HeavyThing - tui_object.inc

Jeff Marrison

Table of functions

	; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
	; HeavyThing x86_64 assembly language library and showcase programs
	; Copyright © 2015-2018 2 Ton Digital 
	; Homepage: https://2ton.com.au/
	; Author: Jeff Marrison <jeff@2ton.com.au>
	; This file is part of the HeavyThing library.
	; HeavyThing is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
	; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, or
	; (at your option) any later version.
	; HeavyThing is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 
	; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
	; GNU General Public License for more details.
	; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
	; with the HeavyThing library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
	; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
	; tui_object.inc: the base object for all things TUI.
	; every kind of object that needs to display/draw things needs a base
	; set of functionality like draw buffers, positioning, size, children
	; events, etc.
	; this is done in a "pseudo OOP" way, similar to how I did up the
	; epoll vmethod tables.
	; I suppose that means it isn't really pseudo, insofar as I am still
	; doing inheritance and so on, hahah...
	include 'tui_geometry.inc'

	; due to our reliance on epoll$timer goods, our vmethod table
	; must be similar (at least for the first few methods)
	; to epoll's such that we can "fake" being an epoll object even
	; when we are not one

	; this is an "interesting" translation from my perfectly working C++
	; versions, haha... maybe I am 3/4th the way to being properly
	; crazy, HA! (that being said, this assembler version is far and away better)

	; some notes here on layout goods:
	; if layout == vertical, then we pay attention to horizontal alignment (left, center, right)
	; if layout == horizontal, then we pay attention to vertical alignment (top, middle, bottom)

	; further notes/caution/advice on percentage based width/height calculations:
	; there are many ways to introduce rounding-based errors into the mix. we take care of the case
	; where rounding results in one too many, but for the other way, where we end up rounding away
	; one, care/screwing around must be taken to make sure that resizing through all of your
	; possibilities yields the right result. the tui_simpleauth is a good example of this, where
	; the top third of screenspace i declare as 50% high, then a fixed height midsection, and then
	; the bottom third as another 51%, which admittedly seems weird on its face, but this eliminates
	; the rounding issue for available space left (all depends on how you are slicing them up as to
	; whether this really matters or not)

if used tui_object$vtable | used tui_object$default_vtable | defined include_everything

	; so our base tui_object default vtable is:
	dq	tui_object$cleanup, tui_object$clone, tui_object$draw, tui_object$redraw, tui_object$updatedisplaylist, tui_object$sizechanged
	dq	tui_object$timer, tui_object$layoutchanged, tui_object$move, tui_object$setfocus, tui_object$gotfocus, tui_object$lostfocus
	dq	tui_object$keyevent, tui_object$domodal, tui_object$endmodal, tui_object$exit, tui_object$calcbounds, tui_object$calcchildbounds
	dq	tui_object$appendchild, tui_object$appendbastard, tui_object$prependchild, tui_object$contains, tui_object$getchildindex
	dq	tui_object$removechild, tui_object$removebastard, tui_object$removeallchildren, tui_object$removeallbastards
	dq	tui_object$getobjectsunderpoint, tui_object$flatten, tui_object$firekeyevent, tui_object$ontab, tui_object$onshifttab
	dq	tui_object$setcursor, tui_object$showcursor, tui_object$hidecursor, tui_object$click, tui_object$clicked

end if

if used tui_object$simple_vtable | defined include_everything

	; this one can be used directly, but only for nonfunctional tui_object direct descendents (see tui_spacers.inc for examples on why this is necessary)
	dq	tui_object$cleanup, tui_object$simple_clone, tui_object$draw, tui_object$redraw, tui_object$updatedisplaylist, tui_object$sizechanged
	dq	tui_object$timer, tui_object$layoutchanged, tui_object$move, tui_object$setfocus, tui_object$gotfocus, tui_object$lostfocus
	dq	tui_object$keyevent, tui_object$domodal, tui_object$endmodal, tui_object$exit, tui_object$calcbounds, tui_object$calcchildbounds
	dq	tui_object$appendchild, tui_object$appendbastard, tui_object$prependchild, tui_object$contains, tui_object$getchildindex
	dq	tui_object$removechild, tui_object$removebastard, tui_object$removeallchildren, tui_object$removeallbastards
	dq	tui_object$getobjectsunderpoint, tui_object$flatten, tui_object$firekeyevent, tui_object$ontab, tui_object$onshifttab
	dq	tui_object$setcursor, tui_object$showcursor, tui_object$hidecursor, tui_object$click, tui_object$clicked

end if

	; descendents can swap in their own virtual methods just like the epoll layer.

	; every tui_object contains the following variables:
tui_vtable_ofs = 0		; pointer to a vtable
tui_bounds_ofs = 8		; rect itself, not a pointer
	tui_bounds_ax_ofs = 8
	tui_bounds_ay_ofs = 12
	tui_bounds_bx_ofs = 16
	tui_bounds_by_ofs = 20
tui_width_ofs = 24		; dd
tui_widthperc_ofs = 28		; dq (double)
tui_height_ofs = 36		; dd
tui_heightperc_ofs = 40		; dq (double)
tui_visible_ofs = 48		; dd
tui_includeinlayout_ofs = 52	; dd
tui_absolutex_ofs = 56		; dd
tui_absolutey_ofs = 60		; dd
tui_text_ofs = 64		; dq (pointer to buffer)
tui_attr_ofs = 72		; dq (pointer to buffer)
tui_focus_ofs = 80		; dq (pointer to a tui_object or descendent)
tui_parent_ofs = 88		; dq (pointer to a tui_object or descendent)
tui_layout_ofs = 96		; dd
tui_horizalign_ofs = 100	; dd
tui_vertalign_ofs = 104		; dd
tui_bastardglue_ofs = 108	; dd
tui_displayname_ofs = 112	; dq
tui_children_ofs = 120		; dq (list$)
tui_bastards_ofs = 128		; dq (list$)
tui_dropshadow_ofs = 136	; dd
tui_scroll_ofs = 140		; two dd's (a Point)

tui_object_size = 148

	; our layout constants
tui_layout_vertical = 0
tui_layout_horizontal = 1
tui_layout_absolute = 2
	; our horizontal alignment constants
tui_align_left = 0
tui_align_center = 1
tui_align_right = 2
	; our vertical alignment constants
tui_align_top = 0
tui_align_middle = 1
tui_align_bottom = 2

	; our virtual method table/function call offsets:
tui_vcleanup = 0
tui_vclone = 8
tui_vdraw = 16
tui_vredraw = 24
tui_vupdatedisplaylist = 32
tui_vsizechanged = 40
tui_vtimer = 48
tui_vlayoutchanged = 56
tui_vmove = 64
tui_vsetfocus = 72
tui_vgotfocus = 80
tui_vlostfocus = 88
tui_vkeyevent = 96
tui_vdomodal = 104
tui_vendmodal = 112
tui_vexit = 120
tui_vcalcbounds = 128
tui_vcalcchildbounds = 136
tui_vappendchild = 144
tui_vappendbastard = 152
tui_vprependchild = 160
tui_vcontains = 168
tui_vgetchildindex = 176
tui_vremovechild = 184
tui_vremovebastard = 192
tui_vremoveallchildren = 200
tui_vremoveallbastards = 208
tui_vgetobjectsunderpoint = 216
tui_vflatten = 224
tui_vfirekeyevent = 232
tui_vontab = 240
tui_vonshifttab = 248
tui_vsetcursor = 256
tui_vshowcursor = 264
tui_vhidecursor = 272
tui_vclick = 280
tui_vclicked = 288

	; some notes here on constructing a tui_object:
	; the base tui_object is not meant to be constructed by itself
	; and the reason of course for that is simply because
	; you would get zero functionality from the base layer (nothing to
	; draw, nothing to do, etc)
	; as a result, DESCENDENT objects get constructors, and then
	; call the tui_object's appropriate initialization methods
	; as such, there are not tui_object$new... functions, only
	; tui_object$init functions

	; ALL DESCENDENTS _MUST_ set their own vtable! (these init funcs don't do it for you)
	; it can be set _before_ or after calling the init functions herein
	; we do not overwrite/zero/clear the first 8 bytes of the object, thus leaving it
	; wholly uninitialised for the descendents to fill

if used tui_object$init_defaults | defined include_everything
	; single parameter in rdi: the tui_object
	prolog	tui_object$init_defaults
	push	rdi
	add	rdi, 8		; skip the vtable pointer
	xor	esi, esi
	mov	edx, tui_object_size - 8
	call	memset32
	mov	rdi, [rsp]
	mov	dword [rdi+tui_visible_ofs], 1
	mov	dword [rdi+tui_includeinlayout_ofs], 1
	mov	dword [rdi+tui_absolutex_ofs], -1
	mov	dword [rdi+tui_absolutey_ofs], -1
	call	list$new
	mov	rdi, [rsp]
	mov	[rdi+tui_children_ofs], rax
	call	list$new
	mov	rdi, [rsp]
	mov	[rdi+tui_bastards_ofs], rax
	pop	rdi
end if

if used tui_object$simple_clone | defined include_everything
	; single argument in rdi: tui object we are "cloning", noting here that this is ONLY useful for tui_object's acting as tui_objects, heh
	; see tui_spacers.inc for examples of why this is useful
	prolog	tui_object$simple_clone
	push	rdi
	mov	edi, tui_object_size
	call	heap$alloc
	mov	rsi, [rsp]
	mov	rdi, rax
	mov	[rsp], rax
	call	tui_object$init_copy
	pop	rax

end if

if used tui_object$init_copy | defined include_everything
	; two parameters: rdi == tui object we are initialising, rsi == source tui object
	; this copies all static settings, creates new buffers (if width && height nonzero)
	; copies the buffer contents, clones all children using the clone virtual method	
	; creates new dynamic contents... if displayname was non-null, creates a COPY of it
	; (translation: displayname is always a dynamically allocated string if it exists)
	prolog	tui_object$init_copy
	sub	rsp, 32
	mov	[rsp], rdi
	mov	[rsp+8], rsi
	mov	[rsp+24], r15
	mov	edx, tui_object_size
	call	memcpy
	xor	rcx, rcx
	mov	rdi, [rsp]
	mov	rsi, [rsp+8]
	mov	[rdi+tui_text_ofs], rcx
	mov	[rdi+tui_attr_ofs], rcx
	mov	rdx, [rsi+tui_displayname_ofs]
	mov	[rdi+tui_focus_ofs], rcx
	mov	[rdi+tui_parent_ofs], rcx
	mov	[rdi+tui_displayname_ofs], rcx
	test	rdx, rdx
	jz	.nodisplayname
	mov	rdi, rdx
	call	string$copy
	mov	rdi, [rsp]
	mov	rsi, [rsp+8]
	mov	[rdi+tui_displayname_ofs], rax
	call	list$new
	mov	rdi, [rsp]
	mov	[rdi+tui_children_ofs], rax
	call	list$new
	mov	rdi, [rsp]
	mov	rsi, [rsp+8]
	mov	[rdi+tui_bastards_ofs], rax

	mov	eax, [rsi+tui_width_ofs]
	mov	ecx, [rsi+tui_height_ofs]
	test	eax, eax
	jz	.nobuffers
	test	ecx, ecx
	jz	.nobuffers
	mul	ecx
	shl	eax, 2
	mov	dword [rsp+16], eax
	mov	edi, eax
	call	heap$alloc
	mov	rdi, [rsp]
	mov	[rdi+tui_text_ofs], rax
	mov	edi, dword [rsp+16]
	call	heap$alloc
	mov	rdi, [rsp]
	mov	rsi, [rsp+8]
	mov	[rdi+tui_attr_ofs], rax
	mov	edx, dword [rsp+16]
	mov	rdi, rax
	mov	rsi, [rsi+tui_attr_ofs]
	call	memcpy
	mov	rdi, [rsp]
	mov	rsi, [rsp+8]
	mov	edx, dword [rsp+16]
	mov	rdi, [rdi+tui_text_ofs]
	mov	rsi, [rsi+tui_text_ofs]
	call	memcpy
	mov	rdi, [rsp]
	mov	rsi, [rsp+8]
	; we have to iterate the list at [rsi+tui_children_ofs]
	; and do vclones for every child there, add it to our own list
	; and set each child's parent to rdi
	; NOTE: we cheat here and use r15 across calls to list$foreach
	; because we know for certain that r15 will remain intact
	mov	r15, rdi
	mov	rdi, [rsi+tui_children_ofs]
	mov	rsi, .childrencopy
	call	list$foreach

	mov	r15, [rsp+24]
	add	rsp, 32
	; called with a single argument of the tui_object
	mov	rsi, [rdi]	; load its vtable pointer
	call	qword [rsi+tui_vclone]
	; so now we have an rax new cloned copy, we need to set its parent
	mov	[rax+tui_parent_ofs], r15	; see comment above re: cheating
	mov	rdi, [r15+tui_children_ofs]	; ""
	mov	rsi, rax
	call	list$push_back
end if

if used tui_object$init_rect | defined include_everything
	; two arguments, rdi == tui_object we are initialising, and rsi: pointer to a bounds rect
	prolog	tui_object$init_rect
	push	rsi rdi		; not really preserved
	add	rdi, 8		; skip the vtable pointer
	xor	esi, esi
	mov	edx, tui_object_size - 8
	call	memset32
	mov	rdi, [rsp]
	mov	rsi, [rsp+8]
	mov	rax, [rsi]
	mov	rcx, [rsi+8]
	mov	[rdi+tui_bounds_ofs], rax
	mov	[rdi+tui_bounds_ofs+8], rcx
	mov	dword [rdi+tui_visible_ofs], 1
	mov	dword [rdi+tui_includeinlayout_ofs], 1
	mov	dword [rdi+tui_absolutex_ofs], -1
	mov	dword [rdi+tui_absolutey_ofs], -1
	call	list$new
	mov	rdi, [rsp]
	mov	[rdi+tui_children_ofs], rax
	call	list$new
	mov	rdi, [rsp]
	mov	[rdi+tui_bastards_ofs], rax
	mov	eax, [rdi+tui_bounds_bx_ofs]
	sub	eax, [rdi+tui_bounds_ax_ofs]
	mov	[rdi+tui_width_ofs], eax
	mov	ecx, [rdi+tui_bounds_by_ofs]
	sub	ecx, [rdi+tui_bounds_ay_ofs]
	mov	[rdi+tui_height_ofs], ecx
	test	eax, eax
	jz	.nobuffers
	test	ecx, ecx
	jz	.nobuffers
	mul	ecx
	shl	eax, 2
	mov	dword [rsp+8], eax
	mov	edi, eax
	call	heap$alloc
	mov	rdi, [rsp]
	mov	[rdi+tui_text_ofs], rax
	xor	esi, esi
	mov	edx, dword [rsp+8]
	mov	rdi, rax
	call	memset32
	mov	edi, dword [rsp+8]
	call	heap$alloc
	mov	rdi, [rsp]
	mov	[rdi+tui_attr_ofs], rax
	xor	esi, esi
	mov	edx, dword [rsp+8]
	mov	rdi, rax
	call	memset32
	add	rsp, 16
	add	rsp, 16
end if

if used tui_object$init_id | defined include_everything
	; three arguments: rdi == tui_object we are initialising, esi == width, xmm0 == heightperc
tui_object$init_id:		; id == integer width, double height
	prolog	tui_object$init_id
	movq	rdx, xmm0
	push	rdx rsi rdi
	add	rdi, 8		; skip the vtable pointer
	xor	esi, esi
	mov	edx, tui_object_size - 8
	call	memset32
	call	list$new
	mov	rdi, [rsp]
	mov	[rdi+tui_children_ofs], rax
	call	list$new
	mov	rdi, [rsp]
	mov	[rdi+tui_bastards_ofs], rax
	mov	dword [rdi+tui_visible_ofs], 1
	mov	dword [rdi+tui_includeinlayout_ofs], 1
	mov	dword [rdi+tui_absolutex_ofs], -1
	mov	dword [rdi+tui_absolutey_ofs], -1
	mov	rax, [rsp+8]
	mov	rcx, [rsp+16]
	mov	dword [rdi+tui_width_ofs], eax
	mov	[rdi+tui_heightperc_ofs], rcx
	add	rsp, 24
end if

if used tui_object$init_di | defined include_everything
	; three arguments: rdi == tui_object we are initialising, xmm0 == widthperc, esi == height
tui_object$init_di:		; id == double width, integer height
	prolog	tui_object$init_di
	movq	rdx, xmm0
	push	rdx rsi rdi
	; [rsp] == tui_object
	; [rsp+8] == height
	; [rsp+16] == widthperc
	add	rdi, 8		; skip the vtable pointer
	xor	esi, esi
	mov	edx, tui_object_size - 8
	call	memset32
	call	list$new
	mov	rdi, [rsp]
	mov	[rdi+tui_children_ofs], rax
	call	list$new
	mov	rdi, [rsp]
	mov	[rdi+tui_bastards_ofs], rax
	mov	dword [rdi+tui_visible_ofs], 1
	mov	dword [rdi+tui_includeinlayout_ofs], 1
	mov	dword [rdi+tui_absolutex_ofs], -1
	mov	dword [rdi+tui_absolutey_ofs], -1
	mov	rax, [rsp+8]
	mov	rcx, [rsp+16]
	mov	[rdi+tui_widthperc_ofs], rcx
	mov	dword [rdi+tui_height_ofs], eax
	add	rsp, 24
end if

if used tui_object$init_dd | defined include_everything
	; three arguments: rdi == tui_object we are initialising, xmm0 == widthperc, xmm1 == heightperc
	prolog	tui_object$init_dd
	movq	rsi, xmm0
	movq	rdx, xmm1
	push	rdx rsi rdi
	; [rsp] == tui_object
	; [rsp+8] == widthperc
	; [rsp+16] == heightperc
	add	rdi, 8		; skip the vtable pointer
	xor	esi, esi
	mov	edx, tui_object_size - 8
	call	memset32
	call	list$new
	mov	rdi, [rsp]
	mov	[rdi+tui_children_ofs], rax
	call	list$new
	mov	rdi, [rsp]
	mov	[rdi+tui_bastards_ofs], rax
	mov	dword [rdi+tui_visible_ofs], 1
	mov	dword [rdi+tui_includeinlayout_ofs], 1
	mov	dword [rdi+tui_absolutex_ofs], -1
	mov	dword [rdi+tui_absolutey_ofs], -1
	mov	rax, [rsp+8]
	mov	rcx, [rsp+16]
	mov	[rdi+tui_widthperc_ofs], rax
	mov	[rdi+tui_heightperc_ofs], rcx
	add	rsp, 24
end if

if used tui_object$init_ii | defined include_everything

	; three arguments: rdi == tui_object we are initialising, esi == width, edx == height
tui_object$init_ii:		; ii == integer width, integer height
	prolog	tui_object$init_ii
	push	rdx rsi rdi
	add	rdi, 8		; skip the vtable pointer
	xor	esi, esi
	mov	edx, tui_object_size - 8
	call	memset32
	call	list$new
	mov	rdi, [rsp]
	mov	[rdi+tui_children_ofs], rax
	call	list$new
	mov	rdi, [rsp]
	mov	[rdi+tui_bastards_ofs], rax
	mov	dword [rdi+tui_visible_ofs], 1
	mov	dword [rdi+tui_includeinlayout_ofs], 1
	mov	dword [rdi+tui_absolutex_ofs], -1
	mov	dword [rdi+tui_absolutey_ofs], -1
	mov	rax, [rsp+8]
	mov	rcx, [rsp+16]
	mov	dword [rdi+tui_width_ofs], eax
	mov	dword [rdi+tui_height_ofs], ecx
	test	eax, eax
	jz	.nobuffers
	test	ecx, ecx
	jz	.nobuffers
	mul	ecx
	shl	eax, 2
	mov	dword [rsp+8], eax
	mov	edi, eax
	call	heap$alloc
	mov	rdi, [rsp]
	mov	[rdi+tui_text_ofs], rax
	xor	esi, esi
	mov	edx, dword [rsp+8]
	mov	rdi, rax
	call	memset32
	mov	edi, dword [rsp+8]
	call	heap$alloc
	mov	rdi, [rsp]
	mov	[rdi+tui_attr_ofs], rax
	xor	esi, esi
	mov	edx, dword [rsp+8]
	mov	rdi, rax
	call	memset32
	add	rsp, 24
	add	rsp, 24
end if

if used tui_object$cleanup | defined include_everything
	; single argument: rdi == tui_object we are destroying
	; NOTE: this does not free the pointer itself, but heap$free's everything that we allocated
	; and iterates and does delete its children/bastards
	prolog	tui_object$cleanup
	push	rdi
	mov	rdi, [rdi+tui_children_ofs]
	mov	rsi, .childclear
	call	list$clear
	mov	rsi, [rsp]
	mov	rdi, [rsi+tui_children_ofs]
	call	heap$free
	mov	rsi, [rsp]
	mov	rdi, [rsi+tui_bastards_ofs]
	mov	rsi, .childclear
	call	list$clear
	mov	rsi, [rsp]
	mov	rdi, [rsi+tui_bastards_ofs]
	call	heap$free
	mov	rsi, [rsp]
	mov	rdi, [rsi+tui_text_ofs]
	test	rdi, rdi
	jz	.notextbuffer
	call	heap$free
	mov	rsi, [rsp]
	; copy of notextbuffer fallthrough (most common will be no branching in here)
	mov	rdi, [rsi+tui_attr_ofs]
	test	rdi, rdi
	jz	.noattrbuffer
	call	heap$free
	mov	rsi, [rsp]
	; copy of noattrbuffer fallthrough (most common will be no branching in here)
	mov	rdi, [rsi+tui_displayname_ofs]
	test	rdi, rdi
	jnz	.displayname
	pop	rdi
	mov	rdi, [rsi+tui_attr_ofs]
	test	rdi, rdi
	jz	.noattrbuffer
	call	heap$free
	mov	rsi, [rsp]
	mov	rdi, [rsi+tui_displayname_ofs]
	test	rdi, rdi
	jnz	.displayname
	pop	rdi
	call	heap$free
	pop	rdi

	; called for every child in children/bastards list
	; we DO delete the pointer when we are done
	push	rdi				; save it so we can delete it
	mov	rsi, [rdi]			; load its vmethod table
	call	qword [rsi+tui_vcleanup]	; call its virtual cleanup method
	pop	rdi
	call	heap$free
end if

if used tui_object$clone | defined include_everything
	; single argument in rdi: our tui_object to make a copy of
	; also note: you must return a NEW heap$alloc'd version of your descendent
	; initialized properly! (make sure to store your vtable!)
	; default one listed here just generates a breakpoint, as it is definitely
	; a programming error for the base one here to be called
	prolog	tui_object$clone
end if

if used tui_object$draw | defined include_everything
	; single argument in rdi: our tui_object
	; each descendent's draw method is responsible for updating its own text/attr buffers
	; but the ACTUAL render routine (which is to say: the terminal/etc responsible for
	; actually outputting the rendered version of the buffers) needs to be called in
	; forward Z order, so if an object updates itself, it needs to call updatedisplaylist
	; when it is done drawing its own buffers
	; consequently, the default implementation listed here only calls the updatedisplaylist
	; virtual method
	prolog	tui_object$draw
	mov	rsi, [rdi]	; load up our vtable
	call	qword [rsi+tui_vupdatedisplaylist]
end if

if used tui_object$redraw | defined include_everything
	; single argument in rdi: our tui_object
	; this is called basically telling all objects to draw themselves, and is done
	; when layoutchanged happens, etc all initiated from our terminal/telnet/ssh/etc
	; default is to call our own draw, and then call all of our children's redraw vmethods
	prolog	tui_object$redraw
	push	rdi
	mov	rsi, [rdi]		; load up our vtable
	call	qword [rsi+tui_vdraw]
	mov	rdi, [rsp]
	mov	rdi, [rdi+tui_children_ofs]
	mov	rsi, .childredraw
	call	list$foreach
	mov	rdi, [rsp]
	mov	rdi, [rdi+tui_bastards_ofs]
	mov	rsi, .childredraw
	call	list$foreach
	pop	rdi
	; called with a single argument in rdi of the child, we need to call its own redraw vmethod
	mov	rsi, [rdi]		; load up its vtable
	call	qword [rsi+tui_vredraw]
end if

if used tui_object$updatedisplaylist | defined include_everything
	; single argument in rdi: our tui_object
	; this should not need to be overridden by anyone except top-most rendering layers
	; default is to walk up the tree, calling each one's virtual updateDisplayList
	; so that it can forward Z order walk back down and redraw/render everything
	prolog	tui_object$updatedisplaylist
	mov	rdi, [rdi+tui_parent_ofs]
	test	rdi, rdi
	jz	.noparent
	mov	rsi, [rdi]		; load up the parent's vtable
	call	qword [rsi+tui_vupdatedisplaylist]
end if

if used tui_object$setcursor | defined include_everything
	; three arguments: rdi == our tui_object, esi == x, edx == y
	; default is to walk up the tree finding someone who cares
	prolog	tui_object$setcursor
	; if we are scrolled, and a lower object set the cursor with its own bounds.a
	; we need to _adjust_ by our scroll amounts
	mov	eax, [rdi+tui_scroll_ofs]
	mov	ecx, [rdi+tui_scroll_ofs+4]
	sub	esi, eax
	sub	edx, ecx

	mov	rdi, [rdi+tui_parent_ofs]
	test	rdi, rdi
	jz	.noparent
	mov	rcx, [rdi]		; load up the parent's vtable
	call	qword [rcx+tui_vsetcursor]
end if

if used tui_object$showcursor | defined include_everything
	; single argument in rdi: our tui_object
	; default is to walk up the tree finding someone who cares
	prolog	tui_object$showcursor
	mov	rdi, [rdi+tui_parent_ofs]
	test	rdi, rdi
	jz	.noparent
	mov	rsi, [rdi]
	call	qword [rsi+tui_vshowcursor]
end if

if used tui_object$hidecursor | defined include_everything
	; single argument in rdi: our tui_object
	; default is to walk up the tree finding someone who cares
	prolog	tui_object$hidecursor
	mov	rdi, [rdi+tui_parent_ofs]
	test	rdi, rdi
	jz	.noparent
	mov	rsi, [rdi]
	call	qword [rsi+tui_vhidecursor]
end if

if used tui_object$timer | defined include_everything
	; single argument in rdi: our tui_object
	; this should be overridden only if you, the descendent, is interested in timer events
	; whatever resolution you asked for, your vmethod of same will get called
	; NOTE: if you return nonzero in eax from this, your object will be automatically
	; destroyed (useful for set and forget type situations)
	prolog	tui_object$timer
	xor	eax, eax		; keep the timer going is the default action
end if

if used tui_object$sizechanged | defined include_everything
	; single argument in rdi: our tui_object
	; this is called if our layout goods actually modified our width/height,
	; in which case, we destroy our text/attr buffers if we have them
	; and reallocate them if our new size is nonzero
	; and if new size is nonzero, we also call our virtual draw method
	prolog	tui_object$sizechanged
	sub	rsp, 8
	push	rdi
	mov	rdi, [rdi+tui_text_ofs]
	test	rdi, rdi
	jz	.notextbuffer
	call	heap$free
	mov	rdi, [rsp]
	mov	qword [rdi+tui_text_ofs], 0
	mov	rdi, [rdi+tui_attr_ofs]
	test	rdi, rdi
	jz	.noattrbuffer
	call	heap$free
	mov	rdi, [rsp]
	mov	qword [rdi+tui_attr_ofs], 0
	mov	eax, [rdi+tui_width_ofs]
	mov	ecx, [rdi+tui_height_ofs]
	test	eax, eax
	jz	.nonewone
	test	ecx, ecx
	jz	.nonewone
	mul	ecx
	shl	eax, 2
	mov	dword [rsp+8], eax
	mov	edi, eax
	call	heap$alloc
	mov	rdi, [rsp]
	mov	[rdi+tui_text_ofs], rax
	mov	rdi, rax
	xor	esi, esi
	mov	edx, dword [rsp+8]
	call	memset32
	mov	edi, dword [rsp+8]
	call	heap$alloc
	mov	rdi, [rsp]
	mov	[rdi+tui_attr_ofs], rax
	mov	rdi, rax
	xor	esi, esi
	mov	edx, dword [rsp+8]
	call	memset32
	; so now our buffers have been allocated
	; we have to call our virtual draw method
	mov	rdi, [rsp]
	mov	rsi, [rdi]	; load up our vtable
	call	qword [rsi+tui_vdraw]
	pop	rdi
	add	rsp, 8
	mov	rdi, [rsp]
	mov	rdi, [rdi+tui_attr_ofs]
	test	rdi, rdi
	jz	.noattrbuffer
	call	heap$free
	mov	rdi, [rsp]
	mov	qword [rdi+tui_attr_ofs], 0
	jmp	.checknew
	mov	rdi, [rsp]
	jmp	.checknew
	pop	rdi
	add	rsp, 8
end if

if used tui_object$layoutchanged | defined include_everything
	; single argument in rdi: our tui_object
	; this should not need to be overridden by anyone except topmost objects (terminal, renderers, etc)
	; default action is to walk up the tree calling each one's
	prolog	tui_object$layoutchanged
	mov	rdi, [rdi+tui_parent_ofs]
	test	rdi, rdi
	jz	.noparent
	mov	rsi, [rdi]		; load up the parent's vtable
	call	qword [rsi+tui_vlayoutchanged]
end if

if used tui_object$move | defined include_everything
	; three arguments: rdi == our tui_object, esi == delta x, edx == delta y
	; default action is:
	; for absolute-positioned elements, updates absolute_x and absolute_y
	; and updates the bounds rect for all
	prolog	tui_object$move
	add	dword [rdi+tui_bounds_ax_ofs], esi
	add	dword [rdi+tui_bounds_ay_ofs], edx
	add	dword [rdi+tui_bounds_bx_ofs], esi
	add	dword [rdi+tui_bounds_by_ofs], edx
	cmp	dword [rdi+tui_absolutex_ofs], -1
	jne	.absolutetoo
	add	dword [rdi+tui_absolutex_ofs], esi
	add	dword [rdi+tui_absolutey_ofs], edx
end if

if used tui_object$setfocus | defined include_everything
	; two arguments: rdi == our tui_object, rsi == the object that got focus
	; default here is just to set the focus qword
	prolog	tui_object$setfocus
	mov	[rdi+tui_focus_ofs], rsi
end if

if used tui_object$gotfocus | defined include_everything
	; single argument in rdi: our tui_object
	prolog	tui_object$gotfocus
end if

if used tui_object$lostfocus | defined include_everything
	; single argument in rdi: our tui_object
	prolog	tui_object$lostfocus
end if

if used tui_object$keyevent | defined include_everything
	; three arguments: rdi == our tui_object, esi == key, edx == esc_key
	; NOTE: return zero in eax if firekeyevent should keep walking up "bubbling"
	; and return nonzero in eax if firekeyevent should STOP
	prolog	tui_object$keyevent
	xor	eax, eax
end if

if used tui_object$domodal | defined include_everything
	; two arguments: rdi == our tui_object, rsi == child object who wants modal
	; default action here is to walk up the chain until we find someone who cares
	; makes it easy for children who have no idea who their daddy is to get some
	; action, haha
	prolog	tui_object$domodal
	mov	rdi, [rdi+tui_parent_ofs]
	test	rdi, rdi
	jz	.noparent
	mov	rdx, [rdi]		; load up the parent's vtable
	; rsi child argument still intact
	call	qword [rdx+tui_vdomodal]
end if

if used tui_object$endmodal | defined include_everything
	; single argument: rdi == our tui_object
	; default action here similar to domodal is just to walk up the chain until
	; we find someone who cares
	prolog	tui_object$endmodal
	mov	rdi, [rdi+tui_parent_ofs]
	test	rdi, rdi
	jz	.noparent
	mov	rdx, [rdi]		; load up the parent's vtable
	call	qword [rdx+tui_vendmodal]

end if

if used tui_object$exit | defined include_everything
	; two arguments: rdi == our tui_object, esi == exit code
	; default action here is to walk up the tree until we find someone who cares
	; and depending on who that real parent context is will determine what actually
	; happens, e.g. drop connection, syscall_exit, etc
	prolog	tui_object$exit
	mov	rdi, [rdi+tui_parent_ofs]
	test	rdi, rdi
	jz	.noparent
	mov	rdx, [rdi]
	; esi argument still in tact
	call	qword [rdx+tui_vexit]
end if

if used tui_object$calcbounds | defined include_everything
	; single argument in rdi: our tui_object
	; default action here should work for most descendent cases
	prolog	tui_object$calcbounds
	push	rdi
	mov	rdi, [rdi+tui_parent_ofs]
	test	rdi, rdi
	jz	.noparentyet
	mov	rdx, [rdi]		; load up the parent's vtable
	call	qword [rdx+tui_vcalcchildbounds]
	; now do the same for all our children
	mov	rdi, [rsp]
	mov	rdi, [rdi+tui_children_ofs]
	mov	rsi, .childbounds
	call	list$foreach
	mov	rdi, [rsp]
	mov	rdi, [rdi+tui_bastards_ofs]
	mov	rsi, .childbounds
	call	list$foreach
	pop	rdi
	; called for every child, we have to call its virtual calcbounds
	mov	rsi, [rdi]		; load up our vtable
	call	qword [rsi+tui_vcalcbounds]
	; if we dont have a parent yet, we haven't been added to anyone WITH bounds yet
	; so we bailout
	pop	rdi
end if

if used tui_object$calcchildbounds | defined include_everything
	; single argument in rdi: our tui_object
	; default action here should work for most descendent cases
	; this is responsible for all our fine layout calculations
	prolog	tui_object$calcchildbounds
	push	rdi
	mov	rdx, rdi
	mov	rdi, [rdi+tui_bastards_ofs]
	mov	rsi, .bastardsfirst
	call	list$foreach_arg
	mov	rdi, [rsp]
	mov	eax, [rdi+tui_layout_ofs]
	cmp	eax, tui_layout_absolute
	je	.absolutelayout
	cmp	eax, tui_layout_vertical
	je	.verticallayout
	; else, we have a horizontal layout
	cmp	dword [rdi+tui_width_ofs], 0
	jle	.noroom
	; NOTE: we cheat here and use r14 and r15 across calls to list$foreach
	; because we know for certain that r14 and r15 will remain intact
	push	r14 r15
	mov	r14, rdi
	mov	r15d, dword [rdi+tui_width_ofs]		; available width
	xorpd	xmm0, xmm0				; total width percent
	mov	rdi, [rdi+tui_children_ofs]
	mov	rsi, .horizsizescan
	call	list$foreach
	mov	rdx, r14
	xor	r14d, r14d				; relative x
	mov	rdi, [rdx+tui_children_ofs]
	mov	rsi, .horizsizeset
	call	list$foreach_arg
	pop	r15 r14
	pop	rdi
	mov	rdx, rdi
	mov	rdi, [rdi+tui_children_ofs]
	mov	rsi, .childabsolute
	call	list$foreach_arg
	pop	rdi
	pop	rdi
	; NOTE: we cheat here and use r14 and r15 across calls to list$foreach
	; because we know for certain that r14 and r15 will remain intact
	cmp	dword [rdi+tui_height_ofs], 0
	jle	.noroom
	push	r14 r15
	mov	r14, rdi
	mov	r15d, dword [rdi+tui_height_ofs]	; available height
	xorpd	xmm0, xmm0				; total height percent
	mov	rdi, [rdi+tui_children_ofs]
	mov	rsi, .vertsizescan
	call	list$foreach
	mov	rdx, r14
	xor	r14d, r14d				; relative y
	mov	rdi, [rdx+tui_children_ofs]
	mov	rsi, .vertsizeset
	call	list$foreach_arg
	pop	r15 r14
	pop	rdi
	; so rdi is our child object, rsi is our parent object, r14d == relative_y, r15d == available_height, xmm0 == total_heightperc

	; the combination of visible/includeinlayout means that calcbounds will still apply to invisible children (useful for effects, etc)
	; cmp	dword [rdi+tui_visible_ofs], 0
	; je	.vertsizeset_nodeal
	cmp	dword [rdi+tui_includeinlayout_ofs], 0
	je	.vertsizeset_nodeal
	mov	r10d, [rdi+tui_width_ofs]		; old child width
	mov	r11d, [rdi+tui_height_ofs]		; old child height
	cmp	qword [rdi+tui_widthperc_ofs], 0
	je	.vertsizeset_checkheightperc
	; else, widthperc is nonzero, so this childs' width relative to its parent
	mov	eax, [rsi+tui_width_ofs]
	movq	xmm1, [rdi+tui_widthperc_ofs]
	movq	xmm3, [.math_hundredth]
	cvtsi2sd	xmm2, eax
	mulsd	xmm1, xmm3				; turn the widthperc back into a real percentage
	mulsd	xmm1, xmm2				; multiplied by parent width
	cvtsd2si	eax, xmm1
	mov	[rdi+tui_width_ofs], eax		; and back as an integer
	cmp	qword [rdi+tui_heightperc_ofs], 0
	je	.vertsizeset_setbounds
	; else, heightperc is nonzero, so this calculate its relative goods
	cvtsi2sd	xmm2, r15d			; convert available_height to a double
	movq	xmm1, [rdi+tui_heightperc_ofs]
	divsd	xmm1, xmm0				; /= total height percent
	mulsd	xmm1, xmm2				; *= available height
	cvtsd2si	eax, xmm1
	; it is possible that there wasn't enough room, so if eax < 0, set to zero
	xor	r8d, r8d
	cmp	eax, 0
	cmovl	eax, r8d
	mov	[rdi+tui_height_ofs], eax		; and back as an integer
	xor	edx, edx				; remainder
	mov	r8d, [rsi+tui_width_ofs]		; parent width
	mov	eax, [rdi+tui_width_ofs]		; child width
	sub	r8d, eax				; parent width - child width

	; in case parent width was less than child width, make sure we don't end up with negative numbers
	cmp	r8d, 0
	cmovl	r8d, edx

	mov	r9d, r8d
	shr	r9d, 1
	cmp	dword [rsi+tui_horizalign_ofs], tui_align_right
	cmove	edx, r8d
	cmp	dword [rsi+tui_horizalign_ofs], tui_align_center
	cmove	edx, r9d
	mov	eax, [rsi+tui_bounds_ax_ofs]		; parent bounds.a.x
	add	eax, edx				; + remainder
	mov	[rdi+tui_bounds_ax_ofs], eax		; child bounds.a.x =
	add	eax, dword [rdi+tui_width_ofs]		; + child width
	mov	[rdi+tui_bounds_bx_ofs], eax
	mov	eax, [rsi+tui_bounds_ay_ofs]		; parent bounds.a.y
	add	eax, r14d				; + relative_y
	mov	[rdi+tui_bounds_ay_ofs], eax		; child bounds.a.y =
	add	eax, dword [rdi+tui_height_ofs]		; + child height
	mov	[rdi+tui_bounds_by_ofs], eax		; child bounds.b.y =
	add	r14d, dword [rdi+tui_height_ofs]

	; it is possible that due to rounding errors, we went one too far, check to make sure we didn't overstep the bounds
	cmp	r14d, [rsi+tui_height_ofs]
	ja	.vertsizeset_overrun

	cmp	r10d, dword [rdi+tui_width_ofs]
	jne	.firesizechanged
	cmp	r11d, dword [rdi+tui_height_ofs]
	jne	.firesizechanged
	; only modify this if we actually did a height percentage:
	cmp	qword [rdi+tui_heightperc_ofs], 0
	je	.vertsizeset_next
	; only modify if already >0
	cmp	dword [rdi+tui_height_ofs], 0
	jle	.vertsizeset_next
	sub	dword [rdi+tui_height_ofs], 1
	sub	r14d, 1

	cmp	r10d, dword [rdi+tui_width_ofs]
	jne	.firesizechanged
	cmp	r11d, dword [rdi+tui_height_ofs]
	jne	.firesizechanged
.math_hundredth	dq	0.01f
	mov	rsi, [rdi]				; load up the vtable
	sub	rsp, 8
	movq	[rsp], xmm0				; preserve total percentage
	call	qword [rsi+tui_vsizechanged]
	movq	xmm0, [rsp]
	add	rsp, 8
	; see note above re: cheating with r15, we know r15 and xmm0 stay in tact across list$foreach
	; cmp	dword [rdi+tui_visible_ofs], 0
	; je	.vertsizescan_nodeal
	cmp	dword [rdi+tui_includeinlayout_ofs], 0
	je	.vertsizescan_nodeal
	cmp	qword [rdi+tui_heightperc_ofs], 0
	jne	.vertsizescan_percbased
	sub	r15d, dword [rdi+tui_height_ofs]
	movq	xmm1, [rdi+tui_heightperc_ofs]
	addsd	xmm0, xmm1
	; cmp	dword [rdi+tui_visible_ofs], 0
	; je	.horizsizeset_nodeal
	cmp	dword [rdi+tui_includeinlayout_ofs], 0
	je	.horizsizeset_nodeal
	mov	r10d, [rdi+tui_width_ofs]			; old child width
	mov	r11d, [rdi+tui_height_ofs]			; old child height
	cmp	qword [rdi+tui_widthperc_ofs], 0
	je	.horizsizeset_checkheightperc
	cvtsi2sd	xmm2, r15d				; convert available_width to a double
	movq	xmm1, [rdi+tui_widthperc_ofs]
	divsd	xmm1, xmm0					; /= total width percent
	mulsd	xmm1, xmm2					; *= available width
	cvtsd2si	eax, xmm1
	; it is possible that there wasn't enough room, so if eax < 0, set to zero
	xor	r8d, r8d
	cmp	eax, 0
	cmovl	eax, r8d
	mov	[rdi+tui_width_ofs], eax			; and back as an integer
	cmp	qword [rdi+tui_heightperc_ofs], 0
	je	.horizsizeset_setbounds
	mov	eax, [rsi+tui_height_ofs]
	movq	xmm1, [rdi+tui_heightperc_ofs]
	movq	xmm3, [.math_hundredth]
	cvtsi2sd	xmm2, eax
	mulsd	xmm1, xmm3					; turn the heightperc back into a real percentage
	mulsd	xmm1, xmm2					; multiplied by parent height
	cvtsd2si	eax, xmm1
	mov	[rdi+tui_height_ofs], eax			; and back as an integer
	xor	edx, edx					; remainder
	mov	r8d, [rsi+tui_height_ofs]			; parent height
	mov	eax, [rdi+tui_height_ofs]			; child height
	sub	r8d, eax					; parent height - child height
	; in case parent height was less than child height, make sure we don't end up with negative numbers
	cmp	r8d, 0
	cmovl	r8d, edx
	mov	r9d, r8d
	shr	r9d, 1
	cmp	dword [rsi+tui_vertalign_ofs], tui_align_bottom
	cmove	edx, r8d
	cmp	dword [rsi+tui_vertalign_ofs], tui_align_middle
	cmove	edx, r9d
	mov	eax, [rsi+tui_bounds_ax_ofs]			; parent bounds.a.x
	add	eax, r14d					; + relative_x
	mov	[rdi+tui_bounds_ax_ofs], eax			; child bounds.a.x =
	add	eax, [rdi+tui_width_ofs]			; + child width
	mov	[rdi+tui_bounds_bx_ofs], eax			; child bounds.b.x =
	mov	eax, [rsi+tui_bounds_ay_ofs]			; parent bounds.a.y
	add	eax, edx					; + remainder
	mov	[rdi+tui_bounds_ay_ofs], eax			; child bounds.a.y =
	add	eax, [rdi+tui_height_ofs]			; + child height
	mov	[rdi+tui_bounds_by_ofs], eax			; child bounds.b.y =
	add	r14d, dword [rdi+tui_width_ofs]			; relative_x += child width

	; it is possible that due to rounding errors, we went one too far, check to make sure we didn't overstep the bounds
	cmp	r14d, [rsi+tui_width_ofs]
	ja	.horizsizeset_overrun

	cmp	r10d, dword [rdi+tui_width_ofs]
	jne	.firesizechanged
	cmp	r11d, dword [rdi+tui_height_ofs]
	jne	.firesizechanged
	; only modify this if we actually did a width percentage:
	cmp	qword [rdi+tui_widthperc_ofs], 0
	je	.horizsizeset_next
	; only modify if already >0
	cmp	dword [rdi+tui_width_ofs], 0
	jle	.vertsizeset_next
	sub	dword [rdi+tui_width_ofs], 1
	sub	r14d, 1

	cmp	r10d, dword [rdi+tui_width_ofs]
	jne	.firesizechanged
	cmp	r11d, dword [rdi+tui_height_ofs]
	jne	.firesizechanged
	; see note above re: cheating with r15
	; cmp	dword [rdi+tui_visible_ofs], 0
	; je	.horizsizescan_nodeal
	cmp	dword [rdi+tui_includeinlayout_ofs], 0
	je	.horizsizescan_nodeal
	cmp	qword [rdi+tui_widthperc_ofs], 0
	jne	.horizsizescan_percbased
	sub	r15d, dword [rdi+tui_width_ofs]
	movq	xmm1, [rdi+tui_widthperc_ofs]
	addsd	xmm0, xmm1
	; for our bastard children, we really only need to take into account whether
	; bastardglue is set or not and modify/adjust their position
	; so our argument in rdi is the bastard child, rsi is our parent
	cmp	dword [rdi+tui_bastardglue_ofs], 0
	je	.nobastardglue
	; otehrwise, bastardglue is set, so pay attention to its
	; vertical and horizontal alignment to set its x/y nothing that we do NOT
	; modify its SIZE.
	xor	edx, edx	; remainder
	mov	r8d, [rsi+tui_width_ofs]	; parent width
	mov	r9d, [rdi+tui_width_ofs]	; child width
	sub	r8d, r9d	; parent width - child width
	; make sure we didn't go negative
	cmp	r8d, 0
	cmovl	r8d, edx
	mov	r10d, r8d
	shr	r10d, 1
	cmp	dword [rdi+tui_horizalign_ofs], tui_align_right
	cmove	edx, r8d
	cmp	dword [rdi+tui_horizalign_ofs], tui_align_center
	cmove	edx, r10d
	mov	eax, [rsi+tui_bounds_ax_ofs]
	add	eax, edx
	mov	[rdi+tui_bounds_ax_ofs], eax
	add	eax, [rdi+tui_width_ofs]
	mov	[rdi+tui_bounds_bx_ofs], eax
	xor	edx, edx	; remainder
	mov	r8d, [rsi+tui_height_ofs]	; parent height
	mov	r9d, [rdi+tui_height_ofs]	; child height
	sub	r8d, r9d	; parent height - child height
	; make sure we didn't go negative
	cmp	r8d, 0
	cmovl	r8d, edx
	mov	r10d, r8d
	shr	r10d, 1
	cmp	dword [rdi+tui_vertalign_ofs], tui_align_bottom
	cmove	edx, r8d
	cmp	dword [rdi+tui_vertalign_ofs], tui_align_middle
	cmove	edx, r10d
	mov	eax, [rsi+tui_bounds_ay_ofs]
	add	eax, edx
	mov	[rdi+tui_bounds_ay_ofs], eax
	add	eax, [rdi+tui_height_ofs]
	mov	[rdi+tui_bounds_by_ofs], eax
.childabsolute:		; the code for unglued bastard absolute layouts is the same
	; its position is relative to ours, so we treat it as an absolute layout
	cmp	dword [rdi+tui_absolutex_ofs], -1
	je	.nobastardglue_first
	mov	eax, [rsi+tui_bounds_ax_ofs]	; parent.a.x
	add	eax, [rdi+tui_absolutex_ofs]	; + child.absolutex
	mov	ecx, [rsi+tui_bounds_ay_ofs]	; parent.a.y
	add	ecx, [rdi+tui_absolutey_ofs]	; + child.absolutey
	mov	[rdi+tui_bounds_ax_ofs], eax	; child.a.x = 
	mov	[rdi+tui_bounds_ay_ofs], ecx	; child.a.y =
	add	eax, [rdi+tui_width_ofs]	; + child width
	add	ecx, [rdi+tui_height_ofs]	; + child height
	mov	[rdi+tui_bounds_bx_ofs], eax
	mov	[rdi+tui_bounds_by_ofs], ecx
	; its position is still relative, but we haven't yet set absolute_x
	mov	eax, [rdi+tui_bounds_ax_ofs]
	mov	ecx, [rdi+tui_bounds_ay_ofs]
	mov	[rdi+tui_absolutex_ofs], eax
	mov	[rdi+tui_absolutey_ofs], ecx
	; now same as above:
	mov	eax, [rsi+tui_bounds_ax_ofs]
	add	eax, [rdi+tui_absolutex_ofs]
	mov	ecx, [rsi+tui_bounds_ay_ofs]
	add	ecx, [rdi+tui_absolutey_ofs]
	mov	[rdi+tui_bounds_ax_ofs], eax
	mov	[rdi+tui_bounds_ay_ofs], ecx
	add	eax, [rdi+tui_width_ofs]
	add	ecx, [rdi+tui_height_ofs]
	mov	[rdi+tui_bounds_bx_ofs], eax
	mov	[rdi+tui_bounds_by_ofs], ecx
end if

if used tui_object$appendchild | defined include_everything
	; two arguments: rdi == our tui_object, rsi == new object to add
	; we set the new object's parent to our rdi, add it to our children list, and then call our vmethod layoutchanged
	prolog	tui_object$appendchild
	push	rdi
	mov	[rsi+tui_parent_ofs], rdi
	mov	rdi, [rdi+tui_children_ofs]
	call	list$push_back
	mov	rdi, [rsp]
	mov	rsi, [rdi]		; load our vtable
	call	qword [rsi+tui_vlayoutchanged]	; force a redraw
	pop	rdi
end if

if used tui_object$appendbastard | defined include_everything
	; two arguments: rdi == our tui_object, rsi == new object to add
	; we set the new object's parent to our rdi, add it to our bastards list, and then call our vmethod layoutchanged
	prolog	tui_object$appendbastard
	push	rdi
	mov	[rsi+tui_parent_ofs], rdi
	mov	rdi, [rdi+tui_bastards_ofs]
	call	list$push_back
	mov	rdi, [rsp]
	mov	rsi, [rdi]		; load our vtable
	call	qword [rsi+tui_vlayoutchanged]	; force a redraw
	pop	rdi
end if

if used tui_object$prependchild | defined include_everything
	; same as appendchild, but sticks it at the front of the list instead of the end
	prolog	tui_object$prependchild
	push	rdi
	mov	[rsi+tui_parent_ofs], rdi
	mov	rdi, [rdi+tui_children_ofs]
	call	list$push_front
	mov	rdi, [rsp]
	mov	rsi, [rdi]		; load our vtable
	call	qword [rsi+tui_vlayoutchanged]	; force a redraw
	pop	rdi
end if

if used tui_object$contains | defined include_everything
	; two arguments: rdi == our tui_object, rsi == object to test for
	; returns zero in eax if rsi is not in rdi's children list, or 1 in eax if it does
	prolog	tui_object$contains
	mov	rdi, [rdi+tui_children_ofs]
	mov	rdx, [_list_first]
	test	rdx, rdx
	jz	.zeroret
	cmp	rsi, [rdx+_list_valueofs]
	je	.oneret
	mov	rdx, [rdx+_list_nextofs]
	test	rdx, rdx
	jnz	.loop
	xor	eax, eax
	xor	eax, eax
	mov	eax, 1
end if

if used tui_object$getchildindex | defined include_everything
	; two arguments: rdi == our tui_object, rsi == object to test for
	; returns unsigned index in eax, or -1 if it isn't found
	prolog	tui_object$getchildindex
	xor	eax, eax
	mov	rdi, [rdi+tui_children_ofs]
	mov	rdx, [_list_first]
	test	rdx, rdx
	jz	.negoneret
	cmp	rsi, [rdx+_list_valueofs]
	je	.oneret
	add	eax, 1
	mov	rdx, [rdx+_list_nextofs]
	test	rdx, rdx
	jnz	.loop
	mov	eax, -1
	mov	eax, -1
end if

if used tui_object$removechild | defined include_everything
	; two arguments: rdi == our tui_object, rsi == object to remove
	; NOTE: does _NOT_ delete/cleanup/heap$free the child
	; if we do indeed remove it, we fire a layoutchanged vmethod call to redraw
	; returns zero in rax if we didn't find it, or returns the child if we did
	prolog	tui_object$removechild
	push	rdi		; save our actual object
	mov	rdi, [rdi+tui_children_ofs]
	mov	rdx, [_list_first]
	test	rdx, rdx
	jz	.zeroret
	cmp	rsi, [rdx+_list_valueofs]
	je	.foundit
	mov	rdx, [rdx+_list_nextofs]
	test	rdx, rdx
	jnz	.loop
	xor	eax, eax
	pop	rdi
	pop	rdi
	xor	eax, eax
	push	rsi	; save our return
	mov	rsi, rdx
	call	list$remove
	pop	rax
	pop	rdi	; get our object back
	mov	rsi, [rdi]	; load the vtable
	push	rax	; preserve our return
	call	qword [rsi+tui_vlayoutchanged]
	pop	rax
end if

if used tui_object$removebastard | defined include_everything
	; two arguments: rdi == our tui_object, rsi == object to remove
	; same as removechild, only does so with the bastards list instead
	prolog	tui_object$removebastard
	push	rdi		; save our actual object
	mov	rdi, [rdi+tui_bastards_ofs]
	mov	rdx, [_list_first]
	test	rdx, rdx
	jz	.zeroret
	cmp	rsi, [rdx+_list_valueofs]
	je	.foundit
	mov	rdx, [rdx+_list_nextofs]
	test	rdx, rdx
	jnz	.loop
	xor	eax, eax
	pop	rdi
	pop	rdi
	xor	eax, eax
	push	rsi	; save our return
	mov	rsi, rdx
	call	list$remove
	pop	rax
	pop	rdi	; get our object back
	mov	rsi, [rdi]	; load the vtable
	push	rax	; preserve our return
	call	qword [rsi+tui_vlayoutchanged]
	pop	rax
end if

if used tui_object$removeallchildren | defined include_everything
	; single argument: rdi == our tui_object
	; removes ALL children, and if we actually deleted any, fires a new layoutchanged vmethod call
	; note: this actually DOES delete them (after calling vcleanup first, then it heap$frees them)
	prolog	tui_object$removeallchildren
	push	rdi
	mov	rdi, [rdi+tui_children_ofs]
	cmp	[_list_first], 0
	je	.nothingtodo
	mov	rsi, .childkill
	call	list$clear
	mov	rdi, [rsp]
	mov	rsi, [rdi]		; load the vtable
	call	qword [rsi+tui_vlayoutchanged]
	pop	rdi
	; single argument in rdi == the child we are killing
	push	rdi
	mov	rsi, [rdi]
	call	qword [rsi+tui_vcleanup]
	pop	rdi
	call	heap$free
	pop	rdi
end if

if used tui_object$removeallbastards | defined include_everything
	; single argument: rdi == our tui_object
	; removes ALL bastards, and if we actually deleted any, fires a new layoutchanged vmethod call
	; note: this actually DOES delete them (after calling vcleanup first, then it heap$frees them)
	prolog	tui_object$removeallbastards
	push	rdi
	mov	rdi, [rdi+tui_bastards_ofs]
	cmp	[_list_first], 0
	je	.nothingtodo
	mov	rsi, .childkill
	call	list$clear
	mov	rdi, [rsp]
	mov	rsi, [rdi]		; load the vtable
	call	qword [rsi+tui_vlayoutchanged]
	pop	rdi
	; single argument in rdi == the child we are killing
	push	rdi
	mov	rsi, [rdi]
	call	qword [rsi+tui_vcleanup]
	pop	rdi
	call	heap$free
	pop	rdi
end if

if used tui_object$getobjectsunderpoint | defined include_everything
	; three arguments: rdi == our tui_object, rsi == a POINTER to a point, rdx == list to append objects to
	prolog	tui_object$getobjectsunderpoint
	push	rax rdx rsi rdi
	mov	rdi, [rdi+tui_children_ofs]
	mov	rdx, [_list_first]
	test	rdx, rdx
	jz	.checkbastards
	mov	r8, [rdx+_list_valueofs]	; get the child itself
	; determine if this child's bounds contains the point pointed to by rsi
	mov	eax, [rsi]			; point.x
	mov	ecx, [rsi+4]			; point.y
	cmp	eax, dword [r8+tui_bounds_ofs]
	jl	.nope
	cmp	eax, dword [r8+tui_bounds_ofs+8]
	jge	.nope
	cmp	ecx, dword [r8+tui_bounds_ofs+4]
	jl	.nope
	cmp	ecx, dword [r8+tui_bounds_ofs+12]
	jge	.nope
	; else, the point is in bounds, so we need to add it to our list
	mov	[rsp+24], rdx			; save our list pointer so we can keep going
	mov	rdi, [rsp+16]			; the destination list
	mov	rsi, r8				; the child to add
	call	list$push_back
	; next, we need to call this child's vgetobjectsunderpoint
	mov	rdx, [rsp+24]
	mov	rdi, [rdx+_list_valueofs]	; the object
	mov	rsi, [rsp+8]
	mov	rdx, [rsp+16]
	mov	rcx, [rdi]			; its vtable
	call	qword [rcx+tui_vgetobjectsunderpoint]

	mov	rdx, [rsp+24]
	mov	rsi, [rsp+8]
	mov	rdx, [rdx+_list_nextofs]
	test	rdx, rdx
	jnz	.loop
	; else, restore our rdi
	mov	rdi, [rsp]
	mov	rdi, [rdi+tui_bastards_ofs]
	mov	rdx, [_list_first]
	test	rdx, rdx
	jz	.alldone
	mov	r8, [rdx+_list_valueofs]	; get the child itself
	; determine if this child's bounds contains the point pointed to by rsi
	mov	eax, [rsi]			; point.x
	mov	ecx, [rsi+4]			; point.y
	cmp	eax, dword [r8+tui_bounds_ofs]
	jl	.bnope
	cmp	eax, dword [r8+tui_bounds_ofs+8]
	jge	.bnope
	cmp	ecx, dword [r8+tui_bounds_ofs+4]
	jl	.bnope
	cmp	ecx, dword [r8+tui_bounds_ofs+12]
	jge	.bnope
	; else, the point is in bounds, so we need to add it to our list
	mov	[rsp+24], rdx			; save our list pointer so we can keep going
	mov	rdi, [rsp+16]			; the destination list
	mov	rsi, r8				; the child to add
	call	list$push_back
	; next, we need to call this child's vgetobjectsunderpoint
	mov	rdx, [rsp+24]
	mov	rdi, [rdx+_list_valueofs]	; the object
	mov	rsi, [rsp+8]
	mov	rdx, [rsp+16]
	mov	rcx, [rdi]			; its vtable
	call	qword [rcx+tui_vgetobjectsunderpoint]

	mov	rdx, [rsp+24]
	mov	rsi, [rsp+8]
	mov	rdx, [rdx+_list_nextofs]
	test	rdx, rdx
	jnz	.bloop
	; else, we are all done
	add	rsp, 32
	add	rsp, 32
end if

if used tui_object$nvflattenchild | defined include_everything
	; four arguments: rdi == our tui_object, rsi == fresh text buffer, rdx == fresh attr buffer, rcx == child to flatten into it
	; NOTE: it is called nvflattenchild because this one is _not_ a member of the virtual method table
	prolog	tui_object$nvflattenchild
	mov	rax, [rdi+tui_bounds_ofs]
	mov	r8, [rdi+tui_bounds_ofs+8]

	mov	r10d, [rcx+tui_bounds_ofs]	; child bounds.a.x
	mov	r11d, [rcx+tui_bounds_ofs+8]	; child bounds.b.x

	; first up, make a clipping rect
	sub	rsp, 136
	mov	[rsp], rdi
	mov	[rsp+8], rsi
	mov	[rsp+16], rdx
	mov	[rsp+24], rcx

	mov	[rsp+32], rax			; our bounds.a
	mov	[rsp+40], r8			; our bounds.b
	; intersect this temporary bounds object with the child's bounds
	; rdi == rsp+32
	; rsi == [rcx+tui_bounds_ofs]

	mov	r8d, [rsp+32]			; our bounds.a.x
	mov	r9d, [rsp+40]			; our bounds.b.x

	; scroll mod:
	add	r8d, [rdi+tui_scroll_ofs]
	add	r9d, [rdi+tui_scroll_ofs]
	; end scroll mod

	cmp	r8d, r10d
	cmovl	r8d, r10d
	cmp	r9d, r11d
	cmovg	r9d, r11d
	mov	[rsp+32], r8d			; intersected with child's a.x
	mov	[rsp+40], r9d			; intersected with child's b.x

	mov	r8d, [rsp+36]			; our bounds.a.y
	mov	r9d, [rsp+44]			; our bounds.b.y

	; scroll mod:
	add	r8d, [rdi+tui_scroll_ofs+4]
	add	r9d, [rdi+tui_scroll_ofs+4]
	; end scroll mod

	mov	r10d, [rcx+tui_bounds_ofs+4]
	mov	r11d, [rcx+tui_bounds_ofs+12]
	cmp	r8d, r10d
	cmovl	r8d, r10d
	cmp	r9d, r11d
	cmovg	r9d, r11d
	mov	[rsp+36], r8d
	mov	[rsp+44], r9d

	; check to see if our intersection is empty
	mov	r8d, [rsp+32]
	mov	r9d, [rsp+36]

	cmp	r8d, [rsp+40]
	jge	.bailout
	cmp	r9d, [rsp+44]
	jge	.bailout

	; otherwise, it is non-empty, proceed:
	mov	qword [rsp+128], 0
	; if scroll is nonzero, and we clipped the child, we need to scroll the child cliprect too
	cmp	qword [rdi+tui_scroll_ofs], 0
	je	.notempty_noscroll
	cmp	dword [rdi+tui_scroll_ofs], 0
	je	.notempty_noxscroll
	; otherwise, xscroll is nonzero, see if we got all of our child's bounds
	mov	r10d, [rcx+tui_bounds_ofs]
	mov	r11d, [rcx+tui_bounds_ofs+8]
	sub	r11d, r10d
	; that now has our child width, check that against our clipped width
	mov	r9d, [rsp+40]
	mov	r8d, [rsp+32]
	sub	r9d, r8d
	cmp	r11d, r9d
	je	.notempty_noxscroll
	; otherwise, the difference (r11d - r9d) must be the cliprect scroll x
	sub	r11d, r9d

	; if cliprect.a.x == child's bounds.a.x, no scroll
	cmp	r10d, [rsp+32]
	je	.notempty_noxscroll
	mov	[rsp+128], r11d
	; do the same for y
	cmp	dword [rdi+tui_scroll_ofs+4], 0
	je	.notempty_noscroll
	; otherwise, yscroll is nonzero, see if we got all of our child's bounds
	mov	r10d, [rcx+tui_bounds_ofs+4]
	mov	r11d, [rcx+tui_bounds_ofs+12]
	sub	r11d, r10d
	; that now has our child height, check that against our clipped height
	mov	r9d, [rsp+44]
	mov	r8d, [rsp+36]
	sub	r9d, r8d
	cmp	r11d, r9d
	je	.notempty_noscroll
	; otherwise, the difference (r11d - r9d) must be the cliprect scroll y
	sub	r11d, r9d

	; if cliprect.a.y == child's bounds.a.y, no scroll
	cmp	r10d, [rsp+36]
	je	.notempty_noscroll

	mov	[rsp+132], r11d
	; next up: call our child's flatten vmethod
	mov	rdi, rcx
	mov	rsi, [rdi]
	call	qword [rsi+tui_vflatten]
	; if it returned us null, bail out
	test	rax, rax
	jz	.bailout
	; otherwise, we can start our loop
	; rax == c_text, rdx == c_attr
	mov	[rsp+48], rax		; save c_text
	mov	[rsp+56], rdx		; save c_attr

	; we need a ton of temporaries here
	mov	[rsp+64], rbp
	mov	[rsp+72], rbx
	mov	[rsp+80], r12
	mov	[rsp+88], r13
	mov	[rsp+96], r14
	mov	[rsp+104], r15
	; we'll put those back when we are done

	mov	rdi, [rsp]		; get our object back, though only temporarily
	mov	rcx, [rsp+24]		; and the child we are flattening, though only temporarily

	; we need to calculate and preserve for our loop:
	; clipping rect a.y - our object's bounds.a.y
	; clipping rect a.x - our object's bounds.a.x

	mov	r12d, [rsp+36]		; cliprect.a.y
	sub	r12d, [rdi+tui_bounds_ay_ofs]	; - our object's bounds.a.y

	; scroll mod
	sub	r12d, [rdi+tui_scroll_ofs+4]	; - our object's scroll.y
	; end scroll mod

	mov	r13d, [rsp+32]		; cliprect.a.x
	sub	r13d, [rdi+tui_bounds_ax_ofs]	; - our object's bounds.a.x

	; scroll mod
	sub	r13d, [rdi+tui_scroll_ofs]	; - our object's scroll.x
	; end scroll mod

	; we also need to save the child's width and our object's width
	mov	r14d, [rdi+tui_width_ofs]	; our object's width
	mov	r15d, [rcx+tui_width_ofs]	; our child's width

	mov	r11d, [rsp+44]		; cliprect.b.y
	sub	r11d, [rsp+36]		; - cliprect.a.y
	sub	r11d, 1			; - 1 (we walk this down to zero inclusive and then stop our loop to save a register)

	mov	r9d, [rsp+40]		; cliprect.b.x
	sub	r9d, [rsp+32]		; - cliprect.a.x == copy length

	mov	r8d, [rsp+32]		; cliprect.a.x
	sub	r8d, [rcx+tui_bounds_ax_ofs]	; - child's bounds.a.x

	; scroll mod
	add	r8d, [rsp+128]
	; end scroll mod

	mov	rdi, [rsp+8]		; get our flat_text buffer
	mov	rsi, [rsp+16]		; get our flat_attr buffer

	; as a precautionary/sanitarium check, make sure line is >= 0
	cmp	r11d, 0
	jl	.loopdone
	; first up: calculate our destination offset
	mov	eax, r11d		; line
	add	eax, r12d		; + (cliprect.a.y - our object's bounds.a.y)
	mul	r14d			; * our object's width
	add	eax, r13d		; + (cliprect.a.x - our object's bounds.a.x)
	shl	rax, 2			; in byte offset, not characters
	mov	rcx, rax		; save the offset

	; next up: calculate our source offset
	mov	eax, r11d		; line
	; scroll mod
	add	eax, [rsp+132]
	; end scroll mod
	mul	r15d			; * our child's width
	add	eax, r8d		; + (cliprect.a.x - child bounds.a.x)
	shl	rax, 2			; in byte offset, not characters

	; so now we have:
	; ecx == destination offset
	; eax == source offset
	; r9d == copy length

	mov	edx, ecx
	add	rcx, rdi		; flat_text + destination offset
	add	rdx, rsi		; flat_attr + destination offset

	; so now we need source text and source attr pointers (rbp and rbx + source offset)
	mov	rbp, [rsp+48]		; c_text
	mov	rbx, [rsp+56]		; c_attr
	add	rbp, rax
	add	rbx, rax

	; r10d is free, so is rax
	xor	r10d, r10d		; inner loop/copy offset
	; a note here on why we don't just do a blind memcpy:
	; we support "transparent" objects ... which is to say: if the text buffer is null/0
	; then we do _not_ flatten said 0, which lets objects be transparent if they want
	; this is slower, and surely there is an SSE2 way of makign this go a bit faster
	; TODO: someday when I am bored, spend some quality time in this routine
	mov	eax, dword [rbp+r10*4]
	test	eax, eax
	jz	.nocopy
	mov	dword [rcx+r10*4], eax
	mov	eax, dword [rbx+r10*4]
	mov	dword [rdx+r10*4], eax
	add	r10d, 1
	cmp	r10d, r9d
	jb	.innerloop
	sub	r11d, 1
	cmp	r11d, 0
	jge	.lineloop
	jmp	.loopdone
	; it is indeed empty, we are outta here.
	add	rsp, 136
	; dword in source text was 0, so we are not copying this spot
	add	r10d, 1
	cmp	r10d, r9d
	jb	.innerloop
	sub	r11d, 1
	cmp	r11d, 0
	jge	.lineloop
	; our copy is complete, free our c_text and c_attr
	mov	rdi, [rsp+48]		; c_text
	call	heap$free
	mov	rdi, [rsp+56]		; c_attr
	call	heap$free
	; so at this point, our next horrendous mess to deal with is if our child
	; wants a drop-shadow.
	; _we_ have to implement this, because the child itself doesn't have access
	; to modify (nor should it) its parent buffer
	mov	rcx, [rsp+24]		; our child
	cmp	dword [rcx+tui_dropshadow_ofs], 0
	je	.cleanupandreturn
	; so the actual dropshadow spot is the child bounds moved +1,+1
	; so we need a temporary copy of the child bounds, move it +1,+1
	; and then intersect it as we did with the original flatten
	; and if there is indeed room in the intersected bounds
	mov	rax, [rcx+tui_bounds_ofs]
	mov	rdx, [rcx+tui_bounds_ofs+8]
	mov	[rsp+112], rax
	mov	[rsp+120], rdx
	; now +1,+1 it
	add	dword [rsp+112], 1
	add	dword [rsp+116], 1
	add	dword [rsp+120], 1
	add	dword [rsp+124], 1	; childoverdown at rsp+112

	; now do an intersection with our object's bounds
	mov	rdi, [rsp]		; get our object back into rdi
	mov	rax, [rdi+tui_bounds_ofs]
	mov	r8, [rdi+tui_bounds_ofs+8]
	mov	[rsp+32], rax
	mov	[rsp+40], r8		; shadowclip at rsp+32
	; intersect this temporary bounds object with the child's bounds +1,+1
	; rdi == rsp+32
	; rsi == [rcx+tui_bounds_ofs]

	mov	r8d, [rsp+32]
	mov	r9d, [rsp+40]
	mov	r10d, [rsp+112]
	mov	r11d, [rsp+120]
	cmp	r8d, r10d
	cmovl	r8d, r10d
	cmp	r9d, r11d
	cmovg	r9d, r11d
	mov	[rsp+32], r8d
	mov	[rsp+40], r9d

	mov	r8d, [rsp+36]
	mov	r9d, [rsp+44]
	mov	r10d, [rsp+116]
	mov	r11d, [rsp+124]
	cmp	r8d, r10d
	cmovl	r8d, r10d
	cmp	r9d, r11d
	cmovg	r9d, r11d
	mov	[rsp+36], r8d
	mov	[rsp+44], r9d

	; if there was room for our drop shadow, then our shadow cliprect at rsp+32 will contain childoverdown.b
	; so....
	; we have to see if our intersected bounds.b.x is equal to our moved +1,+1 bounds
	; as well as making sure intersected bounds.b.y is equal to our moved +1,+1 bounds

	mov	rax, [rsp+120]		; b.x and b.y together from the childoverdown rect
	cmp	rax, [rsp+40]		; compared to our intersected b.x and b.y together
	jne	.cleanupandreturn	; intersection is kakked

	; at this point: we have our shadowclip sitting in rsp+32
	; we have our child in rcx, our object in rdi, everything else is free

	mov	r12d, [rsp+44]		; shadowclip.b.y
	sub	r12d, [rsp+36]		; - shadowclip.a.y
	sub	r12d, 1
	mov	[rsp+112], r12d		; our iteration count for our vertical loop
	cmp	r12d, 0
	jle	.shadow_vertdone

	mov	r12d, [rsp+40]		; shadowclip.b.x
	sub	r12d, [rsp+32]		; - shadowclip.a.x
	sub	r12d, 1
	shl	r12d, 2			; our column modifier in bytes, first bit
	mov	[rsp+116], r12d
	mov	r12d, [rsp+32]		; shadowclip.a.x
	sub	r12d, [rdi+tui_bounds_ax_ofs]	; - our bounds.a.x
	shl	r12d, 2
	add	dword [rsp+116], r12d	; our column modifier in bytes

	; next up, figure out our line modifier and width in bytes
	mov	r12d, [rsp+36]		; shadowclip.a.y
	sub	r12d, [rdi+tui_bounds_ay_ofs]	; - our bounds.a.y
	; leave that sitting in r12d

	mov	r14d, [rdi+tui_width_ofs]
	shl	r14d, 2			; our actual width in bytes

	; we are ready for our vertical loop
	xor	r13d, r13d		; our line
	mov	rdi, [rsp+8]		; get our flat_text buffer
	mov	rsi, [rsp+16]		; get our flat_attr buffer
	mov	eax, r13d		; line
	add	eax, r12d
	mul	r14d
	add	eax, dword [rsp+116]	; + our total column modifier

	mov	r10d, eax
	add	r10, rsi		; flat_attr + destination offset

	mov	eax, dword [r10]
	test	eax, eax
	jz	.shadow_vertloop_next
	; else, darken the colors
	push	r12			; darkenindices mashes heaps of regs
	call	.darkenindices
	pop	r12
	mov	dword [r10], eax
	add	r13d, 1
	sub	dword [rsp+112], 1
	jnz	.shadow_vertloop
	; next up: do the same for our horizontal side:
	mov	rdi, [rsp]		; get our object back into rdi
	mov	rcx, [rsp+24]		; our child

	; get our iteration count for our horizontal loop
	mov	r12d, [rsp+40]		; shadowclip.b.x
	sub	r12d, [rsp+32]		; - shadowclip.a.x
	mov	[rsp+112], r12d		; our iteration count for our horizontal loop
	cmp	r12d, 0
	jle	.cleanupandreturn

	; figure out our basis line modifier
	mov	r12d, [rsp+44]		; shadowclip.b.y
	sub	r12d, [rsp+36]		; - shadowclip.a.y
	sub	r12d, 1
	cmp	r12d, 0
	jle	.cleanupandreturn
	; and add to that:
	mov	r13d, [rsp+36]		; shadowclip.a.y
	sub	r13d, [rdi+tui_bounds_ay_ofs]
	add	r12d, r13d
	; multiply that by our width in bytes, which is still sitting in r14d
	mov	eax, r12d
	mul	r14d

	; we also need to account for our shadowclip.a.x - our a.x
	mov	r12d, [rsp+32]		; shadowclip.a.x
	sub	r12d, [rdi+tui_bounds_ax_ofs]	; - our bounds.a.x
	shl	r12d, 2
	add	eax, r12d

	mov	[rsp+116], eax		; our line modifier

	; we are ready for our horizontal loop
	xor	r13d, r13d		; our column
	mov	rdi, [rsp+8]		; get our flat_text buffer
	mov	rsi, [rsp+16]		; get our flat_attr buffer
	mov	eax, r13d		; column
	shl	eax, 2			; in bytes
	add	eax, [rsp+116]		; + line modifier

	mov	r10d, eax
	add	r10, rsi		; flat_attr + destination offset

	mov	eax, dword [r10]
	test	eax, eax
	jz	.shadow_horizloop_next
	; else, darken the colors
	call	.darkenindices
	mov	dword [r10], eax
	add	r13d, 1
	sub	dword [rsp+112], 1
	jnz	.shadow_horizloop

	; restore our callee-saves:
	mov	rbp, [rsp+64]
	mov	rbx, [rsp+72]
	mov	r12, [rsp+80]
	mov	r13, [rsp+88]
	mov	r14, [rsp+96]
	mov	r15, [rsp+104]
	add	rsp, 136
	; al/ah need modified
	mov	r8d, eax
	shr	r8d, 8
	and	eax, 0xff
	call	.darkeneax
	mov	r9d, eax
	mov	eax, r8d
	call	.darkeneax
	; put them back together
	shl	eax, 8
	or	eax, r9d
	cmp	eax, 0xe8
	jae	.darken_gray
	cmp	eax, 16
	jb	.darken_sys
	; else, we do it the hard way, TODO: someday when I am bored, come up with a better way than these divs
	mov	ecx, 6
	sub	eax, 16
	mov	r11d, eax		; our index
	xor	edx, edx
	div	ecx			; div 6
	mov	r12d, edx		; blue == remainder
	mov	r11d, eax
	xor	edx, edx
	div	ecx
	mov	r15d, edx		; green == remainder
	mov	r11d, eax
	xor	edx, edx
	div	ecx
	; red now sitting in edx
	mov	eax, edx
	sub	eax, 1
	cmp	edx, 0
	cmova	edx, eax

	mov	eax, r15d
	sub	eax, 1
	cmp	r15d, 0
	cmova	r15d, eax

	mov	eax, r12d
	sub	eax, 1
	cmp	r12d, 0
	cmova	r12d, eax

	mov	ecx, 36
	; our return is r12d + (r15d * 6) + (edx * 36) + 16
	mov	eax, edx
	mul	ecx

	add	r12d, eax
	mov	ecx, 6
	add	r12d, 16

	mov	eax, r15d
	mul	ecx
	add	r12d, eax

	xchg	eax, r12d

	sub	eax, 0xe8
	shr	eax, 1
	add	eax, 0xe8
	jmp	qword [rax*8+.darken_dispatch]
	dq	.d0, .d1, .d2, .d3, .d4, .d5, .d6, .d7, .d8, .d9, .d10, .d11, .d12, .d13, .d14, .d15
	; eax is already zero, return 0
	ansi_rgbi eax, 194, 54, 33
	jmp	.darken_doit
	ansi_rgbi eax, 37, 188, 36
	jmp	.darken_doit
	ansi_rgbi eax, 173, 173, 39
	jmp	.darken_doit
	ansi_rgbi eax, 73, 46, 225
	jmp	.darken_doit
	ansi_rgbi eax, 211, 56, 211
	jmp	.darken_doit
	ansi_rgbi eax, 51, 187, 200
	jmp	.darken_doit
	ansi_rgbi eax, 203, 204, 205
	jmp	.darken_doit
	ansi_rgbi eax, 129, 131, 131
	jmp	.darken_doit
	ansi_rgbi eax, 252, 57, 31
	jmp	.darken_doit
	ansi_rgbi eax, 49, 231, 34
	jmp	.darken_doit
	ansi_rgbi eax, 234, 236, 35
	jmp	.darken_doit
	ansi_rgbi eax, 88, 51, 255
	jmp	.darken_doit
	ansi_rgbi eax, 249, 53, 248
	jmp	.darken_doit
	ansi_rgbi eax, 20, 240, 240
	jmp	.darken_doit
	mov	eax, 0xe8 + 12

end if

if used tui_object$flatten | defined include_everything
	; single argument: rdi == our tui_object
	; returns newly allocated flat_text buffer in rax, flat_attr buffer in rdx
	; NOTE: due to second return in rdx, not sure how a C/C++ wrapper for this would work
	; but it would be trivial to create a second version that accepts pointers to buffers
	; like the old version does
	prolog	tui_object$flatten
	cmp	qword [rdi+tui_text_ofs], 0
	je	.nullret
	mov	eax, [rdi+tui_width_ofs]
	mov	ecx, [rdi+tui_height_ofs]

	mul	ecx
	shl	eax, 2
	test	eax, eax
	jz	.nullret

	sub	rsp, 32
	mov	[rsp], rdi
	mov	dword [rsp+24], eax
	mov	edi, eax
	call	heap$alloc
	mov	[rsp+8], rax
	mov	edi, dword [rsp+24]
	call	heap$alloc
	mov	[rsp+16], rax

	; copy our text into our new flat_text, and our attr into our new flat_attr

	mov	rcx, [rsp]
	mov	rdi, [rsp+8]
	mov	rsi, [rcx+tui_text_ofs]
	mov	edx, dword [rsp+24]
	call	memcpy

	mov	rcx, [rsp]
	mov	rdi, [rsp+16]
	mov	rsi, [rcx+tui_attr_ofs]
	mov	edx, dword [rsp+24]
	call	memcpy

	; so now we have a copy of our own buffer, now it is time to iterate over our children
	; and if they are visible and have valid bounds, stick their flattened goods into our
	; new buffers at the right spot
	mov	rcx, [rsp]
	mov	rdi, [rcx+tui_children_ofs]
	mov	r8, [_list_first]
	test	r8, r8
	jz	.flattenbastards
	mov	rcx, [r8+_list_valueofs]	; the actual child object
	cmp	dword [rcx+tui_visible_ofs], 0
	je	.next
	cmp	qword [rcx+tui_text_ofs], 0
	je	.next
	mov	rdi, [rsp]
	mov	rsi, [rsp+8]
	mov	rdx, [rsp+16]
	mov	[rsp+24], r8			; save our pointer so we can keep going
	call	tui_object$nvflattenchild
	mov	r8, [rsp+24]
	mov	r8, [r8+_list_nextofs]
	test	r8, r8
	jnz	.loop
	mov	rcx, [rsp]
	mov	rdi, [rcx+tui_bastards_ofs]
	mov	r8, [_list_first]
	test	r8, r8
	jz	.alldone
	mov	rcx, [r8+_list_valueofs]	; the actual child object
	cmp	dword [rcx+tui_visible_ofs], 0
	je	.bnext
	cmp	qword [rcx+tui_text_ofs], 0
	je	.bnext
	mov	rdi, [rsp]
	mov	rsi, [rsp+8]
	mov	rdx, [rsp+16]
	mov	[rsp+24], r8			; save our pointer so we can keep going
	call	tui_object$nvflattenchild
	mov	r8, [rsp+24]
	mov	r8, [r8+_list_nextofs]
	test	r8, r8
	jnz	.bloop
	mov	rax, [rsp+8]
	mov	rdx, [rsp+16]
	add	rsp, 32
	xor	eax, eax
	xor	edx, edx
end if

if used tui_object$firekeyevent | defined include_everything
	; three arguments: rdi == our tui_object, esi == key, edx == esc_key
	; this fires off the key events to all children (visible or not)
	; stops when one of them says so via its return
	; returns zero in eax if no one did, or 1 if so
	prolog	tui_object$firekeyevent
	sub	rsp, 32
	mov	[rsp], rdi
	mov	[rsp+8], rsi
	mov	[rsp+16], rdx
	cmp	qword [rdi+tui_focus_ofs], 0
	jne	.usefocus
	; hmmm, do we pass it to our children before we check ourselves?
	; TODO: come back and think more about this
	mov	rdi, [rdi+tui_children_ofs]
	mov	rcx, [_list_first]
	test	rcx, rcx
	jz	.nokids
	mov	[rsp+24], rcx
	mov	rdi, [rcx+_list_valueofs]
	mov	rsi, [rsp+8]
	mov	rdx, [rsp+16]
	mov	rcx, [rdi]
	call	qword [rcx+tui_vfirekeyevent]
	test	eax, eax
	jnz	.kidsdone
	mov	rcx, [rsp+24]
	mov	rcx, [rcx+_list_nextofs]
	test	rcx, rcx 
	jnz	.loop
	mov	rdi, [rsp]
	mov	rsi, [rsp+8]
	mov	rdx, [rsp+16]
	mov	rcx, [rdi]		; get our vtable
	call	qword [rcx+tui_vkeyevent]
	add	rsp, 32
	mov	rdi, [rdi+tui_focus_ofs]
	mov	rcx, [rdi]		; get its vtable
	call	qword [rcx+tui_vfirekeyevent]
	test	eax, eax
	jnz	.usefocusdone
	mov	rdi, [rsp]
	mov	rsi, [rsp+8]
	mov	rdx, [rsp+16]
	mov	rcx, [rdi]		; get our vtable
	call	qword [rcx+tui_vkeyevent]
	add	rsp, 32
	add	rsp, 32
end if

if used tui_object$ontab | defined include_everything
	; single argument: our tui object in rdi
	; default propagates the call up the tree
	prolog	tui_object$ontab
	mov	rdi, [rdi+tui_parent_ofs]
	test	rdi, rdi
	jz	.noparent
	mov	rsi, [rdi]		; load up the parent's vtable
	call	qword [rsi+tui_vontab]
end if

if used tui_object$onshifttab | defined include_everything
	; single argument: our tui object in rdi
	; default propagates the call up the tree
	prolog	tui_object$onshifttab
	mov	rdi, [rdi+tui_parent_ofs]
	test	rdi, rdi
	jz	.noparent
	mov	rsi, [rdi]		; load up the parent's vtable
	call	qword [rsi+tui_vonshifttab]
end if

if used tui_object$click | defined include_everything
	; single argument: our tui object in rdi
	; default calls parent's clicked vmethod with our rdi as its argument
	prolog	tui_object$click
	mov	rsi, rdi
	mov	rdi, [rdi+tui_parent_ofs]
	test	rdi, rdi
	jz	.noparent
	mov	rdx, [rdi]		; load up the parent's vtable
	call	qword [rdx+tui_vclicked]
end if

if used tui_object$clicked | defined include_everything
	; two arguments: rdi == our tui_object, rsi == displayobject that fired the click
	; default just walks up the tree
	prolog	tui_object$clicked
	mov	rdi, [rdi+tui_parent_ofs]
	test	rdi, rdi
	jz	.noparent
	mov	rdx, [rdi]		; load up the parent's vtable
	call	qword [rdx+tui_vclicked]
end if

if used tui_object$nvbox | defined include_everything
	; six arguments: tui_object (or descendent) in rdi, x in esi, y in edx, width in ecx, height in r8d, colors in r9d
	; this is a convenience function to draw a box, since lots of descendent components do such things
	prolog	tui_object$nvbox
	mov	eax, [rdi+tui_width_ofs]		; actual object width
	mov	r10, [rdi+tui_text_ofs]
	mov	r11, [rdi+tui_attr_ofs]
	test	eax, eax
	jz	.bailout
	test	r10, r10
	jz	.bailout
	cmp	esi, dword [rdi+tui_width_ofs]
	jae	.bailout				; sanity check
	cmp	edx, dword [rdi+tui_height_ofs]
	jae	.bailout				; sanity check
	sub	eax, esi				; actual object width - x == max width
	cmp	ecx, eax
	cmova	ecx, eax
	mov	eax, [rdi+tui_height_ofs]
	sub	eax, edx				; actual object height - y == max height
	cmp	r8d, eax
	cmova	r8d, eax
	cmp	ecx, 0
	jle	.bailout
	cmp	r8d, 0
	jle	.bailout
	; values sanitized, we need to make use of a few more temporaries
	push	rbx r12 r13 r14 r15
	; being a bit lazy here, hahah
	mov	eax, [rdi+tui_width_ofs]
	mul	edx					; y * actual object width
	shl	eax, 2					; in bytes

	mov	ebx, esi				; x
	shl	ebx, 2					; in bytes

	mov	r12d, [rdi+tui_width_ofs]		; actual object width
	shl	r12d, 2					; in bytes
	; update both r10 and r11 by our starting location
	add	r10, rax
	add	r11, rax

	; do the first line
	mov	r14, r10
	mov	r15, r11
	add	r14, rbx
	add	r15, rbx
	mov	r13d, ecx				; our width in characters
	sub	r13d, 2					; less corners
	mov	dword [r14], 0x250c			; ULCORNER
	mov	dword [r15], r9d			; attr
	add	r14, 4
	add	r15, 4
	cmp	r13d, 0
	jle	.firstlinenomiddle
	mov	dword [r14], 0x2500			; HLINE
	mov	dword [r15], r9d			; attr
	add	r14, 4
	add	r15, 4
	sub	r13d, 1
	jnz	.firstlineloop
	mov	dword [r14], 0x2510			; URCORNER
	mov	dword [r15], r9d			; attr
	add	r14, 4
	add	r15, 4
	; now we can increment r10 and r11 by a whole line
	add	r10, r12
	add	r11, r12
	; now r10 and r11 are sitting on the second line left edge of actual object (not x-modified)
	mov	r13d, r8d				; height
	sub	r13d, 2					; -2 cuz we are doing top/bottom separately
	cmp	r13d, 0
	jle	.nomiddle
	mov	edx, ecx				; our box width
	shl	edx, 2					; in bytes
	sub	edx, 4					; offset to last position
	mov	r14, r10
	mov	r15, r11
	add	r14, rbx
	add	r15, rbx
	mov	dword [r14], 0x2502			; VLINE
	mov	dword [r15], r9d			; attr

	add	r14, rdx
	add	r15, rdx
	mov	dword [r14], 0x2502			; VLINE
	mov	dword [r15], r9d			; attr
	add	r10, r12
	add	r11, r12
	sub	r13d, 1
	jnz	.midloop
	mov	r14, r10
	mov	r15, r11
	add	r14, rbx
	add	r15, rbx
	mov	r13d, ecx
	sub	r13d, 2
	mov	dword [r14], 0x2514			; LLCORNER
	mov	dword [r15], r9d
	add	r14, 4
	add	r15, 4
	cmp	r13d, 0
	jle	.lastlinenomiddle
	mov	dword [r14], 0x2500			; HLINE
	mov	dword [r15], r9d
	add	r14, 4
	add	r15, 4
	sub	r13d, 1
	jnz	.lastlineloop
	mov	dword [r14], 0x2518			; LRCORNER
	mov	dword [r15], r9d

	pop	r15 r14 r13 r12 rbx
end if

if used tui_object$nvtile | defined include_everything
	; two arguments: rdi == a tui_object or descendent, esi == bool for horizontal or not
	; CAUTION: this forces the layout to absolute for the object in rdi (as it must)
	; further: if we don't have valid bounds, this doesn't do much
	prolog	tui_object$nvtile
	mov	rdx, [rdi+tui_children_ofs]
	mov	rcx, [rdx+_list_size_ofs]
	test	ecx, ecx
	jz	.nothingtodo
	mov	dword [rdi+tui_layout_ofs], tui_layout_absolute
	; figure out the most-equal divisors for our child count in ecx
	; we'll need the integer square root of ecx first up
	mov	edx, ecx
	xor	r8d, r8d
	mov	r9d, 1 shl 30

	; make soure our bounds is not empty
	mov	r10d, [rdi+tui_bounds_ax_ofs]
	mov	r11d, [rdi+tui_bounds_ay_ofs]
	cmp	r10d, [rdi+tui_bounds_bx_ofs]
	jl	.isqr1
	cmp	r11d, [rdi+tui_bounds_by_ofs]
	jae	.nothingtodo
	cmp	r9d, edx
	jbe	.isqr2
	shr	r9d, 2
	jmp	.isqr1
	mov	eax, r8d
	test	r9d, r9d
	jz	.isqr2_done
	add	eax, r9d
	cmp	edx, eax
	jae	.isqr2_mod
	shr	r8d, 1
	shr	r9d, 2
	jmp	.isqr2
	mov	r10d, r9d
	sub	edx, eax
	shl	r10d, 1
	add	r8d, r10d
	shr	r8d, 1
	shr	r9d, 2
	jmp	.isqr2
	; result is sitting in r8d
	xor	edx, edx
	mov	eax, ecx
	div	r8d
	test	edx, edx
	jz	.med_check2
	mov	r10d, r8d
	xor	edx, edx
	add	r10d, 1
	mov	eax, ecx
	div	r10d
	test	edx, edx
	cmovz	r8d, r10d
	xor	edx, edx
	mov	eax, ecx
	div	r8d
	cmp	r8d, eax
	cmovb	r8d, eax

	xor	edx, edx
	mov	eax, ecx
	div	r8d

	; x == eax
	; y == r8d
	; childcount still sitting in ecx

	test	esi, esi
	cmovnz	r10d, eax
	cmovnz	r11d, r8d
	cmovz	r10d, r8d
	cmovz	r11d, eax

	; number of columns now sitting in r10d
	; number of rows now sitting in r11d

	; make sure our bounds rect will allow our cols/rows to fit
	mov	eax, [rdi+tui_bounds_bx_ofs]
	xor	edx, edx
	sub	eax, [rdi+tui_bounds_ax_ofs]
	div	r10d
	test	eax, eax
	jz	.nothingtodo		; tiling error if width / number of columns == 0
	mov	eax, [rdi+tui_bounds_by_ofs]
	xor	edx, edx
	sub	eax, [rdi+tui_bounds_ay_ofs]
	div	r11d
	test	eax, eax
	jz	.nothingtodo		; tiling error if height / number of rows == 0

	; otherwise, we need some more regs
	push	rbx r12 r13 r14 r15
	; figure out how many are leftover
	mov	eax, ecx
	xor	edx, edx
	div	r10d
	mov	r14d, ecx
	mov	r15d, edx		; leftover count in r15d
	sub	r14d, 1			; starting tile number in r14d

	; next up, walk through our children list one by one
	mov	r13, [rdi+tui_children_ofs]
	mov	r13, [r13+_list_first_ofs]
	mov	r12, [r13]		; the actual tui_object child at this list position
	; save a copy of the child's width/height before we do anything, to see if we need
	; to call its sizechanged method or not
	mov	eax, [r12+tui_width_ofs]
	mov	edx, [r12+tui_height_ofs]
	push	rax rdx

	; next up, we need to calculate the tile rect for this child
	; x in r8d
	; y in r9d
	; d in ecx

	mov	eax, r10d		; number of columns
	sub	eax, r15d		; less how many are leftover
	mul	r11d			; * number of rows
	mov	ecx, eax

	cmp	r14d, ecx
	jae	.childloop_tilerect_case2
	; else, childloop_tilerect_case1
	; set x = tile number / number of rows
	xor	edx, edx
	mov	eax, r14d
	div	r11d
	mov	r8d, eax
	; set y = tile number % number of rows
	mov	r9d, edx

	; now calculate the actual child bounds, we are done with ecx
	; child bounds:
	;	a.x = (((parent.b.x - parent.a.x) * x) / numcols) + parent.a.x
	mov	ecx, r8d
	mov	eax, [rdi+tui_bounds_bx_ofs]
	sub	eax, [rdi+tui_bounds_ax_ofs]
	mul	r8d
	div	r10d
	add	eax, [rdi+tui_bounds_ax_ofs]
	mov	[r12+tui_bounds_ax_ofs], eax
	add	ecx, 1
	;	b.x = (((parent.b.x - parent.a.x) * (x+1) / numcols) + parent.a.x
	mov	eax, [rdi+tui_bounds_bx_ofs]
	sub	eax, [rdi+tui_bounds_ax_ofs]
	mul	ecx
	div	r10d
	add	eax, [rdi+tui_bounds_ax_ofs]
	mov	[r12+tui_bounds_bx_ofs], eax
	;	a.y = (((parent.b.y - parent.a.y) * y) / numrows) + parent.a.y
	mov	ecx, r9d
	mov	eax, [rdi+tui_bounds_by_ofs]
	sub	eax, [rdi+tui_bounds_ay_ofs]
	mul	r9d
	div	r11d
	add	eax, [rdi+tui_bounds_ay_ofs]
	mov	[r12+tui_bounds_ay_ofs], eax
	add	ecx, 1
	;	b.y = (((parent.b.y - parent.a.y) * (y+1) / numrows) + parent.a.y
	mov	eax, [rdi+tui_bounds_by_ofs]
	sub	eax, [rdi+tui_bounds_ay_ofs]
	mul	ecx
	div	r11d
	add	eax, [rdi+tui_bounds_ay_ofs]
	mov	[r12+tui_bounds_by_ofs], eax

	jmp	.childloop_tilerect_done

	mov	eax, r14d
	mov	r9d, r11d
	sub	eax, ecx
	add	r9d, 1
	xor	edx, edx
	div	r9d
	; set y = tilenumber - d % (number of rows + 1)
	mov	r9d, edx
	; set x = tilenumber - d / (number of rows + 1) + (number of columns - leftover count)
	mov	r8d, r10d
	sub	r8d, r15d
	add	eax, r8d
	xchg	eax, r8d

	; now calculate the actual child bounds, we are done with ecx
	; child bounds:
	;	a.x = (((parent.b.x - parent.a.x) * x) / numcols) + parent.a.x
	mov	ecx, r8d
	mov	eax, [rdi+tui_bounds_bx_ofs]
	sub	eax, [rdi+tui_bounds_ax_ofs]
	mul	r8d
	div	r10d
	add	eax, [rdi+tui_bounds_ax_ofs]
	mov	[r12+tui_bounds_ax_ofs], eax
	add	ecx, 1
	;	b.x = (((parent.b.x - parent.a.x) * (x+1) / numcols) + parent.a.x
	mov	eax, [rdi+tui_bounds_bx_ofs]
	sub	eax, [rdi+tui_bounds_ax_ofs]
	mul	ecx
	div	r10d
	add	eax, [rdi+tui_bounds_ax_ofs]
	mov	[r12+tui_bounds_bx_ofs], eax
	; temporarily increase number of rows by 1
	add	r11d, 1
	;	a.y = (((parent.b.y - parent.a.y) * y) / (numrows+1)) + parent.a.y
	mov	ecx, r9d
	mov	eax, [rdi+tui_bounds_by_ofs]
	sub	eax, [rdi+tui_bounds_ay_ofs]
	mul	r9d
	div	r11d
	add	eax, [rdi+tui_bounds_ay_ofs]
	mov	[r12+tui_bounds_ay_ofs], eax
	add	ecx, 1
	;	b.y = (((parent.b.y - parent.a.y) * (y+1) / (numrows+1)) + parent.a.y
	mov	eax, [rdi+tui_bounds_by_ofs]
	sub	eax, [rdi+tui_bounds_ay_ofs]
	mul	ecx
	div	r11d
	add	eax, [rdi+tui_bounds_ay_ofs]
	mov	[r12+tui_bounds_by_ofs], eax

	; restore our number of rows
	sub	r11d, 1


	; set its width, height, absolutex and absolutey
	mov	eax, [r12+tui_bounds_bx_ofs]
	mov	ecx, [r12+tui_bounds_by_ofs]
	sub	eax, [r12+tui_bounds_ax_ofs]
	sub	ecx, [r12+tui_bounds_ay_ofs]
	mov	[r12+tui_width_ofs], eax
	mov	[r12+tui_height_ofs], ecx
	mov	eax, [r12+tui_bounds_ax_ofs]
	mov	ecx, [r12+tui_bounds_ay_ofs]
	sub	eax, [rdi+tui_bounds_ax_ofs]
	sub	ecx, [rdi+tui_bounds_ay_ofs]
	mov	[r12+tui_absolutex_ofs], eax
	mov	[r12+tui_absolutey_ofs], ecx

	pop	rdx rax
	cmp	eax, [r12+tui_width_ofs]
	jne	.childloop_sizechanged
	cmp	edx, [r12+tui_height_ofs]
	jne	.childloop_sizechanged

	sub	r14d, 1
	mov	r13, [r13+_list_nextofs]
	test	r13, r13
	jnz	.childloop

	pop	r15 r14 r13 r12 rbx
	mov	rsi, [rdi]
	call	qword [rsi+tui_vlayoutchanged]
	; we need to save r10d, r11d, rdi
	push	rdi r10 r11
	mov	rdi, r12
	mov	rsi, [r12]
	call	qword [rsi+tui_vsizechanged]
	pop	r11 r10 rdi
	sub	r14d, 1
	mov	r13, [r13+_list_nextofs]
	test	r13, r13
	jnz	.childloop
	pop	r15 r14 r13 r12 rbx
	mov	rsi, [rdi]
	call	qword [rsi+tui_vlayoutchanged]

end if

if used tui_object$nvcascade | defined include_everything
	; single argument in rdi: our tui_object
	; CAUTION: this forces the layout to absolute for the object in rdi (as it must)
	; since we don't do preferred dimensions on objects, if you tile and then cascade
	; the windows won't get their original dims back of course...
	prolog	tui_object$nvcascade
	mov	rdx, [rdi+tui_children_ofs]
	mov	rcx, [rdx+_list_size_ofs]
	test	ecx, ecx
	jz	.nothingtodo
	mov	dword [rdi+tui_layout_ofs], tui_layout_absolute
	mov	rcx, [rdx+_list_first_ofs]
	xor	eax, eax
	mov	rdx, [rcx]			; the actual child object
	mov	[rdx+tui_absolutex_ofs], eax
	mov	[rdx+tui_absolutey_ofs], eax
	add	eax, 1
	mov	rcx, [rcx+_list_nextofs]
	test	rcx, rcx
	jnz	.childloop

	mov	rsi, [rdi]
	call	qword [rsi+tui_vlayoutchanged]

end if