; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
; HeavyThing x86_64 assembly language library and showcase programs
; Copyright © 2015-2018 2 Ton Digital
; Homepage: https://2ton.com.au/
; Author: Jeff Marrison <jeff@2ton.com.au>
; This file is part of the HeavyThing library.
; HeavyThing is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, or
; (at your option) any later version.
; HeavyThing is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
; GNU General Public License for more details.
; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
; with the HeavyThing library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
; webserver.inc: HTTP/1.1 server io layer, and webserver configuration object goodies.
; Rather than configure an iochain layer with all of the configuration possibilities,
; we keep configuration details in a separate object (webservercfg). The reason for this
; is so that @clone time, it only copies a single pointer, and no construction/copying
; is required.
; What this means is: if you create a webservercfg object, and then you create a listener
; iochain/epoll object, the webservercfg object must persist for the life of the listener
; and all its active connections. This being said, it is perfectly possible to change it
; "on the fly".
; IMPORTANT CAUTION/NOTE re: this design:
; For file-based serving (ala sandbox/vhost/etc), I open mmaps for the underlying file
; and recheck their mtime every 2 minutes to see if the mtime has changed, and if it did
; I redo the mmap. This means that I am not doing stats every single request, far from
; it, and it also means we don't maintain an actual byte cache of each file that we are
; serving (and leave that to the OS via mmap). These are good things. :-)
; Note that this does not apply to fastcgi/function mappings obviously, as we do not
; do any mmap/file/disk io other than document root checking for those.
; A _SERIOUS_ side effect of this design is: say you are serving up index.html, and
; doing active development on the same file. When the first request arrives, we mmap it
; and get our file size and base mapping pointer. So then, you _update_ index.html, and
; you changed the _size_ of index.html. (Noting here, on all my linux systems, changing
; it without changing the size, your changes do get reflected). The issue is our caching
; of the size itself. Anyway, say you reduced the size of index.html, and then re-issue
; a request inside the timeframe that we check for mtime changes. Well, what happens is
; we do not get a SIGBUS or anything nasty, but when we go to send it out, we zero-pad
; the size up to what it _was_, which is _not_ a good thing. (well, _we_ don't zero pad
; it, the kernel does that for us).
; REMEDY (and a penalty of my design that I am personally happy to pay) is:
; if you change index.html, delete it first and make a new one. This way, our previous
; mmap cache of index.html will remain _valid_ (and thus not zero padded or truncated),
; until we come back around and check the mtime, which will be different, and then you'll
; get your updated copy. HINT: vim script will do this for you ;-)
; Since in all of my real-world webserver environments, production machines are _not_
; in a constant state of change, this really isn't a penalty at all, and for my
; dev environment to production environment deployments, I simply delete the previous
; contents prior to placing the new ones, and nothing breaks thanks to the cacheing
; strategy I have chosen here. There are trade-offs with any design really, and if
; you strace most of the "common" approaches, hahah, _wow_ is about all I have to say
; to that. Running straces on this one, after it has done its initial cacheing
; (which is most of normal runtime) is quite a different ballgame.
; If this strategy doesn't suit your needs, but you still want to use the rest of it
; see webservercfg$hotlist and modify the way it does its cacheing and/or file i/o.
; CACHE SETTINGS: again for file-based serving (e.g. if we are serving real files from
; a sandbox/vhost webservercfg setup), we make use of the library-wide setting for
; webserver_filecache_time (whcih is in seconds). If you are messing around with an
; active development web environment, then you'll obviously want to zero that (and if
; it is at zero, we'll only send Cache-Control: no-cache and be done with it).
; if it is >0 (the default is 300 seconds, and we x3 that for s-maxage), then we send
; Cache-Control: no-transform,public,max-age=X,s-maxage=X*3 and an ETag and a
; Last-Modified header.
; For fastcgi maps and local function mapped requests/responses, of course we don't
; set _any_ of those headers.
; RANGE REQUESTS: again for file-base serving, we don't bother to support multiple
; ranges, but are happy to deal with single range requests. If a multiple range is
; sent to us, we just puke out the full response (most clients I have seen in the
; wild only send a single range, so this suits me fine)
; HTTP Strict Transport Security: see the library setting for webserver_hsts
; as to how it works, default is enabled.
; Amusing notes re: ApacheBench, which everyone that cares seems stuck on:
; ApacheBench's TLS support has some very broken bits. Specifically, under TLS, as
; specified by ab -f TLS1 (which of course is required for this TLS/HTTPS goods),
; if the object you are messing with is not very small, it just doesn't work.
; It does _not_ like the fact that we combine and send the headers + content out
; all in one go, as opposed to a separate tls$send for the header, and then repeated
; tls$sends with the data. Quite strange behaviour really, the method we have here
; is compliant, and I am not about to change it.
; Strangely, the _same_ behavior via non-TLS and ab works fine, go figure. Amusingly
; in any case, ab is too slow TLS-wise to be of much use anyway.
webserverdebug = 0
; separate one for timer debugging (can add lots of extra output)
webservertimerdebug = 0
if used webservercfg$errorlog_path | used webservercfg$logs_path | defined include_everything
; NOTE HERE: for normal webserver logs and error logs, we automatically do timer-based
; buffered logfile writing, but this functionality is only enabled if either are set
; and to do so, we use an epoll$timer, which requires an epoll/io vtable for our timer
; handler
webservercfg_vhost_ofs = io_base_size + 0 ; string (directory name)
webservercfg_sandboxes_ofs = io_base_size + 8 ; stringmap
webservercfg_indexfiles_ofs = io_base_size + 16 ; list of string
webservercfg_logpath_ofs = io_base_size + 24 ; string (directory name)
webservercfg_syslog_ofs = io_base_size + 32 ; bool (errors only)
webservercfg_errorfile_ofs = io_base_size + 40 ; string (file name)
webservercfg_errordocs_ofs = io_base_size + 48 ; string (directory name)
webservercfg_fastcgi_ofs = io_base_size + 56 ; stringmap (of heap$alloc'd socket addresses)
webservercfg_funcmap_ofs = io_base_size + 64 ; stringmap
webservercfg_stats_ofs = io_base_size + 72 ; string
webservercfg_istls_ofs = io_base_size + 80 ; bool (used for constructing proper URLs from requests)
webservercfg_redirect_ofs = io_base_size + 88 ; string, if set, overrides all other settings and forces a 302 redirect to here
webservercfg_logbuffer_ofs = io_base_size + 96
webservercfg_errorlogbuffer_ofs = io_base_size + 104
webservercfg_timerptr_ofs = io_base_size + 112
webservercfg_backpath_ofs = io_base_size + 120 ; heap$alloc'd socket address if set, null if not
webservercfg_cachecontrol_ofs = io_base_size + 128 ; override for the webserver_filecache_time config setting
webservercfg_filestattime_ofs = io_base_size + 136 ; override for the webserver_hotlist_statfreq config setting
webservercfg_fastcgi_start_ofs = io_base_size + 144 ; stringmap (of heap$alloc'd socket addresses)
webservercfg_fastcgi_direct_ofs = io_base_size + 156 ; bool (controls handling of fastcgi responses)
webservercfg_size = io_base_size + 164
; note: none of the io methods except for the timeout spot are used by the webservercfg object
; which is why they are all set to the io defaults
dq io$destroy, io$clone, io$connected, io$send, io$receive, io$error, webservercfg$timer
webservercfg_vhost_ofs = 0 ; string (directory name)
webservercfg_sandboxes_ofs = 8 ; stringmap
webservercfg_indexfiles_ofs = 16 ; list of string
webservercfg_logpath_ofs = 24 ; string (directory name)
webservercfg_syslog_ofs = 32 ; bool (errors only)
webservercfg_errorfile_ofs = 40 ; string (file name)
webservercfg_errordocs_ofs = 48 ; string (directory name)
webservercfg_fastcgi_ofs = 56 ; stringmap (of heap$alloc'd socket addresses)
webservercfg_funcmap_ofs = 64 ; stringmap
webservercfg_stats_ofs = 72 ; string
webservercfg_istls_ofs = 80 ; bool (used for constructing proper URLs from requests)
webservercfg_redirect_ofs = 88 ; string, if set, overrides all other settings and forces a 302 redirect to here
webservercfg_cachecontrol_ofs = 96 ; override for the webserver_filecache_time config setting
webservercfg_filestattime_ofs = 104 ; override for the webserver_hotlist_statfreq config setting
webservercfg_backpath_ofs = 112 ; heap$alloc'd socket address if set, null if not
webservercfg_fastcgi_start_ofs = 120 ; stringmap (of heap$alloc'd socket addresses)
webservercfg_fastcgi_direct_ofs = 128 ; bool (controls handling of fastcgi responses)
webservercfg_size = 136
end if
if used webservercfg$new_vhost | defined include_everything
; single argument in rdi: the absolute base directory of the vhost area
; /path/to/vhost sorta thing, to which the lower cased Host: header gets
; added to for auto sandboxing
; note: we add a trailing slash to the path if it doesn't end with one, so that during request
; processing, we only have to do a single concatenation
; returns new webservercfg object in rax
prolog webservercfg$new_vhost
push rbx
mov rbx, rdi
cmp qword [rdi], 0
je .slashonly
mov rsi, [rdi]
sub rsi, 1
call string$charat
cmp eax, '/'
je .asis
mov rdi, rbx
mov rsi, .slash
call string$concat
mov rbx, rax
call webservercfg$new
mov [rax+webservercfg_vhost_ofs], rbx
pop rbx
mov rdi, .slash
call string$copy
mov rbx, rax
call webservercfg$new
mov [rax+webservercfg_vhost_ofs], rbx
pop rbx
mov rdi, rbx
call string$copy
mov rbx, rax
call webservercfg$new
mov [rax+webservercfg_vhost_ofs], rbx
pop rbx
cleartext .slash, '/'
end if
if used webservercfg$new_sandbox | defined include_everything
; single argument in rdi: the absolute path of the docroot sandbox
; returns new webservercfg object in rax
; note: if the path ends in a /, we remove it, so that during request processing
; we can do a single concatenation of the url's munged path to this directory
; this ignores Host: headers entirely, and serves up whatever it gets from the sandbox dir.
prolog webservercfg$new_sandbox
push rbx r12
mov r12, rdi
mov rdi, .nohost
call string$copy
mov rbx, rax
cmp qword [r12], 0
je .asis
mov rdi, r12
mov rsi, [r12]
sub rsi, 1
call string$charat
cmp eax, '/'
jne .asis
mov rdi, r12
xor esi, esi
mov rdx, [r12]
sub rdx, 1
call string$substr
mov r12, rax
jmp .doit
mov rdi, r12
call string$copy
mov r12, rax
call webservercfg$new
mov rdi, [rax+webservercfg_sandboxes_ofs]
mov rsi, rbx
mov rdx, r12
mov rbx, rax
call stringmap$insert_unique
mov rax, rbx
pop r12 rbx
cleartext .nohost, '..nohost..'
end if
if used webservercfg$new | defined include_everything
; no arguments, returns a clean slate webservercfg (good for making custom webapps)
prolog webservercfg$new
xor edi, edi
call stringmap$new
push rax
call list$new
push rax
xor edi, edi
call stringmap$new
push rax
xor edi, edi
call stringmap$new
push rax
xor edi, edi
call stringmap$new
push rax
mov edi, webservercfg_size
call heap$alloc_clear
pop r8 rcx rdx rsi rdi
mov [rax+webservercfg_sandboxes_ofs], rdi
mov [rax+webservercfg_indexfiles_ofs], rsi
mov [rax+webservercfg_fastcgi_ofs], rdx
mov [rax+webservercfg_funcmap_ofs], rcx
mov [rax+webservercfg_fastcgi_start_ofs], r8
mov qword [rax+webservercfg_filestattime_ofs], webserver_hotlist_statfreq
push rax
mov rdi, .indexhtml
call string$copy
mov rdi, [rsp]
mov rdi, [rdi+webservercfg_indexfiles_ofs]
mov rsi, rax
call list$push_back
pop rax
if used webservercfg$errorlog_path | used webservercfg$logs_path | defined include_everything
push rbx
mov rbx, rax
mov qword [rax], webservercfg$vtable
call buffer$new
mov [rbx+webservercfg_logbuffer_ofs], rax
call buffer$new
mov [rbx+webservercfg_errorlogbuffer_ofs], rax
mov edi, 1500 ; every 1.5 seconds, dump our log buffers (any more and tail -f is lame, any less is overkill imo)
mov rsi, rbx
call epoll$timer_new
; we don't need to set any special timer goods, because the timer itself will never ask for death
; but we do need to keep it in the event we are destroyed
mov [rbx+webservercfg_timerptr_ofs], rax
mov rax, rbx
pop rbx
end if
if webserver_filecache_time
push rax
mov rdi, [webservercfg$cachecontrol]
call string$copy
mov rdx, rax
pop rax
mov [rax+webservercfg_cachecontrol_ofs], rdx
push rax
mov rdi, mimelike$noncache
call string$copy
mov rdx, rax
pop rax
mov [rax+webservercfg_cachecontrol_ofs], rdx
end if
cleartext .indexhtml, 'index.html'
end if
if used webservercfg$new_copy | defined include_everything
; single argument in rdi: webservercfg object to make a copy of
prolog webservercfg$new_copy
push rbx r12
mov r12, rdi
call webservercfg$new
mov rbx, rax
mov rdi, [r12+webservercfg_vhost_ofs]
call .stringcopy
mov [rbx+webservercfg_vhost_ofs], rax
mov rdi, [r12+webservercfg_sandboxes_ofs]
mov rsi, .stringstringcopy
mov rdx, [rbx+webservercfg_sandboxes_ofs]
call stringmap$foreach_arg
mov rdi, [rbx+webservercfg_indexfiles_ofs]
mov rsi, heap$free
call list$clear
mov rdi, [r12+webservercfg_indexfiles_ofs]
mov rsi, .listcopy
mov rdx, [rbx+webservercfg_indexfiles_ofs]
call list$foreach_arg
mov rdi, [r12+webservercfg_logpath_ofs]
call .stringcopy
mov [rbx+webservercfg_logpath_ofs], rax
mov rdx, [r12+webservercfg_syslog_ofs]
mov [rbx+webservercfg_syslog_ofs], rdx
mov rdi, [r12+webservercfg_errorfile_ofs]
call .stringcopy
mov [rbx+webservercfg_errorfile_ofs], rax
mov rdi, [r12+webservercfg_errordocs_ofs]
call .stringcopy
mov [rbx+webservercfg_errordocs_ofs], rax
mov rdi, [r12+webservercfg_fastcgi_ofs]
mov rsi, .stringheapcopy
mov rdx, [rbx+webservercfg_fastcgi_ofs]
call stringmap$foreach_arg
mov rdi, [r12+webservercfg_fastcgi_start_ofs]
mov rsi, .stringheapcopy
mov rdx, [rbx+webservercfg_fastcgi_start_ofs]
call stringmap$foreach_arg
mov rdi, [r12+webservercfg_funcmap_ofs]
mov rsi, .stringintcopy
mov rdx, [rbx+webservercfg_funcmap_ofs]
call stringmap$foreach_arg
mov rdi, [r12+webservercfg_stats_ofs]
call .stringcopy
mov [rbx+webservercfg_stats_ofs], rax
mov rdi, [r12+webservercfg_backpath_ofs]
call .heapcopy
mov [rbx+webservercfg_backpath_ofs], rax
mov rax, rbx
pop r12 rbx
mov rax, rdi
test rdi, rdi
jz .stringcopy_nodeal
call string$copy
push rbx r12 r13
mov r12, rsi
mov r13, rdx
call string$copy
mov rbx, rax
mov rdi, r12
call string$copy
mov rdi, r13
mov rsi, rbx
mov rdx, rax
call stringmap$insert_unique
pop r13 r12 rbx
; used for the fastcgimap
push rbx r12 r13
mov r12, rsi
mov r13, rdx
call string$copy
mov rbx, rax
mov rdi, [r12]
add rdi, 8
call heap$alloc
mov rdi, rax
mov rsi, r12
mov rdx, [r12]
add rdx, 8
mov r12, rax
call memcpy
mov rdi, r13
mov rsi, rbx
mov rdx, r12
call stringmap$insert_unique
pop r13 r12 rbx
mov rax, rdi
test rdi, rdi
jz .stringcopy_nodeal
push r12
mov r12, rdi
mov rdi, [rdi]
add rdi, 8
call heap$alloc
mov rdi, rax
mov rsi, r12
mov rdx, [r12]
add rdx, 8
mov r12, rax
call memcpy
mov rax, r12
pop r12
push r12 r13
mov r12, rsi
mov r13, rdx
call string$copy
mov rdi, r13
mov rsi, rax
mov rdx, r12
call stringmap$insert_unique
pop r13 r12
push rsi
call string$copy
pop rdi
mov rsi, rax
call list$push_back
end if
if used webservercfg$destroy | defined include_everything
; single argument in rdi: webservercfg object to destroy
prolog webservercfg$destroy
push rbx
mov rbx, rdi
mov rdi, [rdi+webservercfg_vhost_ofs]
call .maybefree
mov rdi, [rbx+webservercfg_redirect_ofs]
call .maybefree
mov rdi, [rbx+webservercfg_sandboxes_ofs]
mov rsi, .stringstringfree
call stringmap$clear
mov rdi, [rbx+webservercfg_sandboxes_ofs]
call heap$free
mov rdi, [rbx+webservercfg_indexfiles_ofs]
mov rsi, heap$free
call list$clear
mov rdi, [rbx+webservercfg_indexfiles_ofs]
call heap$free
mov rdi, [rbx+webservercfg_logpath_ofs]
call .maybefree
mov rdi, [rbx+webservercfg_errorfile_ofs]
call .maybefree
mov rdi, [rbx+webservercfg_errordocs_ofs]
call .maybefree
mov rdi, [rbx+webservercfg_fastcgi_ofs]
mov rsi, .stringstringfree ; note: stringstringfree does heap$free for both sides, which is fine for the fastcgi map as well
call stringmap$clear
mov rdi, [rbx+webservercfg_fastcgi_start_ofs]
mov rsi, .stringstringfree ; note: stringstringfree does heap$free for both sides, which is fine for the fastcgi_start map as well
call stringmap$clear
mov rdi, [rbx+webservercfg_backpath_ofs]
call .maybefree
mov rdi, [rbx+webservercfg_fastcgi_ofs]
call heap$free
mov rdi, [rbx+webservercfg_fastcgi_start_ofs]
call heap$free
mov rdi, [rbx+webservercfg_funcmap_ofs]
mov rsi, heap$free
call stringmap$clear
mov rdi, [rbx+webservercfg_funcmap_ofs]
call heap$free
mov rdi, [rbx+webservercfg_stats_ofs]
call .maybefree
if used webservercfg$errorlog_path | used webservercfg$logs_path | defined include_everything
mov rdi, [rbx+webservercfg_timerptr_ofs]
call epoll$timer_clear
mov rdi, [rbx+webservercfg_logbuffer_ofs]
call buffer$destroy
mov rdi, [rbx+webservercfg_errorlogbuffer_ofs]
call buffer$destroy
end if
mov rdi, [rbx+webservercfg_cachecontrol_ofs]
call heap$free
mov rdi, rbx
call heap$free
pop rbx
test rdi, rdi
jz .maybefree_nodeal
call heap$free
push rsi
call heap$free
pop rdi
call heap$free
end if
if used webservercfg$index_files | defined include_everything
; two arguments: rdi == webservercfg object, rsi == comma delimited list of index filenames
prolog webservercfg$index_files
push rdi rsi
mov rdi, [rdi+webservercfg_indexfiles_ofs]
mov rsi, heap$free
call list$clear
mov rsi, [rsp+8]
mov rdi, [rsi+webservercfg_indexfiles_ofs]
call heap$free
pop rdi
mov esi, ','
call string$split
pop rdi
mov [rdi+webservercfg_indexfiles_ofs], rax
end if
if used webservercfg$global_sandbox | defined include_everything
; two arguments: rdi == webservercfg object, rsi == global sandbox to set
prolog webservercfg$global_sandbox
push rbx r12
mov rbx, rdi
mov rdi, rsi
call string$copy
mov r12, rax
mov rdi, [rbx+webservercfg_sandboxes_ofs]
mov rsi, .nohost
call stringmap$find
test rax, rax
jz .newone
mov rdi, [rax+_avlofs_value]
mov [rax+_avlofs_value], r12
call heap$free
mov rdi, .nohost
call string$copy
mov rdi, [rbx+webservercfg_sandboxes_ofs]
mov rsi, rax
mov rdx, r12
call stringmap$insert_unique
pop r12 rbx
cleartext .nohost, '..nohost..'
end if
if used webservercfg$host_sandbox | defined include_everything
; three arguments: rdi == webservercfg object, rsi == hostname, rdx == absolute path to sandbox
; if the sandbox path ends in /, we remove it so that we only have to concat strings once during request processing
prolog webservercfg$host_sandbox
; copy both strings, add to sandboxes map
push rbx r12 r13
mov rbx, rdi
mov r13, rdx
mov rdi, rsi
call string$to_lower
mov r12, rax
cmp qword [r13], 0
je .asis
mov rdi, r13
mov rsi, [r13]
sub rsi, 1
call string$charat
cmp eax, '/'
jne .asis
mov rdi, r13
xor esi, esi
mov rdx, [r13]
sub rdx, 1
call string$substr
mov r13, rax
jmp .doit
mov rdi, r13
call string$copy
mov r13, rax
mov rdi, [rbx+webservercfg_sandboxes_ofs]
mov rsi, r12
mov rdx, r13
call stringmap$insert_unique
pop r13 r12 rbx
end if
if used webservercfg$set_vhost | defined include_everything
; two arguments: rdi == webservercfg object, rsi == vhost directory path
; note: we add a trailing slash to the path if it doesn't end with one
prolog webservercfg$set_vhost
push rbx r12
mov rbx, rdi
mov r12, rsi
cmp qword [rdi+webservercfg_vhost_ofs], 0
je .noprior
mov rdi, [rdi+webservercfg_vhost_ofs]
call heap$free
mov rdi, r12
call string$copy
mov [rbx+webservercfg_vhost_ofs], rax
mov rsi, [rax]
mov rdi, rax
sub rsi, 1
call string$charat
cmp eax, '/'
jne .addslash
pop r12 rbx
mov rdi, [rbx+webservercfg_vhost_ofs]
mov rsi, .slash
call string$concat
mov rdi, [rbx+webservercfg_vhost_ofs]
mov [rbx+webservercfg_vhost_ofs], rax
call heap$free
pop r12 rbx
cleartext .slash, '/'
end if
if used webservercfg$set_redirect | defined include_everything
; two arguments: rdi == webservercfg object, rsi == string redirect url
prolog webservercfg$set_redirect
push rbx r12
mov rbx, rdi
mov r12, rsi
cmp qword [rdi+webservercfg_redirect_ofs], 0
je .noprior
mov rdi, [rdi+webservercfg_redirect_ofs]
call heap$free
mov rdi, r12
call string$copy
mov [rbx+webservercfg_redirect_ofs], rax
pop r12 rbx
end if
if used webservercfg$logs_path | defined include_everything
; two arguments: rdi == webservercfg object, rsi == absolute path to write logs to
; if the path here does not end in a /, we add one so that our logwriter only has to do a single concat
; further, we add access.log., such that the log writer only has to add the YYYYMMDD to the end of the filename
prolog webservercfg$logs_path
push rbx r12
mov rbx, rdi
mov r12, rsi
cmp qword [rdi+webservercfg_logpath_ofs], 0
je .noprior
mov rdi, [rdi+webservercfg_logpath_ofs]
call heap$free
cmp qword [r12], 0
je .slashonly
mov rdi, r12
mov rsi, [r12]
sub rsi, 1
call string$charat
cmp eax, '/'
je .asis
mov rdi, r12
mov rsi, .slashaccesslogdot
call string$concat
mov [rbx+webservercfg_logpath_ofs], rax
pop r12 rbx
; probably not what you want, hahah
mov rdi, .slashaccesslogdot
call string$copy
mov [rbx+webservercfg_logpath_ofs], rax
pop r12 rbx
mov rdi, r12
mov rsi, .accesslogdot
call string$concat
mov [rbx+webservercfg_logpath_ofs], rax
pop r12 rbx
cleartext .slashaccesslogdot, '/access.log.'
cleartext .accesslogdot, 'access.log.'
end if
if used webservercfg$errorlog_syslog | defined include_everything
; single argument in rdi: our webservercfg object
; calling this will send errors to the syslog (though you could just do the one-liner yourself)
; NOTE: the code that actually does send it to the syslog does: if used webservercfg$errorlog_syslog
; so while it may be tempting to just set the dword externally, hehe, call this.
prolog webservercfg$errorlog_syslog
mov dword [rdi+webservercfg_syslog_ofs], 1
end if
if used webservercfg$errorlog_path | defined include_everything
; two arguments: rdi == webservercfg object, rsi == filename of logfile to write errors to
prolog webservercfg$errorlog_path
cmp qword [rdi+webservercfg_errorfile_ofs], 0
je .noprior
push rdi rsi
mov rdi, [rdi+webservercfg_errorfile_ofs]
call heap$free
pop rdi
call string$copy
pop rdi
mov [rdi+webservercfg_errorfile_ofs], rax
push rdi
mov rdi, rsi
call string$copy
pop rdi
mov [rdi+webservercfg_errorfile_ofs], rax
end if
if used webservercfg$errordocs_path | defined include_everything
; two arguments: rdi == webservercfg object, rsi == absolute path to error html files (a directory path that is)
; if the directory path doesn't end in /, we add one (so that error document lookup is made easier)
; files should be named 404.html, etc.
prolog webservercfg$errordocs_path
cmp qword [rdi+webservercfg_errordocs_ofs], 0
je .noprior
push rdi rsi
mov rdi, [rdi+webservercfg_errordocs_ofs]
call heap$free
pop rdi
call string$copy
mov rdi, [rsp]
mov [rdi+webservercfg_errordocs_ofs], rax
jmp .checktrailingslash
push rdi
mov rdi, rsi
call string$copy
mov rdi, [rsp]
mov [rdi+webservercfg_errordocs_ofs], rax
cmp qword [rax], 0
je .done
mov rsi, [rax]
mov rdi, rax
sub rsi, 1
call string$charat
cmp eax, '/'
je .done
mov rdi, [rsp]
mov rdi, [rdi+webservercfg_errordocs_ofs]
mov rsi, .slash
call string$concat
mov rsi, [rsp]
mov rdi, [rsi+webservercfg_errordocs_ofs]
mov [rsi+webservercfg_errordocs_ofs], rax
call heap$free
pop rdi
pop rdi
cleartext .slash, '/'
end if
if used webservercfg$fastcgi_map | defined include_everything
; three arguments: rdi == webservercfg object, rsi == file ends with match string, rdx == string fastcgi address
; rsi == something like '.php', such that if the request is https://example.com/subdir/example.php?testing
; then the request will automatically be sent via fastcgi...
; fastcgi address can contain either an absolute pathname (unix fd), or if it doesn't begin with /, then
; it is assumed to be an IPv4 address:port
; further commentary on matching: this can be '.php', but can also be '/somedir/test.php', or even fully qualified
; system paths, because the matching is done as an ends_with against the document root + the munged url path (after ../.. removal, etc)
prolog webservercfg$fastcgi_map
; our webservercfg_fastcgi_ofs is a stringmap for matching, and a heap$alloc'd block for the destination address
; and we compute the destination address here, so that during runtime, no such calcs are required
push rbx r12 r13 r14 r15
mov rbx, rdi
mov rdi, rsi
mov r13, rdx
call string$copy
mov r12, rax
mov rdi, r13
mov esi, 0
call string$charat
cmp eax, '/'
je .unixaddr
; otherwise, make sure it has a :
mov rdi, r13
mov esi, ':'
call string$indexof_charcode
cmp rax, 0
jl .unixaddr
mov r15d, eax
mov edi, sockaddr_in_size + 8
call heap$alloc_clear
mov r14, rax
mov qword [rax], sockaddr_in_size
mov rdi, r13
xor esi, esi
mov edx, r15d
call string$substr
mov rdi, r13
mov esi, r15d
add esi, 1
mov rdx, -1
mov r15, rax
call string$substr
push rax
mov rdi, rax
call string$to_unsigned
mov rdi, [rsp]
mov [rsp], rax
call heap$free
pop rdx
lea rdi, [r14+8]
mov rsi, r15
call inet_addr
mov rdi, r15
call heap$free
mov rdi, [rbx+webservercfg_fastcgi_ofs]
mov rsi, r12
mov rdx, r14
call stringmap$insert_unique
pop r15 r14 r13 r12 rbx
mov edi, sockaddr_un_size + 8
call heap$alloc_clear
mov r14, rax
mov qword [rax], sockaddr_un_size
lea rdi, [rax+8]
mov rsi, r13
call unix_addr
mov rdi, [rbx+webservercfg_fastcgi_ofs]
mov rsi, r12
mov rdx, r14
call stringmap$insert_unique
pop r15 r14 r13 r12 rbx
end if
if used webservercfg$fastcgi_start_map | defined include_everything
; three arguments: rdi == webservercfg object, rsi == url path starts with match string, rdx == string fastcgi address
; rsi == something like '/some/dir', such that if the request is https://example.com/some/dir/test/example?testing
; then the request will automatically be sent via fastcgi...
; fastcgi address can contain either an absolute pathname (unix fd), or if it doesn't begin with /, then
; it is assumed to be an IPv4 address:port
prolog webservercfg$fastcgi_start_map
; our webservercfg_fastcgi_start_ofs is a stringmap for matching, and a heap$alloc'd block for the destination address
; and we compute the destination address here, so that during runtime, no such calcs are required
push rbx r12 r13 r14 r15
mov rbx, rdi
mov rdi, rsi
mov r13, rdx
call string$copy
mov r12, rax
mov rdi, r13
mov esi, 0
call string$charat
cmp eax, '/'
je .unixaddr
; otherwise, make sure it has a :
mov rdi, r13
mov esi, ':'
call string$indexof_charcode
cmp rax, 0
jl .unixaddr
mov r15d, eax
mov edi, sockaddr_in_size + 8
call heap$alloc_clear
mov r14, rax
mov qword [rax], sockaddr_in_size
mov rdi, r13
xor esi, esi
mov edx, r15d
call string$substr
mov rdi, r13
mov esi, r15d
add esi, 1
mov rdx, -1
mov r15, rax
call string$substr
push rax
mov rdi, rax
call string$to_unsigned
mov rdi, [rsp]
mov [rsp], rax
call heap$free
pop rdx
lea rdi, [r14+8]
mov rsi, r15
call inet_addr
mov rdi, r15
call heap$free
mov rdi, [rbx+webservercfg_fastcgi_start_ofs]
mov rsi, r12
mov rdx, r14
call stringmap$insert_unique
pop r15 r14 r13 r12 rbx
mov edi, sockaddr_un_size + 8
call heap$alloc_clear
mov r14, rax
mov qword [rax], sockaddr_un_size
lea rdi, [rax+8]
mov rsi, r13
call unix_addr
mov rdi, [rbx+webservercfg_fastcgi_start_ofs]
mov rsi, r12
mov rdx, r14
call stringmap$insert_unique
pop r15 r14 r13 r12 rbx
end if
if used webservercfg$backpath | defined include_everything
; two arguments: rdi == webservercfg object, rsi == string backpath address
; address can contain either an absolute pathname (unix fd), or if it doesn't begin with / then
; it is assumed to be an IPv4 address:port
prolog webservercfg$backpath
push rbx r12 r13 r14 r15
mov rbx, rdi
mov r13, rsi
mov rdi, rsi
mov esi, 0
call string$charat
cmp eax, '/'
je .unixaddr
; otherwise, make sure it has a :
mov rdi, r13
mov esi, ':'
call string$indexof_charcode
cmp rax, 0
jl .unixaddr
mov r15d, eax
mov edi, sockaddr_in_size + 8
call heap$alloc_clear
mov r14, rax
mov qword [rax], sockaddr_in_size
mov rdi, r13
xor esi, esi
mov edx, r15d
call string$substr
mov rdi, r13
mov esi, r15d
add esi, 1
mov rdx, -1
mov r15, rax
call string$substr
push rax
mov rdi, rax
call string$to_unsigned
mov rdi, [rsp]
mov [rsp], rax
call heap$free
pop rdx
lea rdi, [r14+8]
mov rsi, r15
call inet_addr
mov rdi, r15
call heap$free
mov [rbx+webservercfg_backpath_ofs], r14
pop r15 r14 r13 r12 rbx
mov edi, sockaddr_un_size + 8
call heap$alloc_clear
mov r14, rax
mov qword [rax], sockaddr_un_size
lea rdi, [rax+8]
mov rsi, r13
call unix_addr
mov [rbx+webservercfg_backpath_ofs], r14
pop r15 r14 r13 r12 rbx
end if
if used webservercfg$function_map | defined include_everything
; three arguments: rdi == webservercfg object, rsi == file ends with match string, rdx == function pointer to call
; rsi == something like '.asm', similar to fastcgi_map (is directory/host independent, any url that ends
; with the match string will get passed to your function).
; the function will get called with: rdi == webserver object, rsi == request url, rdx == mimelike object of request
; it should return similarly to how the custom vmethod approach works (null ret == auto 404, -1 == do nothing,
; else mimelike response object to send out)
; further commentary on matching: this can be '.asm', but can also be '/somedir/test.asm', or even fully qualified
; system paths, because the matching is done as an ends_with against the document root + the munged url path (after ../.. removal, etc)
prolog webservercfg$function_map
push rbx r12
mov rbx, rdi
mov r12, rdx
mov rdi, rsi
call string$copy
mov rdi, [rbx+webservercfg_funcmap_ofs]
mov rsi, rax
mov rdx, r12
call stringmap$insert_unique
pop r12 rbx
end if
if used webservercfg$stats_exact | defined include_everything
; two arguments: rdi == webservercfg object, rsi == exact file to match
; if url.file == rsi, then we return our webserver statistics goods
; NOTE: if this function is not called, no stats are kept in the first place
prolog webservercfg$stats_exact
cmp qword [rdi+webservercfg_stats_ofs], 0
je .noprior
push rdi rsi
mov rdi, [rdi+webservercfg_stats_ofs]
call heap$free
pop rdi
call string$copy
pop rdi
mov [rdi+webservercfg_stats_ofs], rax
push rdi
mov rdi, rsi
call string$copy
pop rdi
mov [rdi+webservercfg_stats_ofs], rax
end if
if used webservercfg$direxists | used webservercfg$hotlist | used webservercfg$mimetype | defined include_everything
webservercfg$dirmap dq 0
webservercfg$hotmap dq 0
webservercfg$hotfirst dq 0
webservercfg$hotlast dq 0
webservercfg$mimemap dq 0
if webserver_filecache_time
webservercfg$cachecontrol dq 0
end if
webservercfg$rangeformat dq 0
end if
if used webservercfg$fastcgi_map & webserver_fastcgi_postprocess
webservercfg$fastcgiqueue dq 0
else if used webservercfg&fastcgi_start_map & webserver_fastcgi_postprocess
webservercfg$fastcgiqueue dq 0
else if defined include_everything
webservercfg$fastcgiqueue dq 0
end if
if used webservercfg$make_cachecontrol | defined include_everything
; single argument in rdi: the time in seconds of the cachecontrol header
; returns a new string appropriate for the value side of the header itself
prolog webservercfg$make_cachecontrol
; we want: no-transform,public,max-age=X
mov esi, 10
call string$from_unsigned
mov rdi, .cachecontrolpreface
mov rsi, rax
push rax
call string$concat
mov rdi, [rsp]
mov [rsp], rax
call heap$free
pop rax
cleartext .cachecontrolpreface, 'no-transform,public,max-age='
end if
if used webservercfg$init | defined include_everything
; no arguments, initializes the necessary cache lists/maps
prolog webservercfg$init
xor edi, edi
call stringmap$new
mov [webservercfg$dirmap], rax
xor edi, edi
call stringmap$new
mov [webservercfg$hotmap], rax
if used webservercfg$fastcgi_map & webserver_fastcgi_postprocess
call list$new
mov [webservercfg$fastcgiqueue], rax
else if used webservercfg$fastcgi_start_map & webserver_fastcgi_postprocess
call list$new
mov [webservercfg$fastcgiqueue], rax
else if defined include_everything
call list$new
mov [webservercfg$fastcgiqueue], rax
end if
if webserver_filecache_time
mov edi, webserver_filecache_time
call webservercfg$make_cachecontrol
mov [webservercfg$cachecontrol], rax
end if
xor edi, edi
call formatter$new
mov [webservercfg$rangeformat], rax
mov rdi, rax
mov rsi, .rangeformatpreface
call formatter$add_static
mov rdi, [webservercfg$rangeformat]
xor esi, esi
xor edx, edx
call formatter$add_unsigned
mov rdi, [webservercfg$rangeformat]
mov rsi, .rangedash
call formatter$add_static
mov rdi, [webservercfg$rangeformat]
xor esi, esi
xor edx, edx
call formatter$add_unsigned
mov rdi, [webservercfg$rangeformat]
mov rsi, .rangeslash
call formatter$add_static
mov rdi, [webservercfg$rangeformat]
xor esi, esi
xor edx, edx
call formatter$add_unsigned
; our mimemap config is next
xor edi, edi
call unsignedmap$new
mov [webservercfg$mimemap], rax
macro mimemap_addone k*, v* {
mov rdi, [webservercfg$mimemap]
mov esi, k
mov rdx, v
call unsignedmap$insert_unique
; hmm, does anyone really use upper case filenames anymore? probably not.. TODO: removeme
mimemap_addone 'html', .texthtml
mimemap_addone 'HTML', .texthtml
mimemap_addone 'htm', .texthtml
mimemap_addone 'HTM', .texthtml
mimemap_addone 'shtm', .texthtml
mimemap_addone 'SHTM', .texthtml
mimemap_addone 'txt', .textplain
mimemap_addone 'TXT', .textplain
mimemap_addone 'css', .textcss
mimemap_addone 'CSS', .textcss
mimemap_addone 'xml', .textxml
mimemap_addone 'XML', .textxml
mimemap_addone 'csv', .textcsv
mimemap_addone 'CSV', .textcsv
mimemap_addone 'gif', .imagegif
mimemap_addone 'GIF', .imagegif
mimemap_addone 'jpg', .imagejpeg
mimemap_addone 'JPG', .imagejpeg
mimemap_addone 'jpeg', .imagejpeg
mimemap_addone 'JPEG', .imagejpeg
mimemap_addone 'png', .imagepng
mimemap_addone 'PNG', .imagepng
mimemap_addone 'tif', .imagetiff
mimemap_addone 'TIF', .imagetiff
mimemap_addone 'tiff', .imagetiff
mimemap_addone 'TIFF', .imagetiff
mimemap_addone 'ico', .imageicon
mimemap_addone 'ICO', .imageicon
mimemap_addone 'jng', .imagejng
mimemap_addone 'JNG', .imagejng
mimemap_addone 'bmp', .imagebmp
mimemap_addone 'BMP', .imagebmp
mimemap_addone 'wbmp', .imagewbmp
mimemap_addone 'WBMP', .imagewbmp
mimemap_addone 'svg', .imagesvg
mimemap_addone 'svgz', .imagesvg
mimemap_addone 'SVG', .imagesvg
mimemap_addone 'SVGZ', .imagesvg
mimemap_addone 'js', .appjs
mimemap_addone 'JS', .appjs
mimemap_addone 'json', .appjson
mimemap_addone 'JSON', .appjson
mimemap_addone 'atom', .appatom
mimemap_addone 'ATOM', .appatom
mimemap_addone 'rss', .apprss
mimemap_addone 'RSS', .apprss
mimemap_addone 'jar', .appjar
mimemap_addone 'JAR', .appjar
mimemap_addone 'war', .appjar
mimemap_addone 'WAR', .appjar
mimemap_addone 'ear', .appjar
mimemap_addone 'EAR', .appjar
mimemap_addone 'pdf', .apppdf
mimemap_addone 'PDF', .apppdf
mimemap_addone 'ps', .appps
mimemap_addone 'PS', .appps
mimemap_addone 'eps', .appps
mimemap_addone 'EPS', .appps
mimemap_addone 'ai', .appai
mimemap_addone 'AI', .appai
mimemap_addone 'rtf', .apprtf
mimemap_addone 'RTF', .apprtf
mimemap_addone 'xhtm', .appxhtml
mimemap_addone 'XHTM', .appxhtml
mimemap_addone 'rar', .apprar
mimemap_addone 'RAR', .apprar
mimemap_addone 'rpm', .apprpm
mimemap_addone 'RPM', .apprpm
mimemap_addone 'swf', .appswf
mimemap_addone 'SWF', .appswf
mimemap_addone 'der', .appx509
mimemap_addone 'DER', .appx509
mimemap_addone 'pem', .appx509
mimemap_addone 'PEM', .appx509
mimemap_addone 'crt', .appx509
mimemap_addone 'CRT', .appx509
mimemap_addone 'zip', .appzip
mimemap_addone 'ZIP', .appzip
mimemap_addone 'aif', .audioaiff
mimemap_addone 'AIF', .audioaiff
mimemap_addone 'aifc', .audioaiff
mimemap_addone 'AIFC', .audioaiff
mimemap_addone 'aiff', .audioaiff
mimemap_addone 'AIFF', .audioaiff
mimemap_addone 'mp3', .audiomp3
mimemap_addone 'MP3', .audiomp3
mimemap_addone 'mid', .audiomidi
mimemap_addone 'MID', .audiomidi
mimemap_addone 'midi', .audiomidi
mimemap_addone 'MIDI', .audiomidi
mimemap_addone 'kar', .audiomidi
mimemap_addone 'KAR', .audiomidi
mimemap_addone '3gp', .video3gpp
mimemap_addone '3GP', .video3gpp
mimemap_addone '3gpp', .video3gpp
mimemap_addone '3GPP', .video3gpp
mimemap_addone 'mpg', .videompeg
mimemap_addone 'MPG', .videompeg
mimemap_addone 'mpeg', .videompeg
mimemap_addone 'MPEG', .videompeg
mimemap_addone 'mov', .videoquicktime
mimemap_addone 'MOV', .videoquicktime
mimemap_addone 'flv', .videoflv
mimemap_addone 'FLV', .videoflv
mimemap_addone 'mng', .videomng
mimemap_addone 'MNG', .videomng
mimemap_addone 'asx', .videoasf
mimemap_addone 'ASX', .videoasf
mimemap_addone 'asf', .videoasf
mimemap_addone 'ASF', .videoasf
mimemap_addone 'wmv', .videowmv
mimemap_addone 'WMV', .videowmv
mimemap_addone 'avi', .videoavi
mimemap_addone 'AVI', .videoavi
mimemap_addone 'mp4', .videomp4
mimemap_addone 'MP4', .videomp4
mimemap_addone 'm4v', .videom4v
mimemap_addone 'M4V', .videom4v
mimemap_addone 'htc', .textxcomp
mimemap_addone 'HTC', .textxcomp
mimemap_addone 'wml', .textwml
mimemap_addone 'WML', .textwml
mimemap_addone 'jad', .textappdesc
mimemap_addone 'JAD', .textappdesc
mimemap_addone 'mml', .textmathml
mimemap_addone 'MML', .textmathml
cleartext .texthtml, 'text/html'
cleartext .textplain, 'text/plain'
cleartext .textcss, 'text/css'
cleartext .textcsv, 'text/comma-separated-values'
cleartext .textxml, 'text/xml'
cleartext .textxcomp, 'text/x-component'
cleartext .textwml, 'text/vnd.wap.wml'
cleartext .textappdesc, 'text/vnd.sun.j2me.app-descriptor'
cleartext .textmathml, 'text/mathml'
cleartext .imagegif, 'image/gif'
cleartext .imagejpeg, 'image/jpeg'
cleartext .imagepng, 'image/png'
cleartext .imagetiff, 'image/tiff'
cleartext .imageicon, 'image/x-icon'
cleartext .imagejng, 'image/x-jng'
cleartext .imagebmp, 'image/x-ms-bmp'
cleartext .imagewbmp, 'image/vnd.wap.wbmp'
cleartext .imagesvg, 'image/svg+xml'
cleartext .appjs, 'application/javascript'
cleartext .appjson, 'application/json'
cleartext .appatom, 'application/atom+xml'
cleartext .apprss, 'application/rss+xml'
cleartext .appjar, 'application/java-archive'
cleartext .apppdf, 'application/pdf'
cleartext .appps, 'application/postscript'
cleartext .appai, 'application/illustrator'
cleartext .apprtf, 'application/rtf'
cleartext .appxhtml, 'application/vnd.wap.xhtml+xml'
cleartext .apprar, 'application-x-rar-compressed'
cleartext .apprpm, 'application-x-redhat-package-manager'
cleartext .appswf, 'application/x-shockwave-flash'
cleartext .appx509, 'application/x-x509-ca-cert'
cleartext .appzip, 'application/zip'
cleartext .audioaiff, 'audio/aiff'
cleartext .audiomp3, 'audio/mpeg'
cleartext .audiomidi, 'audio/midi'
cleartext .video3gpp, 'video/3gpp'
cleartext .videompeg, 'video/mpeg'
cleartext .videoquicktime, 'video/quicktime'
cleartext .videoflv, 'video/x-flv'
cleartext .videomng, 'video/x-mng'
cleartext .videoasf, 'video/x-ms-asf'
cleartext .videowmv, 'video/x-ms-wmv'
cleartext .videoavi, 'video/x-msvideo'
cleartext .videomp4, 'video/mp4'
cleartext .videom4v, 'video/x-m4v'
cleartext .rangeformatpreface, 'bytes '
cleartext .rangedash, '-'
cleartext .rangeslash, '/'
end if
if used webservercfg$direxists | defined include_everything
; single argument in rdi: a directory name
; returns a bool, but caches its stat results so that stat doesn't have to be run every single request
prolog webservercfg$direxists
push rbx r12 r13
mov rbx, rdi
mov rsi, rdi
mov rdi, [webservercfg$dirmap]
call stringmap$find
mov edx, dword [_epoll_tv_secs]
test rax, rax
jz .statnew
; so the lower 32 bits of the value is the time we entered it
; if that is > 60 seconds old, delete the entry entirely and do a new one
; if it is less than 60 seconds old, return the upper 32 bits of the value and be done
sub edx, [rax+_avlofs_value] ; lower 32 bits
cmp edx, 60
jae .statredo
; otherwise, return the upper 32 bits and be done
mov eax, [rax+_avlofs_value+4]
pop r13 r12 rbx
; we have to free the string key
mov r12, [rax+_avlofs_key]
mov rdi, [webservercfg$dirmap]
mov rsi, rbx
call stringmap$erase
mov rdi, r12
call heap$free
; fallthrough to statnew
; we need a copy of the directory name string
mov rdi, rbx
call string$copy
mov rbx, rax
mov rdi, rax
call string$utf8_length
mov r12, rax
add rax, 0x17
and rax, not 0xf
sub rsp, rax
mov r13, rsp
mov rdi, rbx
mov rsi, rsp
call string$to_utf8
mov byte [rsp+r12], 0
mov rdi, rsp
sub rsp, 0x90
mov eax, syscall_stat
mov rsi, rsp
xor ecx, ecx ; result
mov edx, 1
test eax, eax
jnz .statnew_notdir
test dword [rsp+0x18], 0x4000 ; st_mode & S_IFDIR?
cmovnz ecx, edx
add rsp, 0x90
mov rax, r12
add rax, 0x17
and rax, not 0xf
add rsp, rax
; ecx is the bool as to whether the directory exists or not
mov r12d, ecx
mov edx, dword [_epoll_tv_secs]
shl rcx, 32
or rdx, rcx
mov rdi, [webservercfg$dirmap]
mov rsi, rbx
call stringmap$insert_unique
mov eax, r12d
pop r13 r12 rbx
end if
if used webservercfg$hotlist | defined include_everything
; webserver file cache object
wsfc_checktime_ofs = 0
wsfc_stattime_ofs = 8
wsfc_filename_ofs = 16
wsfc_privmapped_ofs = 24
wsfc_next_ofs = 32
wsfc_prev_ofs = 40
wsfc_size = 48
prolog wsfc$destroy
push rbx
mov rbx, rdi
cmp qword [rdi+wsfc_privmapped_ofs], 0
je .nopm
mov rdi, [rdi+wsfc_filename_ofs]
call heap$free
mov rdi, [rbx+wsfc_privmapped_ofs]
mov rdi, [rdi+privmapped_user_ofs]
call heap$free
mov rdi, [rbx+wsfc_privmapped_ofs]
call privmapped$destroy
mov rdi, rbx
call heap$free
pop rbx
mov rdi, [rdi+wsfc_filename_ofs]
call heap$free
mov rdi, rbx
call heap$free
pop rbx
prolog wsfc$link
mov rsi, [webservercfg$hotlast]
mov qword [rdi+wsfc_next_ofs], 0
mov [rdi+wsfc_prev_ofs], rsi
test rsi, rsi
jz .first
mov [rsi+wsfc_next_ofs], rdi
mov [webservercfg$hotlast], rdi
mov [webservercfg$hotfirst], rdi
mov [webservercfg$hotlast], rdi
prolog wsfc$unlink
mov rsi, [webservercfg$hotfirst]
mov rdx, [webservercfg$hotlast]
mov rcx, [rdi+wsfc_next_ofs]
mov r8, [rdi+wsfc_prev_ofs]
xor r9d, r9d
cmp rdi, rsi
je .first
cmp rdi, rdx
je .lastnotfirst
mov [rcx+wsfc_prev_ofs], r8
mov [r8+wsfc_next_ofs], rcx
cmp rdi, rdx
je .firstandlast
mov [webservercfg$hotfirst], rcx
mov [rcx+wsfc_prev_ofs], r9
mov [webservercfg$hotfirst], r9
mov [webservercfg$hotlast], r9
mov [webservercfg$hotlast], r8
mov [r8+wsfc_next_ofs], r9
end if
if used webservercfg$hotlist_unpin | defined include_everything
; this is called with rdi == privmapped object, and is a function because of the inflightcb necessity
prolog webservercfg$hotlist_unpin
sub dword [rdi+privmapped_pincount_ofs], 1
end if
if used webservercfg$hotlist_weed | defined include_everything
; no arguments, gets rid of old/stale privmapped objects
prolog webservercfg$hotlist_weed
cmp qword [webservercfg$hotfirst], 0
je .nothingtodo
mov rdi, [webservercfg$hotfirst]
mov rcx, [_epoll_tv_secs]
mov r11, rcx
sub rcx, [rdi+wsfc_checktime_ofs]
mov rsi, [rdi+wsfc_privmapped_ofs]
cmp rcx, webserver_hotlist_time
jb .nothingtodo
test rsi, rsi
jnz .doit_checkpincount
push rdi
call wsfc$unlink
mov rdx, [rsp]
mov rdi, [webservercfg$hotmap]
mov rsi, [rdx+wsfc_filename_ofs]
call stringmap$erase
pop rdi
call wsfc$destroy
cmp qword [webservercfg$hotfirst], 0
jne .doit
cmp dword [rsi+privmapped_pincount_ofs], 0
jne .relink
push rdi
call wsfc$unlink
mov rdx, [rsp]
mov rdi, [webservercfg$hotmap]
mov rsi, [rdx+wsfc_filename_ofs]
call stringmap$erase
pop rdi
call wsfc$destroy
cmp qword [webservercfg$hotfirst], 0
jne .doit
push rdi
mov [rdi+wsfc_checktime_ofs], r11
call wsfc$unlink
pop rdi
call wsfc$link
jmp .doit
end if
if used webservercfg$hotlist | defined include_everything
; two arguments: rdi == a full filename, esi == webserver_hotlist_statfreq (or override from config)
; returns a privmapped object in rax, or null if it doesn't exist, caches result either way so open doesn't have to run every single time
prolog webservercfg$hotlist
push rbx r12 r13
mov r13d, esi
mov rbx, rdi
mov rsi, rdi
mov rdi, [webservercfg$hotmap]
call stringmap$find
mov rcx, [_epoll_tv_secs]
test rax, rax
jz .newone
mov r11, rcx
mov r12, [rax+_avlofs_value] ; the wsfc object
sub rcx, [r12+wsfc_stattime_ofs]
mov rdx, [r12+wsfc_privmapped_ofs]
cmp rcx, r13
jb .oldone_relink_return
test rdx, rdx
jz .oldone_redo
; if our item is pinned, keep our object in tact
cmp dword [rdx+privmapped_pincount_ofs], 0
jne .oldone_relink_return
; this one is valid, we need to redo our stat for it and make sure the mtime is the same
sub rsp, 0x90
mov rsi, rsp
mov rdi, [rdx+privmapped_fname_ofs]
mov eax, syscall_stat
test eax, eax
jnz .oldone_disappeared
mov rax, [r12+wsfc_privmapped_ofs]
mov rdx, [_epoll_tv_secs]
mov rcx, [rsp+0x58] ; st_mtime
add rsp, 0x90
cmp rcx, [rax+privmapped_mtime_ofs]
jne .oldone_redo
; otherwise, it is same-same, update our times
mov [r12+wsfc_checktime_ofs], rdx
mov [r12+wsfc_stattime_ofs], rdx
mov rdi, r12
call wsfc$unlink
mov rdi, r12
call wsfc$link
if used webservercfg$errorlog_path | used webservercfg$logs_path | defined include_everything
; if either of those are used, the hotlist weed gets run from the timer, otherwise, we do it from here
call webservercfg$hotlist_weed
end if
mov rax, [r12+wsfc_privmapped_ofs]
pop r13 r12 rbx
add rsp, 0x90
; so, we have a valid map entry, but the file itself disappeared
; unlink it, destroy the entry, and then let newone take over
mov rdi, r12
call wsfc$unlink
; since the stringmap is keyed with the privmapped_filename_ofs, we don't
; need to separately free its key, as it will be free'd when privmapped$destroy is called
mov rdi, [webservercfg$hotmap]
mov rsi, rbx
call stringmap$erase
mov rdi, r12
call wsfc$destroy
jmp .newone
mov [r12+wsfc_checktime_ofs], r11
mov rdi, r12
call wsfc$unlink
mov rdi, r12
call wsfc$link
mov r12, [r12+wsfc_privmapped_ofs]
if used webservercfg$errorlog_path | used webservercfg$logs_path | defined include_everything
; if either of those are used, the hotlist weed gets run from the timer, otherwise, we do it from here
call webservercfg$hotlist_weed
end if
mov rax, r12
pop r13 r12 rbx
mov rdi, rbx
mov esi, 1 ; we want etags
call privmapped$new
mov rdx, [_epoll_tv_secs]
mov r12, rax
mov edi, wsfc_size
call heap$alloc
mov rdx, [_epoll_tv_secs]
mov [rax+wsfc_checktime_ofs], rdx
mov [rax+wsfc_stattime_ofs], rdx
mov [rax+wsfc_privmapped_ofs], r12
mov r12, rax
mov rdi, rbx
call string$copy
mov [r12+wsfc_filename_ofs], rax
mov rdi, r12
call wsfc$link
; add it to our map
mov rdi, [webservercfg$hotmap]
mov rsi, [r12+wsfc_filename_ofs]
mov rdx, r12
call stringmap$insert_unique
; create a mimetype string in privmapped_user_ofs, but only if privmapped exists
cmp qword [r12+wsfc_privmapped_ofs], 0
je .noctype
mov rdi, rbx
call webservercfg$mimetype
mov rdx, rax
mov rax, [r12+wsfc_privmapped_ofs]
mov [rax+privmapped_user_ofs], rdx
if used webservercfg$errorlog_path | used webservercfg$logs_path | defined include_everything
; if either of those are used, the hotlist weed gets run from the timer, otherwise, we do it from here
call webservercfg$hotlist_weed
end if
mov rax, [r12+wsfc_privmapped_ofs]
pop r13 r12 rbx
if used webservercfg$errorlog_path | used webservercfg$logs_path | defined include_everything
; if either of those are used, the hotlist weed gets run from the timer, otherwise, we do it from here
call webservercfg$hotlist_weed
end if
mov rax, [r12+wsfc_privmapped_ofs]
pop r13 r12 rbx
end if
if used webservercfg$mimetype | defined include_everything
; single argument in rdi: string full filename
; returns a new string in rax of the content type
; NOTE: our default content type if we dont' find one from an extension is application/octet-stream
prolog webservercfg$mimetype
push rbx r12
mov rbx, rdi
mov r12, rsi
mov rsi, .dot
call string$last_indexof
cmp rax, 0
jl .default
xor ecx, ecx
mov rdi, rbx
mov rsi, rax
mov edx, 4
add rsi, 1
push rcx
call string$substr
mov rbx, rax
mov rdi, rax
mov rsi, rsp
call string$to_utf8
mov rdi, rbx
call heap$free
pop rsi
mov rdi, [webservercfg$mimemap]
call unsignedmap$find_value
test eax, eax
jz .default
mov rdi, rdx ; rdx is the value from our mimemap
call string$copy
pop r12 rbx
pop r12 rbx
mov rdi, .def
call string$copy
cleartext .dot, '.'
cleartext .def, 'application/octet-stream'
end if
if used webservercfg$handler | defined include_everything
; four arguments: rdi == webservercfg object, rsi == webserver object, rdx == request url, rcx == mimelike request object
prolog webservercfg$handler
push rbx r12 r13 r14 r15
mov rbx, rdi
mov r12, rsi
mov r13, rdx
mov r14, rcx
; if a redirect string is present, deal with that alone
cmp qword [rbx+webservercfg_redirect_ofs], 0
jne .outer_doredirect
; first order of business: determine our document root
if used webservercfg$new_vhost | used webservercfg$set_vhost | defined include_everything
; in order, if we have a vhost directory, try it first, url makes sure the hostname is lowercased, so all we need is a simple concat
cmp qword [rbx+webservercfg_vhost_ofs], 0
je .novhost
mov rdi, [rbx+webservercfg_vhost_ofs]
mov rsi, [r13+url_host_ofs]
call string$concat
mov r15, rax
mov rdi, rax
call webservercfg$direxists
test eax, eax
jnz .gotdocumentroot
; otherwise, clear the string in r15
mov rdi, r15
call heap$free
end if
if used webservercfg$new_sandbox | used webservercfg$host_sandbox | defined include_everything
; next up: determine whether the host exists in sandboxes
mov rdi, [rbx+webservercfg_sandboxes_ofs]
mov rsi, [r13+url_host_ofs]
mov rdx, [rdi+_avlofs_parent]
test rdx, rdx
jz .checknohost
cmp dword [rdi+_avlofs_right], 1
jne .find_sandbox_withmap
; otherwise, since there is only one node, just do a string$equals
push qword [rdx+_avlofs_value]
mov rdi, [rdx+_avlofs_key]
call string$equals
pop rdi
test eax, eax
jz .checknohost
call string$copy
mov r15, rax
jmp .gotdocumentroot
call stringmap$find_value
test eax, eax
jz .checknohost
; otherwise, we need to copy the string
mov rdi, rdx
call string$copy
mov r15, rax
jmp .gotdocumentroot
cleartext .docrootstr, 'DOCUMENT_ROOT'
cleartext .nohoststr, '..nohost..'
mov rdi, [rbx+webservercfg_sandboxes_ofs]
mov rsi, .nohoststr
call stringmap$find_value
test eax, eax
if used webservercfg$backpath
jz .nodocumentroot_checkbackpath
jz .nullret
end if
mov rdi, rdx
call string$copy
mov r15, rax
end if
if used webservercfg$new_vhost | used webservercfg$new_sandbox | used webservercfg$host_sandbox | used webservercfg$set_vhost | defined include_everything
; set a DOCUMENT_ROOT header in the request so we can reference it later:
mov rdi, r14
mov rsi, .docrootstr
mov rdx, r15
call mimelike$setheader
; next up: concatenate the url path to our document root
mov rdi, r15
mov rsi, [r13+url_path_ofs]
call string$concat
mov rdi, r15
mov r15, rax
call heap$free
; first up, see if the path ends with a /
mov rdi, r15
mov rsi, [r15]
test rsi, rsi
jz .impossible ; sanity only
sub rsi, 1
if string_bits = 32
cmp dword [rdi+rsi*4+8], '/'
cmp word [rdi+rsi*2+8], '/'
end if
je .indexfile
; otherwise, proceed with normal request handling
call .request
; let that be our return, free r15 and be done
mov r13, rax ; save our return
mov rdi, r15
call heap$free
mov rax, r13
pop r15 r14 r13 r12 rbx
if used webservercfg$fastcgi_start_map | defined include_everything
; restore rbp, call request
pop rbp
call .request
; let that be our return, free r15 and be done
mov r13, rax
mov rdi, r15
call heap$free
mov rax, r13
pop r15 r14 r13 r12 rbx
end if
; so before we deal with index file walking, if fastcgi_start is used, we need to check those first:
if used webservercfg$fastcgi_start_map | defined include_everything
mov rdi, [rbx+webservercfg_fastcgi_start_ofs]
cmp qword [rdi+_avlofs_next], 0
je .indexfile_nofastcgi_start
push rbp
mov rbp, [rdi+_avlofs_next]
mov rdi, [r13+url_path_ofs]
mov rsi, [rbp+_avlofs_key]
call string$starts_with
test eax, eax
jnz .indexfile_fastcgi_doit
mov rbp, [rbp+_avlofs_next]
test rbp, rbp
jnz .indexfile_fastcgiwalk
; if we made it to here, no fastcgi_start matches were found
pop rbp
; fallthrough to indexfile_nofastcgi_start...
; fall straight through to .indexfile functionality.
end if
; we have to iterate through our index files, testing each one until we get a non-null response from request
; so that we can walk the list without calling list$foreach, we smash rbp (which will of course render the
; gdb stackframe/framepointers rubbish if anything dies inside this handling loop)
mov rdi, [rbx+webservercfg_indexfiles_ofs]
cmp qword [rdi+_list_first_ofs], 0
je .impossible ; this should NOT happen
push rbp
mov rbp, [rdi+_list_first_ofs]
; we need to make a concatenation of the r15 and the index list value, set r15 to that, call .request
mov rdi, r15
mov rsi, [rbp+_list_valueofs]
call string$concat
push r15
mov r15, rax
; this should be a complete and valid pathname, and to prevent multiple cascaded fastcgi handlers w/ index files
; swallowing when they shouldn't, we do a check here to see if it is legit
; TODO: cache the results of the stat/utf8 conversion here
mov rdi, rax
call file$mtime
test rax, rax
jz .indexfile_next
; concat our indexfile to our url's path, saving the url path
push qword [r13+url_path_ofs]
mov rdi, [r13+url_path_ofs]
mov rsi, [rbp+_list_valueofs]
mov [r13+url_user_ofs], rdi ; in the event we hand it off via fastcgi, it will use this to construct the "right" REQUEST_URI
call string$concat
mov [r13+url_path_ofs], rax
call .request
test rax, rax
jnz .indexfile_complete
pop rsi
mov rdi, [r13+url_path_ofs]
mov [r13+url_path_ofs], rsi
call heap$free
mov rdi, r15
call heap$free
pop r15
mov rbp, [rbp+_list_nextofs]
test rbp, rbp
jnz .indexfile_walk
; if we made it to here, we tried all index files, nothing happened, so return null
pop rbp
mov rdi, r15
call heap$free
if used webservercfg$backpath
; if backpath is used, we need to check it irrespective of docroot
jmp .nodocumentroot_checkbackpath
xor eax, eax
pop r15 r14 r13 r12 rbx
end if
mov r13, rax ; save our return
pop rdi
call heap$free
; so there we were, walking our index file list, and we got a nonzero result
; let that be our return, cleanup everything else and bailout
mov rdi, r15
call heap$free
pop r15
mov rdi, r15
call heap$free
pop rbp
mov rax, r13
pop r15 r14 r13 r12 rbx
mov rdi, r15
call heap$free
xor eax, eax ; null ret == proceed with 404
; -1 ret == sit on the connection, don't do anything
; anything else is a response object
pop r15 r14 r13 r12 rbx
; no sandbox was configured, and no vhost was configured, so we really don't HAVE a document root
; so, we set our r15 (which should be our full path) to the URL's path, and call .request
; noting here we don't have to (obviously) free it when we're done
mov r15, [r13+url_path_ofs]
call .request
pop r15 r14 r13 r12 rbx
end if
if used webservercfg$backpath
; if backpath for our config object is null, bailout normally
cmp qword [rbx+webservercfg_backpath_ofs], 0
jnz .request_with_backpath
xor eax, eax
pop r15 r14 r13 r12 rbx
; similar to the above, set our r15 to our URL's path and let request deal with it
mov r15, [r13+url_path_ofs]
call .request
pop r15 r14 r13 r12 rbx
end if
call .request
pop r15 r14 r13 r12 rbx
; rbx == webservercfg object, r12 == webserver object, r13 == request url, r14 == mimelike request object, r15 == full pathname
; so, two schools of thought here re: fastcgi handlers
; 1) regardless of whether the underlying file actually exists, pass it straight off to any mapped handlers
; 2) underlying file must exist to pass it off
; since a fastcgi handler can be "pure" (and thus not really file based), I vote for option #1, let the fastcgi handler work out
; whether it is valid or not
; UPDATE 20160808: The exception here is for index files, e.g. requests that end with / ... in which case we DO check for them via stat/mtime
; so, our first order of business is to determine whether there _is_ a handler for it
; if a redirect string is present, deal with that alone
cmp qword [rbx+webservercfg_redirect_ofs], 0
jne .doredirect
; instead of using stringmap$foreach_arg, we walk the trees directly here so we can preserve our callee-saves without having to constantly
; smash them onto the stack and back
if used webservercfg$function_map | defined include_everything
; we give "funcmap" precedence over any fastcgi mappings
; rbx == [r12+webserver_config_ofs], so we can safely blast/restore it
mov rbx, [rbx+webservercfg_funcmap_ofs]
cmp qword [rbx+_avlofs_next], 0
je .dofastcgi
mov rbx, [rbx+_avlofs_next]
mov rdi, r15
mov rsi, [rbx+_avlofs_key]
call string$ends_with
test eax, eax
jnz .functioncall_doit
mov rbx, [rbx+_avlofs_next]
test rbx, rbx
jnz .funcwalk
end if
if used webservercfg$fastcgi_map | defined include_everything
mov rdi, [r12+webserver_config_ofs]
mov rbx, [rdi+webservercfg_fastcgi_ofs]
cmp qword [rbx+_avlofs_next], 0
je .dofilesystem
mov rbx, [rbx+_avlofs_next]
mov rdi, r15
mov rsi, [rbx+_avlofs_key]
call string$ends_with
test eax, eax
jnz .fastcgi_doit
mov rbx, [rbx+_avlofs_next]
test rbx, rbx
jnz .fastcgiwalk
end if
if used webservercfg$fastcgi_start_map | defined include_everything
; unlike the above endswith fastcgi mapping, this needs to check against r13 (the request url)'s path
; instead of the full pathname (which includes munged docroot, everything)
mov rdi, [r12+webserver_config_ofs]
mov rbx, [rdi+webservercfg_fastcgi_start_ofs]
cmp qword [rbx+_avlofs_next], 0
je .dofilesystem2
mov rbx, [rbx+_avlofs_next]
mov rdi, [r13+url_path_ofs]
mov rsi, [rbx+_avlofs_key]
call string$starts_with
test eax, eax
jnz .fastcgi_doit_start
mov rbx, [rbx+_avlofs_next]
test rbx, rbx
jnz .fastcgiwalk2
end if
if used webservercfg$new_vhost | used webservercfg$new_sandbox | used webservercfg$host_sandbox | used webservercfg$set_vhost | defined include_everything
; let the hotlist deal with our mmap cache
mov rcx, [r12+webserver_config_ofs]
mov rdi, r15
mov esi, [rcx+webservercfg_filestattime_ofs]
call webservercfg$hotlist
test rax, rax
jz .filesystem_nodeal
; if the method is POST, return 405 method not allowed
cmp dword [r14+mimelike_user_ofs], 2 ; POST
je .dofilesystem_notallowed
push rax
push qword [rax+privmapped_user_ofs]
; so we have a valid privmapped object, it is not expensive to create mimelike objects
; (only to compose them), so we proceed with creation, and after we have our Last-Modified
; header, _then_ we check for If-Modified-Since, and same with our ETag and If-None-Match
; first step: construct a mimelike return for our object, paying attention to Range requests
call mimelike$new
mov rbx, rax
mov rdi, rax
mov rsi, .r200
call mimelike$setpreface
; content type is next
mov rdi, rbx
mov rsi, mimelike$contenttype
pop rdx
call mimelike$addheader
; we don't need to set the content length here, mimelike$compose will do that for us
mov rax, [rsp]
mov rdi, rbx
mov rsi, [rax+privmapped_base_ofs]
mov rdx, [rax+privmapped_size_ofs]
test dword [r12+webserver_flags_ofs], 2
jz .nogziptest
; if there is _already_ a zbuf for our privmapped object, then we know that it should be gzipped anyway, in which case
; we can just revert straight to it with no further checking, since we know the client supports it
mov r8, [rax+privmapped_zbuf_ofs]
test r8, r8
jz .checkshouldgzip
; otherwise, nonzero, so set them
mov rsi, [r8+buffer_itself_ofs]
mov rdx, [r8+buffer_length_ofs]
push rsi rdx
mov rsi, mimelike$contentencoding
mov rdx, mimelike$gzip
call mimelike$addheader
mov rdi, rbx
pop rdx rsi
mov rax, [rsp]
jmp .nogziptest
call mimelike$shouldgzip
test eax, eax
jz .nodeal_gzip
; if it is already gzipped, no deal
mov rax, [rsp]
mov rdi, rbx
mov rsi, [rax+privmapped_base_ofs]
mov rdx, [rax+privmapped_size_ofs]
mov ecx, [rsi]
mov r8d, [rsi]
and ecx, 0xffffff
shr r8d, 24
cmp ecx, 0x88b1f
jne .gzipgoahead
test r8d, 0xe0
jz .nogziptest
cmp rdx, mimelike_mingzip
jb .nogziptest
; otherwise, we _should_ gzip it
mov rdi, rax
push rax
call privmapped$deflate
pop rax
mov rdi, rbx
mov r8, [rax+privmapped_zbuf_ofs]
jmp .doit_gzipped
mov rax, [rsp]
mov rdi, rbx
mov rsi, [rax+privmapped_base_ofs]
mov rdx, [rax+privmapped_size_ofs]
; fallthrough to .nogziptest
; if we know that this is going to end up being segment-sent, increase the pincount for the privmapped object:
cmp rdx, webserver_bigfile
jbe .notpinned
add dword [rax+privmapped_pincount_ofs], 1
; set our inflightcb/cbarg
mov qword [r12+webserver_inflightcb_ofs], webservercfg$hotlist_unpin
mov [r12+webserver_inflightcbarg_ofs], rax
call mimelike$setbody_external
if webserver_filecache_time
mov rcx, [r12+webserver_config_ofs]
; add Cache-Control, ETag and Last-Modified headers
mov rdi, rbx
mov rsi, mimelike$cachecontrol
mov rdx, [rcx+webservercfg_cachecontrol_ofs]
call mimelike$addheader
; generate our ETag and Last-Modified headers
mov rax, [rsp]
mov rdi, rbx
mov rsi, mimelike$lastmodified
mov rdx, [rax+privmapped_mtimestr_ofs]
call mimelike$addheader
; since our privmapped object already has its static_etag, all we have to do is set it
mov rax, [rsp]
mov rdi, rbx
mov rsi, mimelike$etag
mov rdx, [rax+privmapped_etag_ofs]
call mimelike$addheader
; some notes here on "weirdness, IMO."
; So, in the wild, we receive requests with one or both of Pragma: no-cache and Cache-Control: no-cache
; BUT, in those same requests, we _still also_ receive If-None-Match and/or If-Modified-Since
; now, if we return (which I reckon is _correct_) 304 samesame for those, well, everything breaks.
; this doesn't really seem intuitive to me. If you (the web browser/client) really don't WANT
; me to send a 304, don't include the If-None-Match, or If-Modified-Since, because then I really
; don't have a choice but to send you back the full response...
; alas, that isn't the way the implementations seem to work browser-wise.
; _weird_.
; Anyway, so if we receive Pragma: no-cache, or Cache-Control: no-cache, we'll send back the full
; response, and ignore whether there is ifmodifiedsince or lastmodified headers. (which seems to make
; the "offending" browsers happy)
; the HTTP spec re: caching is a mess upon mess of things, too much room for interpretation, haha
; check for Pragma: no-cache
mov rdi, r14
mov rsi, mimelike$pragma
call mimelike$getheader
test rax, rax
jz .dofilesystem_nopragma
mov rdi, rax
mov rsi, mimelike$nocache
call string$equals
test eax, eax
jnz .dofilesystem_noifnonematch
; check for Cache-Control: no-cache
mov rdi, r14
mov rsi, mimelike$cachecontrol
call mimelike$getheader
test rax, rax
jz .dofilesystem_doifmodifiedsince
mov rdi, rax
mov rsi, mimelike$nocache
call string$indexof
cmp rax, 0
jge .dofilesystem_noifnonematch
; check for ifmodifiedsince
mov rdi, r14
mov rsi, mimelike$ifmodifiedsince
call mimelike$getheader
test rax, rax
jz .dofilesystem_noifmodifiedsince
push rax
mov rdi, rbx
mov rsi, mimelike$lastmodified
call mimelike$getheader
pop rsi
mov rdi, rax
call string$equals
test eax, eax
jnz .dofilesystem_304
; check to see if the request contains an If-None-Match
mov rdi, r14
mov rsi, mimelike$ifnonematch
call mimelike$getheader
test rax, rax
jz .dofilesystem_noifnonematch
push rax
mov rdi, rbx
mov rsi, mimelike$etag
call mimelike$getheader
pop rsi
mov rdi, rax
call string$equals
test eax, eax
jnz .dofilesystem_304
; add Cache-Control: no-cache
mov rdi, rbx
mov rsi, mimelike$cachecontrol
mov rdx, mimelike$nocache
call mimelike$addheader
end if
; update: this just adds unnecessary overhead per request for smaller ones
mov rax, [rsp]
cmp qword [rax+privmapped_size_ofs], 524288
jbe .skipacceptranges
; add an Accept-Ranges: bytes header
mov rdi, rbx
mov rsi, mimelike$acceptranges
mov rdx, mimelike$bytes
call mimelike$addheader
; so, we are ready to reply with a 200, here is the time to check for Range requests
cmp dword [r14+mimelike_user_ofs], 0 ; GET request only for Range requests
jne .dofilesystem_norange
mov rdi, r14
mov rsi, mimelike$range
call mimelike$getheader
test rax, rax
jz .dofilesystem_norange
; there is a Range header, so split its value by - and see what we've got
sub rsp, 24
mov [rsp], rax
mov rdi, rax
mov rsi, .bytesequal
call string$starts_with
test eax, eax
jz .dofilesystem_badrange_syntax
; otherwise, we need a substring from 6 onward
mov rdi, [rsp]
mov esi, 6
mov rdx, -1
call string$substr
mov [rsp], rax
mov rdi, [rsp]
mov esi, '-'
call string$split
mov rdi, [rsp]
mov [rsp], rax
call heap$free
mov rax, [rsp]
cmp qword [rax+_list_size_ofs], 2
ja .dofilesystem_badrange
; otherwise, convert both sides ot unsigneds
mov rdi, rax
call list$pop_front
mov [rsp+8], rax
mov rdi, rax
call string$to_unsigned
mov rdi, [rsp+8]
mov [rsp+8], rax
call heap$free
mov rdi, [rsp]
mov qword [rsp+16], 0
cmp qword [rdi+_list_first_ofs], 0
je .dofilesystem_range_nosecond
mov rdi, [rsp]
call list$pop_front
mov [rsp+16], rax
mov rdi, rax
call string$to_unsigned
mov rdi, [rsp+16]
mov [rsp+16], rax
call heap$free
mov rdi, [rsp]
call heap$free
; now, if the start offset is >= our length, spew the full object
mov rcx, [rsp+8]
mov rdx, [rsp+16]
add rsp, 24
mov rax, [rsp] ; our privmapped object
cmp rcx, [rax+privmapped_size_ofs]
jae .dofilesystem_norange
; and, if our ending offset >= our length, set it to our length-1
mov r8, [rax+privmapped_size_ofs]
sub r8, 1
cmp rdx, r8
cmova rdx, r8
; and if our ending offset was zero, set it to our length-1
test rdx, rdx
cmovz rdx, r8
mov r8, rdx
add r8, 1
sub r8, rcx
jz .dofilesystem_norange ; 0 bytes was the result
; otherwise, modify our goods for the specified range
mov r9, [rax+privmapped_base_ofs]
add r9, rcx
push r9 r8
; set the preface to 206 Partial Content, add Content-Range header
mov rdi, [webservercfg$rangeformat]
mov rsi, rcx
; rdx already set
mov rcx, [rax+privmapped_size_ofs]
call formatter$doit
pop rdx rsi
push rax
mov rdi, rbx
call mimelike$setbody_external
pop rdx
mov rdi, rbx
mov rsi, mimelike$contentrange
call mimelike$addheader_novaluecopy
mov rdi, rbx
mov rsi, .r206
call mimelike$setpreface
jmp .dofilesystem_norange
add rsp, 24
jmp .dofilesystem_norange
cleartext .bytesequal, 'bytes='
mov rdi, [rsp]
mov rsi, heap$free
call list$clear
mov rdi, [rsp]
call heap$free
add rsp, 24
; fallthrough and return the complete response
add rsp, 8
mov rax, rbx
; restore rbx before we bailout
mov rbx, [r12+webserver_config_ofs]
push qword [rbx+webservercfg_redirect_ofs]
call mimelike$new
mov rbx, rax
mov rdi, rax
mov rsi, .r302
call mimelike$setpreface
mov rdi, rbx
mov rsi, mimelike$cachecontrol
mov rdx, .privatestr
call mimelike$addheader
mov rdi, rbx
mov rsi, mimelike$contenttype
mov rdx, mimelike$texthtmlutf8
call mimelike$addheader
mov rdi, rbx
mov rsi, mimelike$location
pop rdx
call mimelike$addheader
mov rdi, rbx
mov rsi, mimelike$contentlength
mov rdx, .fivestr
call mimelike$addheader
mov rdi, rbx
mov rsi, .r302body
mov edx, 5
call mimelike$setbody
mov rax, rbx
mov rbx, [r12+webserver_config_ofs]
cleartext .r302, 'HTTP/1.1 302 Look over here mate'
cleartext .privatestr, 'private'
cleartext .fivestr, '5'
db 'Moved'
if webserver_filecache_time
; resource was not modified on our end since the last time we coughed it up
mov rdi, rbx
mov rsi, mimelike$contenttype
call mimelike$removeheader
mov rdi, rbx
mov rsi, mimelike$cachecontrol
call mimelike$removeheader
mov rdi, rbx
mov rsi, .r304
call mimelike$setpreface
mov rdi, rbx
mov rsi, mimelike$transferencoding
call mimelike$removeheader
mov rdi, rbx
mov rsi, mimelike$contentlength
call mimelike$removeheader
mov rdi, rbx
mov rsi, mimelike$contentencoding
call mimelike$removeheader
mov rdi, rbx
mov qword [rdi+mimelike_bodyext_ofs], 0
mov qword [rdi+mimelike_bodyextlen_ofs], 0
mov qword [rdi+mimelike_bodyextend_ofs], 0
add rsp, 8
mov rax, rbx
; restore rbx before we bailout
mov rbx, [r12+webserver_config_ofs]
cleartext .r304, 'HTTP/1.1 304 Same same mate'
end if
cleartext .r200, 'HTTP/1.1 200 She',0x27,'ll be apples'
cleartext .r206, 'HTTP/1.1 206 Just a slice of the whole pie'
mov rdi, [r12+webserver_config_ofs]
mov esi, 405
call webservercfg$error
; restore rbx before we bailout
mov rbx, [r12+webserver_config_ofs]
end if
; if r15 does not end in a slash, _and_ it is a directory, redirect to the same with a trailing / appended
mov rdi, r15
mov rsi, [rdi]
test rsi, rsi
jz .really_nodeal
sub esi, 1
if string_bits = 32
cmp dword [rdi+rsi*4+8], '/'
cmp word [rdi+rsi*2+8], '/'
end if
je .really_nodeal
mov rdi, r15
call webservercfg$direxists
test eax, eax
jz .really_nodeal
; otherwise, do a redirect to one with a / added
call mimelike$new
mov rbx, rax
mov rdi, rax
mov rsi, .r301
call mimelike$setpreface
mov rdi, rbx
mov rsi, mimelike$cachecontrol
mov rdx, .privatestr
call mimelike$addheader
mov rdi, rbx
mov rsi, mimelike$contenttype
mov rdx, mimelike$texthtmlutf8
call mimelike$addheader
mov rdi, [r13+url_path_ofs]
mov rsi, .slash
call string$concat
mov rdi, rbx
mov rsi, mimelike$location
mov rdx, rax
call mimelike$addheader_novaluecopy
mov rdi, rbx
mov rsi, mimelike$contentlength
mov rdx, .fivestr
call mimelike$addheader
mov rdi, rbx
mov rsi, .r302body
mov edx, 5
call mimelike$setbody
mov rax, rbx
mov rbx, [r12+webserver_config_ofs]
cleartext .r301, 'HTTP/1.1 301 She nicked off'
cleartext .slash, '/'
if used webservercfg$backpath
; if we would have returned null, and there is a backpath set, shoot it
cmp qword [r12+webserver_backpath_ofs], 0
jne .do_backpath
end if
; null ret in rax will work fine
mov rbx, [r12+webserver_config_ofs]
if used webservercfg$backpath
cleartext .xforwardedfor, 'X-Forwarded-For'
cleartext .xforwardedport, 'X-Forwarded-Port'
cleartext .xforwardedhost, 'X-Forwarded-Host'
cleartext .xforwardedproto, 'X-Forwarded-Proto'
cleartext .xforwardedprotohttp, 'http'
cleartext .xforwardedprotohttps, 'https'
cleartext .host, 'Host'
; modify the headers in our request
; X-Forwarded-For
; X-Forwarded-Host
; X-Forwarded-Port
; X-Forwarded-Proto
mov rbx, [r12+webserver_config_ofs]
lea rsi, [r12+webserver_raddr_ofs]
mov edi, [rsi+4]
call inet_ntoa
mov rdi, r14
mov rsi, .xforwardedfor
mov rdx, rax
call mimelike$setheader_novaluecopy
lea rdx, [r12+webserver_raddr_ofs]
movzx eax, word [rdx+2]
xchg ah, al
mov edi, eax
mov esi, 10
call string$from_unsigned
mov rdi, r14
mov rsi, .xforwardedport
mov rdx, rax
call mimelike$setheader_novaluecopy
mov rdi, r14
mov rsi, .host
call mimelike$getheader
mov rdi, r14
mov rsi, .xforwardedhost
mov rdx, rax
call mimelike$setheader
mov rdi, r14
mov rsi, .xforwardedproto
mov rdx, .xforwardedprotohttp
mov rcx, .xforwardedprotohttps
cmp dword [rbx+webservercfg_istls_ofs], 0
cmovne rdx, rcx
call mimelike$setheader
; NOTE: we do not modify the Host: header itself
mov rdi, [r12+webserver_backpath_ofs]
mov rsi, r14
call wsbp$sendrequest
; we have to return -1 here
mov rax, -1
end if
if used webservercfg$function_map | defined include_everything
; we pass it three arguments: rdi == our webserver object, rsi == request url, rdx == mimelike object of the request
mov rdi, r12
mov rsi, r13
mov rdx, r14
call qword [rbx+_avlofs_value]
; restore rbx before we bailout
mov rbx, [r12+webserver_config_ofs]
; let the function's return be our return
end if
if used webservercfg$fastcgi_map | used webservercfg$fastcgi_start_map | defined include_everything
; for starts_with mappings, we need to add PATH_INFO and PATH_TRANSLATED "fake headers" so that the fcgiclient
; can pass them on... and since the fcgiclient can't know what the starts_with matching was to begin with, we have to do it
; here instead and then fallthrough... remote-clients can't fake them due to our setting the headers here will overwrite them
; if the client did for some reason do that.
; so first up, PATH_INFO = everything _after_ our matched key from the url's path
mov rdi, [r13+url_path_ofs]
mov rsi, [rbx+_avlofs_key] ; the starts_with match
mov rsi, [rsi] ; its length
mov rdx, -1
call string$substr
mov rdi, r14
mov rsi, .pathinfo
mov rdx, rax
push rax
call mimelike$setheader_novaluecopy
mov rdi, r14
mov rsi, .docrootstr
call mimelike$getheader ; we know this one is valid
mov rdi, rax
pop rsi
call string$concat
mov rdi, r14
mov rsi, .pathtranslated
mov rdx, rax
call mimelike$setheader_novaluecopy
; further, SCRIPT_NAME needs to be set to hte match that we did:
mov rdi, r14
mov rsi, .scriptname
mov rdx, [rbx+_avlofs_key]
call mimelike$setheader ; it has to copy this one
; last but not least, we need to set SCRIPT_FILENAME = DOCUMENT_ROOT + the starts_with match
mov rdi, r14
mov rsi, .docrootstr
call mimelike$getheader ; we know this one is valid
mov rdi, rax
mov rsi, [rbx+_avlofs_key] ; the starts_with match
call string$concat
mov rdi, r14
mov rsi, .scriptfilename
mov rdx, rax
call mimelike$setheader_novaluecopy
; fall through to fastcgi_doit
; [rbx+_avlofs_value] is our outbound fastcgi destination
; all we have to do is create an fcgiclient and call epoll$outbound on it, store the pointer in case we die
; from here, we must return -1 so that nothing happens til the fastcgi call completes
; we add fake headers to the request object for REMOTE_ADDR and REMOTE_PORT here so that the fastcgi handler has ready access
; to them. Note here that it is not possible for a remote party to fake/override these, as any write we do here elimintes the
; remote-sides version to begin with (same story with DOCUMENT_ROOT)
lea rsi, [r12+webserver_raddr_ofs]
mov edi, [rsi+4]
call inet_ntoa
mov rdi, r14
mov rsi, .remoteaddr
mov rdx, rax
call mimelike$setheader_novaluecopy
lea rdx, [r12+webserver_raddr_ofs]
movzx eax, word [rdx+2]
xchg ah, al
mov edi, eax
mov esi, 10
call string$from_unsigned
mov rdi, r14
mov rsi, .remoteport
mov rdx, rax
call mimelike$setheader_novaluecopy
mov rcx, r12 ; webserver object as its callback argument
mov rdi, r13 ; url as its first arg
mov rsi, r14
mov rdx, webservercfg$fastcgi_result
mov r8, webservercfg$fastcgi_direct_result
call fcgiclient$new
if webserver_fastcgi_postprocess
mov rcx, [rbx+_avlofs_value]
; this is wasteful in that we overwrite this pointer each time, but not expensive
mov qword [_epoll_postprocessing_hook], webservercfg$fastcgi_postprocess
mov rdi, [webservercfg$fastcgiqueue]
mov rsi, rax
mov qword [rax+fcgiclient_user_ofs], rcx
call list$push_back
; return -1 so that the webserver layer does _nothing_ with our request
mov rax, -1
mov rbx, [r12+webserver_config_ofs]
; we need to hook that to our webserver object so that if our webserver client goes away
; we can blast the fastcgi connection with it
mov [r12+webserver_fcgihooked_ofs], rax
; we need to pass that straight to epoll outbound
mov rdi, [rbx+_avlofs_value]
mov rsi, [rdi]
add rdi, 8
mov rdx, rax
call epoll$outbound
; if epoll$outbound _failed_ to connect, we get a zero in eax
test eax, eax
jz .fastcgi_error
; we return -1 here so that the webserver layer does _nothing_ with our request
mov rax, -1
; restore rbx before we bailout
mov rbx, [r12+webserver_config_ofs]
mov rbx, [r12+webserver_config_ofs]
; first up: clear our hook
mov qword [r12+webserver_fcgihooked_ofs], 0
; next up: get a 502 error
mov rdi, rbx
mov esi, 502
call webservercfg$error
; let that return be our return
end if
cleartext .remoteaddr, 'REMOTE_ADDR'
cleartext .remoteport, 'REMOTE_PORT'
cleartext .pathinfo, 'PATH_INFO'
cleartext .pathtranslated, 'PATH_TRANSLATED'
cleartext .scriptname, 'SCRIPT_NAME'
cleartext .scriptfilename, 'SCRIPT_FILENAME'
end if
end if
if used webservercfg$fastcgi_map & webserver_fastcgi_postprocess
prolog webservercfg$fastcgi_postprocess
mov rdi, [webservercfg$fastcgiqueue]
mov rsi, .doit
call list$clear
; rdi == the fcgiclient object we are dealing with
; its fcgiclient_callbackarg_ofs is the webserver object we did it for
mov rcx, [rdi+fcgiclient_callbackarg_ofs] ; webserver object
mov rdx, rdi
mov [rcx+webserver_fcgihooked_ofs], rdi
mov rdi, [rdi+fcgiclient_user_ofs]
mov rsi, [rdi]
add rdi, 8
call epoll$outbound_witherror
else if defined include_everything
prolog webservercfg$fastcgi_postprocess
mov rdi, [webservercfg$fastcgiqueue]
mov rsi, .doit
call list$clear
; rdi == the fcgiclient object we are dealing with
; its fcgiclient_callbackarg_ofs is the webserver object we did it for
mov rcx, [rdi+fcgiclient_callbackarg_ofs] ; webserver object
mov rdx, rdi
mov [rcx+webserver_fcgihooked_ofs], rdi
mov rdi, [rdi+fcgiclient_user_ofs]
mov rsi, [rdi]
add rdi, 8
call epoll$outbound_witherror
end if
if used webservercfg$fastcgi_direct_result | defined include_everything
; three arguments we get: rdi == webserver object, rsi == stdout buffer, rdx == stderr buffer
; we will not get nulls in rsi/rdx like the normal fastcgi_result
prolog webservercfg$fastcgi_direct_result
mov eax, [rdi+webserver_fcgidirect_ofs]
mov rcx, [rdi+webserver_config_ofs]
mov r8, [rdi]
; if we have already determined we have no direct action to take, just return
cmp eax, 0
jl .return
je .initial
; otherwise, webserver_fcgidirect_ofs > 0, which means the initial header was dealt with and transmitted, so
; we can safely just send stdout and log stderr and empty both of them
if used webservercfg$errorlog_path | used webservercfg$errorlog_syslog | defined include_everything
cmp qword [rdx+buffer_length_ofs], 0
je .noerrorlog
push rdi rsi rcx r8 rdx
mov rdi, [rdx+buffer_itself_ofs]
mov rsi, [rdx+buffer_length_ofs]
call string$from_utf8
mov rdi, [rsp+16]
push rax
mov rsi, rax
call webservercfg$logerror
pop rdi
call heap$free
pop rdi
call buffer$reset
pop r8 rcx rsi rdi
end if
cmp qword [rsi+buffer_length_ofs], 0
je .nothingtodo
cmp dword [rdi+webserver_fcgidirect_ofs], 0xf0
je .subsequent_chunked
; send the buffer
push rsi
mov rdx, [rsi+buffer_length_ofs]
mov rsi, [rsi+buffer_itself_ofs]
add [rdi+webserver_fcgibytes_ofs], rdx
call qword [r8+io_vsend]
pop rdi
call buffer$reset
push rdi rsi r8
mov rdi, rsi
call .chunkify
pop r8 rsi rdi
; send the buffer
push rsi
mov rdx, [rsi+buffer_length_ofs]
mov rsi, [rsi+buffer_itself_ofs]
add [rdi+webserver_fcgibytes_ofs], rdx
call qword [r8+io_vsend]
pop rdi
call buffer$reset
cmp qword [rsi+buffer_length_ofs], 0
je .return
push rbx r12 r13
mov rbx, rdi
mov r12, rsi
cmp dword [rcx+webservercfg_fastcgi_direct_ofs], 0
jne .initial_direct_option
; the -fastcgi_direct option was not specified, so we have to 'peek' at the stdout buffer
; until we receive a complete header, and if we don't yet have one, return and wait for more to arrive
; if we do have one, check it for text/event-stream Content-Type, and/or X-Accel-Buffering: no
; if we have neither of those present, set webserver_fcgidirect_ofs to -1 and return (which means we will not interfere)
mov rdi, [rsi+buffer_itself_ofs]
mov rsi, [rsi+buffer_length_ofs]
mov edx, 1 ; headers only please
xor ecx, ecx
call mimelike$new_parse
test rax, rax
jz .initial_return
mov r13, rax
; check the header for Content-Type: text/event-stream or X-Accel-Buffering
mov rdi, rax
mov rsi, .php_lame_ctype
call mimelike$getheader
test rax, rax
jnz .initial_ctype
mov rdi, r13
mov rsi, mimelike$contenttype
call mimelike$getheader
test rax, rax
jz .initial_xaccel
mov rdi, rax
mov rsi, .texteventstream
call string$equals
test eax, eax
jnz .initial_activate
mov rdi, r13
mov rsi, .xaccelbuffering
call mimelike$getheader
test rax, rax
jz .initial_deactivate
mov rdi, rax
mov rsi, .no
call string$equals
test eax, eax
jnz .initial_activate
; otherwise, set our fcgidirect to -1 so we don't touch it again and bailout
mov rdi, r13
call mimelike$destroy
mov dword [rbx+webserver_fcgidirect_ofs], -1
pop r13 r12 rbx
cleartext .closestr, 'close'
cleartext .keepalivestr, 'keep-alive'
cleartext .serverstr, 'Server'
cleartext .ident, 'HeavyThing'
cleartext .datestr, 'Date'
cleartext .status, 'Status'
cleartext .lcstatus, 'status'
cleartext .httponedotonespace, 'HTTP/1.1 '
cleartext .lclocation, 'location'
cleartext .locpreface, '302 Moved Temporarily'
cleartext .okpreface, 'HTTP/1.1 200 She',0x27,'ll be apples'
cleartext .xaccelbuffering, 'X-Accel-Buffering'
cleartext .php_lame_ctype, 'Content-type'
cleartext .texteventstream, 'text/event-stream'
cleartext .no, 'no'
mov rdx, .closestr
mov rcx, .keepalivestr
test dword [rbx+webserver_flags_ofs], 1
cmovnz rdx, rcx
mov rdi, r13
mov rsi, mimelike$connection
call mimelike$setheader
mov rdi, r13
mov rsi, .serverstr
mov rdx, .ident
call mimelike$setheader
mov rdi, [_epoll_tv_secs]
mov rsi, [_epoll_tv_usecs]
call ctime$to_jd
mov rdi, [webserver$dateformat]
call formatter$doit
mov rdi, r13
mov rsi, .datestr
mov rdx, rax
call mimelike$setheader_novaluecopy
mov rdi, r13
mov rsi, .status
call mimelike$getheader
test rax, rax
jnz .initial_activate_status
mov rdi, r13
mov rsi, .lcstatus
call mimelike$getheader
test rax, rax
jz .initial_activate_checklocation
mov rdi, .httponedotonespace
mov rsi, rax
call string$concat
mov rdi, r13
mov rsi, rax
call mimelike$setpreface_nocopy
; remove the status header and X-Accel-Buffering
mov rdi, r13
mov rsi, .status
call mimelike$removeheader
mov rdi, r13
mov rsi, .lcstatus
call mimelike$removeheader
mov rdi, r13
mov rsi, .xaccelbuffering
call mimelike$removeheader
if webserver_hsts
mov rcx, [rbx+webserver_config_ofs]
cmp dword [rcx+webservercfg_istls_ofs], 0
je @f
mov rdi, r13
mov rsi, .hsts
mov rdx, .hstsvalue
call mimelike$setheader
end if
; extract our response code from position 9,3 of our preface
mov rdi, [r13+mimelike_preface_ofs]
; a reply with no preface is not allowed, so we don't bother checking for it
mov esi, 9
mov edx, 3
call string$substr
push rax
mov rdi, rax
call string$to_unsigned
mov [rbx+webserver_respcode_ofs], rax
pop rdi
call heap$free
; if the FastCGI layer gave us a Content-Length header, _or_ it gave us chunked, we leave the datastream entirely alone
; otherwise, provided the webserver_flags_ofs doesn't mandate we close, we add chunked transfer encoding and prepend
; chunk sizes before each send
; if the flags indicate that we will close the connection, don't bother chunking the response
test dword [rbx+webserver_flags_ofs], 1
jz .doit_notchunked
mov rdi, r13
mov rsi, mimelike$contentlength
call mimelike$getheader
test rax, rax
jnz .doit_notchunked
mov rdi, r13
mov rsi, .cl2
call mimelike$getheader
test rax, rax
jnz .doit_notchunked
mov rdi, r13
mov rsi, .cl3
call mimelike$getheader
test rax, rax
jnz .doit_notchunked
; again for tranferencoding
mov rdi, r13
mov rsi, mimelike$transferencoding
call mimelike$getheader
test rax, rax
jnz .doit_notchunked ; it may _be_ chunked but we aren't going to add any of it
mov rdi, r13
mov rsi, .te2
call mimelike$getheader
test rax, rax
jnz .doit_notchunked
mov rdi, r13
mov rsi, .te3
call mimelike$getheader
test rax, rax
jnz .doit_notchunked
; otherwise, we need to add chunked transfer encoding ourselves
mov rdi, r13
mov rsi, mimelike$transferencoding
mov rdx, mimelike$chunked
call mimelike$setheader
; everything is ready, consume the hdrlen from the buffer in r12
mov rdi, r12
mov rsi, [r13+mimelike_hdrlen_ofs]
call buffer$consume
mov rdi, r13
call mimelike$compose
; send the headers
mov rcx, [rbx]
mov rdi, rbx
mov rsi, [r13+mimelike_xmitbody_ofs]
mov rdx, [rsi+buffer_length_ofs]
mov rsi, [rsi+buffer_itself_ofs]
call qword [rcx+io_vsend]
if webserverdebug
mov rcx, [r13+mimelike_xmitbody_ofs]
mov eax, syscall_write
mov edi, 1
mov rsi, [rcx+buffer_itself_ofs]
mov rdx, [rcx+buffer_length_ofs]
end if
; set our fcgidirect var so we know to chunk the rest of the data
mov dword [rbx+webserver_fcgidirect_ofs], 0xf0
; if there is anything left in stdout, chunk and send that
cmp qword [r12+buffer_length_ofs], 0
je @f
mov rdi, r12
call .chunkify
mov rdx, [r12+buffer_length_ofs]
mov rcx, [rbx]
mov rdi, rbx
mov rsi, [r12+buffer_itself_ofs]
add [rdi+webserver_fcgibytes_ofs], rdx
call qword [rcx+io_vsend]
; cleanup our header mimelike object
mov rdi, r13
call mimelike$destroy
; empty our buffer
mov rdi, r12
call buffer$reset
pop r13 r12 rbx
if webserver_hsts
cleartext .hsts, 'Strict-Transport-Security'
cleartext .hstsvalue, 'max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains'
end if
; buffer to chunk is in rdi
push rbx r12
mov rbx, rdi
mov rdi, [rdi+buffer_length_ofs]
mov esi, 16
call string$from_unsigned
mov r12, rax
sub rsp, 64
mov rdi, rax
mov rsi, rsp
call string$to_utf8
mov word [rsp+rax], 0xa0d
mov rdi, rbx
xor esi, esi
mov rdx, rsp
lea rcx, [rax+2]
call buffer$insert
mov rdi, r12
call heap$free
mov rdi, rbx
mov esi, 0xa0d
call buffer$append_word
add rsp, 64
pop r12 rbx
; everything is ready, consume the hdrlen from the buffer in r12
mov rdi, r12
mov rsi, [r13+mimelike_hdrlen_ofs]
call buffer$consume
mov rdi, r13
call mimelike$compose
; send the headers
mov rcx, [rbx]
mov rdi, rbx
mov rsi, [r13+mimelike_xmitbody_ofs]
mov rdx, [rsi+buffer_length_ofs]
mov rsi, [rsi+buffer_itself_ofs]
call qword [rcx+io_vsend]
if webserverdebug
mov rcx, [r13+mimelike_xmitbody_ofs]
mov eax, syscall_write
mov edi, 1
mov rsi, [rcx+buffer_itself_ofs]
mov rdx, [rcx+buffer_length_ofs]
end if
; if there is anything left in stdout, send that too
mov rdx, [r12+buffer_length_ofs]
mov rcx, [rbx]
mov rdi, rbx
mov rsi, [r12+buffer_itself_ofs]
test rdx, rdx
jz @f
add [rdi+webserver_fcgibytes_ofs], rdx
call qword [rcx+io_vsend]
; set our fcgidirect dword to indicate we have taken over
mov dword [rbx+webserver_fcgidirect_ofs], 0xff
mov rdi, r13
call mimelike$destroy
pop r13 r12 rbx
cleartext .cl2, 'content-length'
cleartext .cl3, 'Content-length'
cleartext .te2, 'transfer-encoding'
cleartext .te3, 'Transfer-encoding'
mov rdi, r13
mov rsi, mimelike$location
call mimelike$getheader
test rax, rax
jnz .initial_activate_loc
mov rdi, r13
mov rsi, .lclocation
call mimelike$getheader
test rax, rax
jz .initial_activate_200
; 302 moved temporarily
mov rdi, r13
mov rsi, .locpreface
call mimelike$setpreface
jmp .initial_activate_ready
mov rdi, r13
mov rsi, .okpreface
call mimelike$setpreface
jmp .initial_activate_ready
pop r13 r12 rbx
; so the -fastcgi_direct option was specified, but we haven't yet handled the response header
; our goal here is to header-only parse (and consume) from the stdout buffer
; and return/do nothing if we don't yet have a complete header
mov rdi, [rsi+buffer_itself_ofs]
mov rsi, [rsi+buffer_length_ofs]
mov edx, 1 ; headers only please
xor ecx, ecx
call mimelike$new_parse
test rax, rax
jz .initial_return
mov r13, rax
jmp .initial_activate
end if
if used webservercfg$fastcgi_result | defined include_everything
; three arguments we get: rdi == webserver object, rsi == stdout buffer, rdx == stderr buffer
; _or_ we get nulls in rsi/rdx if some catastrophic error occurred
prolog webservercfg$fastcgi_result
push rbx r12 r13
; first things first: clear our hooked goods so that we don't double-destroy anything
mov qword [rdi+webserver_fcgihooked_ofs], 0
mov rbx, rdi
mov r12, rsi
mov r13, rdx
; if fastcgi_direct is active, skip dealing with the stdout buffer as it will be clear/already sent
cmp dword [rdi+webserver_fcgidirect_ofs], 0
jg .fcgidirect_return
; if an actual error occurred, do a 502
test rsi, rsi
jz .do502
; first up, whatever errors came through, send to errorlog
if used webservercfg$errorlog_path | used webservercfg$errorlog_syslog | defined include_everything
mov rdi, [rdx+buffer_itself_ofs]
mov rsi, [rdx+buffer_length_ofs]
test rsi, rsi
jz .noerrorlog
call string$from_utf8
push rax
mov rdi, [rbx+webserver_config_ofs]
mov rsi, rax
call webservercfg$logerror
pop rdi
call heap$free
end if
; next up, make sure we can parse the mimelike result
mov rdi, [r12+buffer_itself_ofs]
mov rsi, [r12+buffer_length_ofs]
xor edx, edx
xor ecx, ecx
test rsi, rsi
jz .do502
call mimelike$new_parse
test rax, rax
jz .do502
; otherwise, extract the status, and set a preface from it
mov r13, rax
mov rdi, rax
mov rsi, .statusstr
call mimelike$getheader
test rax, rax
jz .do_checkcontenttype
; extract the status, and return a normal webserver error based on it
push rax
mov rdi, rax
mov esi, ' '
call string$indexof_charcode
pop rdi
cmp rax, 0
jl .do502
xor esi, esi
mov edx, eax
call string$substr
push rax
mov rdi, rax
call string$to_unsigned
mov rdi, [rsp]
mov [rsp], rax
call heap$free
pop rsi ; our status as an unsigned
cmp esi, 200
je .do_checkcontenttype
cmp esi, 302
je .check302
cmp esi, 301
je .check301
cmp esi, 303
je .check303
cmp esi, 304
je .do304
cmp esi, 206
je .do206
mov rdi, [rbx+webserver_config_ofs]
call webservercfg$error
mov rdi, r13
mov r13, rax
call mimelike$destroy
mov rax, [rbx+webserver_request_ofs]
; and finally, send it out
mov rdi, rbx
mov rsi, r13
mov edx, [rax+mimelike_user_ofs]
; clear sentpartial
mov dword [rbx+webserver_sentpartial_ofs], 0
call webserver$sendresponse
test eax, eax
jnz .sentresponse_suicidal
; start up a new request timer, but only if sentpartial is 0
cmp dword [rbx+webserver_sentpartial_ofs], 0
je .return_newtimer
; reset the fcgidirect and fcgibytes in case we serve another request
mov dword [rbx+webserver_fcgidirect_ofs], 0
mov qword [rbx+webserver_fcgibytes_ofs], 0
pop r13 r12 rbx
db '0',0xd,0xa,0xd,0xa
; clear sentpartial
mov dword [rbx+webserver_sentpartial_ofs], 0
; if we were chunking the output, send the terminator chunk
cmp dword [rbx+webserver_fcgidirect_ofs], 0xf0
jne @f
mov rdi, rbx
mov rsi, .terminator_chunk
mov edx, 5
mov rcx, [rdi]
call qword [rcx+io_vsend]
; log however many bytes we sent out
mov rdi, rbx
mov rsi, [rdi+webserver_fcgibytes_ofs]
call webserver$log
; cleanup the original request object
mov rdi, [rbx+webserver_request_ofs]
mov qword [rbx+webserver_request_ofs], 0
test rdi, rdi
jz @f
call mimelike$destroy
; reset the fcgidirect and fcgibytes in case we serve another request
mov dword [rbx+webserver_fcgidirect_ofs], 0
mov qword [rbx+webserver_fcgibytes_ofs], 0
; if the connection should be closed (flag & 1 == 0), we return 1
test dword [rbx+webserver_flags_ofs], 1
jz .sentresponse_suicidal
pop r13 r12 rbx
mov rdi, rbx
call epoll$fatality
pop r13 r12 rbx
mov rdi, rbx
call webserver$newtimer
; reset the fcgidirect and fcgibytes in case we serve another request
mov dword [rbx+webserver_fcgidirect_ofs], 0
mov qword [rbx+webserver_fcgibytes_ofs], 0
pop r13 r12 rbx
; now, as much as I love nonstandard use cases, heh
; php sends Content-type instead of Content-Type like everyone else
; so, first up, check for that rubbish
mov rdi, r13
mov rsi, .php_lame_ctype
call mimelike$getheader
test rax, rax
jnz .phplame
; see if there is a proper Content-Type
mov rdi, r13
mov rsi, mimelike$contenttype
call mimelike$getheader
test rax, rax
jnz .do200
; see if there is a Location, otherwise, bailout with a 502
mov rdi, r13
mov rsi, .locstr
call mimelike$getheader
test rax, rax
jz .do502
; do a 302
mov rdi, r13
mov rsi, .r302
call mimelike$setpreface
; update: September 1st, 2016:
; the v1.18 modifications I did to fix a compressed 302 redirect
; had some unintended consequences, so to fix the situation further
; I removed that, and added the below section to the various handlers
; here...
mov rdi, r13
mov rsi, .statusstr
call mimelike$removeheader
mov rdi, r13
mov rsi, .lame_enc1
call mimelike$removeheader
mov rdi, r13
mov rsi, .lame_enc2
call mimelike$removeheader
mov rdi, r13
mov rsi, mimelike$contentencoding
call mimelike$removeheader
mov rdi, r13
mov rsi, .lame_enc3
call mimelike$removeheader
mov rdi, r13
mov rsi, .lame_enc4
call mimelike$removeheader
mov rdi, r13
mov rsi, mimelike$transferencoding
call mimelike$removeheader
mov rdi, r13
mov rsi, mimelike$contentlength
mov rdx, .fivestr
call mimelike$setheader
mov rdi, r13
mov rsi, .r302body
mov edx, 5
call mimelike$setbody
mov rax, [rbx+webserver_request_ofs]
mov rdi, rbx
mov rsi, r13
mov edx, [rax+mimelike_user_ofs]
; clear sentpartial
mov dword [rbx+webserver_sentpartial_ofs], 0
call webserver$sendresponse
test eax, eax
jnz .sentresponse_suicidal
; start up a new request timer, but only if sentpartial is 0
cmp dword [rbx+webserver_sentpartial_ofs], 0
je .return_newtimer
; reset the fcgidirect and fcgibytes in case we serve another request
mov dword [rbx+webserver_fcgidirect_ofs], 0
mov qword [rbx+webserver_fcgibytes_ofs], 0
pop r13 r12 rbx
mov rdi, r13
mov rsi, .locstr
call mimelike$getheader
test rax, rax
jz .do502
; do a 303
mov rdi, r13
mov rsi, .r303
call mimelike$setpreface
mov rdi, r13
mov rsi, .statusstr
call mimelike$removeheader
mov rdi, r13
mov rsi, .lame_enc1
call mimelike$removeheader
mov rdi, r13
mov rsi, .lame_enc2
call mimelike$removeheader
mov rdi, r13
mov rsi, mimelike$contentencoding
call mimelike$removeheader
mov rdi, r13
mov rsi, .lame_enc3
call mimelike$removeheader
mov rdi, r13
mov rsi, .lame_enc4
call mimelike$removeheader
mov rdi, r13
mov rsi, mimelike$transferencoding
call mimelike$removeheader
mov rdi, r13
mov rsi, mimelike$contentlength
mov rdx, .fivestr
call mimelike$setheader
mov rdi, r13
mov rsi, .r303body
mov edx, 9
call mimelike$setbody
mov rax, [rbx+webserver_request_ofs]
mov rdi, rbx
mov rsi, r13
mov edx, [rax+mimelike_user_ofs]
; clear sentpartial
mov dword [rbx+webserver_sentpartial_ofs], 0
call webserver$sendresponse
test eax, eax
jnz .sentresponse_suicidal
; start up a new request timer, but only if sentpartial is 0
cmp dword [rbx+webserver_sentpartial_ofs], 0
je .return_newtimer
; reset the fcgidirect and fcgibytes in case we serve another request
mov dword [rbx+webserver_fcgidirect_ofs], 0
mov qword [rbx+webserver_fcgibytes_ofs], 0
pop r13 r12 rbx
mov rdi, r13
mov rsi, .locstr
call mimelike$getheader
test rax, rax
jz .do502
; do a 302
mov rdi, r13
mov rsi, .r301
call mimelike$setpreface
mov rdi, r13
mov rsi, .statusstr
call mimelike$removeheader
mov rdi, r13
mov rsi, .lame_enc1
call mimelike$removeheader
mov rdi, r13
mov rsi, .lame_enc2
call mimelike$removeheader
mov rdi, r13
mov rsi, mimelike$contentencoding
call mimelike$removeheader
mov rdi, r13
mov rsi, .lame_enc3
call mimelike$removeheader
mov rdi, r13
mov rsi, .lame_enc4
call mimelike$removeheader
mov rdi, r13
mov rsi, mimelike$transferencoding
call mimelike$removeheader
mov rdi, r13
mov rsi, mimelike$contentlength
mov rdx, .fivestr
call mimelike$setheader
mov rdi, r13
mov rsi, .r302body
mov edx, 5
call mimelike$setbody
mov rax, [rbx+webserver_request_ofs]
mov rdi, rbx
mov rsi, r13
mov edx, [rax+mimelike_user_ofs]
; clear sentpartial
mov dword [rbx+webserver_sentpartial_ofs], 0
call webserver$sendresponse
test eax, eax
jnz .sentresponse_suicidal
; start up a new request timer, but only if sentpartial is 0
cmp dword [rbx+webserver_sentpartial_ofs], 0
je .return_newtimer
; reset the fcgidirect and fcgibytes in case we serve another request
mov dword [rbx+webserver_fcgidirect_ofs], 0
mov qword [rbx+webserver_fcgibytes_ofs], 0
pop r13 r12 rbx
mov rdi, r13
mov rsi, .r304
call mimelike$setpreface
mov rdi, r13
mov rsi, .statusstr
call mimelike$removeheader
mov rax, [rbx+webserver_request_ofs]
mov rdi, rbx
mov rsi, r13
mov edx, [rax+mimelike_user_ofs]
; clear sentpartial
mov dword [rbx+webserver_sentpartial_ofs], 0
call webserver$sendresponse
test eax, eax
jnz .sentresponse_suicidal
; start up a new request timer, but only if sentpartial is 0
cmp dword [rbx+webserver_sentpartial_ofs], 0
je .return_newtimer
; reset the fcgidirect and fcgibytes in case we serve another request
mov dword [rbx+webserver_fcgidirect_ofs], 0
mov qword [rbx+webserver_fcgibytes_ofs], 0
pop r13 r12 rbx
mov rdi, r13
mov rsi, .r206
call mimelike$setpreface
mov rdi, r13
mov rsi, .statusstr
call mimelike$removeheader
mov rax, [rbx+webserver_request_ofs]
mov rdi, rbx
mov rsi, r13
mov edx, [rax+mimelike_user_ofs]
; clear sentpartial
mov dword [rbx+webserver_sentpartial_ofs], 0
call webserver$sendresponse
test eax, eax
jnz .sentresponse_suicidal
; start up a new request timer, but only if sentpartial is 0
cmp dword [rbx+webserver_sentpartial_ofs], 0
je .return_newtimer
; reset the fcgidirect and fcgibytes in case we serve another request
mov dword [rbx+webserver_fcgidirect_ofs], 0
mov qword [rbx+webserver_fcgibytes_ofs], 0
pop r13 r12 rbx
cleartext .fivestr, '5'
mov rdi, r13
mov rsi, mimelike$contenttype
mov rdx, rax
call mimelike$setheader
mov rdi, r13
mov rsi, .php_lame_ctype
call mimelike$removeheader
; fallthrough to do200
mov rdi, r13
mov rsi, .r200
call mimelike$setpreface
mov rax, [rbx+webserver_request_ofs]
mov rdi, rbx
mov rsi, r13
mov edx, [rax+mimelike_user_ofs]
; clear sentpartial
mov dword [rbx+webserver_sentpartial_ofs], 0
call webserver$sendresponse
test eax, eax
jnz .sentresponse_suicidal
; start up a new request timer, but only if sentpartial is 0
cmp dword [rbx+webserver_sentpartial_ofs], 0
je .return_newtimer
; reset the fcgidirect and fcgibytes in case we serve another request
mov dword [rbx+webserver_fcgidirect_ofs], 0
mov qword [rbx+webserver_fcgibytes_ofs], 0
pop r13 r12 rbx
mov rdi, [rbx+webserver_config_ofs]
mov esi, 502
call webservercfg$error
mov rcx, [rbx+webserver_request_ofs]
mov rdi, rbx
mov rsi, rax
mov edx, [rcx+mimelike_user_ofs]
; clear sentpartial
mov dword [rbx+webserver_sentpartial_ofs], 0
call webserver$sendresponse
test eax, eax
jnz .sentresponse_suicidal
; start up a new request timer, but only if sentpartial is 0
cmp dword [rbx+webserver_sentpartial_ofs], 0
je .return_newtimer
; reset the fcgidirect and fcgibytes in case we serve another request
mov dword [rbx+webserver_fcgidirect_ofs], 0
mov qword [rbx+webserver_fcgibytes_ofs], 0
pop r13 r12 rbx
cleartext .statusstr, 'Status'
cleartext .httponedotone, 'HTTP/1.1 '
cleartext .r200, 'HTTP/1.1 200 She',0x27,'ll be apples'
cleartext .r206, 'HTTP/1.1 206 Just a slice of the whole pie'
cleartext .r301, 'HTTP/1.1 301 She nicked off'
cleartext .r302, 'HTTP/1.1 302 Look here mate'
cleartext .r303, 'HTTP/1.1 303 Check this out'
cleartext .r304, 'HTTP/1.1 304 Same same mate'
cleartext .php_lame_ctype, 'Content-type'
cleartext .lame_enc1, 'Content-encoding'
cleartext .lame_enc2, 'content-encoding'
cleartext .lame_enc3, 'Transfer-encoding'
cleartext .lame_enc4, 'transfer-encoding'
cleartext .locstr, 'Location'
db 'Moved'
db 'See Other'
end if
if used webservercfg$timer | defined include_everything
; single argument in rdi: our webservercfg object
; our goal is to empty our logbuffer and/or errorlogbuffer of whatever they have accumulated since our last tick
prolog webservercfg$timer
push rbx
mov rbx, rdi
if used webservercfg$errorlog_path | defined include_everything
cmp qword [rbx+webservercfg_errorfile_ofs], 0
je .noerrorwrite
mov rdi, [rbx+webservercfg_errorlogbuffer_ofs]
mov rsi, [rbx+webservercfg_errorfile_ofs]
cmp qword [rdi+buffer_length_ofs], 0
je .noerrorwrite
call buffer$file_append
; we free the accumulated buffer regardless of whether we wrote it or not (so that it doesn't bloat indefinitely)
mov rdi, [rbx+webservercfg_errorlogbuffer_ofs]
call buffer$reset
end if
if used webservercfg$logs_path | defined include_everything
; our logpath string must be non-null for us to proceed
mov rdi, [rbx+webservercfg_logbuffer_ofs]
cmp qword [rbx+webservercfg_logpath_ofs], 0
je .nologwrite
cmp qword [rdi+buffer_length_ofs], 0
je .nologwrite
mov rdi, [_epoll_tv_secs]
mov rsi, [_epoll_tv_usecs]
call ctime$to_jd
mov rdi, [webservercfg$lognameformat]
mov rsi, [rbx+webservercfg_logpath_ofs]
call formatter$doit
push rax
mov rdi, [rbx+webservercfg_logbuffer_ofs]
mov rsi, rax
call buffer$file_append
pop rdi
call heap$free
mov rdi, [rbx+webservercfg_logbuffer_ofs]
call buffer$reset
end if
if used webservercfg$hotlist | defined include_everything
call webservercfg$hotlist_weed
end if
xor eax, eax ; keep the timer going indefinitely (well, until webservercfg$destroy is called on us)
pop rbx
end if
if used webservercfg$log | used webservercfg$logerror | defined include_everything
; if this is set, normal webservercfg logging will not occur, and instead
; this will get called with rdi == webservercfg object, rsi == preformatted string, edx == 0 == normal log, 1 == errorlog
webservercfg$log_hook dq 0
end if
if used webservercfg$log | defined include_everything
; two arguments: rdi == webservercfg object, rsi == preformatted string to dump into the logs
prolog webservercfg$log
if used webservercfg$logs_path | defined include_everything
cmp qword [webservercfg$log_hook], 0
jne .hooked
mov rdi, [rdi+webservercfg_logbuffer_ofs]
push rdi
call buffer$append_string
pop rdi
mov esi, 0xa
call buffer$append_byte
end if
if used webservercfg$logs_path | defined include_everything
xor edx, edx ; normal log
call qword [webservercfg$log_hook]
end if
end if
if used webservercfg$logerror | defined include_everything
; two arguments: rdi == webservercfg object, rsi == preformatted string to dump into the error logs
prolog webservercfg$logerror
if used webservercfg$errorlog_syslog | used webservercfg$errorlog_path | defined include_everything
cmp qword [webservercfg$log_hook], 0
jne .hooked
push rbx r12
mov rbx, rdi
mov r12, rsi
if used webservercfg$errorlog_syslog | defined include_everything
cmp dword [rdi+webservercfg_syslog_ofs], 0
je .skip_syslog
; we double up the datetime here, cuz of course syslog does that for us, so we substring out our own timestamp
mov rdi, r12
xor esi, esi
call string$next_whitespace
mov rdi, r12
mov rsi, rax
add rsi, 1
mov rdx, -1
call string$substr
push r12
mov r12, rax
mov edi, log_notice
mov rsi, rax
call syslog
mov rdi, r12
call heap$free
pop r12
end if
if used webservercfg$errorlog_path | defined include_everything
cmp qword [rbx+webservercfg_errorfile_ofs], 0
je .skip_errorlog
; all we have to do is add it to our errorlogbuffer
mov rdi, [rbx+webservercfg_errorlogbuffer_ofs]
mov rsi, r12
push rdi
call buffer$append_string
pop rdi
mov esi, 0xa
call buffer$append_byte
end if
pop r12 rbx
mov edx, 1 ; error log
call qword [webservercfg$log_hook]
end if
end if
if used webservercfg$error | defined include_everything
; two arguments: rdi == webservercfg object, esi == error code
; we create a mimelike response object with the minimum goods
prolog webservercfg$error
push rbx r12 r13
mov rbx, rdi
mov r12d, esi
call mimelike$new
mov r13, rax
; since we don't have many of these, no sense in a map or table based
mov rdi, .e506
mov rsi, .e400
mov rdx, .e403
mov rcx, .e404
mov r8, .e500
mov r9, .e501
mov r10, .e502
mov r11, .e503
cmp r12d, 400
cmove rdi, rsi
je .gotit
cmp r12d, 403
cmove rdi, rdx
je .gotit
cmp r12d, 404
cmove rdi, rcx
je .gotit
cmp r12d, 500
cmove rdi, r8
je .gotit
cmp r12d, 501
cmove rdi, r9
je .gotit
cmp r12d, 502
cmove rdi, r10
je .gotit
cmp r12d, 503
cmove rdi, r11
je .gotit
mov r11, .e405
cmp r12d, 405
cmove rdi, r11
je .gotit
mov rsi, .e504
mov rdx, .e505
cmp r12d, 504
cmove rdi, rsi
cmp r12d, 505
cmove rdi, rdx
mov rsi, rdi
mov rdi, r13
call mimelike$setpreface
; now check to see whether we are doing it stringbased or not
cmp qword [rbx+webservercfg_errordocs_ofs], 0
je .stringbased
mov edi, r12d
mov esi, 10
call string$from_unsigned
mov r12, rax
mov rdi, [rbx+webservercfg_errordocs_ofs]
mov rsi, rax
call string$concat
mov rdi, r12
mov r12, rax
call heap$free
mov rdi, r12
mov rsi, .dothtml
call string$concat
mov rdi, r12
mov r12, rax
call heap$free
mov rdi, r12
mov esi, [rbx+webservercfg_filestattime_ofs]
call webservercfg$hotlist
mov rdi, r12
mov r12, rax
call heap$free
test r12, r12
jz .stringbased
; otherwise, we have our privmapped sitting in r12
mov rdi, r13
mov rsi, [r12+privmapped_base_ofs]
mov rdx, [r12+privmapped_size_ofs]
call mimelike$setbody_external
; set the content type to text/html; charset=UTF-8
mov rdi, r13
mov rsi, mimelike$contenttype
mov rdx, mimelike$texthtmlutf8
call mimelike$addheader
; we are done
mov rax, r13
pop r13 r12 rbx
cleartext .dothtml, '.html'
; so our preface already got set, set our content type to text/plain
mov rdi, r13
mov rsi, mimelike$contenttype
mov rdx, mimelike$textplain
call mimelike$addheader
; our actual body for non-file-based errors is simply the substr of our preface that excludes the HTTP/1.1 preface
; in UTF-8 of course
; we cheat here and deal with our mimelike body directly
mov rdi, [r13+mimelike_preface_ofs]
mov esi, 9
mov rdx, -1
call string$substr
mov r12, rax
mov rdi, rax
call string$utf8_length
mov rdi, [r13+mimelike_body_ofs]
mov rsi, rax
call buffer$reserve
mov rsi, [r13+mimelike_body_ofs]
mov rdi, r12
mov rsi, [rsi+buffer_itself_ofs]
call string$to_utf8
mov rdi, [r13+mimelike_body_ofs]
mov rsi, rax
call buffer$append_nocopy
mov rdi, [r13+mimelike_body_ofs]
mov esi, 0xa0d
call buffer$append_word
mov rdi, r12
call heap$free
mov rax, r13
pop r13 r12 rbx
if defined boring_http_replies
cleartext .e400, 'HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request'
cleartext .e403, 'HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden'
cleartext .e404, 'HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found'
cleartext .e405, 'HTTP/1.1 405 Not Allowed'
cleartext .e500, 'HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error'
cleartext .e501, 'HTTP/1.1 501 Not Implemented'
cleartext .e502, 'HTTP/1.1 502 Bad Gateway'
cleartext .e503, 'HTTP/1.1 503 Service Unavailable'
cleartext .e504, 'HTTP/1.1 504 Gateway Timeout'
cleartext .e505, 'HTTP/1.1 505 HTTP Version Not Supported'
cleartext .e506, 'HTTP/1.1 506 Unimplemented Error Code'
cleartext .e400, 'HTTP/1.1 400 Up a gumtree'
cleartext .e403, 'HTTP/1.1 403 I wouldn',0x27,'t be doin that'
cleartext .e404, 'HTTP/1.1 404 Gone Walkabout'
cleartext .e405, 'HTTP/1.1 405 Wrong idea mate'
cleartext .e500, 'HTTP/1.1 500 It',0x27,'s Cactus'
cleartext .e501, 'HTTP/1.1 501 Not Implemented'
cleartext .e502, 'HTTP/1.1 502 Had a blue with the old fella'
cleartext .e503, 'HTTP/1.1 503 You got nits in your network'
cleartext .e504, 'HTTP/1.1 504 Gateway Tuckered Out'
cleartext .e505, 'HTTP/1.1 505 You gone bongers mate?'
cleartext .e506, 'HTTP/1.1 506 Unimplemented Error Code'
end if
end if
if used webservercfg$backpath
; our io/epoll vtable for backpath (aka upstream)
dq epoll$destroy, epoll$clone, io$connected, epoll$send, wsbp$receive, wsbp$error, io$timeout
; two arguments: rdi == our wsbp epoll object, rsi == webserver_request_ofs (already modified to suit the backpath)
prolog wsbp$sendrequest
; in most deployment/use cases for backpath, the actual backpath is local, so we don't bother to break up the requests
; and instead send it all in one go and let the epoll layer deal with output buffering (if it is necessary)
push rdi rsi
mov rdi, rsi
call mimelike$compose
pop rcx rdi
mov r8, [rcx+mimelike_xmitbody_ofs]
mov r9, [rdi]
mov rsi, [r8+buffer_itself_ofs]
mov rdx, [r8+buffer_length_ofs]
call qword [r9+io_vsend]
; we get three arguments, rdi == our wsbp epoll object, rsi == ptr to data, rdx == length of same
prolog wsbp$receive
; if we were _not_ intercepting and possibly auto-gzipping the response, we could just cross-connect these and send it
; straight out to the client, instead however we need to perform similar actions as the webserver$receive, and actually
; parse/acquire the complete reply, then use the normal webserver$sendresponse method to fire it back out, which will
; deal with all of the normal autogzipping/etc for us
mov r8, [rdi+epoll_base_size] ; webserver object
push rbx
mov rbx, rdi
mov r9, [r8+webserver_request_ofs]
; we can make use of our epoll_inbuf_ofs directly here
mov rdi, [rdi+epoll_inbuf_ofs]
mov rsi, [rdi+buffer_itself_ofs]
mov rdx, [rdi+buffer_length_ofs]
mov r11d, [r9+mimelike_user_ofs] ; GET, HEAD, POST (0, 1, 2)
; we assume that backpaths are trusted hosts, so we don't do all of the length restrictions here
cmp rdx, 16
jb .needmore
mov rcx, rsi
mov r10, rdx
cmp edx, 4
jb .headerscan_lessthanfourleft
cmp dword [rsi], 0xa0d0a0d
je .headerfound
cmp edx, 2
jb .needmore
cmp word [rsi], 0xa0a
je .headerfound
add rsi, 1
sub edx, 1
jnz .headerscan
cmp word [rsi], 0xa0a
je .headerfound
add rsi, 1
sub edx, 1
jz .needmore
cmp word [rsi], 0xa0a
je .headerfound
xor eax, eax ; don't kill us off
pop rbx
; if this response is in reply to a HEAD request, then we need to take special care
cmp r11d, 1
je .headresponse
; otherwise, if the backpath is local (which hopefully it is), we can let mimelike$new_parse_ext deal with it
push r11
mov rdi, rcx
mov rsi, r10
xor edx, edx ; full response required
mov ecx, 1 ; preface exists
call mimelike$new_parse_ext
pop rdx
test rax, rax
jz .needmore
; use the nomolest feature for mimelike such that it does NOT touch encoding/gzip/transfer-encoding/content-length/etc
mov dword [rax+mimelike_nomolest_ofs], 1
; otherwise, we got a complete response
mov rdi, [rbx+epoll_base_size]
mov rsi, rax
call webserver$sendresponse
test eax, eax
jnz .sentresponse_suicidal
mov rdi, [rbx+epoll_inbuf_ofs]
call buffer$reset
xor eax, eax
pop rbx
; we need to epoll$fatality our webserver object, _and_ ourselves
mov rdi, [rbx+epoll_base_size]
; make sure that we clear our backpath pointer for the webserver object here and now
mov qword [rdi+webserver_backpath_ofs], 0
call epoll$fatality
mov eax, 1
pop rbx
; we need to mimelike parse the goods, header only for the epoll_inbuf_ofs, then sendresponse
; then clear the epoll_inbuf_ofs
; then return 0
mov rdi, rcx
mov rsi, r10
mov edx, 1 ; headers only please
mov ecx, 1 ; preface exists
call mimelike$new_parse
test rax, rax
jz .do502
mov rdi, [rbx+epoll_base_size]
mov rsi, rax
mov edx, 1 ; HEAD
call webserver$sendresponse
test eax, eax
jnz .sentresponse_suicidal
mov rdi, [rbx+epoll_inbuf_ofs]
call buffer$reset
xor eax, eax
pop rbx
; we know that wsbp$error will fire off our 502 for us
mov rdi, rbx
call wsbp$error
; clear our inbuf also, cuz we were unable to parse it
mov rdi, [rbx+epoll_inbuf_ofs]
call buffer$reset
xor eax, eax
pop rbx
prolog wsbp$error
; if there is a current request in progress, we need to fire off a 502, otherwise, we just set the backpath ptr to 0
; and bailout quietly
mov rsi, [rdi+epoll_base_size]
cmp qword [rsi+webserver_request_ofs], 0
jne .do502
mov qword [rsi+webserver_backpath_ofs], 0
push rsi
mov rdi, [rdi+epoll_base_size+8]
mov esi, 502
call webservercfg$error
pop rdi
mov rsi, rax
mov rcx, [rdi+webserver_request_ofs]
mov edx, [rcx+mimelike_user_ofs]
mov qword [rdi+webserver_backpath_ofs], 0
call webserver$sendresponse
end if
webserver_config_ofs = io_base_size
webserver_flags_ofs = io_base_size + 8
webserver_accum_ofs = io_base_size + 16
webserver_timer_ofs = io_base_size + 24
webserver_timedout_ofs = io_base_size + 32
webserver_request_ofs = io_base_size + 40
webserver_respcode_ofs = io_base_size + 48
webserver_sentpartial_ofs = io_base_size + 56
webserver_inflight_ofs = io_base_size + 64
webserver_inflightlen_ofs = io_base_size + 72
webserver_inflightcb_ofs = io_base_size + 80
webserver_inflightcbarg_ofs = io_base_size + 88
webserver_inflightsent_ofs = io_base_size + 96
webserver_fcgihooked_ofs = io_base_size + 104
webserver_requestlen_ofs = io_base_size + 112
webserver_needmore_ofs = io_base_size + 120
webserver_backpath_ofs = io_base_size + 128
webserver_fcgidirect_ofs = io_base_size + 136
webserver_fcgibytes_ofs = io_base_size + 144
webserver_raddr_ofs = io_base_size + 152
webserver_raddrlen_ofs = webserver_raddr_ofs + 110
webserver_size = webserver_raddrlen_ofs + 8
if used webserver$vtable | defined include_everything
; our io/epoll vtable, and we include one extra method for our webrequest
dq webserver$destroy, webserver$clone, webserver$connected, io$send, webserver$receive, io$error, webserver$timeout
; our added custom method:
dq webserver$request
end if
webserver_vrequest = io_vtimeout + 8
if used webserver$new | defined include_everything
; single argument in rdi: a webservercfg object
prolog webserver$new
push rdi
call buffer$new
push rax
mov edi, webserver_size
call heap$alloc_clear
pop rsi rdi
mov qword [rax], webserver$vtable
mov [rax+webserver_config_ofs], rdi
mov [rax+webserver_accum_ofs], rsi
end if
if used webserver$clone | defined include_everything
; single argument in rdi: webserver object to clone
prolog webserver$clone
; since the config object is the only var we clone, just pass it to new
push rdi
mov rdi, [rdi+webserver_config_ofs]
call webserver$new
pop rsi
; make sure we clone the vtable in case it is different
mov rcx, [rsi]
mov [rax], rcx
cmp qword [rsi+io_child_ofs], 0
jne .withchild
push rax
mov rdi, [rsi+io_child_ofs]
mov rsi, [rdi]
call qword [rsi+io_vclone]
mov rsi, rax
pop rax
mov [rax+io_child_ofs], rsi
mov [rsi+io_parent_ofs], rax
; in order to accommodate partial send buffering, we need to issue our epoll sendcb
mov rdx, rax
mov rdi, rsi
mov rsi, webserver$sendcb
call epoll$sendcb
end if
if used webserver$destroy | defined include_everything
; single argument in rdi: our webserver object
prolog webserver$destroy
push rbx
mov rbx, rdi
; cleanup after ourselves, and then let io$destroy do the free of our pointer and deal with our children
mov rdi, [rdi+webserver_accum_ofs]
call buffer$destroy
; if there is a request object sitting here still, destroy it too
mov rdi, [rbx+webserver_request_ofs]
test rdi, rdi
jz .norequest
call mimelike$destroy
; if !timedout, and timer is non-null, then we need to clean up our timer object
; if timedout, then the epoll layer is doing it for us
if webservertimerdebug
cmp dword [rbx+webserver_timedout_ofs], 0
jne .debug_timedout
cmp qword [rbx+webserver_timer_ofs], 0
je .skiptimer
mov rdi, .debug1
call string$to_stdout
mov rdi, rbx
mov esi, 16
call string$from_unsigned
push rax
mov rdi, rax
call string$to_stdout
pop rdi
call heap$free
mov rdi, .debug2
call string$to_stdout
mov rdi, [rbx+webserver_timer_ofs]
mov esi, 16
call string$from_unsigned
push rax
mov rdi, rax
call string$to_stdoutln
pop rdi
call heap$free
mov rdi, [rbx+webserver_timer_ofs]
call epoll$timer_clear
jmp .skiptimer
cleartext .debug1, 'webserver$destroy, we are: '
cleartext .debug2, ' clearing timer at: '
cleartext .debug3, ' timedout was set, not clearing timer at: '
mov rdi, .debug1
call string$to_stdout
mov rdi, rbx
mov esi, 16
call string$from_unsigned
push rax
mov rdi, rax
call string$to_stdout
pop rdi
call heap$free
mov rdi, .debug3
call string$to_stdout
mov rdi, [rbx+webserver_timer_ofs]
mov esi, 16
call string$from_unsigned
push rax
mov rdi, rax
call string$to_stdoutln
pop rdi
call heap$free
mov rdi, [rbx+webserver_timer_ofs]
call epoll$timer_clear
; fallthrough from here
cmp dword [rbx+webserver_timedout_ofs], 0
jne .skiptimer
mov rdi, [rbx+webserver_timer_ofs]
test rdi, rdi
jz .skiptimer
call epoll$timer_clear
end if
; if we have a nonzero inflightcb, call it
cmp qword [rbx+webserver_inflightcb_ofs], 0
je .skipinflightcb
mov rdi, [rbx+webserver_inflightcbarg_ofs]
call qword [rbx+webserver_inflightcb_ofs]
cmp qword [rbx+webserver_fcgihooked_ofs], 0
je .skipfcgi
mov rdi, [rbx+webserver_fcgihooked_ofs]
call epoll$fatality
if used webservercfg$backpath
; if we have a nonzero backpath, destroy it
cmp qword [rbx+webserver_backpath_ofs], 0
je .skipbackpath
mov rdi, [rbx+webserver_backpath_ofs]
call epoll$fatality
end if
mov rdi, rbx
pop rbx
call io$destroy
end if
if used webserver$connected | defined include_everything
; io defined rdi == our webserver object, and epoll gives us remote address/len for server mode in rsi/edx
prolog webserver$connected
push rbx
mov rbx, rdi
; we could use the actual epoll object's timers, but we'll have easier/tighter control if we fire our own
; from here, primary reason being: we don't want a general-purpose long-standing read timeout in effect,
; because once we get an initial request, said timeout has to cease (while we then perhaps slowly service it)
mov [rdi+webserver_raddrlen_ofs], edx
lea rdi, [rdi+webserver_raddr_ofs]
call memcpy
; create a 30 second timeout to wait for a request to arrive:
mov rdi, rbx
call webserver$newtimer
; clear our sentpartial (in case sendcb was triggered by lower io layers)
mov dword [rbx+webserver_sentpartial_ofs], 0
if used webservercfg$backpath
; if our config object has a backpath set, now is the time to fire it up
mov rsi, [rbx+webserver_config_ofs]
cmp qword [rsi+webservercfg_backpath_ofs], 0
jne .backpath
end if
pop rbx
if used webservercfg$backpath
; so, we do 1:1 as connections arrive, rather than dealing with them per-request
; we need to create our wsbp epoll object first up
mov rdi, wsbp$vtable
mov esi, 16
call epoll$new
mov [rbx+webserver_backpath_ofs], rax
mov rcx, [rbx+webserver_config_ofs]
mov r8, [rcx+webservercfg_backpath_ofs]
lea rdi, [r8+8]
mov esi, [r8]
mov rdx, rax
; hangon to our pointers so that the wsbp functions know who they are dealing with
mov [rax+epoll_base_size], rbx ; webserver object
mov [rax+epoll_base_size+8], rcx ; webservercfg object
call epoll$outbound
; if that _failed_ we need to clear our backpath and let it ride
test eax, eax
jz .backpath_failed
pop rbx
mov qword [rbx+webserver_backpath_ofs], 0
pop rbx
end if
end if
if used webserver$sendcb | defined include_everything
; two arguments: rdi == our webserver object, esi == 0 == partial send occurred, 1 == send buffer exhausted
prolog webserver$sendcb
test esi, esi
jz .setpartial
; if inflight is nonzero, special handling is required
cmp qword [rdi+webserver_inflight_ofs], 0
jne .inflight
; otherwise, our send buffer was exhausted... if we were meant to close the connection, now is the time
test dword [rdi+webserver_flags_ofs], 1
jz .closeit
; if we have a request object, destroy it
cmp qword [rdi+webserver_request_ofs], 0
je .normal_finish_norequest
push rdi
mov rdi, [rdi+webserver_request_ofs]
call mimelike$destroy
pop rdi
mov qword [rdi+webserver_request_ofs], 0
push rdi
; otherwise, we need a new timer
call webserver$newtimer
pop rdi
mov rsi, [rdi+webserver_accum_ofs]
cmp qword [rsi+buffer_length_ofs], 0
jne .normal_finish_recurse
if webserverdebug
mov rdi, .debug1
call string$to_stdoutln
end if
push rbx
mov rbx, rdi
mov dword [rbx+webserver_needmore_ofs], 0
mov rdi, rbx
call webserver$check_accum
cmp dword [rbx+webserver_needmore_ofs], 0
jne .normal_finish_return
test eax, eax
jnz .normal_finish_deathonastick
cmp qword [rbx+webserver_request_ofs], 0
jne .normal_finish_return
; make sure we still have accum data to deal with
mov rsi, [rbx+webserver_accum_ofs]
cmp qword [rsi+buffer_length_ofs], 16
ja .normal_finish_recursion
; otherwise, we are done
pop rbx
mov rdi, rbx
pop rbx
jmp .closeit
; it is servicing a request, so let it be
pop rbx
mov dword [rdi+webserver_sentpartial_ofs], 1
if webserverdebug
mov rdi, .debug2
call string$to_stdoutln
end if
push rdi
call tls$closenotify
pop rdi
call epoll$fatality
if webserverdebug
mov rdi, .debug3
call string$to_stdoutln
end if
if webserverdebug
cleartext .debug1, 'send buffer exhausted, ready for next request'
cleartext .debug2, 'webserver$sendcb, set sentpartial=1'
cleartext .debug3, 'send buffer exhausted, closed connection'
end if
mov dword [rdi+webserver_sentpartial_ofs], 0
cmp qword [rdi+webserver_inflightlen_ofs], 0
je .inflight_complete
mov rax, [rdi+webserver_inflightlen_ofs]
mov rcx, [rdi]
mov edx, webserver_subsequentsend
mov rsi, [rdi+webserver_inflight_ofs]
cmp rdx, rax
cmova rdx, rax
add [rdi+webserver_inflightsent_ofs], rdx
add [rdi+webserver_inflight_ofs], rdx
sub [rdi+webserver_inflightlen_ofs], rdx
push rdi
call qword [rcx+io_vsend]
pop rdi
cmp dword [rdi+webserver_sentpartial_ofs], 0
je .inflight
push rdi
mov rsi, [rdi+webserver_inflightsent_ofs]
call webserver$log
pop rdi
mov qword [rdi+webserver_inflight_ofs], 0
cmp qword [rdi+webserver_inflightcb_ofs], 0
je .normal_finish
; otherwise, we have a callback + argument
push rdi
mov rcx, rdi
mov rdi, [rdi+webserver_inflightcbarg_ofs]
call qword [rcx+webserver_inflightcb_ofs]
pop rdi
mov qword [rdi+webserver_inflightcb_ofs], 0
jmp .normal_finish
end if
if used webserver$log | defined include_everything
; two arguments: rdi == webserver object, rsi == size of the object returned
; NOTE: this signifies the end of a request handling
prolog webserver$log
push rbx r12 r13
mov rbx, rdi
mov r12, rsi
mov rdx, [rdi+webserver_config_ofs]
mov r13, [rdi+webserver_request_ofs]
test r13, r13
jz .norequest
; if our config object does not have a logpath, we don't bother
cmp qword [rdx+webservercfg_logpath_ofs], 0
je .dontbother
; otherwise, prepare our logformat
sub rsp, 64
mov rdi, r13
mov rsi, .hoststr
call mimelike$getheader
mov rcx, .dashstr
test rax, rax
cmovz rax, rcx
mov [rsp], rax
lea rsi, [rbx+webserver_raddr_ofs]
mov edi, [rsi+4]
call inet_ntoa
mov [rsp+8], rax
mov rdi, [r13+mimelike_preface_ofs]
mov rax, .emptystr
test rdi, rdi
cmovz rdi, rax
mov [rsp+16], rdi
mov edi, [rbx+webserver_respcode_ofs]
mov [rsp+24], rdi
mov [rsp+32], r12
mov rdi, r13
mov rsi, .refererstr
call mimelike$getheader
mov rcx, .emptystr
test rax, rax
cmovz rax, rcx
mov [rsp+40], rax
mov rdi, r13
mov rsi, .useragentstr
call mimelike$getheader
mov rcx, .emptystr
test rax, rax
cmovz rax, rcx
mov [rsp+48], rax
mov rdi, [_epoll_tv_secs]
mov rsi, [_epoll_tv_usecs]
call ctime$to_jd
mov rdi, [webserver$logformat]
mov rsi, [rsp]
mov rdx, [rsp+8]
mov rcx, [rsp+16]
mov r8, [rsp+24]
mov r9, [rsp+32]
mov r10, [rsp+40]
mov r11, [rsp+48]
call formatter$doit
mov [rsp], rax
mov rdi, [rsp+8]
call heap$free
mov rdi, [rbx+webserver_config_ofs]
mov rsi, [rsp]
call webservercfg$log
mov rdi, [rsp]
call heap$free
add rsp, 64
pop r13 r12 rbx
pop r13 r12 rbx
cleartext .hoststr, 'Host'
cleartext .dashstr, '-'
cleartext .emptystr, ''
cleartext .refererstr, 'Referer'
cleartext .useragentstr, 'User-Agent'
; if respcode == 400, errorlog a bad request
; if respcode == 501, errorlog a not implemented, extract the first bytes from the accumulator til we hit a space (or end)
; otherwise, generate a string containing the response code
cmp dword [rbx+webserver_respcode_ofs], 400
je .badrequest
cmp dword [rbx+webserver_respcode_ofs], 501
je .notimplemented
lea rsi, [rbx+webserver_raddr_ofs]
mov edi, [rsi+4]
call inet_ntoa
push rax
mov rdi, [rbx+webserver_respcode_ofs]
mov esi, 10
call string$from_unsigned
push rax
if webserverdebug
mov rdi, .debugrequest_str
mov rsi, rax
call string$concat
mov rdi, [rsp]
mov [rsp], rax
call heap$free
end if
mov rdi, [_epoll_tv_secs]
mov rsi, [_epoll_tv_usecs]
call ctime$to_jd
mov rdi, [webserver$errorformat]
mov rsi, [rsp+8]
mov rdx, [rsp]
call formatter$doit
mov rdi, [rsp]
mov [rsp], rax
call heap$free
mov rdi, [rsp+8]
call heap$free
mov rdi, [rbx+webserver_config_ofs]
mov rsi, [rsp]
call webservercfg$logerror
mov rdi, [rsp]
call heap$free
add rsp, 16
pop r13 r12 rbx
mov rdi, [rbx+webserver_accum_ofs]
mov rsi, [rdi+buffer_itself_ofs]
mov rdx, [rdi+buffer_length_ofs]
test rdx, rdx
jz .notimplemented_plain
cmp byte [rsi], ' '
je .notimplemented_doit
cmp byte [rsi], 13
je .notimplemented_doit
cmp byte [rsi], 10
je .notimplemented_doit
add rsi, 1
sub rdx, 1
jnz .notimplemented_scan
mov rdi, [rdi+buffer_itself_ofs]
sub rsi, rdi
jz .notimplemented_plain
call string$from_utf8
push rax
mov rdi, .notimplemented_preface
mov rsi, rax
call string$concat
mov rdi, [rsp]
mov [rsp], rax
call heap$free
mov rdi, [rsp]
mov rsi, .notimplemented_postface
call string$concat
mov rdi, [rsp]
mov [rsp], rax
call heap$free
lea rsi, [rbx+webserver_raddr_ofs]
mov edi, [rsi+4]
call inet_ntoa
push rax
mov rdi, [_epoll_tv_secs]
mov rsi, [_epoll_tv_usecs]
call ctime$to_jd
mov rdi, [webserver$errorformat]
mov rsi, [rsp]
mov rdx, [rsp+8]
call formatter$doit
mov rdi, [rsp]
mov [rsp], rax
call heap$free
mov rdi, [rsp+8]
call heap$free
mov rdi, [rbx+webserver_config_ofs]
mov rsi, [rsp]
call webservercfg$logerror
mov rdi, [rsp]
call heap$free
add rsp, 16
pop r13 r12 rbx
lea rsi, [rbx+webserver_raddr_ofs]
mov edi, [rsi+4]
call inet_ntoa
push rax
mov rdi, [_epoll_tv_secs]
mov rsi, [_epoll_tv_usecs]
call ctime$to_jd
mov rdi, [webserver$errorformat]
mov rsi, [rsp]
mov rdx, .notimplemented_plainstr
call formatter$doit
mov rdi, [rsp]
mov [rsp], rax
call heap$free
mov rdi, [rbx+webserver_config_ofs]
mov rsi, [rsp]
call webservercfg$logerror
pop rdi
call heap$free
pop r13 r12 rbx
lea rsi, [rbx+webserver_raddr_ofs]
mov edi, [rsi+4]
call inet_ntoa
push rax
mov rdi, [_epoll_tv_secs]
mov rsi, [_epoll_tv_usecs]
call ctime$to_jd
mov rdi, [webserver$errorformat]
mov rsi, [rsp]
mov rdx, .badrequest_str
call formatter$doit
mov rdi, [rsp]
mov [rsp], rax
call heap$free
mov rdi, [rbx+webserver_config_ofs]
mov rsi, [rsp]
call webservercfg$logerror
pop rdi
call heap$free
pop r13 r12 rbx
cleartext .notimplemented_preface, 'Request method ['
cleartext .notimplemented_postface, '] not implemented'
cleartext .notimplemented_plainstr, 'Request method not implemented'
cleartext .badrequest_str, 'Bad request'
if webserverdebug
cleartext .debugrequest_str, 'Responded with: '
end if
end if
if used webserver$sendresponse | used webserver$logs_path | defined include_everything
webserver$dateformat dq 0
webserver$logformat dq 0
webserver$errorformat dq 0
webservercfg$lognameformat dq 0
end if
if used webserver$sendresponse | defined include_everything
; three arguments: rdi == webserver object, rsi == mimelike response object, edx == GET, HEAD, POST (0,1,2)
; we return a bool in eax as to whether or not we should close the connection then and there
; further, we assume ownership of the response object (and destroy it ourselves, or deal with buffering of same)
; NOTE/CAUTION: if the size of the response body is >webserver_bigfile, said body/bodyext needs to remain valid
; for the lifetime of this request/response transmit (which could be a while).
; if, prior to calling this, webserver_inflightcb_ofs and webserver_inflightcbarg_ofs are set, when we finish sending
; the entirety, inflightcb will be called (so that you could, say, unpin the resource)
; NOTE: inflightcb is really only useful if the response itself is not buffered inside mimelike_body_ofs (a buffer object)
; if it is an external resource, inflightcb is mighty useful
; if it is in the body buffer, we actually set inflightcb to buffer$destroy with its arg set to the buffer itself so that it automatically gets cleaned up
; when we complete the sending
; NOTE 2/CAUTION 2: It is expected that this routine will always be responsible for servicing the current request
; and as such, this routine also clears the webserver_request_ofs object, as well as _recalling_ webserver$check_accum (so that we can do pipelining)
; because this may result in our own webserver object death/destruction, it is imperative that this routine be the _last_ in your calling context/frame
prolog webserver$sendresponse
push rbx r13 r14
mov rbx, rdi
mov r13, rsi
mov r14d, edx
if webserver_breach_mitigation & webserver_autogzip
test dword [rbx+webserver_flags_ofs], 2
jz .skipbreach
mov rcx, [rbx+webserver_config_ofs]
cmp dword [rcx+webservercfg_istls_ofs], 0
je .skipbreach
; note: just because auto-gzip is enabled, doesn't mean we actually ARE going to gzip it
; but we'll still add X-NB here regardless as it certainly can't hurt anything.
if webserver_breach_mitigation > 1024
display 'webserver_breach_mitigation has an insane value (>1024), fail.',10
end if
sub rsp, 1032
mov edi, 1
mov esi, webserver_breach_mitigation
call rng$int
mov [rsp+1024], eax
mov esi, eax
mov rdi, rsp
call rng$block
mov rdi, rsp
mov esi, [rsp+1024]
xor edx, edx
call string$from_bintohex
mov rdi, r13
mov rsi, .xnb
mov rdx, rax
call mimelike$setheader_novaluecopy
add rsp, 1032
end if
mov rdx, .closestr
mov rcx, .keepalivestr
test dword [rbx+webserver_flags_ofs], 1
cmovnz rdx, rcx
mov rdi, r13
mov rsi, mimelike$connection
call mimelike$setheader
mov rdi, r13
mov rsi, .serverstr
mov rdx, .ident
call mimelike$setheader
mov rdi, [_epoll_tv_secs]
mov rsi, [_epoll_tv_usecs]
call ctime$to_jd
mov rdi, [webserver$dateformat]
call formatter$doit
mov rdi, r13
mov rsi, .datestr
mov rdx, rax
call mimelike$setheader_novaluecopy
if webserver_autogzip
cmp dword [r13+mimelike_nomolest_ofs], 0
jne .nogzip
test dword [rbx+webserver_flags_ofs], 2
jz .nogzip
mov rcx, [r13+mimelike_body_ofs]
mov rax, [r13+mimelike_bodyextlen_ofs]
or rax, [rcx+buffer_length_ofs]
jz .nogzip
cmp rax, webserver_bigfile
ja .nogzip
mov rdi, r13
mov rsi, mimelike$contentencoding
mov rdx, mimelike$gzip
call mimelike$setheader
end if
cmp dword [r13+mimelike_nomolest_ofs], 0
jne .nochunked
test dword [rbx+webserver_flags_ofs], 4
jz .nochunked
mov rcx, [r13+mimelike_body_ofs]
mov rax, [r13+mimelike_bodyextlen_ofs]
or rax, [rcx+buffer_length_ofs]
cmp rax, webserver_bigfile
ja .nochunked
test rax, rax
jz .nochunked
; apple core media does _not_ like chunked transfer encoding for partial ranges
; so, see if we have a Content-Range header, and if we do, skip adding the chunked header
mov rdi, r13
mov rsi, mimelike$contentrange
call mimelike$getheader
test rax, rax
jnz .nochunked
mov rdi, r13
mov rsi, mimelike$transferencoding
mov rdx, mimelike$chunked
call mimelike$setheader
if webserver_hsts
mov rcx, [rbx+webserver_config_ofs]
cmp dword [rcx+webservercfg_istls_ofs], 0
je .nohsts
mov rdi, r13
mov rsi, .hsts
mov rdx, .hstsvalue
call mimelike$setheader
end if
; extra our response code from position 9,3 of our preface
mov rdi, [r13+mimelike_preface_ofs]
; a reply with no preface is not allowed, so we don't bother checking for it
mov esi, 9
mov edx, 3
call string$substr
push rax
mov rdi, rax
call string$to_unsigned
mov [rbx+webserver_respcode_ofs], rax
pop rdi
call heap$free
; now, for transmit bodies that are > webserver_bigfile, we do _not_ compose them
; and instead deal with things quite differently (to avoid buffering the entirety
; _twice_, meaning: compose builds its xmitbody, and then the call to epoll$send
; then buffers the entire thing, then the xmitbody gets torn down, while the epoll
; layer consumes its own sendbuffer)
; obviously, for huge files that is not a good thing to be doing, hahah
mov rcx, [r13+mimelike_body_ofs]
mov rax, [r13+mimelike_bodyextlen_ofs]
or rax, [rcx+buffer_length_ofs]
cmp rax, webserver_bigfile
ja .sendinsegments
; so now, the response object is ready for composition
mov rdi, r13
call mimelike$compose
mov rcx, [r13+mimelike_xmitbody_ofs]
; clear our sentpartial flag in case we set it before
mov dword [rbx+webserver_sentpartial_ofs], 0
mov qword [rbx+webserver_inflightsent_ofs], 0
if webserverdebug
mov rcx, [r13+mimelike_xmitbody_ofs]
mov eax, syscall_write
mov edi, 1
mov rsi, [rcx+buffer_itself_ofs]
mov rdx, [r13+mimelike_hdrlen_ofs]
end if
; now, if we are responding to a HEAD request, we only send hdrlen worth
mov rcx, [r13+mimelike_xmitbody_ofs]
mov r8, [r13+mimelike_hdrlen_ofs]
mov rdi, rbx
mov rsi, [rcx+buffer_itself_ofs]
mov rdx, [rcx+buffer_length_ofs]
mov rcx, [rdi]
cmp r14d, 1
cmove rdx, r8
; only log the object size itself, not the entire size
mov r9, rdx
sub r9, r8
; ok so, we are ready to send everything out... but there are two case scenarios here
; to be dealt with:
; 1) simple case: rdx <= webserver_initialsend, in which case, send it all in one whack
; and be done with it
; 2) > webserver_initialsend, setup inflight/inflightcb and repeat until we get a sentpartial
; or we send everything out without getting one in which case we continue as normal
cmp rdx, webserver_initialsend
ja .senduntilpartial
push r9
call qword [rcx+io_vsend]
pop rsi
mov rdi, rbx
call webserver$log
; we can cleanup our response object now that we are done with it
mov rdi, r13
call mimelike$destroy
; so now, if sentpartial, we return 0 from here no matter what
cmp dword [rbx+webserver_sentpartial_ofs], 0
jne .zeroret_complete
; if the connection should be closed (flag & 1 == 0), we return 1
test dword [rbx+webserver_flags_ofs], 1
jnz .zeroret_complete
; cleanup the outstanding request object
cmp qword [rbx+webserver_request_ofs], 0
je .oneret_norequest
mov rdi, [rbx+webserver_request_ofs]
mov qword [rbx+webserver_request_ofs], 0
call mimelike$destroy
mov eax, 1
pop r14 r13 rbx
mov eax, 1
pop r14 r13 rbx
; cleanup the outstanding request object
cmp qword [rbx+webserver_request_ofs], 0
je .zeroret_complete_norequest
mov rdi, [rbx+webserver_request_ofs]
mov qword [rbx+webserver_request_ofs], 0
call mimelike$destroy
xor eax, eax
pop r14 r13 rbx
xor eax, eax
pop r14 r13 rbx
if webserver_breach_mitigation
cleartext .xnb, 'X-NB'
end if
if webserver_hsts
cleartext .hsts, 'Strict-Transport-Security'
cleartext .hstsvalue, 'max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains'
end if
; so we know that r13+xmitbody is the buffer we are actually sending
mov rax, [r13+mimelike_xmitbody_ofs]
mov qword [rbx+webserver_inflightcb_ofs], buffer$destroy
mov [rbx+webserver_inflightcbarg_ofs], rax
; so now, set inflight and inflightlen to rsi, rdx
mov [rbx+webserver_inflight_ofs], rsi
mov [rbx+webserver_inflightlen_ofs], rdx
; the dword at r9 is our actual object length, not our send length
; but r8 is the one we need to set inflightsent to _negative_
sub [rbx+webserver_inflightsent_ofs], r8
; modify our inflight/len pointers by webserver_initialsend
add qword [rbx+webserver_inflight_ofs], webserver_initialsend
sub qword [rbx+webserver_inflightlen_ofs], webserver_initialsend
add qword [rbx+webserver_inflightsent_ofs], webserver_initialsend
push rdi rsi rcx
; create a new buffer for mimelike
call buffer$new
mov [r13+mimelike_xmitbody_ofs], rax
; now we can destroy the response
mov rdi, r13
call mimelike$destroy
pop rcx rsi rdi
mov edx, webserver_initialsend
; go ahead and send out the first bit
call qword [rcx+io_vsend]
cmp dword [rbx+webserver_sentpartial_ofs], 0
jne .zeroret
; otherwise, keep going
mov eax, webserver_subsequentsend
mov rdi, rbx
mov rcx, [rbx]
mov rsi, [rbx+webserver_inflight_ofs]
mov rdx, [rbx+webserver_inflightlen_ofs]
cmp rdx, rax
cmova rdx, rax
add [rbx+webserver_inflight_ofs], rdx
sub [rbx+webserver_inflightlen_ofs], rdx
add [rbx+webserver_inflightsent_ofs], rdx
call qword [rcx+io_vsend]
cmp dword [rbx+webserver_sentpartial_ofs], 0
jne .zeroret
cmp qword [rbx+webserver_inflightlen_ofs], 0
jne .senduntilpartial_loop
; so if we made it to here, we sent everything out without a partial send
; (which _is_ possible depending on the underlying transport and our settings)
; first up, clear all inflight goods
mov qword [rbx+webserver_inflight_ofs], 0
mov qword [rbx+webserver_inflightcb_ofs], 0
mov rdi, [rbx+webserver_inflightcbarg_ofs]
mov qword [rbx+webserver_inflightcbarg_ofs], 0
call buffer$destroy
; now our logging exercise:
mov rdi, rbx
mov rsi, [rbx+webserver_inflightsent_ofs]
call webserver$log
; if the connection should be closed (flag & 1 == 0), we return 1
test dword [rbx+webserver_flags_ofs], 1
jnz .zeroret_complete
; cleanup the outstanding request object
cmp qword [rbx+webserver_request_ofs], 0
je .oneret_norequest
mov rdi, [rbx+webserver_request_ofs]
mov qword [rbx+webserver_request_ofs], 0
call mimelike$destroy
mov eax, 1
pop r14 r13 rbx
; > webserver_bigfile, so we handle these a bit differently to avoid
; double buffering the file itself
; we need to know which body is in use, bodyext or the body buffer
mov rcx, [r13+mimelike_body_ofs]
mov rdx, [r13+mimelike_bodyext_ofs]
mov rax, [r13+mimelike_bodyextlen_ofs]
mov r8, [rcx+buffer_itself_ofs]
mov r9, [rcx+buffer_length_ofs]
test r9, r9
jnz .sendinsegments_bodybuffer
; otherwise, it is bodyext we are sending (and if we were done from the file based handler,
; then inflightcb and inflightcbarg are already set
mov [rbx+webserver_inflight_ofs], rdx
mov [rbx+webserver_inflightlen_ofs], rax
; clear the bodyext pointers in the response buffer itself
mov qword [r13+mimelike_bodyext_ofs], 0
mov qword [r13+mimelike_bodyextlen_ofs], 0
jmp .sendinsegments_ready
; see notes above, but we set/use inflightcb to do our cleanup of the real
; transmit body, unlike external above which is caller-specified
mov [rbx+webserver_inflight_ofs], r8
mov [rbx+webserver_inflightlen_ofs], r9
mov qword [rbx+webserver_inflightcb_ofs], buffer$destroy
mov [rbx+webserver_inflightcbarg_ofs], rcx
; so now, we need to "unhook" the buffer that is actually the mimelike body
; with a brand new empty one (so that its destroy still works properly)
call buffer$new
mov [r13+mimelike_body_ofs], rax
; first things first, we have to set the content length header, because
; mimelike$compose, with no body, leaves the headers untouched/as-is
cmp dword [r13+mimelike_nomolest_ofs], 0
jne .sendinsegments_skipcl
mov qword [rbx+webserver_inflightsent_ofs], 0
mov rdi, [rbx+webserver_inflightlen_ofs]
mov esi, 10
call string$from_unsigned
mov rdi, r13
mov rsi, mimelike$contentlength
mov rdx, rax
call mimelike$setheader_novaluecopy
; clear the sentpartial flag just ins
mov dword [rbx+webserver_sentpartial_ofs], 0
; our response object body should be clear, which means compose will only compose the headers and preface
mov rdi, r13
call mimelike$compose
; so now, we have to do two separate sends, one for the response object's xmitbody
; and one for our first "inflight chunk"
if webserverdebug
mov rcx, [r13+mimelike_xmitbody_ofs]
mov eax, syscall_write
mov edi, 1
mov rsi, [rcx+buffer_itself_ofs]
mov rdx, [r13+mimelike_hdrlen_ofs]
end if
mov rcx, [r13+mimelike_xmitbody_ofs]
mov rdx, [r13+mimelike_hdrlen_ofs]
mov rdi, rbx
mov rsi, [rcx+buffer_itself_ofs]
mov rcx, [rdi]
call qword [rcx+io_vsend]
; so now we are done with our response object
mov rdi, r13
call mimelike$destroy
; so now, we have our inflight goods all ready to roll, send until we get a partial (or we send it all out)
; (which, depending on transport layer and our settings, is certainly possible)
; send our first inflight chunk (we don't need to check for length)
if webserver_initialsend >= webserver_bigfile
display 'webserver_initialsend must be < webserver_bigfile',10
end if
mov rdi, rbx
mov edx, webserver_initialsend
mov rsi, [rbx+webserver_inflight_ofs]
mov rcx, [rdi]
sub [rbx+webserver_inflightlen_ofs], rdx
add [rbx+webserver_inflight_ofs], rdx
add [rbx+webserver_inflightsent_ofs], rdx
call qword [rcx+io_vsend]
cmp dword [rbx+webserver_sentpartial_ofs], 0
jne .zeroret
; otherwise, keep going until we get a partial send, or until we run out of data
mov eax, webserver_subsequentsend
mov rdi, rbx
mov rcx, [rbx]
mov rsi, [rbx+webserver_inflight_ofs]
mov rdx, [rbx+webserver_inflightlen_ofs]
cmp rdx, rax
cmova rdx, rax
add [rbx+webserver_inflight_ofs], rdx
sub [rbx+webserver_inflightlen_ofs], rdx
add [rbx+webserver_inflightsent_ofs], rdx
call qword [rcx+io_vsend]
cmp dword [rbx+webserver_sentpartial_ofs], 0
jne .zeroret
cmp qword [rbx+webserver_inflightlen_ofs], 0
jne .sendinsegments_loop
; if we made it to here without ever hitting a partial send
; then it is time to finish up our actions
mov rdi, rbx
mov rsi, [rbx+webserver_inflightsent_ofs]
call webserver$log
; clear our inflight buffer ptr
mov qword [rbx+webserver_inflight_ofs], 0
; deal with our inflightcb if one exists:
cmp qword [rbx+webserver_inflightcb_ofs], 0
je .sendinsegments_finish_nocb
mov rdi, [rbx+webserver_inflightcbarg_ofs]
call qword [rbx+webserver_inflightcb_ofs]
; clear them
mov qword [rbx+webserver_inflightcb_ofs], 0
mov qword [rbx+webserver_inflightcbarg_ofs], 0
; if the connection should be closed (flags & 1 == 0), we return 1
test dword [rbx+webserver_flags_ofs], 1
jnz .zeroret_complete
; cleanup the outstanding request object
cmp qword [rbx+webserver_request_ofs], 0
je .oneret_norequest
mov rdi, [rbx+webserver_request_ofs]
mov qword [rbx+webserver_request_ofs], 0
call mimelike$destroy
mov eax, 1
pop r14 r13 rbx
xor eax, eax
pop r14 r13 rbx
cleartext .closestr, 'close'
cleartext .keepalivestr, 'keep-alive'
cleartext .serverstr, 'Server'
cleartext .ident, 'HeavyThing'
cleartext .datestr, 'Date'
end if
if used webserver$init | defined include_everything
; no arguments, called from ht$init to initialize our webserver dateformat, log and errorlog formatter objects
prolog webserver$init
xor edi, edi
call formatter$new
mov [webserver$dateformat], rax
mov rdi, rax
call formatter$add_rfc5322datetime
mov edi, 1
call formatter$new
mov [webserver$logformat], rax
mov rdi, rax
xor esi, esi
call formatter$add_string
mov rdi, [webserver$logformat]
xor esi, esi
call formatter$add_string
mov rdi, [webserver$logformat]
mov rsi, .nouserident
call formatter$add_static
mov rdi, [webserver$logformat]
mov esi, 1
call formatter$add_datetime
mov rdi, [webserver$logformat]
xor esi, esi
call formatter$add_quotedstring
mov rdi, [webserver$logformat]
xor esi, esi
xor edx, edx
call formatter$add_unsigned
mov rdi, [webserver$logformat]
xor esi, esi
xor edx, edx
call formatter$add_unsigned
mov rdi, [webserver$logformat]
xor esi, esi
call formatter$add_quotedstring
mov rdi, [webserver$logformat]
xor esi, esi
call formatter$add_quotedstring
mov edi, 1
call formatter$new
mov [webserver$errorformat], rax
mov rdi, rax
mov esi, 1
call formatter$add_datetime
mov rdi, [webserver$errorformat]
xor esi, esi
call formatter$add_string
mov rdi, [webserver$errorformat]
xor esi, esi
call formatter$add_quotedstring
xor edi, edi
call formatter$new
mov [webservercfg$lognameformat], rax
mov rdi, rax
xor esi, esi
call formatter$add_string
mov rdi, [webservercfg$lognameformat]
call formatter$add_yyyymmdd
; so, our normal log format is:
; string Host
; string IP
; double current time
; string request preface
; unsigned response code
; unsigned object length
; string referer
; string user agent
; and our error log format is:
; double current time
; string IP
; string error message
cleartext .nouserident, '- -'
end if
if used webserver$newtimer | defined include_everything
; single argument in rdi: our webserver object
; if one of your handlers returns -1 (and thus the webserver handler just sits there)
; then whenever you are done and have responded, you _should_ call this to make sure
; that the connection ends up being terminated after 30 seconds of no request arrival
prolog webserver$newtimer
cmp qword [rdi+webserver_timer_ofs], 0
jne .doreset
push rdi
mov rsi, rdi
mov edi, 30000
call epoll$timer_new
pop rdi
mov [rdi+webserver_timer_ofs], rax
if webservertimerdebug
push rdi
mov rdi, .debug1
call string$to_stdout
mov rdi, [rsp]
mov esi, 16
call string$from_unsigned
push rax
mov rdi, rax
call string$to_stdout
pop rdi
call heap$free
mov rdi, .debugnew
call string$to_stdout
mov rdx, [rsp]
mov esi, 16
mov rdi, [rdx+webserver_timer_ofs]
call string$from_unsigned
push rax
mov rdi, rax
call string$to_stdoutln
pop rdi
call heap$free
pop rdi
end if
if webservertimerdebug
push rdi
mov rdi, .debug1
call string$to_stdout
mov rdi, [rsp]
mov esi, 16
call string$from_unsigned
push rax
mov rdi, rax
call string$to_stdout
pop rdi
call heap$free
mov rdi, .debugreset
call string$to_stdout
mov rdx, [rsp]
mov esi, 16
mov rdi, [rdx+webserver_timer_ofs]
call string$from_unsigned
push rax
mov rdi, rax
call string$to_stdoutln
pop rdi
call heap$free
pop rdi
end if
mov rdi, [rdi+webserver_timer_ofs]
call epoll$timer_reset
if webservertimerdebug
cleartext .debug1, 'webserver$newtimer, we are: '
cleartext .debugnew, ' new timer at: '
cleartext .debugreset, ' resetting timer at: '
end if
end if
if used webserver$cleartimer | defined include_everything
; single argument in rdi: our webserver object
; if there is a timer object, we blast it
prolog webserver$cleartimer
cmp qword [rdi+webserver_timer_ofs], 0
je .nothingtodo
if webservertimerdebug
push rdi
mov rdi, .debug1
call string$to_stdout
mov rdi, [rsp]
mov esi, 16
call string$from_unsigned
push rax
mov rdi, rax
call string$to_stdout
pop rdi
call heap$free
mov rdi, .debugclear
call string$to_stdout
mov rdx, [rsp]
mov esi, 16
mov rdi, [rdx+webserver_timer_ofs]
call string$from_unsigned
push rax
mov rdi, rax
call string$to_stdoutln
pop rdi
call heap$free
pop rdi
end if
mov rsi, rdi
mov rdi, [rdi+webserver_timer_ofs]
mov qword [rsi+webserver_timer_ofs], 0
call epoll$timer_clear
if webservertimerdebug
push rdi
mov rdi, .debug1
call string$to_stdout
mov rdi, [rsp]
mov esi, 16
call string$from_unsigned
push rax
mov rdi, rax
call string$to_stdout
pop rdi
call heap$free
mov rdi, .debugnada
call string$to_stdoutln
pop rdi
end if
if webservertimerdebug
cleartext .debug1, 'webserver$cleartimer, we are: '
cleartext .debugclear, ' clearing timer at: '
cleartext .debugnada, ' no timer object to clear.'
end if
end if
if used webserver$receive | defined include_everything
; three arguments: rdi == our webserver object, rsi == ptr to data, rdx == length of same
prolog webserver$receive
push rbx
mov rbx, rdi
mov rdi, [rdi+webserver_accum_ofs]
call buffer$append
mov dword [rbx+webserver_needmore_ofs], 0
mov rdi, rbx
call webserver$check_accum
cmp dword [rbx+webserver_needmore_ofs], 0
jne .loopdone
test eax, eax
jz .loop
; NOTE: check_accum's return will be our return
pop rbx
cmp qword [rbx+webserver_request_ofs], 0
jne .loopdone
; if there is < 16 bytes in the accum, also return
mov rsi, [rbx+webserver_accum_ofs]
cmp qword [rsi+buffer_length_ofs], 16
jb .loopdone
; otherwise, recall check_accum again
mov dword [rbx+webserver_needmore_ofs], 0
mov rdi, rbx
call webserver$check_accum
cmp dword [rbx+webserver_needmore_ofs], 0
jne .loopdone
test eax, eax
jz .loop
pop rbx
pop rbx
end if
if used webserver$check_accum | defined include_everything
; single argument in rdi: our webserver object
; NOTE: this is called from sendresponse, as well as the above receive so that we can do pipelining safely
; we return in accordance with the epoll$receive goods, 0 == stay happy, 1 == death on a stick
prolog webserver$check_accum
; if we are already servicing a request, don't do anything
cmp qword [rdi+webserver_request_ofs], 0
jne .busy
push rbx
mov rbx, rdi
; rather than perpetually call mimelike$new_parse to determine whether we have a complete
; request, the most common case is a normal request, so quickly scan our buffer for a header
; before we bother with parsing and error discovery
mov rdi, [rdi+webserver_accum_ofs]
mov ecx, webserver_maxheader ; the maximum size we'll allow for a request header
mov rsi, [rdi+buffer_itself_ofs]
mov rdx, [rdi+buffer_length_ofs]
mov r8, rsi
cmp rdx, rcx
cmova rdx, rcx
cmp rdx, 16
jb .needmore
cmp edx, 4
jb .headerscan_lessthanfourleft
cmp dword [rsi], 0xa0d0a0d
je .headerfound
cmp edx, 2
jb .headerscan_nodeal
cmp word [rsi], 0xa0a
je .headerfound
add rsi, 1
sub edx, 1
jnz .headerscan
; if we made it to here, check the length overall
cmp [rdi+buffer_length_ofs], rcx
jae .bloatedheader
jmp .needmore
cmp word [rsi], 0xa0a
je .headerfound
add rsi, 1
sub edx, 1
jz .headerscan_nodeal
cmp word [rsi] ,0xa0a
je .headerfound
jmp .headerscan_nodeal
cleartext .hoststr, 'Host'
; temporarily set our requestlen to however far we made it
mov r9, rsi
sub r9, r8
mov r10, r9
add r10, 4
add r9, 2
cmp word [rsi], 0xa0d
cmove r9, r10
mov [rbx+webserver_requestlen_ofs], r9
; sanity only: remove me
cmp qword [rbx+webserver_fcgihooked_ofs], 0
jne .badclient
cmp qword [rbx+webserver_inflight_ofs], 0
jne .badclient
; end sanity only
; the beginning of our request must of course be one of:
; we are only interested in the first three however
cmp dword [r8], 'GET '
je .headerproceed
cmp dword [r8], 'HEAD'
je .headerproceed
cmp dword [r8], 'POST'
je .headerproceed_post
; otherwise, puke a 501 Not Implemented
mov edi, 501
jmp .do_error_nostack
mov edi, 400
jmp .do_error_nostack
if webserverdebug
cleartext .debugbusy, 'webserver$check_accum, busy!'
end if
; we are already servicing a request, so jsut return 0 and be done
if webserverdebug
mov rdi, .debugbusy
call string$to_stdoutln
end if
xor eax, eax
; go ahead and use our entire buffer length for mimelike$new_parse
if webserverdebug
push rdi r8
mov eax, syscall_write
mov rsi, r8
mov rdx, [rdi+buffer_length_ofs]
mov edi, 1
pop r8 rdi
end if
mov rsi, [rdi+buffer_length_ofs]
mov rdi, r8
mov edx, 1 ; headers only please
mov ecx, 1 ; preface aka start line exists
call mimelike$new_parse
; this _must_ succeed, unlike POST where we'll hang out until it does
mov edi, 400
test rax, rax
jz .do_error_nostack
mov rcx, [rax+mimelike_parselen_ofs]
; there can be no previous request object, so all we have to do is set it
mov [rbx+webserver_request_ofs], rax
cmp qword [rax+mimelike_preface_ofs], 0
je .rejectrequest
mov [rbx+webserver_requestlen_ofs], rcx
; first things first, use the mimelike_user_ofs to store the request method
mov rdi, [rbx+webserver_accum_ofs]
xor ecx, ecx
mov rsi, [rdi+buffer_itself_ofs]
mov edx, 1
mov r8d, 2
mov r9d, 4
mov r10d, 5
cmp dword [rsi], 'HEAD'
cmove ecx, edx
cmove r9d, r10d
cmp dword [rsi], 'POST'
cmove ecx, r8d
cmove r9d, r10d
mov [rax+mimelike_user_ofs], ecx
; next up: we need to parse the preface to construct our fully formed URL and
; so [rsi+r9] == start of the url request, we need to walk forward from there until we find a space (or worse, CR/LF)
lea rdi, [rsi+r9]
xor esi, esi
mov edx, 1
movzx ecx, byte [rdi+rsi]
cmp ecx, 32
je .handlerequest_parsepreface_done
cmp ecx, 13
je .fail_preface
cmp ecx, 10
je .fail_preface
add esi, 1
add edx, 1
jmp .handlerequest_parsepreface
test esi, esi
jz .fail_preface
; so, rdi + esi are all setup for a string$from_utf8 to construct our url portion
mov ecx, [rdi+rdx+4]
cmp dword [rdi+rdx], 'HTTP'
jne .fail_httpversion
mov r8d, ecx
and ecx, 0x00ffffff
cmp ecx, '/1.'
jne .fail_httpversion
shr r8d, 24
cmp r8d, '0'
jb .fail_httpversion
cmp r8d, '1'
ja .fail_httpversion
sub r8d, '0'
; rax is still pointing to our request object
mov dword [rax+mimelike_user_ofs+4], r8d
; so now we can construct our url path portion
call string$from_utf8
push rax
; we need to check to see whether it is a fully formed URL or not
xor edi, edi
mov rsi, rax
call url$new
test rax, rax
jnz .fullyqualifiedrequest
; failing that, if the request string doesn't start with a /, puke a 400
mov rdi, [rsp]
cmp qword [rdi], 0
je .badrequeststring
if string_bits = 32
cmp dword [rdi+8], '/'
cmp word [rdi+8], '/'
end if
jne .badrequeststring
; otherwise, looking good so far, now its time to construct our request URL
; the request _must_ contain a Host header so we can construct our url
mov rdi, [rbx+webserver_request_ofs]
mov rsi, .hoststr
call mimelike$getheader
test rax, rax
jz .badrequeststring
; ultimately it needs to be lowercased
mov rdi, rax
call string$to_lower
push rax
; so now, depending on whether webserver_istls_ofs is set or not, depends on how we construct our fully qualified URL
mov rcx, [rbx+webserver_config_ofs]
mov rdi, .httpcolonslashslash
mov rsi, .httpscolonslashslash
cmp dword [rcx+webservercfg_istls_ofs], 0
cmovne rdi, rsi
mov rsi, rax
call string$concat
mov rdi, [rsp]
mov [rsp], rax
call heap$free
; so now we have http://hostname
; hmmm, TODO: should we add a :port to the authority section if it is nonstandard?
; we really aren't making use of the full URL comparison, other than to make it easier later
; to parse/deal with path munging, etc... hmmm, scratch myself some more about this later
; next up is to concat our request string to that
mov rdi, [rsp]
mov rsi, [rsp+8]
call string$concat
mov rdi, [rsp+8]
mov [rsp+8], rax
call heap$free
pop rdi
call heap$free
; so now, we have a full request url string in [rsp], and our mimelike object at [rbx+webserver_request_ofs]
xor edi, edi
mov rsi, [rsp]
call url$new
test rax, rax
jz .badrequeststring
mov rdi, [rsp]
mov [rsp], rax ; the url object
call heap$free
; so now, [rsp] == url object, [rbx+webserver_request_ofs] == mimelike request object
; fallthrough to processrequest
; [rsp] == url object, [rbx+webserver_request_ofs] == mimelike request object
; proceed with normal handling...
; first up, clear our waiting for a request timer:
mov rdi, rbx
call webserver$cleartimer
; determine our response parameters before we proceed
; flags:
; 0x1 == our reply will be Connection: keep-alive, or if bit 1 not set, close
; 0x2 == whether to gzip our output
; 0x4 == whether to chunk our output
mov dword [rbx+webserver_flags_ofs], 1 ; default to keep-alive
mov rdi, [rbx+webserver_request_ofs]
mov rsi, .connectionstr
call mimelike$getheader
test rax, rax
jz .noconnectionheader
mov rdi, rax
mov rsi, .closestr
call string$starts_with
xor ecx, ecx
mov edx, 1
test eax, eax
cmovnz edx, ecx
mov dword [rbx+webserver_flags_ofs], edx ; if Connection: close, no deal
jmp .processrequest_checkgzip
cleartext .connectionstr, 'Connection'
cleartext .closestr, 'close'
cleartext .gzipstr, 'gzip'
cleartext .acceptencoding, 'Accept-Encoding'
mov rdi, [rbx+webserver_request_ofs]
xor ecx, ecx
mov edx, 1
cmp dword [rdi+mimelike_user_ofs+4], 0
cmovne ecx, edx
mov dword [rbx+webserver_flags_ofs], ecx ; if HTTP/1.0, default to close it
mov rdi, [rbx+webserver_request_ofs]
mov rsi, .acceptencoding
call mimelike$getheader
test rax, rax
jz .processrequest_doit
mov rdi, rax
mov rsi, .gzipstr
call string$indexof
cmp rax, 0
jl .processrequest_doit
or dword [rbx+webserver_flags_ofs], 2 ; enable gzip on output
; one more flag to set, and that is whether to consider chunked encoding
xor ecx, ecx
mov edx, 4
mov rdi, [rbx+webserver_request_ofs]
cmp dword [rdi+mimelike_user_ofs+4], 0
cmovne ecx, edx
or dword [rbx+webserver_flags_ofs], ecx ; go ahead and set chunked headers on reply
; first, pass these off to our vrequest method, as this allows for "request URL rewriting" prior to
; the normal webservercfg handlers dealing with it
mov rdi, rbx
mov rsi, [rsp]
mov rdx, [rbx+webserver_request_ofs]
mov rcx, [rdi]
call qword [rcx+webserver_vrequest]
; if we got a -1, consume all of our accum buffer, and silently bailout without doing anything else
cmp rax, -1
je .request_donothing
; if we got a null, proceed to webservercfg handling
; anything else == it must be a mimelike response object, so send it down the line and reset our accum
test rax, rax
jnz .request_doresponse
; let the webservercfg object come up with a return for us
mov rdi, [rbx+webserver_config_ofs]
mov rsi, rbx
mov rdx, [rsp]
mov rcx, [rbx+webserver_request_ofs]
call webservercfg$handler
; similar story here, if we got a -1, consume all of our accum buffer and bailout
cmp rax, -1
je .request_donothing
; if we got a null, fire back a 404
test rax, rax
jnz .request_doresponse
; otherwise, fire off a 404 properly
mov esi, 404
mov rdi, [rbx+webserver_config_ofs]
call webservercfg$error
; fallthrough to request_doresponse
; rax == mimelike response object, [rsp] == url object, [rbx+webserver_request_ofs] == mimelike request object
mov r8, [rbx+webserver_request_ofs]
; sendresponse will destroy the response object, but not the URL
mov rdi, rbx
mov rsi, rax ; the response object
mov edx, [r8+mimelike_user_ofs] ; GET, HEAD, POST (0, 1, 2) (so it knows whether to include the body or not)
call webserver$sendresponse
mov rdi, [rsp]
mov [rsp], rax ; the return from sendresponse
call url$destroy
; we do not destroy the mimelike request object so that the logging mechanism can extract data from it
mov rdi, [rbx+webserver_accum_ofs]
mov rsi, [rbx+webserver_requestlen_ofs]
test rsi, rsi
jz .request_doresponse_fullreset
call buffer$consume
; start up a new request timer, but only if sentpartial is 0
cmp dword [rbx+webserver_sentpartial_ofs], 0
jne .request_doresponse_nonewtimer
mov rdi, rbx
call webserver$newtimer
; let its return be our return (0 == no death, 1 == death)
pop rax
pop rbx
call buffer$reset
cmp dword [rbx+webserver_sentpartial_ofs], 0
jne .request_doresponse_nonewtimer
mov rdi, rbx
call webserver$newtimer
jmp .request_doresponse_nonewtimer
; edi == error code, stack is clear
mov esi, edi
mov rdi, [rbx+webserver_config_ofs]
call webservercfg$error
mov rdi, rbx
mov rsi, rax ; the response object
xor edx, edx ; GET/HEAD/POST error reply we don't care much
call webserver$sendresponse
push rax
; consume from our accumulator
mov rdi, [rbx+webserver_accum_ofs]
mov rsi, [rbx+webserver_requestlen_ofs]
test rsi, rsi
jz .do_error_nostack_fullreset
call buffer$consume
; start up a new request timer
mov rdi, rbx
call webserver$newtimer
pop rax
pop rbx
call buffer$reset
; start up a new request timer
mov rdi, rbx
call webserver$newtimer
pop rax
pop rbx
mov rdi, [rbx+webserver_accum_ofs]
mov rsi, [rbx+webserver_requestlen_ofs]
test rsi, rsi
jz .request_donothing_fullreset
call buffer$consume
; NOTE: we do _not_ startup a new timer here, up to the implementation that decided to return -1
; to deal with that.
; free our url
pop rdi
call url$destroy
xor eax, eax ; don't kill us off
pop rbx
call buffer$reset
; free our url
pop rdi
call url$destroy
xor eax, eax ; don't kill us off
pop rbx
mov rdi, [rsp]
mov [rsp], rax ; the url object
call heap$free
; so now, [rsp] == url object, [rbx+webserver_request_ofs] == mimelike object
; update 20160808: so that we "correctly" respond to absoluteURI forms,
; the descending code from this point forward relies on the Host: header
; being present, which is redundant in the case of an absoluteURI being
; received in the GET/POST/HEAD request...
; so...
; if the request object has a host header already, we'll leave it, otherwise
; we'll set one from the url_host_ofs of the fully qualified request object
mov rdi, [rbx+webserver_request_ofs]
mov rsi, .host
call mimelike$getheader
test rax, rax
jnz .processrequest ; proceed, one exists.
; otherwise, we'll set one
mov rcx, [rsp]
mov rdi, [rbx+webserver_request_ofs]
mov rsi, .host
mov rdx, [rcx+url_host_ofs]
call mimelike$setheader
jmp .processrequest
cleartext .httpslashonedot, 'HTTP/1.'
cleartext .host, 'Host'
cleartext .httpcolonslashslash, 'http://'
cleartext .httpscolonslashslash, 'https://'
; [rsp] == request string
; and then fire off a 400 bad request
pop rdi
call heap$free
mov edi, 400
jmp .do_error_nostack
mov edi, 505
jmp .do_error_nostack
mov edi, 400
jmp .do_error_nostack
; 400 bad request
mov edi, 400
jmp .do_error_nostack
if webserverdebug
push rdi r8
mov eax, syscall_write
mov rsi, r8
mov rdx, [rdi+buffer_length_ofs]
mov edi, 1
pop r8 rdi
end if
mov rsi, [rdi+buffer_length_ofs]
mov rdi, r8
xor edx, edx ; complete request required
mov ecx, 1 ; preface aka start line exists
call mimelike$new_parse
; if that didn't succeed, we most likely need more data
test rax, rax
jz .needmore_maxrequestcheck
jmp .handlerequest
; as opposed to returning an error here, drop the connection
; the spec of course says we should return a properly formed error, but
; since we didn't even find the end of the header inside our limit
; it is likely malformed/garbage anyway, so silent death here on purpose
if webserverdebug
mov rdi, .s_bloatedheader
call string$to_stdoutln
end if
mov eax, 1 ; silent suicide please
pop rbx
if webserverdebug
cleartext .s_bloatedheader, 'bloatedheader'
end if
; make sure we haven't accumulated more than our max, or die
; (this prevents memory starvation attacks)
; webserver_maxrequest
mov rdi, [rbx+webserver_accum_ofs]
cmp qword [rdi+buffer_length_ofs], webserver_maxrequest
ja .bloatedheader ; will drop us just the same
; we need to reset our timer so that our post upload doesn't timeout prematurely:
mov rdi, rbx
call webserver$newtimer
mov dword [rbx+webserver_needmore_ofs], 1
xor eax, eax ; don't kill us off
pop rbx
end if
if used webserver$timeout | defined include_everything
; single argument in rdi == our webserver object
prolog webserver$timeout
; when our destruct comes in, we need to know the origin of the destruction
; came from here (because the epoll layer will cleanup our timer for us, but
; otherwise, we'll need to manage cleaning it up ourselves)
push rdi
if webservertimerdebug
mov rdi, .debug1
call string$to_stdout
mov rdi, [rsp]
mov esi, 16
call string$from_unsigned
push rax
mov rdi, rax
call string$to_stdout
pop rdi
call heap$free
mov rdi, .debug2
call string$to_stdout
mov rdx, [rsp]
mov esi, 16
mov rdi, [rdx+webserver_timer_ofs]
call string$from_unsigned
push rax
mov rdi, rax
call string$to_stdoutln
pop rdi
call heap$free
mov rdi, [rsp]
end if
call tls$closenotify
pop rdi
mov dword [rdi+webserver_timedout_ofs], 1
mov eax, 1 ; suicide please
if webservertimerdebug
cleartext .debug1, 'webserver$timeout, we are at: '
cleartext .debug2, ' timer is at: '
end if
end if
if used webserver$request | defined include_everything
; three arguments: rdi == our webserver object, rsi == request url, rdx == mimelike object of the request
; NOTE: default implementation here doesn't do anything (which will let the webservercfg layer handle it)
prolog webserver$request
xor eax, eax
end if