; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
; HeavyThing x86_64 assembly language library and showcase programs
; Copyright © 2015-2018 2 Ton Digital
; Homepage: https://2ton.com.au/
; Author: Jeff Marrison <jeff@2ton.com.au>
; This file is part of the HeavyThing library.
; HeavyThing is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, or
; (at your option) any later version.
; HeavyThing is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
; GNU General Public License for more details.
; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
; with the HeavyThing library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
; master.inc: webslap master process goods
; so that we can delay launch until after our splash screen:
workers dq 0
; test variables
begin dq 0 ; timestamp of when we actually started the test
begin_msecs dq 0 ; ctime in milliseconds of start
completed dq 0 ; how many requests we have completed
failed dq 0 ; how many requests actually failed (webclient_fail_{dns,preconnect,closed,timeout})
non2xx dq 0 ; how many requests returned a non 2xx result (not including fails)
keepalives dq 0 ; how many requests were sent in an already-open http session
total_received dq 0 ; how many bytes in total (not including TLS overhead) we received
header_received dq 0 ; how many bytes of http headers we received
body_received dq 0 ; how many bytes of decoded body we received (this includes ungzip'd body sizes, unchunking, etc)
; we keep an unsignedmap of total times
timing_ttime dq 0 ; ttime == total time it took from the time we issued the request til when it finished
ctime_min dq -1
ctime_max dq 0
ctime_total dq 0
dtime_min dq -1
dtime_max dq 0
dtime_total dq 0
wait_min dq -1
wait_max dq 0
wait_total dq 0
; per-response timing map (keyed by int of response code)
responsemap dq 0
; per-URL timing map, which is a map of responsemaps
urlmap dq 0
; unique Server header map
servermap dq 0
; unique X-Powered-By header map
xpoweredbymap dq 0
; TSV working buffer
tsvbuf dq 0
; counters for noui status updates
reqdivten dq 0
reqdivctr dq 0
; spot that build_json sticks its results into
master_json dq 0
; formatter object for the completed timestamp
datetimeformat dq 0
; noui formatters
noui_rmap dq 0
noui_unsigned dq 0
noui_dec2 dq 0
noui_dec3 dq 0
noui_timeformat dq 0
include 'master_ui.inc'
; no arguments, main entrypoint from webslap.asm/_start:
; Note to self: Hahah, all my local-labelled functions inside here is pretty poor form, hahah
; TODO: Someday when I am bored, come back through and clean this up.
prolog master
call list$new
mov [workers], rax
xor edi, edi
call unsignedmap$new
mov [timing_ttime], rax
xor edi, edi
call unsignedmap$new
mov [responsemap], rax
mov edi, 1
call stringmap$new
mov [urlmap], rax
mov rdi, [urls]
mov rsi, .urlmapinit
mov rdx, rax
call list$foreach_arg
mov edi, 1
call stringmap$new
mov [servermap], rax
mov edi, 1
call stringmap$new
mov [xpoweredbymap], rax
xor edi, edi
call formatter$new
mov [datetimeformat], rax
mov rdi, rax
call formatter$add_rfc5322datetime
; create our noui_rmap formatter
xor edi, edi
call formatter$new
mov [noui_rmap], rax
mov rdi, rax
mov rbx, rax
mov rsi, .doublespace
call formatter$add_static
mov rdi, rbx
mov esi, 1
mov edx, 7
call formatter$add_unsigned ; count
mov rdi, rbx
mov rsi, .doublespace
call formatter$add_static
mov rdi, rbx
mov esi, 1
mov edx, 7
call formatter$add_unsigned ; min
mov rdi, rbx
mov rsi, .doublespace
call formatter$add_static
mov rdi, rbx
mov esi, 1
mov edx, 7
call formatter$add_unsigned ; max
mov rdi, rbx
mov rsi, .doublespace
call formatter$add_static
mov rdi, rbx
mov esi, 1
mov edx, 7
call formatter$add_unsigned ; avg
mov rdi, rbx
mov rsi, .doublespace
call formatter$add_static
mov rdi, rbx
mov esi, 1
mov edx, 9
call formatter$add_unsigned ; hdrs
mov rdi, rbx
mov rsi, .doublespace
call formatter$add_static
mov rdi, rbx
mov esi, 1
mov edx, 9
call formatter$add_unsigned ; total
mov rdi, rbx
mov rsi, .doublespace
call formatter$add_static
mov rdi, rbx
mov esi, 1
mov edx, 9
call formatter$add_unsigned ; body
mov rdi, rbx
mov rsi, .lf
call formatter$add_static
xor edi, edi
call formatter$new
mov [noui_unsigned], rax
mov rdi, rax
mov esi, 1
xor edx, edx
call formatter$add_unsigned
xor edi, edi
call formatter$new
mov [noui_dec2], rax
mov rdi, rax
mov esi, double_string_fixed
mov edx, 2
xor ecx, ecx
mov r8d, 1
call formatter$add_double
xor edi, edi
call formatter$new
mov [noui_dec3], rax
mov rdi, rax
mov esi, double_string_fixed
mov edx, 3
xor ecx, ecx
mov r8d, 1
call formatter$add_double
xor edi, edi
call formatter$new
mov [noui_timeformat], rax
mov rbx, rax
mov rdi, rax
mov esi, 18
call formatter$add_string
mov rdi, rbx
mov esi, 1
mov edx, 7
call formatter$add_unsigned
mov rdi, rbx
mov rsi, .doublespace
call formatter$add_static
mov rdi, rbx
mov esi, 1
mov edx, 7
call formatter$add_unsigned
mov rdi, rbx
mov rsi, .doublespace
call formatter$add_static
mov rdi, rbx
mov esi, 1
mov edx, 7
call formatter$add_unsigned
mov rdi, rbx
mov rsi, .lf
call formatter$add_static
call buffer$new
mov [tsvbuf], rax
mov rdi, rax
mov rsi, .tsvheader
call buffer$append_string
xor edx, edx
mov ecx, 10
mov rax, [requests]
div rcx
mov [reqdivten], rax
mov [reqdivctr], rax
mov rbx, [cpucount]
xor r12d, r12d
mov rdi, .master_childcomms_vtable
mov rsi, worker
call epoll_child
test rax, rax
jz .forkfail
mov r13, rax
mov rdi, [workers]
mov rsi, rax
call list$push_back
push r12
mov rdi, r13
mov rsi, rsp
mov edx, 8
mov rcx, [r13]
call qword [rcx+io_vsend]
pop r12
add r12d, 1
sub ebx, 1
jnz .spawnloop
call timestamp
movq [begin], xmm0
call epoll$timestamp
mov [begin_msecs], rax
; so now all our children are fired up and know which # they are
; now all thats left is firing up our TUI and waiting for things to complete
cmp dword [do_ui], 0
je .noui
call master_ui
call epoll$run ; doesn't come back
epilog ; not reached
cleartext .tsvheader, 'URL',9,'time',9,'rcode',9,'ctime',9,'dtime',9,'ttime',9,'wait',10
mov rdi, .startmsg
call string$to_stdoutln
mov rdi, [workers]
mov rsi, .starting_gun
call list$foreach
call epoll$run ; doesn't come back
epilog ; not reached
cleartext .startmsg, 'Happily slapping...'
mov ecx, 'DOIT'
mov edx, 8
mov rax, [rdi]
push rcx
mov rsi, rsp
call qword [rax+io_vsend]
add rsp, 8
timemap_min_ofs = 0
timemap_max_ofs = 4
timemap_count_ofs = 8
timemap_headers_ofs = 12
timemap_time_ofs = 16
timemap_total_ofs = 24
timemap_body_ofs = 32
timemap_size = 40
; rdi == string url, rsi == urlmap
push rdi rsi
xor edi, edi
call unsignedmap$new
pop rdi rsi
mov rdx, rax
call stringmap$insert_unique
cleartext .doublespace, ' '
cleartext .lf, 10
; rdi == timemap object, esi == ttime, edx == hdrlen, rcx == totlen, r8 == bodylen
add dword [rdi+timemap_count_ofs], 1
add dword [rdi+timemap_headers_ofs], edx
add qword [rdi+timemap_total_ofs], rcx
mov r9d, [rdi+timemap_min_ofs]
mov r10d, [rdi+timemap_max_ofs]
cmp esi, r9d
cmovb r9d, esi
add qword [rdi+timemap_time_ofs], rsi
cmp esi, r10d
cmova r10d, esi
mov [rdi+timemap_min_ofs], r9d
mov [rdi+timemap_max_ofs], r10d
add qword [rdi+timemap_body_ofs], r8
; rdi == responsemap, esi == response code we are looking for
; returns timemap object in rax
push rdi rsi
call unsignedmap$find_value
test eax, eax
cmovnz rax, rdx
jz .responsemap_get_newone
pop rsi rdi
mov edi, timemap_size
call heap$alloc_clear
mov dword [rax+timemap_min_ofs], -1
mov rdi, [rsp+8]
mov rsi, [rsp]
mov [rsp], rax
mov rdx, rax
call unsignedmap$insert_unique
pop rax rdi
; even though this is declared as a private label with our master function, it is
; called wholly independently whenever one of our worker children say anything to us
; it is up to us to manage epoll_inbuf_ofs, but we get passed its start/end ptr anyway
push rbx r12 r13 r14 r15
; we know our comms from children come through atomically, so we don't bother to validate
; any of what we receive, it is known good
mov rbx, [rdi+epoll_inbuf_ofs]
mov r12, [rbx+buffer_itself_ofs]
mov r14, [rbx+buffer_length_ofs]
mov r15, r12
; each entry is prefaced by its entire length, make sure we have enough
cmp r14d, 4
jbe .childcomms_needmore
mov eax, [r12]
add r12, 4 ; our pointer
sub r14d, 4 ; how much remains
cmp eax, r14d
ja .childcomms_needmore
lea r15, [r12+rax] ; pointer to the next record
sub r14d, eax ; how much is left after this record
; otherwise, we have enough to proceed
push r12
mov rax, [r12]
if string_bits = 32
shl rax, 2
shl rax, 1
end if
add rax, 8
mov rdi, [tsvout]
add r12, rax
test rdi, rdi
jz .childcomms_skiptsv
mov r13, [tsvbuf]
mov rdi, r13
mov rsi, [rbx+buffer_itself_ofs]
call buffer$append_string
mov rdi, r13
mov esi, 9
call buffer$append_byte
mov rdi, [_epoll_tv_secs]
mov esi, 10
call string$from_int
push rax
mov rdi, r13
mov rsi, rax
call buffer$append_string
pop rdi
call heap$free
mov rdi, r13
mov esi, 9
call buffer$append_byte
movsxd rdi, dword [r12] ; response code
mov esi, 10
call string$from_int
push rax
mov rdi, r13
mov rsi, rax
call buffer$append_string
pop rdi
call heap$free
mov rdi, r13
mov esi, 9
call buffer$append_byte
movsxd rdi, dword [r12+28] ; ctime
mov esi, 10
call string$from_int
push rax
mov rdi, r13
mov rsi, rax
call buffer$append_string
pop rdi
call heap$free
mov rdi, r13
mov esi, 9
call buffer$append_byte
movsxd rdi, dword [r12+32] ; dtime
mov esi, 10
call string$from_int
push rax
mov rdi, r13
mov rsi, rax
call buffer$append_string
pop rdi
call heap$free
mov rdi, r13
mov esi, 9
call buffer$append_byte
movsxd rdi, dword [r12+36] ; ttime
mov esi, 10
call string$from_int
push rax
mov rdi, r13
mov rsi, rax
call buffer$append_string
pop rdi
call heap$free
mov rdi, r13
mov esi, 9
call buffer$append_byte
movsxd rdi, dword [r12+40] ; wait
mov esi, 10
call string$from_int
push rax
mov rdi, r13
mov rsi, rax
call buffer$append_string
pop rdi
call heap$free
mov rdi, r13
mov esi, 10
call buffer$append_byte
cmp qword [r13+buffer_length_ofs], 65536
jb .childcomms_skiptsv
mov rdi, r13
mov rsi, [tsvout]
call buffer$file_append
mov rdi, r13
call buffer$reset
; find our url in the urlmap
mov rdi, [urlmap]
pop rsi
call stringmap$find_value
mov r13, rdx
mov eax, [r12] ; response code
mov ecx, [r12+4] ; header size
mov rdx, [r12+8] ; body size
mov r8, [r12+16] ; bytes received
mov r9d, [r12+24] ; keepalive
add qword [completed], 1
mov r10, [failed]
mov r11, r10
add r11, 1
cmp eax, 0
cmovl r10, r11
mov [failed], r10
jl .childcomms_skipnon2xx
mov r10, [non2xx]
mov r11, r10
add r11, 1
cmp eax, 200
cmovb r10, r11
cmp eax, 300
cmovae r10, r11
mov [non2xx], r10
mov r10, [keepalives]
mov r11, r10
add r11, 1
test r9d, r9d
cmovnz r10, r11
mov [keepalives], r10
add [total_received], r8
add [header_received], rcx
add [body_received], rdx
mov edx, [r12+28]
mov r8d, [r12+32]
mov eax, dword [ctime_min]
mov ecx, dword [ctime_max]
mov r9d, dword [dtime_min]
mov r10d, dword [dtime_max]
cmp edx, eax
cmovb eax, edx
cmp edx, ecx
cmova ecx, edx
add qword [ctime_total], rdx
add qword [dtime_total], r8
cmp r8d, r9d
cmovb r9d, r8d
cmp r8d, r10d
cmova r10d, r8d
mov [ctime_min], rax
mov [ctime_max], rcx
mov [dtime_min], r9
mov [dtime_max], r10
mov rdi, [timing_ttime]
mov esi, [r12+36] ; key == ttime
mov edx, [r12] ; value == response code
call unsignedmap$insert
mov edx, [r12+40]
mov eax, dword [wait_min]
mov ecx, dword [wait_max]
cmp edx, eax
cmovb eax, edx
cmp edx, ecx
cmova ecx, edx
add qword [wait_total], rdx
mov [wait_min], rax
mov [wait_max], rcx
; r13 == urlmap responsemap object
mov rdi, r13
mov esi, [r12]
call .responsemap_get
mov rdi, rax
mov esi, [r12+36] ; ttime
mov edx, [r12+4] ; header length
mov rcx, [r12+16] ; total received
mov r8, [r12+8] ; bodylen
call .timemap_update
; now do the same for the overall responsemap, not just url based
mov rdi, [responsemap]
mov esi, [r12]
call .responsemap_get
mov rdi, rax
mov esi, [r12+36] ; ttime
mov edx, [r12+4] ; header length
mov rcx, [r12+16] ; total received
mov r8, [r12+8] ; bodylen
call .timemap_update
; after the wait time at [r12+40], we have a Server string identifier (which may be empty)
lea r12, [r12+44]
cmp qword [r12], 0
je .childcomms_serverhere
mov rdi, [servermap]
mov rsi, r12
call stringmap$find
test rax, rax
jnz .childcomms_serverhere
mov rdi, r12
call string$copy
mov rdi, [servermap]
mov rsi, rax
xor edx, edx
call stringmap$insert_unique
; skip the server, and go to the X-Powered-By
mov rsi, [r12]
if string_bits = 32
shl rsi, 2
shl rsi, 1
end if
lea r12, [r12+rsi+8]
cmp qword [r12], 0
je .childcomms_xpoweredbyhere
mov rdi, [xpoweredbymap]
mov rsi, r12
call stringmap$find
test rax, rax
jnz .childcomms_xpoweredbyhere
mov rdi, r12
call string$copy
mov rdi, [xpoweredbymap]
mov rsi, rax
xor edx, edx
call stringmap$insert_unique
; we already ahve a pointer to our next record
sub qword [requests], 1
jz .alldone
cmp dword [do_ui], 0
je .statuscheck
mov r12, r15
jmp .childcomms_processinput
if profiling
; profiling == no status output
jmp .nostatusupdate
end if
; if reqdivten is zero, no status updates required in the first place
cmp qword [reqdivten], 0
je .nostatusupdate
mov rax, [reqdivten]
sub qword [reqdivctr], 1
jnz .nostatusupdate
mov [reqdivctr], rax
mov rdi, .completedpreface
call string$to_stdout
mov rdi, [completed]
mov esi, 10
call string$from_unsigned
push rax
mov rdi, rax
call string$to_stdout
pop rdi
call heap$free
mov rdi, .completedpostface
call string$to_stdoutln
mov r12, r15
jmp .childcomms_processinput
cleartext .completedpreface, 'Completed '
cleartext .finishedpreface, 'Finished '
cleartext .completedpostface, ' requests'
; if there is still data sitting in our inbuf, go back around for more
mov r12, r15
jmp .childcomms_processinput
mov rdi, rbx
call buffer$reset
if profiling
jmp .alldone_profiling
end if
mov edi, 1 ; final json please
call build_json
cmp dword [do_ui], 0
jne .alldone_ui
mov rdi, .finishedpreface
call string$to_stdout
mov rdi, [completed]
mov esi, 10
call string$from_unsigned
push rax
mov rdi, rax
call string$to_stdout
pop rdi
call heap$free
mov rdi, .completedpostface
call string$to_stdoutln
mov rdi, .emptystr
call string$to_stdoutln
mov edi, 1 ; final text please
call build_text
push rax
mov rdi, rax
call string$to_stdout
pop rdi
call heap$free
mov eax, syscall_exit
mov edi, 0
; r15 - buffer_itself_ofs == how much we actually used
mov rdi, rbx
mov rsi, r15
sub rsi, [rbx+buffer_itself_ofs]
jz .childcomms_needmore_noconsume
call buffer$consume
pop r15 r14 r13 r12 rbx
xor eax, eax
pop r15 r14 r13 r12 rbx
xor eax, eax
call master_ui_complete
pop r15 r14 r13 r12 rbx
xor eax, eax ; don't kill the child connection
if profiling
pop r15 r14 r13 r12 rbx
xor eax, eax ; don't kill the child connection
end if
mov rdi, .err_forkfail
call string$to_stdoutln
call epoll_child_killall
mov eax, syscall_exit
mov edi, 1
cleartext .emptystr, ''
cleartext .err_forkfail, 'Fatal: fork or socketpair failed.'
dq epoll$destroy, epoll$clone, io$connected, epoll$send, .childcomms, io$error, io$timeout
cleartext obj$servers, 'Server'
cleartext obj$xpoweredby, 'X-Powered-By'
cleartext obj$concurrency, 'concurrency'
cleartext obj$time_taken, 'time_taken'
cleartext obj$time_completed, 'time_completed'
cleartext obj$completed, 'completed'
cleartext obj$failed, 'failed'
cleartext obj$non2xx, 'non2xx'
cleartext obj$keepalives, 'keepalives'
cleartext obj$total_received, 'total_received'
cleartext obj$header_received, 'header_received'
cleartext obj$body_received, 'body_received'
cleartext obj$response_codes, 'response_codes'
cleartext obj$urls, 'urls'
cleartext obj$url, 'url'
cleartext obj$reqpersec, 'requests_per_second'
cleartext obj$tps, 'time_per_request'
cleartext obj$ctps, 'concurrent_time_per_request'
cleartext obj$wiretransferrate, 'wire_transfer_rate'
cleartext obj$bodytransferrate, 'body_transfer_rate'
cleartext obj$ctime_min, 'ctime_min'
cleartext obj$ctime_max, 'ctime_max'
cleartext obj$ctime_avg, 'ctime_avg'
cleartext obj$dtime_min, 'dtime_min'
cleartext obj$dtime_max, 'dtime_max'
cleartext obj$dtime_avg, 'dtime_avg'
cleartext obj$ttime_min, 'ttime_min'
cleartext obj$ttime_max, 'ttime_max'
cleartext obj$ttime_avg, 'ttime_avg'
cleartext obj$wait_min, 'wait_min'
cleartext obj$wait_max, 'wait_max'
cleartext obj$wait_avg, 'wait_avg'
cleartext obj$code, 'code'
cleartext obj$count, 'count'
cleartext obj$mintime, 'min_time'
cleartext obj$maxtime, 'max_time'
cleartext obj$avgtime, 'avg_time'
cleartext obj$headers, 'header_received'
cleartext obj$total, 'total_received'
cleartext obj$body, 'body_received'
; single argument in edi: bool as to whether it is the final one or not
prolog build_text
push rbx r12 r13 r14 r15
mov r15d, edi
call buffer$new
mov r14, rax
; if we have a server list, spew it
mov rdi, [master_json]
mov rsi, obj$servers
call json$getvaluebyname
test rax, rax
jz .skipservers
mov rbx, rax
mov r12, [rax+json_contents_ofs] ; the list (from a json array)
mov r12, [r12+_list_first_ofs]
test r12, r12
jz .skipservers
mov rdi, r14
mov rsi, .serverpreface
call buffer$append_rawstring
; dump the first one
mov rsi, [r12+_list_valueofs]
mov rsi, [rsi+json_value_ofs]
mov rdi, r14
call buffer$append_rawstring
mov r12, [r12+_list_nextofs]
test r12, r12
jz .servers_done
mov rdi, r14
mov rsi, .commaspace
call buffer$append_rawstring
mov rsi, [r12+_list_valueofs]
mov rsi, [rsi+json_value_ofs]
mov rdi, r14
call buffer$append_rawstring
mov r12, [r12+_list_nextofs]
test r12, r12
jnz .serverloop
mov rdi, r14
mov rsi, .lf
call buffer$append_rawstring
; do the same for our x-poweredby
mov rdi, [master_json]
mov rsi, obj$xpoweredby
call json$getvaluebyname
test rax, rax
jz .skipxpoweredby
mov rbx, rax
mov r12, [rax+json_contents_ofs] ; the list (from a json array)
mov r12, [r12+_list_first_ofs]
test r12, r12
jz .skipxpoweredby
mov rdi, r14
mov rsi, .xpoweredbypreface
call buffer$append_rawstring
; dump the first one
mov rsi, [r12+_list_valueofs]
mov rsi, [rsi+json_value_ofs]
mov rdi, r14
call buffer$append_rawstring
mov r12, [r12+_list_nextofs]
test r12, r12
jz .xpoweredby_done
mov rdi, r14
mov rsi, .commaspace
call buffer$append_rawstring
mov rsi, [r12+_list_valueofs]
mov rsi, [rsi+json_value_ofs]
mov rdi, r14
call buffer$append_rawstring
mov r12, [r12+_list_nextofs]
test r12, r12
jnz .xpoweredbyloop
mov rdi, r14
mov rsi, .lf
call buffer$append_rawstring
mov rdi, r14
mov rsi, .lf
call buffer$append_rawstring
mov rdi, r14
mov rsi, .rmapheader
call buffer$append_rawstring
mov rdi, r14
mov rsi, .lf
call buffer$append_rawstring
; iterate our response code map
; no sense in dealing with the json output really
mov rdi, [responsemap]
mov rsi, .responsemap_output
mov rdx, r14
call unsignedmap$foreach_arg
mov rdi, r14
mov rsi, .lf
call buffer$append_rawstring
; do the same thing again with our urlmap
mov rdi, [urlmap]
mov rsi, .urlmap_output
mov rdx, r14
call stringmap$foreach_arg
mov rdi, r14
mov rsi, .lf
call buffer$append_rawstring
test r15d, r15d
jz .skiptimecompleted
mov rdi, r14
mov rsi, .timecompletedpreface
call buffer$append_rawstring
mov rdi, [master_json]
mov rsi, obj$time_completed
call json$getvaluebyname
mov rdi, r14
mov rsi, [rax+json_value_ofs]
call buffer$append_rawstring
mov rdi, r14
mov rsi, .lf
call buffer$append_rawstring
mov rdi, r14
mov rsi, .concurrencypreface
call buffer$append_rawstring
mov rdi, [noui_unsigned]
mov rsi, [concurrency]
call formatter$doit
mov r12, rax
mov rdi, r14
mov rsi, rax
call buffer$append_rawstring
mov rdi, r14
mov rsi, .lf
call buffer$append_rawstring
mov rdi, r12
call heap$free
mov rdi, r14
mov rsi, .timetakenpreface
call buffer$append_rawstring
mov rdi, [master_json]
mov rsi, obj$time_taken
call json$getvaluebyname
mov rdi, r14
mov rsi, [rax+json_value_ofs]
call buffer$append_rawstring
mov rdi, r14
mov rsi, .lf
call buffer$append_rawstring
mov rdi, r14
mov rsi, .finalcompletedpreface
mov rdx, .partcompletedpreface
test r15d, r15d
cmovz rsi, rdx
call buffer$append_rawstring
mov rdi, [noui_unsigned]
mov rsi, [completed]
call formatter$doit
mov r12, rax
mov rdi, r14
mov rsi, rax
call buffer$append_rawstring
mov rdi, r14
mov rsi, .lf
call buffer$append_rawstring
mov rdi, r12
call heap$free
mov rdi, r14
mov rsi, .failedpreface
call buffer$append_rawstring
mov rdi, [noui_unsigned]
mov rsi, [failed]
call formatter$doit
mov r12, rax
mov rdi, r14
mov rsi, rax
call buffer$append_rawstring
mov rdi, r14
mov rsi, .lf
call buffer$append_rawstring
mov rdi, r12
call heap$free
mov rdi, r14
mov rsi, .keepalivepreface
call buffer$append_rawstring
mov rdi, [noui_unsigned]
mov rsi, [keepalives]
call formatter$doit
mov r12, rax
mov rdi, r14
mov rsi, rax
call buffer$append_rawstring
mov rdi, r14
mov rsi, .lf
call buffer$append_rawstring
mov rdi, r12
call heap$free
mov rdi, r14
mov rsi, .non2xxpreface
call buffer$append_rawstring
mov rdi, [noui_unsigned]
mov rsi, [non2xx]
call formatter$doit
mov r12, rax
mov rdi, r14
mov rsi, rax
call buffer$append_rawstring
mov rdi, r14
mov rsi, .lf
call buffer$append_rawstring
mov rdi, r12
call heap$free
mov rdi, r14
mov rsi, .totalpreface
call buffer$append_rawstring
mov rdi, [noui_unsigned]
mov rsi, [total_received]
call formatter$doit
mov r12, rax
mov rdi, r14
mov rsi, rax
call buffer$append_rawstring
mov rdi, r12
call heap$free
mov rdi, r14
mov rsi, .bytespostface
call buffer$append_rawstring
mov rdi, r14
mov rsi, .lf
call buffer$append_rawstring
mov rdi, r14
mov rsi, .headerpreface
call buffer$append_rawstring
mov rdi, [noui_unsigned]
mov rsi, [header_received]
call formatter$doit
mov r12, rax
mov rdi, r14
mov rsi, rax
call buffer$append_rawstring
mov rdi, r12
call heap$free
mov rdi, r14
mov rsi, .bytespostface
call buffer$append_rawstring
mov rdi, r14
mov rsi, .lf
call buffer$append_rawstring
mov rdi, r14
mov rsi, .bodypreface
call buffer$append_rawstring
mov rdi, [noui_unsigned]
mov rsi, [body_received]
call formatter$doit
mov r12, rax
mov rdi, r14
mov rsi, rax
call buffer$append_rawstring
mov rdi, r12
call heap$free
mov rdi, r14
mov rsi, .bytespostface
call buffer$append_rawstring
mov rdi, r14
mov rsi, .lf
call buffer$append_rawstring
mov rdi, r14
mov rsi, .rpspreface
call buffer$append_rawstring
mov rdi, [master_json]
mov rsi, obj$reqpersec
call json$getvaluebyname
mov rdi, [rax+json_value_ofs]
call string$to_double
mov rdi, [noui_dec2]
call formatter$doit
mov r12, rax
mov rdi, r14
mov rsi, rax
call buffer$append_rawstring
mov rdi, r12
call heap$free
mov rdi, r14
mov rsi, .rpspostface
call buffer$append_rawstring
mov rdi, r14
mov rsi, .lf
call buffer$append_rawstring
mov rdi, r14
mov rsi, .tpspreface
call buffer$append_rawstring
mov rdi, [master_json]
mov rsi, obj$tps
call json$getvaluebyname
mov rdi, [rax+json_value_ofs]
call string$to_double
mov rdi, [noui_dec3]
call formatter$doit
mov r12, rax
mov rdi, r14
mov rsi, rax
call buffer$append_rawstring
mov rdi, r12
call heap$free
mov rdi, r14
mov rsi, .tpspostface1
call buffer$append_rawstring
mov rdi, r14
mov rsi, .lf
call buffer$append_rawstring
mov rdi, r14
mov rsi, .tpspreface
call buffer$append_rawstring
mov rdi, [master_json]
mov rsi, obj$ctps
call json$getvaluebyname
mov rdi, [rax+json_value_ofs]
call string$to_double
mov rdi, [noui_dec3]
call formatter$doit
mov r12, rax
mov rdi, r14
mov rsi, rax
call buffer$append_rawstring
mov rdi, r12
call heap$free
mov rdi, r14
mov rsi, .tpspostface2
call buffer$append_rawstring
mov rdi, r14
mov rsi, .lf
call buffer$append_rawstring
mov rdi, r14
mov rsi, .wirexferpreface
call buffer$append_rawstring
mov rdi, [master_json]
mov rsi, obj$wiretransferrate
call json$getvaluebyname
mov rdi, [rax+json_value_ofs]
call string$to_double
mov rdi, [noui_dec2]
call formatter$doit
mov r12, rax
mov rdi, r14
mov rsi, rax
call buffer$append_rawstring
mov rdi, r12
call heap$free
mov rdi, r14
mov rsi, .xferpostface
call buffer$append_rawstring
mov rdi, r14
mov rsi, .lf
call buffer$append_rawstring
mov rdi, r14
mov rsi, .bodyxferpreface
call buffer$append_rawstring
mov rdi, [master_json]
mov rsi, obj$bodytransferrate
call json$getvaluebyname
mov rdi, [rax+json_value_ofs]
call string$to_double
mov rdi, [noui_dec2]
call formatter$doit
mov r12, rax
mov rdi, r14
mov rsi, rax
call buffer$append_rawstring
mov rdi, r12
call heap$free
mov rdi, r14
mov rsi, .xferpostface
call buffer$append_rawstring
mov rdi, r14
mov rsi, .lf
call buffer$append_rawstring
mov rdi, r14
mov rsi, .lf
call buffer$append_rawstring
mov rdi, r14
mov rsi, .timingpreface
call buffer$append_rawstring
mov rdi, r14
mov rsi, .lf
call buffer$append_rawstring
xor edx, edx
mov rcx, [completed]
mov rax, [ctime_total]
div rcx
mov rdi, [noui_timeformat]
mov rsi, .connectpreface
mov rdx, [ctime_min]
mov rcx, rax
mov r8, [ctime_max]
call formatter$doit
mov r12, rax
mov rdi, r14
mov rsi, rax
call buffer$append_rawstring
mov rdi, r12
call heap$free
xor edx, edx
mov rcx, [completed]
mov rax, [dtime_total]
div rcx
mov rdi, [noui_timeformat]
mov rsi, .processingpreface
mov rdx, [dtime_min]
mov rcx, rax
mov r8, [dtime_max]
call formatter$doit
mov r12, rax
mov rdi, r14
mov rsi, rax
call buffer$append_rawstring
mov rdi, r12
call heap$free
xor edx, edx
mov rcx, [completed]
mov rax, [wait_total]
div rcx
mov rdi, [noui_timeformat]
mov rsi, .waitpreface
mov rdx, [wait_min]
mov rcx, rax
mov r8, [wait_max]
call formatter$doit
mov r12, rax
mov rdi, r14
mov rsi, rax
call buffer$append_rawstring
mov rdi, r12
call heap$free
; so we don't have to calculate ttimes again, just pull them from master_json
mov rdi, [master_json]
mov rsi, obj$ttime_max
call json$getvaluebyname
mov rdi, [rax+json_value_ofs]
call string$to_unsigned
push rax
mov rdi, [master_json]
mov rsi, obj$ttime_avg
call json$getvaluebyname
mov rdi, [rax+json_value_ofs]
call string$to_unsigned
push rax
mov rdi, [master_json]
mov rsi, obj$ttime_min
call json$getvaluebyname
mov rdi, [rax+json_value_ofs]
call string$to_unsigned
mov rdi, [noui_timeformat]
mov rsi, .totaltimepreface
mov rdx, rax
pop rcx
pop r8
call formatter$doit
mov r12, rax
mov rdi, r14
mov rsi, rax
call buffer$append_rawstring
mov rdi, r12
call heap$free
mov rdi, [r14+buffer_itself_ofs]
mov rsi, [r14+buffer_length_ofs]
if string_bits = 32
call string$from_utf32
call string$from_utf16
end if
mov rdi, r14
mov r14, rax
call buffer$destroy
mov rax, r14
pop r15 r14 r13 r12 rbx
if defined jsondebug
mov rdi, [master_json]
call json$tostring
push rax
mov rdi, rax
call string$to_stdoutln
pop rdi
call heap$free
end if
cleartext .commaspace, ', '
cleartext .lf, 10
cleartext .serverpreface, 'Server Software: '
cleartext .xpoweredbypreface, 'X-Powered-By: '
cleartext .concurrencypreface, 'Concurrency Level: '
cleartext .timetakenpreface, 'Time taken for tests: '
cleartext .timecompletedpreface, 'Time completed: '
cleartext .partcompletedpreface, 'Requests so far: '
cleartext .finalcompletedpreface, 'Total requests: '
cleartext .keepalivepreface, 'Keep-alive requests: '
cleartext .non2xxpreface, 'Non-2xx requests: '
cleartext .failedpreface, 'Failed requests: '
cleartext .totalpreface, 'Total transferred: '
cleartext .headerpreface, 'Headers transferred: '
cleartext .bodypreface, 'Body transferred: '
cleartext .bytespostface, ' bytes'
cleartext .rpspreface, 'Requests per second: '
cleartext .rpspostface, ' [#/sec] (mean)'
cleartext .tpspreface, 'Time per request: '
cleartext .tpspostface1, ' [ms] (mean)'
cleartext .tpspostface2, ' [ms] (mean, across all concurrent requests)'
cleartext .wirexferpreface, 'Wire Transfer rate: '
cleartext .bodyxferpreface, 'Body Transfer rate: '
cleartext .xferpostface, ' [Kbytes/sec] received'
cleartext .rmapheader, ' code count min avg max kbhdrs kbtotal kbbody'
cleartext .rcodeconnectfail, ' --C--'
cleartext .rcodeclosedfail, ' --R--'
cleartext .rcodetimeoutfail, ' --T--'
cleartext .urlpreface, 'URL: '
cleartext .timingpreface, ' min avg max'
cleartext .connectpreface, 'Connect Time: '
cleartext .processingpreface, 'Processing Time: '
cleartext .waitpreface, 'Waiting Time: '
cleartext .totaltimepreface, 'Total Time: '
; rdi == string url, rsi == responsemap object, rdx == buffer to append to
push rbx rsi rdi
mov rbx, rdx
mov rdi, rdx
mov rsi, .urlpreface
call buffer$append_rawstring
pop rsi
mov rdi, rbx
call buffer$append_rawstring
mov rdi, rbx
mov rsi, .lf
call buffer$append_rawstring
; we need to add an extra preface for each of our response codes
pop rdi
mov rsi, .responsemap_output
mov rdx, rbx
call unsignedmap$foreach_arg
pop rbx
; edi == responsecode, rsi == timemap object, rdx == buffer to append to
push rbx r12
mov r12, rdx
mov rbx, rsi
cmp edi, -2
je .responsemap_output_connectfail
cmp edi, -3
je .responsemap_output_closed
cmp edi, -4
je .responsemap_output_timeout
movsxd rdi, edi
mov esi, 10
call string$from_int
push rax
mov rdi, rax
mov esi, 6
mov edx, ' '
call string$lpad
mov rdi, [rsp]
mov [rsp], rax
call heap$free
mov rdi, r12
mov rsi, [rsp]
call buffer$append_rawstring
pop rdi
call heap$free
jmp .responsemap_output_timemap
mov rdi, r12
mov rsi, .rcodeconnectfail
call buffer$append_rawstring
jmp .responsemap_output_timemap
mov rdi, r12
mov rsi, .rcodeclosedfail
call buffer$append_rawstring
jmp .responsemap_output_timemap
mov rdi, r12
mov rsi, .rcodetimeoutfail
call buffer$append_rawstring
xor edx, edx
mov rax, [rbx+timemap_time_ofs]
mov esi, [rbx+timemap_count_ofs]
div rsi
mov rcx, rax
mov rdi, [noui_rmap]
mov esi, [rbx+timemap_count_ofs]
mov edx, [rbx+timemap_min_ofs]
mov r8d, [rbx+timemap_max_ofs]
mov r9d, [rbx+timemap_headers_ofs]
mov r10, [rbx+timemap_total_ofs]
mov r11, [rbx+timemap_body_ofs]
shr r9, 10
shr r10, 10
shr r11, 10
call formatter$doit
push rax
mov rdi, r12
mov rsi, rax
call buffer$append_rawstring
pop rdi
call heap$free
pop r12 rbx
; single argument in rdi: a responsemap (one is held globally for all requests, and each url gets one too)
; returns a new named json array in rax with the goods (and each array item is a json object)
prolog responsemap_to_json
push rdi
mov rdi, .arrayname
call json$newarray
mov rdi, [rsp]
mov [rsp], rax
mov rsi, .eachitem
mov rdx, rax
call unsignedmap$foreach_arg
pop rax
cleartext .arrayname, 'response_codes'
cleartext .emptystr, ''
; edi == responsecode, rsi == timemap object, rdx == jsonarray destination
push rbx r12 r13 rdx
mov r12d, edi
mov rbx, rsi
mov rdi, .emptystr
call json$newobject
mov r13, rax
movsxd rdi, r12d
mov esi, 10
call string$from_int
mov r12, rax
mov rdi, obj$code
call string$copy
mov rdi, rax
mov rsi, r12
call json$newvalue_nocopy
mov rdi, r13
mov rsi, rax
call json$appendchild
mov edi, [rbx+timemap_count_ofs]
mov esi, 10
call string$from_unsigned
mov r12, rax
mov rdi, obj$count
call string$copy
mov rdi, rax
mov rsi, r12
call json$newvalue_nocopy
mov rdi, r13
mov rsi, rax
call json$appendchild
mov edi, [rbx+timemap_min_ofs]
mov esi, 10
call string$from_unsigned
mov r12, rax
mov rdi, obj$mintime
call string$copy
mov rdi, rax
mov rsi, r12
call json$newvalue_nocopy
mov rdi, r13
mov rsi, rax
call json$appendchild
mov edi, [rbx+timemap_max_ofs]
mov esi, 10
call string$from_unsigned
mov r12, rax
mov rdi, obj$maxtime
call string$copy
mov rdi, rax
mov rsi, r12
call json$newvalue_nocopy
mov rdi, r13
mov rsi, rax
call json$appendchild
xor edx, edx
mov ecx, [rbx+timemap_count_ofs]
mov rax, [rbx+timemap_time_ofs]
div rcx
mov rdi, rax
mov esi, 10
call string$from_unsigned
mov r12, rax
mov rdi, obj$avgtime
call string$copy
mov rdi, rax
mov rsi, r12
call json$newvalue_nocopy
mov rdi, r13
mov rsi, rax
call json$appendchild
mov edi, [rbx+timemap_headers_ofs]
mov esi, 10
call string$from_unsigned
mov r12, rax
mov rdi, obj$headers
call string$copy
mov rdi, rax
mov rsi, r12
call json$newvalue_nocopy
mov rdi, r13
mov rsi, rax
call json$appendchild
mov rdi, [rbx+timemap_total_ofs]
mov esi, 10
call string$from_unsigned
mov r12, rax
mov rdi, obj$total
call string$copy
mov rdi, rax
mov rsi, r12
call json$newvalue_nocopy
mov rdi, r13
mov rsi, rax
call json$appendchild
mov rdi, [rbx+timemap_body_ofs]
mov esi, 10
call string$from_unsigned
mov r12, rax
mov rdi, obj$body
call string$copy
mov rdi, rax
mov rsi, r12
call json$newvalue_nocopy
mov rdi, r13
mov rsi, rax
call json$appendchild
pop rdi
mov rsi, r13
call json$appendchild
pop r13 r12 rbx
; single argument in edi: bool as to whether or not it is our _final_ json (which will add all of the per-request goods)
prolog build_json
push rbx r12
mov ebx, edi
mov rdi, [master_json]
test rdi, rdi
jz .noprior
call json$destroy
mov rdi, .emptystr
call json$newobject
mov [master_json], rax
; servers array, but only if we have a nonzero count in the servermap
mov rdi, [servermap]
cmp qword [rdi+_avlofs_parent], 0 ; its root node
je .skipservers
mov rdi, obj$servers
call json$newarray
mov r12, rax
mov rdi, [servermap]
mov rsi, .stringmap_keytoarray
mov rdx, rax
call stringmap$foreach_arg
mov rdi, [master_json]
mov rsi, r12
call json$appendchild
mov rdi, [xpoweredbymap]
cmp qword [rdi+_avlofs_parent], 0 ; its root node
je .skipxpoweredby
mov rdi, obj$xpoweredby
call json$newarray
mov r12, rax
mov rdi, [xpoweredbymap]
mov rsi, .stringmap_keytoarray
mov rdx, rax
call stringmap$foreach_arg
mov rdi, [master_json]
mov rsi, r12
call json$appendchild
macro master_jsnum l*, n* {
mov rdi, n
mov esi, 10
call string$from_unsigned
mov r12, rax
mov rdi, l
call string$copy
mov rdi, rax
mov rsi, r12
call json$newvalue_nocopy
mov rdi, [master_json]
mov rsi, rax
call json$appendchild
master_jsnum obj$concurrency, [concurrency]
call timestamp
subsd xmm0, [begin]
xor edi, edi ; milliseconds please
mov esi, 3 ; 3 digits after the decimal point
call format$duration
mov r12, rax
mov rdi, obj$time_taken
call string$copy
mov rdi, rax
mov rsi, r12
call json$newvalue_nocopy
mov rdi, [master_json]
mov rsi, rax
call json$appendchild
call timestamp
mov rdi, [datetimeformat]
call formatter$doit
mov r12, rax
mov rdi, obj$time_completed
call string$copy
mov rdi, rax
mov rsi, r12
call json$newvalue_nocopy
mov rdi, [master_json]
mov rsi, rax
call json$appendchild
master_jsnum obj$completed, [completed]
master_jsnum obj$failed, [failed]
master_jsnum obj$non2xx, [non2xx]
master_jsnum obj$keepalives, [keepalives]
master_jsnum obj$total_received, [total_received]
master_jsnum obj$header_received, [header_received]
master_jsnum obj$body_received, [body_received]
mov rdi, [responsemap]
call responsemap_to_json
mov rdi, [master_json]
mov rsi, rax
call json$appendchild
mov rdi, obj$urls
call json$newarray
push rax
mov rdi, [urlmap]
mov rsi, .makeurls
mov rdx, rsp
call stringmap$foreach_arg
mov rdi, [master_json]
pop rsi
call json$appendchild
mov rdi, obj$reqpersec
call string$copy
push rax
call epoll$timestamp
sub rax, [begin_msecs]
mov r12, rax
mov rcx, [completed]
cvtsi2sd xmm0, rcx
cvtsi2sd xmm1, rax ; time elapsed in milliseconds
divsd xmm0, xmm1
mulsd xmm0, [.onethousand]
mov edi, double_string_fixed
mov esi, 2
call string$from_double
pop rdi
mov rsi, rax
call json$newvalue_nocopy
mov rdi, [master_json]
mov rsi, rax
call json$appendchild
; tps: time per request, same as apachebench's idea, concurrency * timetaken / completed
mov rdi, obj$tps
call string$copy
push rax
mov rcx, [completed]
xor edx, edx
mov rax, [concurrency]
mul r12
cvtsi2sd xmm1, rcx
cvtsi2sd xmm0, rax ; concurrency * timetaken
divsd xmm0, xmm1
mov edi, double_string_fixed
mov esi, 3
call string$from_double
pop rdi
mov rsi, rax
call json$newvalue_nocopy
mov rdi, [master_json]
mov rsi, rax
call json$appendchild
; and ctps: concurrent time per request, timetaken / completed
mov rdi, obj$ctps
call string$copy
push rax
mov rcx, [completed]
cvtsi2sd xmm1, rcx
cvtsi2sd xmm0, r12
divsd xmm0, xmm1
mov edi, double_string_fixed
mov esi, 3
call string$from_double
pop rdi
mov rsi, rax
call json$newvalue_nocopy
mov rdi, [master_json]
mov rsi, rax
call json$appendchild
; wire transfer rate: total_received / 1024 / timetaken / 1000
mov rdi, obj$wiretransferrate
call string$copy
push rax
mov rcx, [total_received]
shr rcx, 10 ; / 1024
cvtsi2sd xmm0, rcx
cvtsi2sd xmm1, r12
divsd xmm1, [.onethousand]
divsd xmm0, xmm1
mov edi, double_string_fixed
mov esi, 2
call string$from_double
pop rdi
mov rsi, rax
call json$newvalue_nocopy
mov rdi, [master_json]
mov rsi, rax
call json$appendchild
; body transfer rate: body_received / 1024 / timetaken / 1000
mov rdi, obj$bodytransferrate
call string$copy
push rax
mov rcx, [body_received]
shr rcx, 10 ; / 1024
cvtsi2sd xmm0, rcx
cvtsi2sd xmm1, r12
divsd xmm1, [.onethousand]
divsd xmm0, xmm1
mov edi, double_string_fixed
mov esi, 2
call string$from_double
pop rdi
mov rsi, rax
call json$newvalue_nocopy
mov rdi, [master_json]
mov rsi, rax
call json$appendchild
master_jsnum obj$ctime_min, [ctime_min]
master_jsnum obj$ctime_max, [ctime_max]
xor edx, edx
mov rcx, [completed]
mov rax, [ctime_total]
div rcx
master_jsnum obj$ctime_avg, rax
master_jsnum obj$dtime_min, [dtime_min]
master_jsnum obj$dtime_max, [dtime_max]
xor edx, edx
mov rcx, [completed]
mov rax, [dtime_total]
div rcx
master_jsnum obj$dtime_avg, rax
mov rdi, [timing_ttime]
mov rsi, [rdi+_avlofs_next] ; map's first node
mov rax, [rsi+_avlofs_key]
master_jsnum obj$ttime_min, rax
mov rdi, [timing_ttime]
mov rsi, [rdi+_avlofs_prev] ; map's last node
mov rax, [rsi+_avlofs_key]
master_jsnum obj$ttime_max, rax
xor ecx, ecx
mov rdi, [timing_ttime]
mov rsi, .count_ttime
push rcx
mov rdx, rsp
call unsignedmap$foreach_arg
mov rdi, [timing_ttime]
xor edx, edx
mov rsi, [rdi+_avlofs_right] ; map's node count
pop rax
div rsi
master_jsnum obj$ttime_avg, rax
master_jsnum obj$wait_min, [wait_min]
master_jsnum obj$wait_max, [wait_max]
xor edx, edx
mov rcx, [completed]
mov rax, [dtime_total]
div rcx
master_jsnum obj$wait_avg, rax
; we could do apachebench's style "percentage of requests served within a certain time" thing
; but IMO, those numbers can easily be inferred from the min/average/max, and since we keep
; track per URL, probably not necessary here.
; if people ask for it, despite my not really wanting it, hahah
; well, all we really have to do is traverse the timing_ttime map, find its middle
; and walk forward from there in increments, recording its keys at each point
test ebx, ebx
jnz .checkfinaloutput
pop r12 rbx
cmp qword [jsonout], 0
je .nofinaloutput
mov rdi, [master_json]
call json$tostring
mov rbx, rax
mov rdi, rax
mov rsi, [jsonout]
call string$file_write
mov rdi, rbx
call heap$free
pop r12 rbx
pop r12 rbx
.onethousand dq 1000.0f
cleartext .emptystr, ''
; rdi == key (ttime), rsi == response code, rdx == pointer we need to add to
add qword [rdx], rdi
; rdi == string url, rsi == responsemap, rdx == ptr to jsonarray we need to add to
push rbx r12 r13
mov rbx, rdi
mov r12, rsi
mov r13, rdx
mov rsi, rdi
mov rdi, obj$url
call json$newvalue
mov rbx, rax
mov rdi, .emptystr
call json$newobject
mov rdi, rax
mov rsi, rbx
mov rbx, rax
call json$appendchild
mov rdi, r12
call responsemap_to_json
mov rdi, rbx
mov rsi, rax
call json$appendchild
mov rdi, [r13]
mov rsi, rbx
call json$appendchild
pop r13 r12 rbx
; rdi == key, rsi == whatever, rdx == destination json object
push rdx
mov rsi, rdi
mov rdi, .emptystr
call json$newvalue
pop rdi
mov rsi, rax
call json$appendchild