwidth_ofs = 40
tui_gridcol_size = 48
if used tui_gridcol$new_copy | defined include_everything
; single argument in rdi: grid column object to make a copy of
prolog_silent tui_gridcol$new_copy
sub rsp, 32
mov [rsp], rdi
mov rdi, [rdi+tui_gridcol_name_ofs]
call string$copy
mov rdi, [rsp]
mov [rsp+8], rax
mov rdi, [rdi+tui_gridcol_propertyname_ofs]
call string$copy
mov [rsp+16], rax
mov edi, tui_gridcol_size
call heap$alloc
mov [rsp+24], rax
mov rdi, rax
mov rsi, [rsp]
mov edx, tui_gridcol_size
call memcpy
mov rax, [rsp+24]
mov rdx, [rsp+8]
mov rcx, [rsp+16]
mov [rax+tui_gridcol_name_ofs], rdx
mov [rax+tui_gridcol_propertyname_ofs], rcx
add rsp, 32
end if
if used tui_gridguts$clone | defined include_everything
; single argument in rdi: the tui_gridguts object to make a copy of
prolog_silent tui_gridguts$clone
sub rsp, 16
mov [rsp], rdi
mov edi, tui_gridguts_size
call heap$alloc
mov qword [rax], tui_gridguts$vtable
mov rsi, [rsp]
mov [rsp+8], rax
mov rdi, rax
call tui_background$init_copy
call list$new
mov rdi, [rsp+8]
mov rsi, [rsp]
; hmm, our parent ggdatagrid needs to be set, but it isn't available yet
xor edx, edx
mov [rdi+tui_ggdatagrid_ofs], rdx
mov [rdi+tui_ggdata_ofs], rdx
mov [rdi+tui_ggselectedindex_ofs], rdx
mov [rdi+tui_ggscroll_ofs], rdx
mov [rdi+tui_ggcols_ofs], rax
mov [rdi+tui_ggsearchpanel_ofs], rdx
mov [rdi+tui_ggsearchpanelvisible_ofs], rdx
mov [rdi+tui_ggdataowner_ofs], rdx
mov [rdi+tui_ggrowcount_ofs], rdx
; copy the original's columns:
mov rdx, rax
mov rdi, [rsi+tui_ggcols_ofs]
mov rsi, .columncopy
call list$foreach_arg
; if the original had data, we need to deepcopy it
mov rsi, [rsp]
mov rdi, [rsi+tui_ggdata_ofs]
test rdi, rdi
jz .allgood
; further, see if the original OWNED the data...
mov rdx, [rsi+tui_ggdataowner_ofs]
test rdx, rdx
jz .copynotowner
call json$copy
mov rdi, [rsp+8]
mov [rdi+tui_ggdata_ofs], rax
mov qword [rdi+tui_ggdataowner_ofs], 1
mov rdx, [rax+json_contents_ofs]
mov rcx, [rdx]
mov [rdi+tui_ggrowcount_ofs], rcx ; set the rowcount
add rsp, 16
mov rax, rdi
mov rax, [rsp+8]
mov [rax+tui_ggdata_ofs], rdi
mov rdx, [rdi+json_contents_ofs]
mov rcx, [rdx]
mov [rax+tui_ggrowcount_ofs], rcx ; set the rowcount
add rsp, 16
mov rax, [rsp+8]
add rsp, 16
; this gets called with rdi as our column list object, and rsi as our destination list
push rsi
call tui_gridcol$new_copy
mov rdi, [rsp]
mov rsi, rax
call list$push_back
pop rsi
end if
if used tui_gridguts$cleanup | defined include_everything
; single argument in rdi: our tui_gridguts object to cleanup
prolog_silent tui_gridguts$cleanup
push rdi
call tui_object$cleanup
mov rcx, [rsp]
mov rdi, [rcx+tui_ggcols_ofs]
mov rsi, .columncleanup
call list$clear
mov rcx, [rsp]
mov rdi, [rcx+tui_ggcols_ofs]
call heap$free
mov rcx, [rsp]
mov rdi, [rcx+tui_ggdata_ofs]
test rdi, rdi
jz .alldone
cmp qword [rcx+tui_ggdataowner_ofs], 0
je .alldone
call json$destroy
pop rdi
pop rdi
; this gets called with our single gridcol in rdi
push rdi
mov rdi, [rdi+tui_gridcol_name_ofs]
call heap$free
mov rsi, [rsp]
mov rdi, [rsi+tui_gridcol_propertyname_ofs]
call heap$free
mov rdi, [rsp]
call heap$free
pop rdi
end if
if used tui_gridguts$draw | defined include_everything
; single argument in rdi: our tui_gridguts object
prolog_silent tui_gridguts$draw
cmp dword [rdi+tui_width_ofs], 0
je .invisible
cmp dword [rdi+tui_height_ofs], 0
je .invisible
push rbx r12 r13 r14 r15
mov rbx, rdi
call tui_background$nvfill
mov rdi, rbx
call .calcwidths
mov eax, [rbx+tui_width_ofs]
mov r11d, eax
shl r11, 2 ; width in bytes
mov ecx, [rbx+tui_height_ofs]
mul ecx
shl rax, 2 ; width * height in bytes
mov r12, [rbx+tui_text_ofs]
mov r13, [rbx+tui_attr_ofs]
mov r14, r12
add r14, rax ; end of our text space
; check to see if we are to draw our headers (headercolors >= 0)
mov rdx, [rbx+tui_ggdatagrid_ofs]
mov ecx, [rdx+tui_dgheadercolors_ofs]
cmp ecx, 0xffffffff
je .noheaders
mov r15d, 1 ; relative x position
mov dword [r12], ' '
mov dword [r13], ecx
mov rdx, [rbx+tui_ggcols_ofs]
mov rdx, [rdx+_list_first_ofs]
sub rsp, 24
test rdx, rdx
jz .headers_done
mov rdi, [rdx+_list_valueofs]
mov rdx, [rdx+_list_nextofs]
mov [rsp], rdx
mov [rsp+8], rcx
mov [rsp+16], r11
mov rsi, r12
mov rdx, r13
mov rax, r15
shl rax, 2
add rsi, rax
add rdx, rax
; colors already in rcx
mov r8, [rdi+tui_gridcol_name_ofs]
add r15d, dword [rdi+tui_gridcol_actualwidth_ofs]
call .drawcolumn
mov rdx, [rsp]
mov rcx, [rsp+8]
mov r11, [rsp+16]
mov dword [r12+r15*4], ' '
mov dword [r13+r15*4], ecx
add r15, 1
jmp .headerloop
add r12, r11
add r13, r11
add rsp, 24
mov rdx, [rbx+tui_ggdata_ofs]
test rdx, rdx
jz .updateandreturn
mov rcx, [rdx+json_contents_ofs]
mov rax, [rcx]
test rax, rax ; rax has our contents array length
jz .updateandreturn
mov ecx, dword [rbx+tui_height_ofs]
sub ecx, 1
; v1.21 bugfix, if height was 1 and we already drew a header line, return
jz .updateandreturn
cmp dword [rbx+tui_ggscroll_ofs], 0
je .notopelipses
call .drawelipses
mov ecx, dword [rbx+tui_height_ofs]
sub ecx, 2
mov r9, rax ; data contents size
mov r8d, dword [rbx+tui_ggscroll_ofs] ; dp
sub r9, r8
cmp rcx, r9
jge .nobottomelipses
sub rcx, 1
cmp rcx, rax ; visual rows > data rows
cmovle r9, rcx
cmovg r9, rax ; minimum of visual rows and data rows
add r9, r8 ; dpend
cmp r9, rax
cmovg r9, rax ; make sure it doesn't run past the end
; so now we have the goods necessary to commence our loop
sub rsp, 48
; load up the first list item in the contents array
mov r10, [rbx+tui_ggdata_ofs]
mov r10, [r10+json_contents_ofs]
mov r10, [r10+_list_first_ofs]
; mov forward by scroll amount in our list
test r10, r10
jz .contentsloop ; sanity only
test r8, r8
jz .contentsloop
mov r15, r8
mov r10, [r10+_list_nextofs]
test r10, r10
jz .contentsloop
sub r15, 1
jnz .listwalk
cmp r8, r9
jge .contentsdone
cmp r12, r14
jge .contentsdone
test r10, r10
jz .contentsdone
mov [rsp], r8
mov [rsp+8], r9
mov [rsp+16], r10
mov [rsp+24], r11
mov r15d, 1 ; relative x position
; get our colors from the parent DG
mov rdx, [rbx+tui_ggdatagrid_ofs]
mov ecx, dword [rdx+tui_dgcolors_ofs]
mov eax, dword [rdx+tui_dgselcolors_ofs]
cmp r8, [rbx+tui_ggselectedindex_ofs]
cmove ecx, eax
; attribute now in ecx for this row
mov [rsp+32], rcx
mov dword [r12], ' '
mov dword [r13], ecx
; we need to iterate the columns loop for the current contents object in [r10+_list_valueofs]
mov rdx, [rbx+tui_ggcols_ofs]
mov rdx, [rdx+_list_first_ofs]
test rdx, rdx
jz .contentscolumnsdone
mov [rsp+40], rdx
; see if we actually have this property by name
mov rdi, [r10+_list_valueofs]
mov rsi, [rdx+_list_valueofs]
mov rsi, [rsi+tui_gridcol_propertyname_ofs]
call json$getvaluebyname
test rax, rax
jz .contentscolumnloop_novalue
; otherwise, we have a json object in rax, make sure it is a string
cmp dword [rax+json_type_ofs], json_value
jne .contentscolumnloop_novalue ; was not a string value
; otherwise, the string we want to draw is in [rax+json_value_ofs]
mov r8, [rax+json_value_ofs]
mov rcx, [rsp+32]
mov rdx, [rsp+40]
mov rdi, [rdx+_list_valueofs] ; our grid column
mov rsi, r12
mov rdx, r13
mov rax, r15
shl rax, 2
add rsi, rax
add rdx, rax
; colors already in rcx
add r15d, dword [rdi+tui_gridcol_actualwidth_ofs]
call .drawcolumn
mov r10, [rsp+16]
mov rcx, [rsp+32]
mov rdx, [rsp+40]
mov dword [r12+r15*4], ' '
mov dword [r13+r15*4], ecx
add r15d, 1
mov rdx, [rdx+_list_nextofs]
jmp .contentscolumnloop
cleartext .emptystr, ''
mov r8, .emptystr
jmp .contentscolumnloop_drawcol
mov r8, [rsp]
mov r9, [rsp+8]
mov r10, [rsp+16]
mov r11, [rsp+24]
mov r10, [r10+_list_nextofs]
add r8, 1
add r12, r11
add r13, r11
jmp .contentsloop
add rsp, 48
; make sure we don't need a bottom elipses
mov rdx, [rbx+tui_ggdata_ofs]
test rdx, rdx
jz .updateandreturn
mov rcx, [rdx+json_contents_ofs]
mov rax, [rcx]
test rax, rax ; rax has our contents array length
jz .updateandreturn
mov ecx, dword [rbx+tui_height_ofs]
sub ecx, 1
cmp dword [rbx+tui_ggscroll_ofs], 0
je .notopelipses2
mov ecx, dword [rbx+tui_height_ofs]
sub ecx, 2
; visual rows is in ecx, we need to subtract scroll from datarows
sub rax, qword [rbx+tui_ggscroll_ofs]
cmp rcx, rax
jge .updateandreturn
call .drawelipses
mov rdi, rbx
mov rsi, [rdi]
call qword [rsi+tui_vupdatedisplaylist]
pop r15 r14 r13 r12 rbx
mov rdi, rbx
mov rsi, [rdi]
call qword [rsi+tui_vupdatedisplaylist]
pop r15 r14 r13 r12 rbx
cmp r11, 12 ; r11 is width in bytes, 12 == 3 characters worth
jb .notenoughroom
mov r8, [rbx+tui_ggdatagrid_ofs]
mov r9d, [r8+tui_dgcolors_ofs]
mov rcx, r11
.drawelipses_loop: ; clear the entire line first
sub rcx, 4
mov dword [r12+rcx], ' '
mov dword [r13+rcx], r9d
test rcx, rcx
jnz .drawelipses_loop
mov rcx, r11 ; width in bytes
shr rcx, 2 ; width in characters
sub rcx, 3 ; less 3
shr rcx, 1 ; div 2 for our left edge
mov dword [r12+rcx*4], '.'
mov dword [r12+rcx*4+4], '.'
mov dword [r12+rcx*4+8], '.'
add r12, r11
add r13, r11
add r12, r11
add r13, r11
; we have to divide our column widths similar to how tui_object does it for calcchildbounds and horizontal layout...
; the reason we are doing this here is to avoid having thousands of layout objects...
; the way tui_object does it could get pretty ugly if there are bucketloads of children
; rdi (and rbx) == our tui_gridguts object, and thats all we have, we are free to smash up all regs except rbx
mov r15d, dword [rdi+tui_width_ofs]
sub r15d, 1 ; -1 here for the leftmost gutter of 1 char, then each col gets +1
mov rsi, [rdi+tui_ggcols_ofs]
mov rdx, [rsi+_list_size_ofs] ; our column count
sub r15, rdx
cmp r15, 0 ; available width
jle .calcwidths_noroom
xorpd xmm0, xmm0 ; total width percent
mov rdi, [rdi+tui_ggcols_ofs]
mov rsi, .calcwidths_sizescan
call list$foreach
mov rdi, [rbx+tui_ggcols_ofs]
mov rsi, .calcwidths_sizeset
call list$foreach
; passed in rdi is our gridcol object
cmp qword [rdi+tui_gridcol_widthperc_ofs], 0
jne .calcwidths_sizescan_percbased
sub r15d, dword [rdi+tui_gridcol_width_ofs]
movq xmm1, [rdi+tui_gridcol_widthperc_ofs]
addsd xmm0, xmm1
cmp qword [rdi+tui_gridcol_widthperc_ofs], 0
jne .calcwidths_sizeset_percbased
mov eax, dword [rdi+tui_gridcol_width_ofs]
mov dword [rdi+tui_gridcol_actualwidth_ofs], eax
cvtsi2sd xmm2, r15d ; convert available width to a double
movq xmm1, [rdi+tui_gridcol_widthperc_ofs]
divsd xmm1, xmm0
mulsd xmm1, xmm2
cvtsd2si eax, xmm1
mov dword [rdi+tui_gridcol_actualwidth_ofs], eax
mov rdi, rsi
mov rsi, .calcwidths_noroom_setter
call list$foreach
xor eax, eax
sub rax, 1 ; hmm, do i need a full 64 bit negone?
mov [rdi+tui_gridcol_actualwidth_ofs], rax
; this is called with rdi == grid column, rsi == text pointer, rdx == attribute pointer, ecx == colors, r8 == string to draw
mov r9, [rdi+tui_gridcol_actualwidth_ofs]
cmp r9, 1
jle .nothingtodo
; first up, fill our area
mov r10, rsi ; save it
mov dword [rsi], ' '
mov dword [rdx], ecx
add rsi, 4
add rdx, 4
sub r9, 1
jnz .drawcolumn_clearloop
cmp qword [r8], 0
je .nothingtodo
mov rsi, r10 ; restore rsi back to the start
mov r9, [rdi+tui_gridcol_actualwidth_ofs]
cmp r9, qword [r8]
jbe .drawcolumn_doit
; otherwise, the value's length is less than the actual width, so determine alignment
mov r10, r9
sub r10, qword [r8] ; remainder (in characters)
mov r9, qword [r8]
cmp dword [rdi+tui_gridcol_align_ofs], tui_textalign_left
je .drawcolumn_doit
cmp dword [rdi+tui_gridcol_align_ofs], tui_textalign_right
je .drawcolumn_right
; else, it is centered
shl r10, 1
add rsi, r10
jmp .drawcolumn_doit
shl r10, 2
add rsi, r10
add r8, 8 ; skip its preface
if string_bits = 32
mov eax, dword [r8]
add r8, 4
movzx eax, word [r8]
add r8, 2
end if
mov dword [rsi], eax
add rsi, 4
sub r9, 1
jnz .drawcolumn_doit_loop
if string_bits = 32
mov eax, dword [r8]
add r8, 4
movzx eax, word [r8]
add r8, 2
end if
mov dword [rsi], eax
add rsi, 4
sub r9, 1
jnz .drawcolumn_doit_loop
end if
if used tui_gridguts$nvgetselected | defined include_everything
prolog_silent tui_gridguts$nvgetselected
mov rcx, [rdi+tui_ggdata_ofs]
test rcx, rcx
jz .zeroret
mov rcx, [rcx+json_contents_ofs]
mov rax, [rcx]
test rax, rax ; rax has our contents array length
jz .zeroret
; walk (*cough*) the contents array to get our correct item
; the list itself is in rcx already, and the item count is in rax
mov r9, [rdi+tui_ggselectedindex_ofs]
mov rcx, [rcx+_list_first_ofs]
test r9, r9
jz .gotit
test rcx, rcx
jz .zeroret
mov rcx, [rcx+_list_nextofs]
test rcx, rcx
jz .zeroret
sub r9, 1
jnz .enterloop
test rcx, rcx
jz .zeroret
mov rax, [rcx+_list_valueofs] ; our return
xor eax, eax
end if
if used tui_gridguts$keyevent | defined include_everything
; three arguments: rdi == tui_gridguts, esi == key, edx == esc_key
; we return zero if we didn't handle it, 1 if we did
prolog_silent tui_gridguts$keyevent
; handle up and down arrows, enter key, and eventually searchpanel
mov rcx, [rdi+tui_ggdata_ofs]
test rcx, rcx
jz .zeroret
mov rcx, [rcx+json_contents_ofs]
mov rax, [rcx]
test rax, rax ; rax has our contents array length
jz .zeroret
; otherwise, lets see what we got
cmp edx, 0x41 ; esc key == 0x41 == up arrow
je .uparrow
cmp edx, 0x42 ; esc key == 0x42 == down arrow
je .downarrow
cmp esi, 13
je .enter
xor eax, eax
mov rax, [rdi+tui_ggselectedindex_ofs]
test rax, rax
jz .zeroret
sub rax, 1
mov [rdi+tui_ggselectedindex_ofs], rax
mov rcx, [rdi+tui_ggscroll_ofs]
cmp rax, rcx
jge .drawandoneret
sub rcx, 1
mov [rdi+tui_ggscroll_ofs], rcx
jmp .drawandoneret
mov rcx, [rdi+tui_ggselectedindex_ofs]
add rcx, 1
cmp rcx, rax
jge .zeroret
mov [rdi+tui_ggselectedindex_ofs], rcx
mov edx, dword [rdi+tui_height_ofs]
sub edx, 1 ; rdx == visual row count
mov r8, [rdi+tui_ggscroll_ofs] ; r8 == top spot
cmp r8, 0
je .notopelipses
sub edx, 1
mov r9, rax ; datarows
sub r9, r8 ; - scroll
cmp rdx, r9 ; visual rows < (datarows - scroll)
jge .nobottomelipses
sub edx, 1
mov r10, r8
add r10, rdx ; r10 == bottom spot
cmp rcx, r10
jl .drawandoneret
; else, selected index >= bottomspot, modify scroll
test r8, r8
jz .downarrow_noscrollyet
add r8, 1
mov [rdi+tui_ggscroll_ofs], r8
jmp .drawandoneret
add r8, 1
sub rdx, 1
mov r9, rax ; datarows
sub r9, r8 ; - scroll
mov r10, r8
add r10, 1
cmp rdx, r9
cmovl r8, r10
mov [rdi+tui_ggscroll_ofs], r8
jmp .drawandoneret
; walk (*cough*) the contents array to get our correct item
; the list itself is in rcx already, and the item count is in rax
mov r9, [rdi+tui_ggselectedindex_ofs]
mov rcx, [rcx+_list_first_ofs]
test r9, r9
jz .gotit
test rcx, rcx
jz .zeroret
mov rcx, [rcx+_list_nextofs]
test rcx, rcx
jz .zeroret
sub r9, 1
jnz .enterloop
test rcx, rcx
jz .zeroret
mov rsi, [rcx+_list_valueofs]
mov rcx, [rdi+tui_ggdatagrid_ofs] ; our parent
mov rdx, [rcx] ; its vtable
mov rdi, rcx
call qword [rdx+tui_vitemselected]
mov eax, 1
xor eax, eax
mov rsi, [rdi]
call qword [rsi+tui_vdraw]
mov eax, 1
end if
if used tui_gridguts$nvaddproperty_i | defined include_everything
; five arguments: rdi == tui_gridguts object, rsi == string name, edx == integer width, ecx == text alignment, r8 == string propertyname
prolog_silent tui_gridguts$nvaddproperty_i
sub rsp, 48
mov [rsp], rdi
mov [rsp+8], rsi
mov [rsp+16], rdx
mov [rsp+24], rcx
mov [rsp+32], r8
mov rdi, rsi
call string$copy
mov [rsp+8], rax
mov rdi, [rsp+32]
call string$copy
mov [rsp+32], rax
mov edi, tui_gridcol_size
call heap$alloc
mov [rsp+40], rax
mov rdi, rax
xor esi, esi
mov edx, tui_gridcol_size
call memset32
mov rax, [rsp+40]
mov rsi, [rsp+8]
mov rdx, [rsp+16]
mov rcx, [rsp+24]
mov r8, [rsp+32]
mov [rax+tui_gridcol_name_ofs], rsi
mov [rax+tui_gridcol_width_ofs], rdx
mov [rax+tui_gridcol_align_ofs], rcx
mov [rax+tui_gridcol_propertyname_ofs], r8
mov r9, [rsp]
mov rdi, [r9+tui_ggcols_ofs]
mov rsi, rax
call list$push_back
add rsp, 48
end if
if used tui_gridguts$nvaddproperty_d | defined include_everything
; five arguments: rdi == tui_gridguts object, rsi == string name, xmm0 == double widthperc, edx == text alignment, rcx == string propertyname
prolog_silent tui_gridguts$nvaddproperty_d
sub rsp, 48
mov [rsp], rdi
mov [rsp+8], rsi
movq r10, xmm0
mov [rsp+16], r10
mov [rsp+24], rdx
mov [rsp+32], rcx
mov rdi, rsi
call string$copy
mov [rsp+8], rax
mov rdi, [rsp+32]
call string$copy
mov [rsp+32], rax
mov edi, tui_gridcol_size
call heap$alloc
mov [rsp+40], rax
mov rdi, rax
xor esi, esi
mov edx, tui_gridcol_size
call memset32
mov rax, [rsp+40]
mov rsi, [rsp+8]
mov rdx, [rsp+16]
mov rcx, [rsp+24]
mov r8, [rsp+32]
mov [rax+tui_gridcol_name_ofs], rsi
mov [rax+tui_gridcol_widthperc_ofs], rdx
mov [rax+tui_gridcol_align_ofs], rcx
mov [rax+tui_gridcol_propertyname_ofs], r8
mov r9, [rsp]
mov rdi, [r9+tui_ggcols_ofs]
mov rsi, rax
call list$push_back
add rsp, 48
end if
if used tui_gridguts$nvcleardata_nodraw | defined include_everything
; single argument: rdi == tui_gridguts object
; if we own the data, destroy it, otherwise, just clear it
prolog tui_gridguts$nvcleardata_nodraw
mov rdx, [rdi+tui_ggdata_ofs]
test rdx, rdx
jz .nothingtodo
xor ecx, ecx
mov [rdi+tui_ggdata_ofs], rcx
mov r8, [rdi+tui_ggdataowner_ofs]
mov [rdi+tui_ggdataowner_ofs], rcx
mov [rdi+tui_ggrowcount_ofs], rcx ; clear the rowcount
test r8, r8
jz .nothingtodo
mov rdi, rdx
call json$destroy
end if
if used tui_gridguts$nvsetdata_notowner | defined include_everything
; two arguments: rdi == tui_gridguts object, rsi == json array object (we do _NOT_ assume ownership of this set)
prolog tui_gridguts$nvsetdata_notowner
push rdi rsi
call tui_gridguts$nvsetdata
pop rsi rdi
mov rdx, [rsi+json_contents_ofs]
mov rcx, [rdx]
mov qword [rdi+tui_ggdataowner_ofs], 0
mov qword [rdi+tui_ggrowcount_ofs], rcx
end if
if used tui_gridguts$nvsetdata | defined include_everything
; two arguments: rdi == tui_gridguts object, rsi == json array object (we assume ownership of this set, it _must_ be a json_array of json objects!)
prolog tui_gridguts$nvsetdata
mov r8, [rdi+tui_ggrowcount_ofs] ; old row count
push rdi rsi r8
call tui_gridguts$nvcleardata_nodraw
pop r8 rsi rdi
mov [rdi+tui_ggdata_ofs], rsi
mov qword [rdi+tui_ggdataowner_ofs], 1
; verify that selected index isn't past the end of our new data set
mov rcx, [rsi+json_contents_ofs]
mov r9, [rcx] ; data rows
mov [rdi+tui_ggrowcount_ofs], r9
cmp qword [rdi+tui_ggselectedindex_ofs], r9
jb .selectedindexokay
mov r10, r9
sub r10, 1
test r9, r9
cmovnz r9, r10
mov [rdi+tui_ggselectedindex_ofs], r9 ; selected index = data rows - 1 (provided data rows > 0)
mov r9, [rcx] ; data rows back into r9
cmp qword [rdi+tui_ggscroll_ofs], 0
je .noscrolladjust
; cmp r9, r8 ; data rows >= old row count ?
; jae .noscrolladjust ; we dont have to manipulate scroll if we were already at the top or our rowcount grew
; so if we made it here, then our rowcount _shrunk_ and we need to potentially modify our scroll area as well
mov ecx, dword [rdi+tui_height_ofs]
cmp ecx, 2 ; visual rows == height - 1, less one for scroll >0
jbe .noheight
; in order for us to have gotten here, scroll must be nonzero, which means we have a top elipses
; and thus visual rows in ecx must be reduced again by one
sub ecx, 2 ; visual rows.
; if our visual rows is less than data rows - scroll position, and visual rows is still >0, subtract another one from it
mov edx, ecx
sub edx, 1
mov r8, [rdi+tui_ggscroll_ofs] ; top spot
mov r10, r9
sub r10, r8
cmp rcx, r10
cmovb rcx, rdx
mov r10, rcx
add r10, r8 ; bottom spot
sub r10, 1
cmp r9, rcx ; data rows <= visual rows?
jbe .noheight ; if so, clear the scroll, draw and bailout
; next up: figure out what our maximum scroll value can be, which is datarows - visualrows
mov r11, r9
sub r11, rcx ; r11 now has maxscroll
cmp r8, r11
ja .recalcwindow
mov r11, [rdi+tui_ggselectedindex_ofs]
cmp r11, r8
jb .selup
cmp r11, r10
ja .seldown
; else, just draw and return
mov rsi, [rdi] ; our vtable
call qword [rsi+tui_vdraw]
mov [rdi+tui_ggscroll_ofs], r11 ; scroll set to selected index
mov rsi, [rdi] ; our vtable
call qword [rsi+tui_vdraw]
; hmmm, this is still Not Quite Right. TODO: fix me properly
sub r11, r10 ; selected index - bottom spot
add qword [rdi+tui_ggscroll_ofs], r11
mov rsi, [rdi] ; our vtable
call qword [rsi+tui_vdraw]
; if height was zero, clear our scroll entirely
mov qword [rdi+tui_ggscroll_ofs], 0
mov rsi, [rdi] ; our vtable
call qword [rsi+tui_vdraw] ; this may still draw elipses... hmm
mov rsi, [rdi] ; our vtable
call qword [rsi+tui_vdraw]
mov r8, r11
mov [rdi+tui_ggscroll_ofs], r8 ; save it
mov r10, r9
sub r10, r8
cmp rcx, r10
cmovb rcx, rdx
mov r10, rcx
add r10, r8
sub r10, 1 ; bottom spot
jmp .windowokay
end if